Another awsome arvo (1400-1630) on Pittwater! Dropped the sail thru a sloppy gybe just north of WestHd and drifted for ages trying to haul it out. Went ashore at the south-west cnr of LionIs to fix one popped cam.
21 October, while the NSW Raceboard fleet enjoyed perfect conditions for Heat 1 of the NSW series at DAC; I had to make-do with a Pittwater South to SWest of 12 to 18kt mid arvo, south of RMYC to near Stokes Pt & return a couple of times.
28 October I enjoyed a late arvo ENE from SaltPanCove to WestHead & return approx 10-15kt
And today 11 Nov a relatively steady east to Neast:
Stokes Pt - knots
Between SaltPanCove & TaylorsPt the wind strength was near half that of Stokes
Looking forward to my first real test at SanctuaryPt.
Heading into the NEaster around the Lion this arvo on the RB from SaltPanCove.
Unsure if the 9.5 might be too big when the breeze kicks in - maybe safer with the 8.5 but slow in the light patches.
Anyone else wanting to enjoy the challenge?
Tomorrow should be very similar - may do the same again with better rig choice.
Very late sale with 8.5 - bit under powered in the lulls.
Tomorrow hopefully much earlier and with the 9.5m
Friday 29 Dec 1630-1900 ; variable ENE to North 5 to 15 kts with patches of 0 to 3 kts. Overcast with ominous grey high clouds looking like an unexpected thunder storm; and not promising safe passage around the Lion.
Saturday 1600-1830 6 Jan. Raceboard+8.5m beautiful NEaster pulsing down Pittwater most of the time - but was almost becalmed north of Barrenjoey and had to turn back because there was no wind on the horizon anywhere in the vicinity of Lion Is.
Scotland Is
Stokes Pt
Repairing board leaks tonight, hoping to be on the water around mid-dayish; 10-15kts NE might be perfect for a good bash around the Lion and return on the RB with the 9.5 or 8.5 ; Need to make up for my very poor performance in the 15 gusting 25kts at Kurnell 2 weeks ago. This time for sure! Please join me for a great day on Pittwater.
I might be free later, if I am I'll see how the Saturday stink boat yuk looks and maybe join you. Perhaps later in the day when most have gone home.
I'll be joining you out there on the longest longboard of them all, an 11mOD!
We could be doing the Lion Island course as well so I'll keep an eye out.
The wind out around Lion Island ended up being nice, 10 to 12k with some bigger puffs, but the chop was diabolical! Strong outgoing tide running against the wind just made for a mogul run to the island and back. Once inside the wind eased of again and just got puffy and easterly for the whole reach home...
Efed around with twisted downhaul lines etc etc and didn't get onto the water until after 4pm! Found myself immediately overdone with the 9.5 and no match upwind against SaltyHeaven on the D11 with an 8.4. Adjusted the rig at the little beach under Longnose Point and returned to wrestle the rig through the gusts to up past Longnose. Wind eased back and started to make for a good powered up bash to windward. By then the tide was probably at the low point so it wasn't too awkward to the Lion. Too late in the arvo for much traffic so I had the mouth of Broken Bay to myself except for 1 yacht. Had some very nice fully powered & planing runs home between a few light patches; with the best of them in the Avalon-Scotland-Longnose triangle. Approx path:
Contemplating a long bash to windward into this warm northerly this arvo. May rig conservatively with the 8.5?m. Got to practice tacks & gybes cause I've been slow & clumsy - giving away minutes every race.
Heading out on the RB shortly - hoping to make it round the Lion - but will stay in the wind area if it looks patchy. Hoping others might join me on this sunny probably 3 to 8kt day.
NEaster on the rise. Rigging the RB with the 9.5 should be on the water before 3pm. Enough time to make it to the Lion - and hopefully return!
How did you go? We had some good puffs out there today.
I saw 22k on the windgear a few time and one guy said he saw a 27. Not me, I had a bit on at that stage
Today's looking like mostly 10-15kt NNW-NE perfect Raceboard wind. Hope to get out into it much earler than always later - this time 4 sure!
Jethro - do you want to try the Severne 8.5m on your Lechner thingy?
Opps, doing the leadmine thing today. Definitely looking at getting out in the next few weeks. I think my shoulder recovery has plateaued so that must mean it's good to go ;)
As usual got out there much later than planned. Efd around making a 2cm longer mast extension spacer. Got on the water around 2pm into an unexpectedly light NE breeze with ominous dark thundering clouds in north and bolts of lightning vicinity of Lion.
You looked good out there today AF. We were along side as you were working up the southern bay, near the Viper Cat. I was interested watching as you were obviously in the marginal transition breeze between displacement and planning. You were pacing the cat in displacement but just a little increase and you doubled your speed whereas the cat just accelerated a bit.
Had a beaut sailboard to Lion Is, previous Sunday 9 December. Phantom 377 with Severne 9.5m2. NE to ENE wind direction.
Approx times: 40 min to clear of the heads; 50 min to east of Lion Island; 60 min to west & clearing the lee of the Lion;
85 min returned to approx start line.
The run-out tide from the Hawksbury against the fresh ENE wind made for some awkward big slow moving lumps. Some near 2/3rds mast height but fortunately not quite rolling or breaking. Had to manouver carefully through them to avoid being side-on to the larger swells; and had me pondering whether I should turn back - but not keen at all to gybe out there amongst them.
Was rewarded with a long, fully powered-up, reach to broad reach, from half way back to the heads, to past Careel Bay.
Only spoilt by falling north of the Lion when I attempted to release the downhaul midway through my one & only gybe.
Stokes Pt
Scotland Is