Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

The 2008 GPSTEAMCHALLENGE have your say!!!

Created by hardie > 9 months ago, 19 Nov 2007
WA, 4082 posts
19 Nov 2007 12:42PM
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Ok due to popular demand the GPS Team Challenge continues in 2008, all current registrants will be considered registered for 2008.

Have been speaking to all of the WA people face to face and most feedback is leave it as it is, with some minor tweaks of the website, which ben is currently working on.

This is your oppurtunity to have a say..........

I Will be putting up a thread re sponsorship, the idea is that all prizes go to the participants, and that it is a Not for Profit organisation/competition.

Sponsors hopefully will get maximum exposure for themselves and their product, Ben and I don't want any money from this, this is for Windsurfers, and windsurf companies and retailers.

WA, 3145 posts
19 Nov 2007 2:47PM
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Leave as is Hardman, you and Nebs have done a great job, thanks mobs for coming up with the idea.
Even though I didn't win a major prize, I was very happy to win the jumper from Caloundra City Sailboards

Maybe, even though this is a team challenge, how about when it's over, show us ranked individually. I'd be interested in how some of the top guys come out in the wash, compared to each other across all the divisions, I know Chris would sitting on top. I don't think that would under mine the team idea, be like the top 10 in each division, but with everyone. Don't show it during the comp, but when it's finished.

Anyway thanks mate,

NSW, 1600 posts
19 Nov 2007 5:44PM
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Personally I think it should be left as is Hardie too, but maybe we could exclude re registering some of the participants who didn't post any speeds at all. I just think that would be a way of tightening things up a bit.
I like Bobs idea of a ranking too. I know I'd be down the bottom end but I'd love to be able to guage myself against others also.
Great work by the way to you and Nebs and anyone else involved in putting it all on as well as a big thanks to all the sponsors for supporting it.

QLD, 1052 posts
19 Nov 2007 5:19PM
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As is.

WA, 975 posts
19 Nov 2007 5:10PM
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I have said it before and I will say it again, Great as it is.

Well done and sory I missed an opportunity to catch up with everyone Sunday.

Cheers GT

WA, 1730 posts
19 Nov 2007 6:40PM
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personally i think it would be great if you could include an induvidual ranking for say..... lightweight plumbers..over the age of 40... for instance??

seriously though i think you and nebs have got a pretty good product going and with the suggestions we spoke about yesterday it looks very promising for next year, infact its interesting to see a couple of the previous posts requesting the extended ranking as one of the items we discussed!

QLD, 3416 posts
19 Nov 2007 9:18PM
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One thing i would think about changing would be the 2sec div.
Maybe a best 10sec or 100m div would be better.

Also it would be great if we had a state ranking page as well.
just my thoughts.
ta vando

NSW, 193 posts
20 Nov 2007 11:39AM
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I'd like to think about ways to incentivise people at the bottom of the speeds to post and sail more. Emphasising that improvement is the name of the game not just winning. Any Ideas?

WA, 4082 posts
20 Nov 2007 9:47AM
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what about a prize for most PB's in a year?

WA, 1646 posts
20 Nov 2007 2:36PM
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"what about a prize for most PB's in a year?"

Interesting..... Surely a must would be registration only confirmed on posting. But additionally if each posting is a seperate chance for any prizes then that would be incentive for anybody at any level to post every session.

VIC, 3400 posts
24 Nov 2007 12:44PM
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I,d like to see a division for most km overall (running total) or most sessions for a team. Maybe a few different divisions for beginner, inter,advanced within the teams to encourage new members to give the speedsailing a go and not have them competing directly with the Slowly,s of the comp. Other than that its a great format.

NSW, 1412 posts
24 Nov 2007 1:35PM
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kato said...

I,d like to see a division for most km overall (running total) or most sessions for a team. Maybe a few different divisions for beginner, inter,advanced within the teams to encourage new members to give the speedsailing a go and not have them competing directly with the Slowly,s of the comp. Other than that its a great format.

Those of us that don't have the gear or expertise to go +30knt, follow you speedsters with great interest, but are not involved.

Let's have some ideas about how to expand interest & involvement

WA, 2331 posts
24 Nov 2007 11:58AM
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Wineman said...

Those of us that don't have the gear or expertise to go +30knt, follow you speedsters with great interest, but are not involved.

Wino, I think that is why there was a suggestion of most PB's.
That way you might not be anywhere near the top of the ladder but you are obviously improving your ability constantly.

WA, 4564 posts
24 Nov 2007 4:40PM
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hardie said...

what about a prize for most PB's in a year?

Not being too pessimistic, but a quick check will probably find that the guns are those who's PB's regularly get rattled. I am probably wrong, but a quick peruse will show if its viable, on this years data, maybe?

Oh, and am happy how it is, and that's from the bottom team who's only way is vertical on the move stakes.
So watch your rear view mirror you blokes, Pinnas is cummin to getcha.

WA, 8727 posts
25 Nov 2007 9:17PM
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PB's by percentage improvement.

This works better for the lower end of the field.

The faster you go the harder it is for a big improvement.

VIC, 6094 posts
26 Nov 2007 12:17AM
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Pretty right as it is. Leave it that way!

1553 posts
27 Nov 2007 12:58AM
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mates, is the team challenge just specifically for aussies or can it come from somewhere else? i guess this should be directed to hardie but why not ask the whole.. if firiebob has just troppo lonely 2 guys at the northeast quadrant of oz then we have the same up here just us two guys me an old 'fart' and a yearling. we just might call ourselves the brownie mobstersby the way, as for prizes we pay for the freight

WA, 12137 posts
27 Nov 2007 1:23AM
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there are rumors of the challenge going international, but maybe that's all they are.

