Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

The 2008 GPSTEAMCHALLENGE have your say!!!

Created by hardie > 9 months ago, 19 Nov 2007
QLD, 2314 posts
27 Nov 2007 9:08PM
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I agree drop 2 sec and put in 500m instead.

I don't think width divisions should be added as here for example most speedsters have the full range apart from sub 50 speed boards.

I believe the comp needs to be opened up to a greater spectrum of sailors, currently the teams have settled into place and I don't see them changing next year or the year after (apart from a few guns leaving etc). Maybe a handicap system based on this years results, provided there are minimal team changes.

Otherwise teams could nominate as freeride or speed so there is competition further down the field.

And yes definately keep a display of sponsors on the homepage.

WA, 410 posts
27 Nov 2007 8:13PM
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Fantastic site and competition. Maybe just ad a 500m and also full depth in each of the individual rankings as a button choice. So show top 10 in each as per now and at the bottom of each division have a button to show the full list. Gives newcomers a chance to see how we are improving.

WA, 4082 posts
27 Nov 2007 8:58PM
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OK I'm hearing people want a 500m category, I'll discuss with nebbs and see what we can do. I like the 2 sec category and would be reluctant to get rid of it, but certainly adding a 500m is an option.

We are working on how to improve the site, and give a greater number of people an oppurtunity to monitor and compare their progress.

Keep the ideas coming!!!!!!

WA, 12137 posts
27 Nov 2007 9:38PM
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hardie said...

<<<<<< I like the 2 sec category and would be reluctant to get rid of it, but certainly adding a 500m is an option.

Agreed hardie I'm surprised so many want to drop the 2sec, to me that's the prize, no matter how long it's sustained max speed is what I'm interested in. When gps sample rates increase and they get more accurate I'd like to reduce the time as appropriate.

QLD, 1664 posts
27 Nov 2007 11:11PM
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I like the 2 sec category

QLD, 3416 posts
27 Nov 2007 11:29PM
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Just an example of how inaccurate 2 sec can be.
Mikey100 wears 2 gps's one navi and one Foretrex.
He sent me data from last sat session.
Foretex has a 2 sec peak of 29knots the navi 25 knots peak.
The 29 knot peak looks fine no spike, acceleration figure too are ok.
All the other divs are within 0.2 of a knot and ive seen this a number of times.
I just want to see a true assessment of people speeds and a fair contest.
Ta vando

WA, 12137 posts
27 Nov 2007 10:42PM
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Yeah I guess it's a bit much to expect every body to go to a navi and use doppler, but that could be a way to reduce the error

QLD, 3416 posts
27 Nov 2007 11:51PM
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Yep if everyone used navis and doppler that would be great.
But thats not the case although thats pretty much what gps-speedsurfing is doing.
thats really only a prob if you in the top 15.

decrepit said...

Yeah I guess it's a bit much to expect every body to go to a navi and use doppler, but that could be a way to reduce the error

WA, 4564 posts
27 Nov 2007 11:37PM
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Backing decrepit with the retention of the 2 sec. Only issue adding a 500, some of us get stuck with choppy open ocean runs, and a 500 will be a awkward division to run with in such conditions.

So for mine, keep the 2 second burst.

Hay Vando,ask micky100, which ever one is the fastest, use that one

1553 posts
28 Nov 2007 12:16AM
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hey thanks hardie, but a garmin is not a navi until we change ours up here then maybe yes....

QLD, 3416 posts
28 Nov 2007 1:16AM
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Select to expand quote
[quoteHay Vando,ask micky100, which ever one is the fastest, use that one
Funny u say that some of the top sailers just do that.
Although it is against gps-speedsurfing rules.

You could still have the 2sec for braging rights but dont count it towards the points system.

WA, 4564 posts
28 Nov 2007 12:33AM
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You could still have the 2sec for bragging rights but don't count it towards the points system.

The 2 sec was one of the foundation steps, would hate to see it go and no longer be part of the scoring system. (I thought you championed it?, or maybe it was Nebs)
We wouldnt want to be like the AFL and change too much to fast, it may wash of the fun of the comp.

QLD, 1664 posts
28 Nov 2007 2:05AM
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You can get a fair idea if you 2 sec is way off, for starters with the Garmin it should not be much more then the displayed max(at least very close). If there was any contention the tracks can always be checked. Unless the Garmin and Navi have wildly different displayed maxs. Have the 500 metre as well, but for me having the 2 sec gives me a bit of encouragement.

