Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Windsurfing Learning Curve

Created by Dwbh > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2014
QLD, 33 posts
16 May 2015 12:53PM
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Hi Morgan, not sure if I can make it to Manly today. Kitchen tap suddenly started to flood, lucky I was in, have turned off mains but now waiting for emergency plumber! Putting foot-straps on Rio while waiting. Cheers, Chris.

QLD, 829 posts
17 May 2015 8:02AM
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Looks like RQ beach today - mid to late morning

QLD, 829 posts
17 May 2015 9:43AM
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Saturday at RQ Beach Manly Brisbane – it was blowing like 20+ and my last experience of that was at Sandgate with the off shore – so I was feeling a bit unnerved from that experience.

Windsurfing is such a hard sport at the best of times let alone trying to figure out what sail to rig. When I arrived it was blowing a gale so grabbed the 6.6m Avanti to set up but whilst I waited in the car for a squall to blow by it dropped to a steady – what seemed like 15 ish – so set up the 7.5m Neil Pryde sail on my Rio Longtail. By the time I had finished setting up – it was back to blowing a gale again – man that is one hard board to carry in a decent wind. I started to feel a bit anxious with the direction of the wind blowing straight across towards Wynnum. I was doubting my abilities – should never do that!!!!! No Jet skiis here today to help me – I stood in the water for about ten minutes summoning the courage to step up on the board and go for it. Wasn’t coming…. started to think, I am going to get smashed out there – nervous about the 7.5m sail, should have rigged the 6.6m after all. More doubts………..second guessing myself

It all started in the morning once I had done what I had to, the thoughts of its too cold – I am tired – not feeling like I could be bothered and a little anxious. Maybe should just stay home and rest – in the morning I did some running around with Ben and Jaye car stuff. I do like doing things with my boys

Standing waste deep in the water – well I had come this far and not one to quite easily, with great trepidation I stepped up on the board – BANG!!! I was off – repeating to myself got to head up wind got to head upwind so pointed at Wello and maintained that course – kept on loooking back to see if it was all good. MMM this is feeling good! It was a little rough turned to head back, lost my balance and in the drink I went – a little panic because thought that’s it going to end up in the port of Brisbane – back on the board no worries and headed straight back to RQ Beach – all good. Jumped off and had a rest. ALL GOOD

Windsurfing – a sport that constantly throws us challenges after all it is in the sea. So game on…… I had a great afternoon on the board blasting to and from RQ half way to Wello – ---- finally staying with the kites and at one stage even catching them. Woo Hoo – I really does seem like I have been touched with the magic windsurfing stick.

Stats- Neck deep beach starts 90%, Uphaul three times, Tacks 95%, Gybes (bit dodgy but) 100% only did one though lol, feet in front set of foot straps 99%, Back set a bit of a mix had back front foot in a few times narrow stance (back foot in front back strap still), both feet in rear straps once but as soon as I put the back foot in the rear strap I turned up wind. I was trying to stand on my toes too. No photos and no gps – I recon I equalled my top speed so far :-), Got air a couple of times – completely by accident (that board is not designed to get air) just came off some swell heading towards Wello a bit fast. I still can't close that sail down on the board at the back - still heading up wind when I try.

All in all had an absolute blast – it was definitely worth the effort to get there, get set up and to overcome my first little nervous hiccup. The arrows say there is going to be wind again today SSE so RQ Beach again today to have some more fun.

See you out there

NSW, 8014 posts
17 May 2015 6:52PM
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Dwbh said..
Saturday at RQ Beach Manly Brisbane – it was blowing like 20+ and my last experience of that was at Sandgate with the off shore – so I was feeling a bit unnerved from that experience.

