Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

What makes a realllllly fast *slalom* board and then what makes it more comfortable and/or turn

Created by Mark _australia > 9 months ago, 21 Sep 2019
3939 posts
23 Sep 2019 5:53AM
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Or, the answer is within

WA, 3749 posts
23 Sep 2019 12:52PM
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I think this video from Robby shows his current thinking on Slalom Freeride design.

WA, 3749 posts
23 Sep 2019 1:06PM
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And this video gives some further indications from Francisco Goya from 2019.

NSW, 3075 posts
23 Sep 2019 6:08PM
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^^^ You speak in what could be generously described as riddles or smoke and mirrors. You shot yourself in the foot with the wrong vid name, name dropped outrageously and still continue to post crap. Are you getting the feeling something is not right??
Does the D stand for Delusional, Dickhead, Dork or just plain Dumb arse?? And yes I know in America its Ass. But not here.

Aus501 Boz
WA, 110 posts
23 Sep 2019 4:57PM
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Gday Mark, like Kato said what suits one sailor might not another. I can tell you what works for me, I'm an average sailor who normally sail at Dutchies open water, race gear Manta and KAR sails. Volume is the first item for me, up to 20knts on a 98l Manta 6.3race pull around 30-32 knots speed wise open ocean, board double concave length 240 fin it right and you don't feel the chop, rails are tucked so gybing is a dream with this board. Above 20 to 25 onto the 88l Manta same sail, difference for me is the 98 has too much volume on the tail end makes for a very flighty ride. At 25knts can keep same board 88l but down to 5.5KAR, the real messy chop/swell down to 74l Manta dream to sail 5mm concave to v width 54 dream gibing board. Progressively the 98 is 61 wide, 88 is 59 wide makes a huge difference in chop and lower tail volume.
Also had the rocket no slouch either had this at 41knts flat water, very tame board compared to mantas which have a crisp feel when sailing.
normally sail upwind from dutchies and downwind doing NM runs. Maybe have a look at these boards and see what improvements can be made.
As a side, sailed the drops 8'10 for a while, this board took me by surprise, the best gybing board I have sailed, I believe it's all to do with the length and rocker but I'm no expert.

806 posts
23 Sep 2019 8:38PM
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Great topic Mark with a lot of good advise.
Did a lot of slalom racing and speed in the Styrotech days. As much as Russell raced pro events and we were the "South Pacific Mexican Board Builders " I always got my own boards detuned to go faster and gybe better in chop/ocean. Essentially more overall rocker, more v and thinner rails with more tuck. I was a fast speed sailor that couldn't consistently gybe so design around that made a difference in better control.
Also strap location a bit more inboard and the advantage in rough water meant better more control and speed and around the buoys. And when there were ramps on the course you could hit them at speed get some airtime with confidence to land
Question-what conditions are optimal for this board?

3939 posts
24 Sep 2019 12:33AM
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Hi, Mark and KA43.
Bitter, aren"t we?
I suppose only YOUR opinions matter, and anyone with different views is stupid or uneducated.
Grammar and details is most important, while ideas and opinions are not to be tolerated.
Do we even know exactly what board Mark is using as a base/constant?
Do we know his skill level?

3939 posts
24 Sep 2019 12:35AM
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Richard G.
That shape is what his company is selling to you.

WA, 3749 posts
24 Sep 2019 1:53AM
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LeeD said..
Richard G.
That shape is what his company is selling to you.

Obviously but I think the comments make sense. Do you take issue and if so specifically why ?

3939 posts
24 Sep 2019 3:20AM
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Rich G..
You posted a pic of the new production fast freeride board from Naish.
It's what they sell.
Do you think it's close to what he actually rides?

3939 posts
24 Sep 2019 3:29AM
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Ok, maybe I'm not being fair.
Example, but with Goya.
He came by a few years ago, maybe '17, with a ONE and a Proton in his car.
He didn't go out in 16-23 mph conditions, choosing instead to look for better conditions for his boards. Ended up back at Berkeley saying his normal travel slalom board was being repaired, it being 2 years old and travelled all over the world that he visited.
Obviously, he preferred his older board over the new P 105 sized board. On that trip, he brought a 5.3 and a slalom 6.6. Yes, he looked at his P in the rigging area over and over after rigging the bigger sail.
Wind was steady.
Was my rest day, so watched for the whole afternoon.

3939 posts
24 Sep 2019 3:31AM
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Wasn't his rest day, he drove to 3 different spots and came back jonesin for wind.

WA, 3749 posts
24 Sep 2019 9:32AM
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Good story LeeD not sure of relevance.

WA, 3749 posts
24 Sep 2019 9:33AM
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LeeD said..
Rich G..
You posted a pic of the new production fast freeride board from Naish.
It's what they sell.
Do you think it's close to what he actually rides?