WA, 1646 posts
28 Nov 2007 1:30AM
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Hardie said "..I like the 2 sec"

Hey, it's the only way some of us can get to 40!!

The foretrex has a 2 sec spike every 2nd 2 second interval due to it's speed being calculated from a distance which is only measured to the nearest 2.4 metres. This can be eliminated if you use the 50m on GPSAR or add a 4 second division on Realspeed. The 4 second interval is closer to the real peak speed with the Garmins...But it can knock 0.5knot off your 2 sec.

I think this problem will eliminate itself over time as people move to the GT-11 through attrition. My foretrex just recently gave up the ghost after being left in the car under the seat but on a hot (39) day.

Actually , I think a 100m division would cover the sprint/ great gust category.

QLD, 575 posts
28 Nov 2007 8:44AM
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Just looked at some old data and added 4 second peak in realspeed and it knocked my 2 sec down by 1.8 knots. Thats using a 201 foretrex

QLD, 3416 posts
28 Nov 2007 10:06AM
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mineral1 said...

You could still have the 2sec for bragging rights but don't count it towards the points system.

The 2 sec was one of the foundation steps, would hate to see it go and no longer be part of the scoring system. (I thought you championed it?, or maybe it was Nebs)
We wouldnt want to be like the AFL and change too much to fast, it may wash of the fun of the comp.

Nah wasnt me I would never recommend a 2 sec Div not for a comp anyway. For our Qld GPS club comps we use 100m(about 5sec).

On another note are we going to stick with trackpoints next year or go to doppler like gps-speedsurfing. I think we may have to stick with trackpoints for now until all the foretrexs die.

QLD, 166 posts
28 Nov 2007 12:22PM
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Im with vando, i dont go speed sailing to get a fast 2 sec peak , for me speedsailing is all about going the distance as fast as you can and keeping consistant speed , i reakon a 100m division would be good because its close to a 2 sec peak speed
And this pushes all the speedsailors to keep a consistant speed up through the whole run instead of catching a gust for a couple of sec to get a high 2 sec peak.

WA, 8727 posts
28 Nov 2007 11:40AM
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I think there is a quite good blend of different categories within the challenge which highlight various peoples strengths and weakness's (mines still anything with corners).

It is only a rare few which dominate all categories, and as the averaging system tends to smooth things out a bit it's not to bigger concern.

In hindsight the change to using only top 2 for each category has certainly improved participation and posting levels.

The only changes I would like to see is:

  • a full rankings system which I believe Ben may already be working on.

  • A "Movers and Shakers" page which shows people who have done PB's for the month as recognition for what they ave achieved. If this showed the old and level marks then the scale of improvement is also recognized.

It should be remembered that we don't sail and use the rankings for prizes. The only thing which the rankings give is something to chase and Bragging rights over your nearest competitor.

The GPS teams challenge has given us a competitive lean to what is effectively social sailing. It also gave us a good reason for going out for a sail.

For myself doing GPS thang is not just the challenge of trying to jump a ranking of the person higher up the ladder than me, it's more being able to chase a constant improvement in myself.

With the Teams challenge, we now all cheer on our team mates as well when they pull out something special (even if they left the data logging switched off)

WA, 2224 posts
28 Nov 2007 12:16PM
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WA, 8727 posts
28 Nov 2007 12:37PM
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Bender said...


36.7(PB) 36.7, 36.7, 37.3(PB)


WA, 6277 posts
28 Nov 2007 2:22PM
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Thanks for all the input, keep the ideas coming.

The individual overall rankings is certainly a popular choice, I've been speaking to people all up the WA coast and lots of people want to see how they compare overall with their mates.

Technically there's no problem with having a 500 metre division, and if it's relevant to the world record then that's a pretty good reason to me. The problem I have with adding another division is purely from a layout point of view: 6 tables wrap nicely across a page, whereas 7 is a pain in the proverbial. I also want to keep the task of putting in data as simple as possible -- the last thing a computer numpty needs is to be confronted by masses of boxes to fill in. Maybe we could replace the nautical mile with a 500 metre division? As always, I'm open to ideas on this, the more that people tell me what you want, the better the competition becomes

A "Movers and Shakers" page is a great idea, or maybe a box on the front page that puts a person's name up in lights if they hit a PB.

Another idea I've been toying with is with regard to verifying speeds. If someone hits a PB, the site might request the person to upload their track, and it would then be available for a week for anyone to download and check. Then anyone can call "Cheat" on that track if they think the numbers are out, and an official timekeeper can have a look at it. What do you think?