Windsurfing is such a hard sport at the best of times let alone trying to figure out what sail to rig. When I arrived it was blowing a gale so grabbed the 6.6m Avanti to set up but whilst I waited in the car for a squall to blow by it dropped to a steady – what seemed like 15 ish – so set up the 7.5m Neil Pryde sail on my Rio Longtail. By the time I had finished setting up – it was back to blowing a gale again – man that is one hard board to carry in a decent wind. I started to feel a bit anxious with the direction of the wind blowing straight across towards Wynnum. I was doubting my abilities – should never do that!!!!! No Jet skiis here today to help me – I stood in the water for about ten minutes summoning the courage to step up on the board and go for it. Wasn’t coming…. started to think, I am going to get smashed out there – nervous about the 7.5m sail, should have rigged the 6.6m after all. More doubts………..second guessing myself

It all started in the morning once I had done what I had to, the thoughts of its too cold – I am tired – not feeling like I could be bothered and a little anxious. Maybe should just stay home and rest – in the morning I did some running around with Ben and Jaye car stuff. I do like doing things with my boys

Standing waste deep in the water – well I had come this far and not one to quite easily, with great trepidation I stepped up on the board – BANG!!! I was off – repeating to myself got to head up wind got to head upwind so pointed at Wello and maintained that course – kept on loooking back to see if it was all good. MMM this is feeling good! It was a little rough turned to head back, lost my balance and in the drink I went – a little panic because thought that’s it going to end up in the port of Brisbane – back on the board no worries and headed straight back to RQ Beach – all good. Jumped off and had a rest. ALL GOOD

Windsurfing – a sport that constantly throws us challenges after all it is in the sea. So game on…… I had a great afternoon on the board blasting to and from RQ half way to Wello – ---- finally staying with the kites and at one stage even catching them. Woo Hoo – I really does seem like I have been touched with the magic windsurfing stick.

Stats- Neck deep beach starts 90%, Uphaul three times, Tacks 95%, Gybes (bit dodgy but) 100% only did one though lol, feet in front set of foot straps 99%, Back set a bit of a mix had back front foot in a few times narrow stance (back foot in front back strap still), both feet in rear straps once but as soon as I put the back foot in the rear strap I turned up wind. I was trying to stand on my toes too. No photos and no gps – I recon I equalled my top speed so far :-), Got air a couple of times – completely by accident (that board is not designed to get air) just came off some swell heading towards Wello a bit fast. I still can't close that sail down on the board at the back - still heading up wind when I try.

All in all had an absolute blast – it was definitely worth the effort to get there, get set up and to overcome my first little nervous hiccup. The arrows say there is going to be wind again today SSE so RQ Beach again today to have some more fun.

See you out there

I've been sailing 20 years odd and still get those days of self doubt- sometimes I get spurts of adrenaline on the drive down that are like little pain bursts..I usually surprise myself and survive and enjoy the sail.. When I used to go in the surf and I was scared I'd just say - Ok you just have to carry the gear up the beach..Ok just one run. etc etc I'd usually end up having a great session!

QLD, 720 posts
17 May 2015 7:23PM
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I reckon that's what make's this sport so great - and addictive. "The Adrenaline". Best when you just throw yourself at it. A little common sense on safety is all that's needed. Keep at it mate.

QLD, 3116 posts
18 May 2015 9:02AM
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Morgan, I went through the same thought process as I hit the water at Burrum on Saturday. The wind was much stronger than i anticipated. Have I rigged to big, how will I go on the new speed board? Like you, I had a go and had a blast. The 6.4 would have been better than the 7.0, but I managed anyway and had a great time. The key is to learn from the experience and choose the right sail next time.

QLD, 189 posts
18 May 2015 9:30AM
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Morgan - Great day at RQ yesterday. Plenty of sore muscles! First time I have managed to get 2 days in a row on the water for a while. The Falcon clocked 16 knots. See you next weekend.

QLD, 33 posts
18 May 2015 9:13PM
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Hi Morgan and Mal, good to meet you guys at RQ Sunday. I'm away next weekend but hope to be at RQ again soon. Cheers. Chris.

