Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Windsurfing Learning Curve

Created by Dwbh > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2014
QLD, 3093 posts
8 Apr 2014 8:53AM
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I noted in your post over the weekend that you were concentrating on getting your foot in the front foot strap and not worrying about the rear one much at this stage. There is merit in this, however once you get your foot in the rear foot strap, its almost impossible to be catapulted and if you are not going over the handlebars then there is less chance you will damage the nose of your new shark. Talk to Simon at Board Crazy about optimising the location of your foot straps to facilitate getting into them. Using both foot straps is the key to control as the wind gets stronger. The more outboard and further back the straps are, the more control/speed you have but they are harder they are to get into. As suggested before, start with them inboard and forward, then move them outward and back as you get more proficient.

QLD, 829 posts
8 Apr 2014 4:19PM
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NotWal said..

Cut up a pool noodle and tape it on.

Sounds like a plan thanks NotWal - see if we can get some matching colours

QLD, 829 posts
8 Apr 2014 4:24PM
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John340 said..

I noted in your post over the weekend that you were concentrating on getting your foot in the front foot strap and not worrying about the rear one much at this stage. There is merit in this, however once you get your foot in the rear foot strap, its almost impossible to be catapulted and if you are not going over the handlebars then there is less chance you will damage the nose of your new shark. Talk to Simon at Board Crazy about optimising the location of your foot straps to facilitate getting into them. Using both foot straps is the key to control as the wind gets stronger. The more outboard and further back the straps are, the more control/speed you have but they are harder they are to get into. As suggested before, start with them inboard and forward, then move them outward and back as you get more proficient.

Hi John340

Thanks for the tip I appreciate any tips and tricks that might help me/us along the way.
Had a chat to Simon and we are going to try and leave them there - for another outing and see how I go - If no good I will move them in.

See you out there

QLD, 3093 posts
8 Apr 2014 9:08PM
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Sounds like a good plan

QLD, 829 posts
10 Apr 2014 1:37PM
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Getting the boards ready for our holidays and low and behold have discovered a chink in the armor the Pacifico has a decent ding center front of the board right where the boom hits. It is a fracture that goes all the way through the membrane of the board and seems to be moist BLAST AND DAM!!!!! HOLY WINDSURFING DINGS!!!! what are we going to do now - there it is ------> our first ding.

Too late to do anything major before we go - I have peeled back the rubber deck a bit and turned the board upside down in the hope that some of the moisture will drain and I am going to seal it up with some liquid nails tonight to get us through the holidays. Then on our return will attemp my first repair joby to the Great Pacifico - I did purchase some fibreglass from Bunnings some time ago for this kind of occasion.

QLD, 700 posts
10 Apr 2014 1:53PM
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Dwbh said..

Getting the boards ready for our holidays and low and behold have discovered a chink in the armor the Pacifico has a decent ding center front of the board right where the boom hits. It is a fracture that goes all the way through the membrane of the board and seems to be moist BLAST AND DAM!!!!! HOLY WINDSURFING DINGS!!!! what are we going to do now - there it is ------> our first ding.

Too late to do anything major before we go - I have peeled back the rubber deck a bit and turned the board upside down in the hope that some of the moisture will drain and I am going to seal it up with some liquid nails tonight to get us through the holidays. Then on our return will attemp my first repair joby to the Great Pacifico - I did purchase some fibreglass from Bunnings some time ago for this kind of occasion.

WARNING DO NOT USE ANY POLYESTER BASED RESINS , you melt the core !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
10 Apr 2014 5:49PM
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Dwbh said..

Getting the boards ready for our holidays and low and behold have discovered a chink in the armor the Pacifico has a decent ding center front of the board right where the boom hits. It is a fracture that goes all the way through the membrane of the board and seems to be moist BLAST AND DAM!!!!! HOLY WINDSURFING DINGS!!!! what are we going to do now - there it is ------> our first ding.

