Looking ok for a day at Wellington Point - there is a breeze starting here at Cleveland and the arrow is pointing NW so here is hoping for a nice day
See you down there
Wellington Point 23rd July 2016
Hope everyone got out on the water on the weekend – doesn’t matter what level you are it is still fun. We made it to Wello (Wellington Point Brisbane) for a windsurfing on Saturday morning – got down there and there was white caps woo hoo. More North than west when we first arrived but that changed during the day and we came in as it became a bit difficult - at one stage winds seemed to be coming from all over the place.
No photos as chief photographer was out on the water – you go girl bit of video footage from go pro
Seemed difficult to get planing for me – just technique something I really have to learn – more time on the water is the only way I will learn.
Frustrating at times this windsurfing, only got planning, both feet in for one really good run, the rest of the time spent a lot of it in the water
Looking like it might be ok at Viccy Point tomorrow around lunch time hopefully 15knots holds and we can have a little fun :-)
Great vid Morgs, but who chose the tune? Old stumpy is looking sexy with that new age front and nicely done pad! 100 points to Anita for getting in the cold water ( she's a keeper ) ]
Hi Bone's
I chose the music - it was just the right length and very chilled lol.
You are absolutely correct Stumpy is a very sexy board with the nose job - a couple of litres less now.
Anita is a star player for getting in the cold water - doesn't sound like it going to happen today though - will pack her gear anyway you never know.
I am going to head to Viccy point about 11 to have a look - hopefully Seabreeze has it right and we can have a nice sail
See you on the water
Not sure where to go tomorrow would like to head to Viccy Point maybe about 3 - should be some water. Tides are ordinary
JP xcite Ride already in car for tomoz - keen as!!!!
Sunday looking promising at Viccy Point - Man the wind is all over the place on the week end. Pick a spot - any spot - every spot is a winner.........
The season is just around the corner and already getting excited. The JP 145l super short small, I mean tiny board armour plated now and ready for a canning. Stumpy well Anita seems to have her eye on her - go figure. Hope to get Anita planning this year but for me it has to be gybing - I am really sick of falling off Stumpy and the JP and, this season - 30knots dare I say it.......
Only a couple of weeks now and a week at Elanda Woo Hoo bring it on
Looking forward to seeing you all on the water
Victoria Point looks ok today (mmm spelling is ok there - oh hang it) Viccy point looks good for today high tide at 11.30 and according to SB 15 knots
See you down there
Yeah you could be correct their Pete lol
Maybe a look at Viccy Point tomorrow morning - I think I am going to just put the Pacifico in and have a light wind sail at least. Getting a bit keen
Have a nice day
Thompson's Beach Pete - plenty of parking and a good few of us frequent the place in a Southerly and Wello in a Northerly.
Doesn't look like much of a Breeze but still going to have a look at around 10.30am ish Worse case scenario might just have to go for a paddle
Have a nice day
First Windsurfing Session for the 16/17 Season
WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What happened there – I set up Stumpy (fanatic Stingray cut off nose). I should be pretty fit, but not the case. First run out I was huffing and puffing did get planing and front foot in – nice
Water starts – yep sorta (not bad really), Gybing – No way, tacking – No way, planing – yes way, both feet in straps at least once, uphauled about 100 times
I had a couple of nice runs with one great run with Tom I was fully planing both feet in, locked down and feeling comfortable and smashing it, I didn’t want it to stop. Hard to beat that feeling….:-) That's what windsurfing is all about.
Then things went down hill for a while – I just lost confidence I think was the main problem because I crashed and burned fairly badly for some time and had a long walk back to where I launched. Goes to show – still not really ready for off shore breeze……….
The run out was excellent but the trip back I just didn’t seem to be able to stay on the board. Couldn’t waterstart kept on getting catapulted over, even had trouble uphauling and crashed and crashed and crashed and after that I crashed some more at one stage I was aiming at the boat ramp on the southern side of the Pier at Wellington Point.
Was nearly a sell it all moment but when I think about it - Probably not bad for a beginning of season session for an intermediate windsurfer. It was great to be out on the water with lots of windsurfers.
Great writeup Morgs, today will be my first day on the water for three months and I expect to go through the same sequence of events as you did!
i have a week to get up to speed before the trip to the lake and a spare tyre for added flotation
I had my first sail for three months today at Vicci point and my first time there And I'm loving it. My usual sailing was at Bribie till I sold up and moved out. I'm impressed with Vicci though I'll only be here for three weeks or so. I sailed off the southern side of Wilson St 12 till 2 and probably only spent about 45 minutes on the water over three sessions and completely buggered. Surprising how quickly sailing fitness disappears!!! What a great day! Fully powered up on an 8.2 flat water and no weed. My first session was about 20 mins and came in to down haul as the breeze was picking up, the next was 15 and the last was less than 10 exhausted minutes.
once I started to completely blow the gybes ( or what passes for a gybe) I gave it away. The breeze dropped off as I was packing up so my timing was perfect. Nobody else was out sailing. I'm looking forward to trying wello and manly too! Tomorrow at wello I think
I think the only thing that really gets you sailing fit is sailing...I used to do heaps of cycling , bushwalking etc but sailing would still be a challenge. Not looking forward to my first sail after 6 months plus off with the broken ankle..I'm gunna die!!