QLD, 829 posts
23 May 2015 10:23AM
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Hope everyone had a great sail on last week end finally some wind.

Here we go a nice day wind somewhere around the 15knots Woo Hoo a windsurfing we will go. I get there and Mal and Chris already there setting up and it is looking pretty good out there with a few windsurfers out already from RQYS good to see.
Mal was going 6.7m on the Falcon and Chris his 6m on his Rio (only sail he has so far) – I decide on the 7.5m as it worked well on Saturday. So set up the Rio with the 50 cm BP fin mast foot around half way in the slot and remembered to put the centre fin in today, not that I should need it. But I did want to experiment a bit.
Centre fin in – Check, mast foot in – check, everything looking in good order – check, Hat & Sunscreen on – check – GPS in and on – check, Smile on – check —- Lets go windsurfing.Mal and Chris already out and looking good.Headed out brrr it was a bit cool – I didn’t feel too anxious on Sunday like I did on Saturday. Stepped up on the board and away we go in the harness and foot straps early and planing. Thought I had put the boom too high but still seemed to get into the lines ok so left it there – all good.

I managed to clock up 24 Klms on the GPS over a couple of hours PB nice….. 19.36 knots and a 11.61 alpha (not sure what alpha is) I am starting to experience new things One thing is that when I am travelling at speed (for me) I seem to be too far away from the foot straps can only just get my toes in and harness lines, then seem to be too long – felt this big time on Saturday with the little bit more wind.OK experimentation time I set the centre fin down half way and sure enough the windward (heel side) rail came up as expected – then felt like I wanted to stand on the rail itself – did that felt ok but like being in the foot straps so front foot in back front strap (advanced) and back foot in front (intermediate) back straps really narrow stance, but ok just the same. Felt like I was leaning soo far back that my shin muscles seemed to be stretched to there limits. I look at the photos and I don’t seem to be laying over at all mmmm must have missed the pics of speed times. I came out of the harness lines a few times in the swell – I shortened them as much as they would go.As hard as I try I just can’t get the sail to shut down and feeling like I am not getting all the power out of the wind that I could be – I am sure I have it sheeted in fairly well. I think it is time for another lesson.Pulled off a couple of Gybes – one with a little pace —-> have to keep working on that was good.The wind is looking good for the weekend so see what I can achieve.

Today after lunch I am going to head to Rq Beach.

Cheers Morgan

QLD, 167 posts
23 May 2015 10:33PM
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Morgan, you said RQ, are you talking the RQYS where Max gave us free clinic? How did you get in and sail there if you are not Yacht member?

QLD, 829 posts
24 May 2015 10:44AM
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Winddragon said..
Morgan, you said RQ, are you talking the RQYS where Max gave us free clinic? How did you get in and sail there if you are not Yacht member?

We go down Davenport Drive that runs parallel to RQ and go out there

QLD, 829 posts
24 May 2015 10:50AM
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A little youtube thing – bit long it is all photos from yesterday Saturday 24/05/15 – Woo Hoo what a session – or at least I should say it seemed like a massive session. Went to RQ for a run but it seemed to blowing 30 knots but it wasn’t two minutes later it was like 15 so the important question what to rig.

Mal and Ants were already there looking to set up nearly called it but decided to head out Mal set up his shark with a 5.4 Severne sail and Ants his Mistral with ezzy 6.5 sail and I decided on the Avanti 6.6m on the Rio. Nice to meet you again Jane

The conditions were really rough out in the middle of the bay the waves (yes waves) were like breaking – man it was rough – character building i’m sure. Felt like I was flying but when I checked out the GPS was only 18.5 knots. Thing must be wrong lol. I guess it felt faster because of the conditions today was literally windsurfing in the surf lol