Too late to do anything major before we go - I have peeled back the rubber deck a bit and turned the board upside down in the hope that some of the moisture will drain and I am going to seal it up with some liquid nails tonight to get us through the holidays. Then on our return will attemp my first repair joby to the Great Pacifico - I did purchase some fibreglass from Bunnings some time ago for this kind of occasion.

Epifill from a chandlery is a white two pack epoxy, or good old Neadit ( is that correct)?

QLD, 829 posts
13 Apr 2014 1:58PM
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Mistral Nick said..

Dwbh said..

Getting the boards ready for our holidays and low and behold have discovered a chink in the armor the Pacifico has a decent ding center front of the board right where the boom hits. It is a fracture that goes all the way through the membrane of the board and seems to be moist BLAST AND DAM!!!!! HOLY WINDSURFING DINGS!!!! what are we going to do now - there it is ------> our first ding.

Too late to do anything major before we go - I have peeled back the rubber deck a bit and turned the board upside down in the hope that some of the moisture will drain and I am going to seal it up with some liquid nails tonight to get us through the holidays. Then on our return will attemp my first repair joby to the Great Pacifico - I did purchase some fibreglass from Bunnings some time ago for this kind of occasion.

Epifill from a chandlery is a white two pack epoxy, or good old Neadit ( is that correct)?

Thanks for the tip - I bought some knead it to get us by and to keep on board for temporary fixes. Bought some noodles NotWal will have a go at putting them on the mast.

Out at Somerset Dam at the moment in the rain lol. Going to have a wakeboard then off to Cootharaba on Wednesday for the rest of the week for some windsurfing fun.

Can't wait to get that shark up and planning.

QLD, 829 posts
14 Apr 2014 12:07PM
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Wow the wind is up at Somerset Dam we are hanging up the wakeboards and setting up the sails.
Ben Jaye and I are going to head out with the Naish and the mistral and maybe the shark depends on buoyancy in the fresh water. The is a decent swell here.

In fact it might be too windy for us beginners..... Hang the expense we r up for it

QLD, 1087 posts
14 Apr 2014 4:22PM
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Hi Morgan
Steady 30knots here at Elanda buttons off to 25 k at times. I'm have fun keeping the annexe in one piece. I can see one person on the water over at Booreen absolutely caning it!!!

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 829 posts
14 Apr 2014 6:37PM
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Hey Jeff

Ended up same here with the tarp and tent. But got in to have a go but really choppy about a 3 foot swell.

Jaye did well with the Naish and the 5.3 Kate sail. He had a go at the mistral 110 l but didn't do so well. Problem the dam is once you are four meters from the shore it is about 100 foot deep.

Ben my older boy did ok and had a bit of fun. Naish with the 7.5 Neil pride. Sail

I did ok with the Naish and 7.5 m sail was a bit tough in with the swell. I think the pacifico might have been the go in the swell but repaired the ding this morning so it is layer up for the moment.

All in all the wind is a bit patchy out here amongst the hills

Bet the guys had a blast at Viccy point this arve.

Have fun

QLD, 3093 posts
15 Apr 2014 3:59AM
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You guys are real goers.That would have been really hard sailing in those conditions up at the dam. I take my hat off to you.

NSW, 7960 posts
15 Apr 2014 4:56PM
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Dwbh said..

We it was yesterday now visitors left late.

I managed to get into the back strap - thanks Cameron for the tips - hooked in and I got thrown from pillar to post lol. Interesting with the foot in the back strap and hooked in seemed ok - will have another go today.

Anita though headed out and didn't seem to be doing very well at all miles away where I couldn't do anything to help - sent Jaye for a rescue mission and he fell off a 100 times and seemed to take forever for him to get there. Once there he endeavoured to tutor her how to actually turn around and head back. Didn't work and she walked back about a k in the water lol. I made one comment "how come if you cant turn around and head back that you went so far" MAN did I get told.