QLD, 1052 posts
27 Nov 2007 9:36AM
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Drop the 2sec max, add 500m. This way you get rid of the division open to the most inaccuracy and add the international standard.

QLD, 364 posts
27 Nov 2007 9:58AM
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Great comp!

The only suggestion I would pose would be to have divisions:

Speed - less than 55cm wide
Medium - 56cm - 75cm
Large - 75cm +

You wouldn't want to state wether or not they were freeride or slalom etc, as too many different types, but the reality is that there are some locations or riders who will never use, or want a speed machine. So divisions may even things up a little and give incentives to be the best in each division. When we enter our data at present you could just select which division its being entered for.

WA, 4082 posts
27 Nov 2007 9:13AM
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jp747 said...

mates, is the team challenge just specifically for aussies or can it come from somewhere else? i guess this should be directed to hardie but why not ask the whole.. if firiebob has just troppo lonely 2 guys at the northeast quadrant of oz then we have the same up here just us two guys me an old 'fart' and a yearling. we just might call ourselves the brownie mobstersby the way, as for prizes we pay for the freight

You can join no probs, it's supposed to be going international but we have left it to others to organise this, we will keep our challenge going as is, but you can join us if you like

WA, 3145 posts
27 Nov 2007 9:45AM
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Good call Hardie, jp's been hanging around here for a while, he's even been learning the lingo

Having said that, I'd like to keep it Aussie wide, with a back door for guys like jp747 who we all know through Seabreeze.

Even though the only Challenger I know is Troppo, stuck in the deep north I haven't meet any one else, it still feels like I'm part of a community. Opening it up worldwide might take that away

But then it might help spread the love

QLD, 2045 posts
27 Nov 2007 10:53AM
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mikey100 said...

Drop the 2sec max, add 500m. This way you get rid of the division open to the most inaccuracy and add the international standard.

Making 500m mandatory is interesting in that not too many places have a run long enough. The 2sec division isn't that inaccurate - well it is, but not for a comp like this.

Importantly, GPS's are getting more accurate, so the 2sec gives good bragging rights for your outright top speed.

Maybe have both?

WA, 3619 posts
27 Nov 2007 10:55AM
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I reckon it is just about perfect...and I get the feeling this year has been just the very tip of a large iceberg so it's very exciting to see where this is heading.

As far as categories, I do think it would be worth adding the 500, simply because that is the world record standard.

WA, 3145 posts
27 Nov 2007 11:48AM
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Yep, it is just about perfect, I'd also go for the 500 but not drop the 2sec max.

I also wouldn't go for diff class divisions for fat skinny, old young, experienced or not, male female, speed freeride etc etc.

1553 posts
27 Nov 2007 12:15PM
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that's real cool mates, i don't really mind if 'the challenge' hasn't gone int'l. yet. i'll tell my yearling what he for the details what gps units have to be used and how to set and upload to what site..i'll inquire from hardie..

WA, 4082 posts
27 Nov 2007 12:41PM
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jp747 said...

that's real cool mates, i don't really mind if 'the challenge' hasn't gone int'l. yet. i'll tell my yearling what he for the details what gps units have to be used and how to set and upload to what site..i'll inquire from hardie..

GPS = NAVI GT-11 is the benchmark, but look on the site is says what.

WA, 2224 posts
27 Nov 2007 12:50PM
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hardie said...

jp747 said...

that's real cool mates, i don't really mind if 'the challenge' hasn't gone int'l. yet. i'll tell my yearling what he for the details what gps units have to be used and how to set and upload to what site..i'll inquire from hardie..

GPS = NAVI GT-11 is the benchmark, but look on the site is says what.

Well if it's the bench mark i must be too short to see over it then.

Since changing from my user friendly garmin 10 to the Navi i still cannnot open/download any data in the the new Realspeed.

I think i am just not computer savy enough. Oh well i will keep trying.

Anyway back on topic. This team challenge is the great lets keep it going with minor improvements along the way through good feed back and debate like this thread.

Cheers Bender

WA, 4564 posts
27 Nov 2007 2:26PM
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Bender said...

hardie said...

jp747 said...

that's real cool mates, i don't really mind if 'the challenge' hasn't gone int'l. yet. i'll tell my yearling what he for the details what gps units have to be used and how to set and upload to what site..i'll inquire from hardie..

GPS = NAVI GT-11 is the benchmark, but look on the site is says what.

Well if it's the bench mark i must be too short to see over it then.

Since changing from my user friendly garmin 10 to the Navi i still cannnot open/download any data in the the new Realspeed.

I think i am just not computer savy enough. Oh well i will keep trying.

Anyway back on topic. This team challenge is the great lets keep it going with minor improvements along the way through good feed back and debate like this thread.

Cheers Bender

Just a small question, real tiny one. You have Mals latest file on you GT-11.?
I didnt and mine was doing what yours is doing until I loaded the latest file from his site. This one :.
Download the latest software
a) firmware (1115.rar or

From his site at,
And load this into GT-11

QLD, 700 posts
27 Nov 2007 4:18PM
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My only comment would be to drop the 2 sec time, and add 500m and maybe a 100m. And being a past sponsor keen to be invloved again , but it would be nice to see some Recognition left on site for monthly sponsors .

WA, 3145 posts
27 Nov 2007 3:46PM
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I agree with bc regarding the sponsors, keep them all on the home page while the comp runs, they're all appreciated


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"The 2008 GPSTEAMCHALLENGE have your say!!!" started by hardie