During the week I went in and had a debrief from Simon on what I was doing wrong. Shorten the harness lines, lower the boom and see how that works. Went pretty well came out of the lines a couple of times but I think that might of been on impact smashing back down on the next rolling swell after launching from the previous. At one stage I think I even had that 50cm fin out of the water for a second as I went sideways for a split second. As I said character building – I figure if I can go reasonably quick (for me) in those conditions what’s it going to be like when I find some calm.At the end of the day should have rigged the 7.5 pryde and held on in the gusts. Had a great day with some great people. Lucky enough to have some Australias best windsurfers there – It is really good for we improvers to watch you guys out there

Windsurfing is a punishing sport but back down again to RQ for another session today – but man it is addictive. My fitness is improving enough to stay out there for a couple of hours.
Nice to catch up Cameron

Rose bay or RQ today for us will decide when we get there after lunch - the other side of the Marina - Anita is keen and going to put a sail up.
See you out there
Cheers Morgan

QLD, 189 posts
25 May 2015 9:44AM
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Morgan, missed a good day at Sandstone Point yesterday. You would have enjoyed it. Now I see what Jeff raves about.

Managed to clock over 20 knots on the Shark on Saturday! Really have to learn to turn better. One step at a time.

NSW, 8014 posts
25 May 2015 11:04AM
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I was going to say your boom looked too high in the first pics but it looks better height in the last ones..Sounds like your having fun and improving.

QLD, 829 posts
27 May 2015 6:58AM
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Having a ball - sure feels like I have been touched by the magic windsurfing stick :-) I am actually doing it now - how cool is that - just have to refine my water starts and gybes now.

Yes it would seem though my boom has crept up - I think to do with harness lines.

QLD, 829 posts
2 Jun 2015 8:04AM
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Sunday 25May2015 - No photos Photographer was going for a sail wet too

Ok Ok – so change – none of us like change but it happened on Sunday. We have been going to RQ Beach for about a year now and we decided to head to Rose Bay on the opposite, Northern side of the Harbour plenty of people windsurfing there – cool.

Anita was getting a sail wet and set up her 4.5m Gun Sail on the Naish Kahlua 180l and had a blast. Didn’t even get her hair wet nice one. Definitely time to start working on using a harness. The girl did really well - still not quite addicted

I had a great sail – seemed to get going pretty well but had a bit of an issue with beach starting (not enough wind/technique). Had a go at water starting out too but no good up hauling worked quite fine.

Stance – I tried to change my stance a bit and with that managed to close the sail down some more at one stage I noticed it was just off the deck of the board. Woo Hoo Ok so what was it that I did…… I seem to have a real problem with straightening my front leg so Sunday focused on that that with some success, and I think it was that that did it seemed to place my body in a position where I was leaning further back and out, bringing the sail with me. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone.

I had my 8.5m Loft Switch Blade on the Rio LT with bp 50cm fin. The funny part was I seem to have achieved a similar speed on Sunday 17.99 in a lot less wind than Saturday’s 18.53 Knots go figure????

Stats – water starts 0, deep water beach starts 25%, gybes 0 (tried 3), Uphaul 95%, Foot straps 95% and planing around 80%, having fun 110%

A nice spot for windsurfing Rose Bay when the tide is in

NSW, 8014 posts
3 Jun 2015 2:10PM
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Dwbh said..
Sunday 25May2015 - No photos Photographer was going for a sail wet too

Ok Ok – so change – none of us like change but it happened on Sunday. We have been going to RQ Beach for about a year now and we decided to head to Rose Bay on the opposite, Northern side of the Harbour plenty of people windsurfing there – cool.

Anita was getting a sail wet and set up her 4.5m Gun Sail on the Naish Kahlua 180l and had a blast. Didn’t even get her hair wet nice one. Definitely time to start working on using a harness. The girl did really well - still not quite addicted

I had a great sail – seemed to get going pretty well but had a bit of an issue with beach starting (not enough wind/technique). Had a go at water starting out too but no good up hauling worked quite fine.