Not sure if Anita is going to have another go today we will see - might be a little too windy for her

Having fun

Never tell a woman something like that! Especially one stubborn enough to try windsurfing.. I remember once when I was learning in an offshore breeze on the lake I disappeared to the other side of the lake .When my partner turned up to rescue me I insisted on him not and would have got narky if he insisted. It's great hearing your families story - brings back memories..

QLD, 829 posts
16 Apr 2014 8:38AM
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sboardcrazy said..

Dwbh said..

We it was yesterday now visitors left late.

I managed to get into the back strap - thanks Cameron for the tips - hooked in and I got thrown from pillar to post lol. Interesting with the foot in the back strap and hooked in seemed ok - will have another go today.

Anita though headed out and didn't seem to be doing very well at all miles away where I couldn't do anything to help - sent Jaye for a rescue mission and he fell off a 100 times and seemed to take forever for him to get there. Once there he endeavoured to tutor her how to actually turn around and head back. Didn't work and she walked back about a k in the water lol. I made one comment "how come if you cant turn around and head back that you went so far" MAN did I get told.

Not sure if Anita is going to have another go today we will see - might be a little too windy for her

Having fun

Never tell a woman something like that! Especially one stubborn enough to try windsurfing.. I remember once when I was learning in an offshore breeze on the lake I disappeared to the other side of the lake .When my partner turned up to rescue me I insisted on him not and would have got narky if he insisted. It's great hearing your families story - brings back memories..

Well sboardcrazy You might be correct with your spotting of a little stubborn nature there lol. I must say I don't tell her stuff like that anymore but she also has learned to stay within her limits. Glad that you are enjoying the read it is good for us to reflect on our madness - the windsurfing learning curve is a slow and even curve that is for sure. Tough sport to learn. To Anita's absolute credit she is amongst it and improving.

We are really enjoying the sport and the people we have met have been so very nice - unlike so many other sports where others seem to look down there nose if they might be better than you at the sport or have better gear than you - windsurfers don't seem to care about any of that they just like having a chat and offering newbies snippets of mostly valuable advice to help us along the way.

We are off to Cootharaba today for Easter - will have some tales to tell from there wind permitting.


QLD, 1087 posts
16 Apr 2014 1:05PM
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Looking forward to catching up. Wind had just started, maybe longboards this arvo on Cootharaba
Cheers Jeff

QLD, 1087 posts
17 Apr 2014 7:16PM
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Missed Morgan visiting this morning. He and Anita had paddled over from boreen. Pt

Decided to have a last sail before I pack up. Richard and I sailed our longboards over to Booreen from Elanda. First time for me.
Richard had rigged up the 9.5 and I had the 8.5 - game on!!!!
Very gentle winds.

I arrived first

Same on the return however I gave up a bit of upwind advantage and landed a little short of Elanda pt. - I shouted the beer :-)

Had a great time talking to Morgan and Anita

A great afternoon on the water

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 829 posts
18 Apr 2014 8:16AM
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Cootharaba for the weekend - yesterday had a paddle on our sups Pacifico and Sabre over to Elanda to say hi to Jeff - but he was still getting his beauty sleep - half his luck. Nice paddle from Boreen to Elanda for sure we really enjoyed it very peaceful and like glass.

Middle of the day and the wind had given us enough to have a play around Pacifico for me with the 7.5 neil pride.

MalJ was here and out on the water on his shark 150 with synergy 5.3m having some fun always nice to see you Mal. Got a couple of photos will put them on back in Brissy internet here a bit dodgy.

Jaye rigged the Mistral 110 with the essy 6.3m sail and a bit of fun ------ not enough wind want the Naish -- oh well Anita is using that today use the shark 165 - nah wait till the wind gets up - I don't know these experts lol

Anita rigged her 4.3 synergy on the Naish - did really well and is feeling some progress - Nice

Me Pacifico with the 7.5 and had a blast was fun light wind but fun. I am seeing two sails slowly getting bigger and bigger making there way here from Elanda and guess who....

Yep its Jeff and his friend Richard nice going guys - was really good to catch up and have a chat and a couple of great rigging tips thank you for that guys, we appreciate it we need all the help we can get.