I'm amazed at the level of participation in the challenge, I didn't realise just how big it would get when I banged out the first set of pages earlier this year. Now that it's taken on some momentum, expect some changes for next year

WA, 3145 posts
28 Nov 2007 3:11PM
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Pretty much what Elmo said is how I feel.

I think most the guys who don't like the 2sec division, are the guys at the top, but if it doesn't fit Neb's, flick it cos I don't really want to see any other divisions go.

I personally like the Nm, but then I don't have to turn any corners to do it
I also like the feeling of going for it for a full Nm
But I'm just not as fast as others

There's nooooooo wind in FNQ now or any day soon
Bloody lucky to get on the board this month, looking for a miracle next month.

WA, 12137 posts
28 Nov 2007 3:26PM
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nebbian said...

<<<<< Maybe we could replace the nautical mile with a 500 metre division? As always, I'm open to ideas on this,

Hi nebs, hope you're enjoying the flies at Gero!
I was thinking of this possibility myself, I think originally it was introduced to help neutralise the sandy point advantage, but it also disadvantages some other places as well.
If you think this is the best option maybe we should have a vote on swapping the NM for 500m.

Another idea I've been toying with is with regard to verifying speeds. If someone hits a PB, the site might request the person to upload their track, and it would then be available for a week for anyone to download and check. Then anyone can call "Cheat" on that track if they think the numbers are out, and an official timekeeper can have a look at it. What do you think?

not a bad idea, but it's been pointed out in the thread "what qualifies as a spike" that there are false peaks that are very hard/impossible to verify unless there's also doppler data in the file.

I'm amazed at the level of participation in the challenge, I didn't realise just how big it would get when I banged out the first set of pages earlier this year. Now that it's taken on some momentum, expect some changes for next year

Don't think many of us did nebs, certainly when hardy firast mentioned the idea to me, I just thought, "ho hum" (being a bigoted wave sailor at the time), now I'm completely hooked

WA, 2224 posts
28 Nov 2007 3:30PM
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I like to keep the NM.
Only reason being its the only one I have done well in.

Geez i am self centered

WA, 12137 posts
28 Nov 2007 3:33PM
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maybe we should try a few 500s and see how we go, if you do a good nm you should also do a good 500

1553 posts
28 Nov 2007 3:44PM
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is there anyway for foretrex users to have a "differential handicap" to the more accurate Navi's doppler, that way all can avail? am no techie and am wondering if this does make any sense

WA, 8727 posts
28 Nov 2007 3:47PM
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For page uniformity, provided my logic is correct and that your page is set up for 3 tables wide, you could include the other Alpha divisions.

This is better for the "I can go around corners" crew (talented smartybums) and spreading a bit more of expertise.

Don't think it would nobble Slowy though.

WA, 12137 posts
28 Nov 2007 3:56PM
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jp747 said...

is there anyway for foretrex users to have a "differential handicap" to the more accurate Navi's doppler, that way all can avail? am no techie and am wondering if this does make any sense

John, the foretrex is allowed in the challenge, as is no problems.

The trouble with the false readings is you don't know when they happen unless they are unrealistic.
I don't think handicapping all foretrex 2sec readings would be fair, after all most of them will be good.
Any way not all navi users are submitting doppler results.

WA, 3145 posts
28 Nov 2007 4:00PM
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If the 2sec has to go, I'll vote for Vando's suggestion of the 100M (best compromise and more accurate I guess), then maybe we can keep the Nm.

For me a Nm is a lot harder than a 500M, because of water conditions and very gusty winds here, but I like it.

Was just thinking , I have had some wild differences between my 2sec and 5x10, and when I sort it, it's been the 2sec that's wrong. So yeh you got me, flick the 2sec and go for Vando's suggestion.

I'd rather be sailing than banging a keyboard with 2 fingers

QLD, 2314 posts
28 Nov 2007 5:04PM
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500m is world record relevant.

Nm is world record relevant.

1 hour is a valid field as is distance travelled (though it has nothing to do with a speed comp).

Really the argument is 5x10 vs 2 sec, there are lots of good points for 5x10 and only negatives for 2 sec. I know it's nice to say i've done xx knots peak but really it's rarely true and never means a thing.

If you want this concept to go worldwide then no point in keeping irrelevant or contentious categories.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"The 2008 GPSTEAMCHALLENGE have your say!!!" started by hardie