Stance – I tried to change my stance a bit and with that managed to close the sail down some more at one stage I noticed it was just off the deck of the board. Woo Hoo Ok so what was it that I did…… I seem to have a real problem with straightening my front leg so Sunday focused on that that with some success, and I think it was that that did it seemed to place my body in a position where I was leaning further back and out, bringing the sail with me. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone.

I had my 8.5m Loft Switch Blade on the Rio LT with bp 50cm fin. The funny part was I seem to have achieved a similar speed on Sunday 17.99 in a lot less wind than Saturday’s 18.53 Knots go figure????

Stats – water starts 0, deep water beach starts 25%, gybes 0 (tried 3), Uphaul 95%, Foot straps 95% and planing around 80%, having fun 110%

A nice spot for windsurfing Rose Bay when the tide is in

Flatter with less wind? That makes big difference as chop really slows you- the bigger/ shorter the chop is the harder to go fast.If I'm just reaching back and forth ( not bearing off 24-25kts is a great speed for me ( I'm a lot slower than the guys and not on slalom gear in the chop).Probably 23kts more normal.

QLD, 829 posts
4 Jun 2015 7:50AM
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Can’t go windsurfing if there is no wind – the forecast promised wind but none. Packed the Rio with 8.5 and 7.5 and headed to Wello for the promised 19knots NNW nothing so headed over to Manly and caught up with Ella – there were a couple of people out on the water with sails up but I recon I should have packed the paddle and gone for a sup. Over to RQ to have a look same same.

During the week, popped in for a chat with Simon and decided I should move the foot straps to suit my current style – so Saturday I moved the footstraps on the Rio this week – seeing as though I only seem to be able to get into back foot intermediate straps and advanced front foot straps making for a very narrow stance. I moved them and made a difference of about 50cm. Keen to try it out but no wind. You see I seem to able to comfortably get into the two very close straps without turning up wind. The moment I put my foot in the Rear advanced strap its straight up wind I go, I can however get my front foot into the advanced straps which means my feet are almost together – feels a bit weird but works.
This weekend heading for Burleigh not sure if I can windsurf there anywhere but I am going to take a sail – boss booked it Anita really likes supping at Currumbin so I think that is the idea for the week end. Looking at Seabreeze and see that the wind might be up SSE – ESE. I have read of a few going in at Currumbin and windsurfing in the waves – I’m not game enough yet to have a go in the surf. Although in saying that, I could be ok after learning out from RQ there seems to be wave size swell there often lol, so might have a go if the swell is small. Maybe in the lagoon????

I’m going to pack 2 sails tough choice all I have room for, thinking 6m Naish and 7.5m Pryde.– NOTE TO SELF ‘buy a bigger van’.


WA, 732 posts
5 Jun 2015 12:39PM
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Gooday Morgan, you can always visit Jeff, Darren me and the crowd us at BRIBIE we have a bunch of places to sail, maybe tomorrow?

QLD, 829 posts
6 Jun 2015 6:34PM
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Had a look at 'The Grand' this morning and a couple of local windsurfers Tony and Michael (I think) Sorry if I get your name wrong fellas. On local advice I headed to shearwater for a look. Wow kite central there were a few windsurfers just watching - Jason came over for a chat - decided to use my fun card tomorrow at kfc sounds like the place to go. I will bring the photographer lol Anita not going in the water lol

Brownie points today windsurfing tomorrow

See you out there


QLD, 829 posts
13 Jun 2015 10:29AM
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Looking like RQ today - after lunch

QLD, 114 posts
13 Jun 2015 12:49PM
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Catch ya soon Morgan! Should be a good afternoon on the water.

QLD, 829 posts
14 Jun 2015 8:26AM
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Queens Birthday Week end

Headed to the Gold Coast for the Week end for a not so windsurfing week end. I guess for the last 18 months all our hols have centred around going somewhere to windsurf. As you do……Anita and Jaye decided we are going to the Gold Coast for the week end – not much windsurfing down there and Jaye took a buddy so not much room for gear. Took some anyway.

