Yep, only 10 at the most here at the moment, tomorrow's the day if it doesn't come in after lunch today
Gentle - no wind conditions today
lots of sitting around enjoying the company and delightful sunshine
on on the water lightwind tacks and gybes while grooving to Sean stereo blasting JJJ across the water
Dags reliving his youth practicing freestyle on the wally
mark the beginner is underway with his JPfunster with some coaching from Dags
we we even had some entertainment from the Kiters ....
Awesome to see Sean the Kiter having a go on the wally and also to see Mark with some gear and coming down for a sail, it's never too late to learn hey, good stuff.
Thanks everyone for making me welcome. Learnt heaps from Dags (Darren?) & had a ball. Just walked the dog along the Bribie passage foreshore and it's blowing a gale out there - but then I thought there was enough wind today! Hope to get back soon.
Yeah Bob, I think Adam is already there. I'm heading over shortly, wind is a bit funny here at Beachmere though, hopefully it'll be better over there.
Good to meet some very old faces from years back at Pebble Beach today. We have all aged well and good to see everyone still doing some wind sports. Anyone like to undo kite line tangles as I have a beauty which should take me a few hours to undo. Forgotten how good the place is for flat water blasting and did a few runs over to the channel and had some nice pressure swells starting to form. Need to get me a wave board for those ballistic days that we all used to have at the old wreck site. If you don't mind a tea bagger to join in I may come up for a few more sessions.
Sandstone delivered yet again! Fantastic arvo {Wade you should of been here } Wow it got busy on the water,... kites and sailboards everywhere.
I had a great day today, thanks to everyone. Starting to get feet into straps on a more consistent basis.
I don't even feel tired, so my technique must be improving.
On another note, did anyone pick up a fairly new pair of windsurf goggles maybe over near the cars?
Is anyone sailing at Sandstone point today, thought I might venture up there as bom has a slightly better forecast for northern and eastern bay. What time of the tide is needed. Does inner beacon give a good indication of wind speed there.
I usually sail at Redcliffe.
Too windy for me today only did a couple of runs. Today sorted the boys from the men. I was on a 5.3 and well overpowered
Yep doing my bit back at work today
hoping to get home early enough next few days for a late afternoon blast
Good to get a few day's on the water. Yesterday was great to see so many on the water.
Great to have Alex come out of nowhere and surprise us "Old crew from the Wreck day's", and reminisce about day's of old.
Parso (Mark) is sailing very well for such a small amount of time on the water. A fast learner, and will be zipping around in no time. Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk Bob. Yesterday I spent too much time stuffing around rigging.
Today was ballistic! 4.7 wave sail and still out of control. Too much work for me! Not many Km's today.
Good to meet Lungs today who had a good session. Nice bloke and a very good sailor. I wish Dave had a GPS on him, because he did some crazy Km's. I didn't think he was going to stop. Almost out of sight most of the time. Lot's of green arrows ahead.
I'm having a shocker, every time I think I'm good to go over the last couple of weeks.......... I'm not. Hopefully it backs off a little tomorrow, it was damn windy here today, no good for me.
Thanks to the locals of Sandstone point for the warm welcome. Its a nice spot you sail at. Sorry but I can't remember all your names, apart from Adam who mentioned an encounter with a tiger shark, before I hit the water.
Thanks Darren for the Kind words, but flattery gets you nowhere. Seriously when there is some light wind I'll PM you when I bring the kids up for a sail.
Jee wizz, the camera never really show's how much it's blowing.
Was 25-30 at times, but it doesn't look it. The waterstart in the passage show's it though.