I note he has posted himself riding this board on his facebook page. Anyway its kind of missing the point.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
24 Sep 2019 9:54AM
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RichardG said..
I think this video from Robby shows his current thinking on Slalom Freeride design.

At 1.21 " a gybing machine ". Have you ever seen a video of Robby coming out of a gybe so slowly? And I thought it was me just getting old. It's those new wide boards! They just don't gybe like the old ones.

3939 posts
24 Sep 2019 10:20AM
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The new wide boards help most sailors and are easy.
But for a jibe done right, don't nearly match with narrower boards.

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
24 Sep 2019 12:03PM
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Sorry if you think I'm bitter or have upset you Lee but in every board recommendation thread or tech thread you recommend what you have or mention irrelevant stuff and people call u on it
What Robbie uses is not relevant to this question.
I'll remind you what it was:

I want to modify a very fast slalom design to make it a little more user friendly. I know how to do that.
But all other things being equal, what one or two things make the best contribution to ease of use ** without slowing it down too much.

** ease of use being ability to gybe well and handling chop as the most common measures.

Thanks to the very knowledgeable crew here who have given me some really good info.

As to the Goya thing I'm not sure what you're suggesting. It would be common for a board designer to look for a very specific set of conditions to test a board in, and to go back and ride older models along with new proto's. If he's riding a 2017 board it doesn't mean new stuff sucks. Could be a 17 proto he just modified, who knows.

Oh yeah and - no arguments from me about narrower being better much of the time

3939 posts
24 Sep 2019 1:07PM
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Wow Mark, you are purely literal like an engineer, mathematician, or phycisist-chemist.
Shades of gray don't exist in your world.

WA, 472 posts
24 Sep 2019 6:06PM
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LeeD said..
Wow Mark, you are purely literal like an engineer, mathematician, or phycisist-chemist.
Shades of gray don't exist in your world.

think he just has his bulls**t filter on.

3939 posts
25 Sep 2019 12:33AM
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Oftentimes, there is no simple short answer to a question.
Like, how do we jibe better?

QLD, 2446 posts
25 Sep 2019 5:45AM
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LeeD said..
Oftentimes, there is no simple short answer to a question.
Like, how do we jibe better?

With all due respect
How far off topic can you go? FFS...
Im sure there is a fairly narrow set of design parameters that make a board fast n easy riding. Vids showing boards being ridden in the 90s only shows experts ripping it up. Doesnt actually show anything but general planshape of board. Not the finer details the OP is requesting.
Your "those were the days" posts arent really relevant here on this thread.

3939 posts
25 Sep 2019 4:46AM
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Because you lack in the desire to apply past events to present situations, you are doomed to repeat history.
The Naish thing. This was 1990, when faster guys at races were beating Robbie by about 1.5 mph boat speed. The really heavy guys, like Torkil or Bjorn, by maybe 2.5 mph.
Those fast guys were using thicker railed and sharper edged tails with little to no tuck up to the mast track.
How did Rob counter?
He went SOFTER railed, so he not only jibed better, but he was riding easier in confused cross chop from high winds and 7 other competitor's wake.
How does this apply?
1. We don't know Mark's size or sailing ability.
2. We don't know the characteristics of the board Mark uses as a constant.
3. So how can we give shape changes and numbers?
Since Mark doesn't give specifics, HOW CAN WE?

3939 posts
25 Sep 2019 4:50AM
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Get it?
There is more than one way to skin a cat!
He doesn't give sufficient information so ANY answer is just as applicable as mine.

NSW, 1255 posts
25 Sep 2019 8:07AM
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LeighD if you are going to continually keep name dropping Robby Naish please have the decency to spell his name correctly.

mr love
VIC, 2352 posts
25 Sep 2019 8:17AM
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Actions not words. Mark has my MB59 design and is free to glean whatever he wishes from it if it helps him.

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
25 Sep 2019 7:31AM
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Thanks MrLove - a true gentleman for sharing your files

WA, 12133 posts
25 Sep 2019 9:02AM
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Looks sweet to me, for what that's worth

3939 posts
25 Sep 2019 10:11AM
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So thin out the tail rails keeping the amount of tuck the same, thin the tail behind the rear strap, move straps forward 1cm, increase v from mast track forwards, and add some small nose kick.
Cutout only changes if you can't plane out of your jibes consistently but as is, should be perfect for trim attitude at speed.

QLD, 2446 posts
25 Sep 2019 12:43PM
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^^ So where are YOUR drawings to back the design you speak of?

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
25 Sep 2019 10:57AM
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olskool said..

Your "those were the days" posts arent really relevant here on this thread.

? Why not? You can't say there's not the suspicion out there that some of the best features of those old boards have been compromised in the evolution to modern designs.

Did you ever sail the Bic Veloce 273 LeeD? What did you think?


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"What makes a realllllly fast *slalom* board and then what makes it more comfortable and/or turn" started by Mark _australia