We stayed in a nice place at Burleigh – Saturday plenty of wind. —- Question – No one out from the beach windsurfing or Kite boarding – is there a reason for this as there seemed to be plenty of across shore wind?

Headed to Surf fx to get a hat for Anita – had a good chat to Michael he recommended Shearwater – on the way there we stopped off and had a chat to a couple of locals at ‘the grand’ – one of them headed to Victoria Point – they said too patchy there and not a good spot in an off shore breeze so we toddled off to Shearwater (Kite Central) where we came across Jason another windsurfer we met at the last free race at Sandgate. He suggested it might be better on Sunday as the wind would be a more consistent SE.

Sunday – mmm not so much wind – oh well going out anyway – there was a guy rigged up at central st so we set up there – great park to set up in. He went out and couldn’t get going – small board. I decided that this was going to be my only chance to get on the water and set up. I had only packed the Naish 6m and Neil Pryde 7.5m – shame about not brining the 8.5 loft – all good there were some nice bullets that got me on the plane a couple of times. Looked like that much fun Jaye even had a go – he was going ok.

A passer by asked what literage the board was – we had a bit of a chat and he said he only had small boards and that he hardly had a sail all season – THAT SUX!!! – I said I have been out most week ends. He was enjoying watching us having a bit of fun on the nice flat water at the Broadwater.

After that we went for a drive down to Currumbin and stopped to watch a guy at Tallebudgera near the camp grounds having a sail – good to see :-), blue sail

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QLD, 829 posts
14 Jun 2015 10:35AM
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Not looking like we are going to get a sail today :-(

QLD, 275 posts
14 Jun 2015 5:18PM
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Hey Morgs, Tallebudgera's not bad for a stand up, next time youre down give me a yell and the wife and I come out with you lot

QLD, 500 posts
14 Jun 2015 9:49PM
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Hey Morgan.
Probably me on the blue sail. Saturday on a yellow Tiga, bit of wind but very flukey in there.
Sunday was on the SUP, less wind and heaps of current in the same direction as the wind, so I spent all my time trying to avoid going under the bridge but had some fun anyway.
Hopefully catch up on Sunday at Bribie if you can make it.

QLD, 829 posts
18 Jun 2015 8:25AM
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tilldark said..
Hey Morgs, Tallebudgera's not bad for a stand up, next time youre down give me a yell and the wife and I come out with you lot

Will do Kurt would love to mate cheers

QLD, 829 posts
18 Jun 2015 8:29AM
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ballast said..
Hey Morgan.
Probably me on the blue sail. Saturday on a yellow Tiga, bit of wind but very flukey in there.
Sunday was on the SUP, less wind and heaps of current in the same direction as the wind, so I spent all my time trying to avoid going under the bridge but had some fun anyway.
Hopefully catch up on Sunday at Bribie if you can make it.

Yeah it looked a bit flukey - started to rain when we were there so jumped in car and headed to Currumbin

Looking forward to catching up on Sunday at Bribie - looks good at our end.


QLD, 829 posts
20 Jun 2015 8:29AM
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Heading to the Goldy to have a look at a Sprinter van today - sold the Delica and getting a bigger van sprinter or transit looks like - has to fit the Rio in it. (what do you mean.....windsurfing is taking over my life lol)

Tomorrow heading to long board thing at Sandstone point - Hope it ok if I bring my own rescue crew Ben is keen to come along with his Jet Ski - if Ben is there Jaye should be too

See you there

QLD, 1083 posts
20 Jun 2015 2:28PM
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Hey Morg don't rush into buying a long van just so you can fit your learner board in it!
Won't be long and you will be on short board in the land of sub 250cm, most wagons , vans and 4x4 easily carry a board or two and gear inside.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Windsurfing Learning Curve" started by Dwbh