Aiming for mid Nov - I hope!
That looks pretty choppy. I'll be playing it safe with flatwater for the re introduction..
First time at wello yesterday, I arrived about 2:30 for the high tide at 3:30 -4:00 and there were a crowd of sailors standing around waiting for the wind.
I started getting rigged and the wind came up and everyone went out and sailed for about 20 minutes till a couple of lightNing strikes sent everyone back in. Most of the guys packed up and I stood around in my wetsuit waiting for the storm to go and the wind to come back. Finally the storm passed and ther was only Chris, a local sailor and I - everyone else had left! We went out and the breeze started building, Chris was on 8.8 and I was on 8.2 and I came in to down haul some more and went back out. I'm loving Wellington Point, great sailing and a friendly bunch of sailors. Coughs up with Morgs and Anita, had a sail with Chris, met a bunch of sailors and am looking forward to many more sessions at here. I'll just have to learn how to sail now!
Does this mean you will be handing in your Founding Members, Membership Card from the Sandstone Seabreezer's Pete?
I assume I have a life membership But you can take my parking spot and bring the thermos and coffee and tim tams
ENE at Wellington Point
Had a great light wind sail Saturday at Wello – most of the experienced boys were managing to get on the plane from time to time.
I spent nearly 3 hours on the water and enjoyed every minute – a touch frustrating that couldn’t get planning but there just wasn’t enough wind.
The age old question – what do I rig……………………………………………………………….Forecast said 17 – 20 knots – the wind at the time about 10 – 11knots – I set up Stumpy with 45 bp 7.8 Naish Noa. I spent the first 2 hours with this rig but decided to come in and get ‘the Pacifico’ and just have some fun
Worked on stance and how I hold the boom seems to be a bit wrong but looking good now I think. Hands closer together and remember feet close together as well, front foot pointing forward, weight in the harness, front arm straight – push the boom away and look where you are going. Have been a bit in the habit of wide stance and wide grip, so check that, fixed….
What’s next – keen to get the season started on the right foot to progress as quickly as I can
Stats – first hour spent Gybing rather that tacking and amazingly didn’t fall off once (light wind), no planning (close but no cigar)
So lets recap – where am I up to this time last year I started the season on ‘The Rio Longtail’ 259L great board.
This year starting the season on Stumpy 155L Fanatic Stingray around 2000 model, 2.5 m length now nose cut off by 80cm wide around the same as your Mistral John. This is the board I finished the season on last year and achieved my 26+ knots on at Burrum Heads with Andy and Jaye. I could tack in higher wind pretty well – gybe only in light wind (not game to try in heavier winds). I was ok at water starts in wind beach starts and deep water beach starts, sorted with getting into the harness.
So far I can
- plane
- front foot strap no worries – rear one a bit sketchy since I moved them out
- tack kinda
- gybe at low speed
- get into the harness
- water start (needs improvement)
- beach start – tick
- plane in windy conditions (over 15 knots) need to work on this technique of planning from 12 knots
Exiting times ahead.... I get to start the year being able to do all of that makes me keen to get out there:-)
In just over a week we are heading to Lake Cootharaba for a week of windsurfing fun (can't wait to catch up with the crew and get amongst it)
See you at Lake Wyeba on Sunday
Wind Wanderers first meet for the Season
Windsurfing enthusiasts get together for first meeting of the season. That’s us the motley crew from Wind Wanderers.
Peter, our new president did a sterling job of set up and great burgers – thanks mate
Set up tips – I was setting up my, what I could only call my nemesis sail (nearly my downfall lol) and Peter comes along and showed me how easy it really is to set up a cam sail. WHAT! with the new mast it has been easier to set up but WOW how easy was that………. We changed the rope – retied the rope at the end of the clew and man how much easier is this. Then to put the cams on the mast Click, Click and Click without any effort. Just a couple of simple tricks that you have to know to make it sooooooooooooooooooooo much easier. The same with de-rigging I usually have a drama with that sail and followed Peters instructions and pop, pop and pop no effort at all. THAT IS SOOO COOL.
I must say we committed learners are easily exited when we learn new tricks that make the process easier. ‘That sail has taken me up to an hour to rig’. Love the sail once on the water but have come very close to selling it – don’t have to now. Thanks Peter
Tips and Tricks – these days there certainly seems to be a major increase in the amount of windsurfers either getting back into the sport after an extended break or learning from the scratch. Good to see – really looking forward to the tips and tricks days this year
I setup Stumpy with Naish 8.8m and bp5o and managed to get planing in marginal winds, wasn’t for long – happy days for me must be listening and learning. Jack was up and away for a few good runs but, did manage to break something and rigged a dodgy rig to get back last run. This serves a reminder to all of us to Check all your gear – you should always do a pre start check before going out on the water. Plus take a spare length of rope in case of breakage.
It goes to show that there doesn’t have to be any wind to learn windsurfing as long as you get together – have a chat and get some gear out and ask question Lake Weyba is great place to sail for we windsurfing folk – Thanks Peter and club for another nice catchup.
It was great to see everyone who came for the event - it was a nice get together and chin wag and a bonus a sail for we bayside boys.