Always good to catch up and off they sailed into the distance - cool bananas

Today is like a millpond out on the lake so it is out with the sups and about to go for a paddle as soon as the boss has risen. Still getting her beauty sleep.

Have a great Easter Everyone - hopefully catch some wind somewhere


QLD, 829 posts
18 Apr 2014 6:05PM
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Cootharaba update: Wind came up enough to get us beginners out and amongst it

Anita - feels she progressed today some more, now has a good handle on the Naish with the new Junior 4.3 sail and got some pace up today woo hoo.

Jaye - wanted the Naish but ladies first buddy sorry the Fanatic Shark or nothing - wisely he chose the fanatic - got out there and had a blast even got it up on the plane a couple of times.

Me - frustrated as all get out....... man o man - I set out with the Pacifico and Neil Pride v6 7.5m sail got going good and can ride all day long one foot in front of the mast - put a big effort into the harness no good as soon as I hook in, unless I have one foot in front of the mast the board just heads up wind and stalls every single >%^$# time - moved the harness lines back - no different - moved the mast back along the the track, no different let alone getting into straps did get in at one stage, sunk the back of the board and turned upwind radically fell in still connected to the harness again - in fact did that a lot.

Got this,,,, change to the Naish, Anita had finished and had headed in so this could be the answer - Nuh..... no different when I was hooked into the harness, I had to keep my front foot in front of the mast with some weight on the front of the board, cause as soon as I moved it behind the mast upwind we go. I just do not understand at all and feeling very frustrated now...........

A couple of nice reds might be the shot now and I might like the sport again later tonight lol

QLD, 241 posts
18 Apr 2014 7:59PM
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Morgan, don't stress about it. Sounds like there wasn't enough wind, simple as that.

QLD, 275 posts
19 Apr 2014 3:52PM
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Yeah mate I agree with Steve sometimes on light days your better off just practicing flare gybe's/tacks or if youve got them nailed trying something new like a duck gybe/rig 360's or back winding. Makes it fun and the time on the water improves muscle memory. Potentially you can treat those days as general skill building cause they are still worth while and every trick you learn helps. Worse case you fall in heaps and end up with six pack from climbing on the board and uphauling 10000 times

QLD, 829 posts
20 Apr 2014 8:24AM
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Cootharaba update: I was the only one that went out Anita and Jaye piked, Anita a bit sore and Jaye not enough wind - There was a nice breeze in the afternoon

Me - Pacifico with the Neil Pride 7.5 our biggest sail at this point. Seem to have lost a Cam thingy - hopefully Simon will have some. Might have been at RQ beach Manly not sure that was where last seen on the sail. Will be out today again

Steve1001 I took your advice and forgot about trying to get feet behind mast instead just had a play around with the feel of the harness and dealing with gusts nice and therapeutic was very pleasant sail in the afternoon even though foot was in front of the mast. Worked on some upwind sailing with the pacifico standing back, digging rail in (seemed ok), sailed half way to Elanda Point thought about going the whole way but chickened out half way a couple of times.

Tilldark - will be doing some of that today, yeah have done plenty of uphauling getting really good at it now lol. Might have to try flare gybes/tacks i am doing gybes and tacks but not sure what a flare gybe is or for that matter back winding. Sounds like something we should try.

Have a great day everyone

QLD, 829 posts
26 Apr 2014 6:44PM
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Cootharaba update - a bit late but still here

Last day at the lake was good fun wind was light but still enough to keep an old guy pretty happy

Anita got out amongst it for a while - getting more used to her bigger sail

Jaye - oh well a young fella - didn't last too long again not enough wind for the big fella

Here is a couple of pics from the hols

Going to head to Vic point tomorrow - going to get the fanatic shark out and have a go


QLD, 275 posts
26 Apr 2014 8:22PM
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Cool George and i will be there around midday c u then

QLD, 189 posts
27 Apr 2014 9:07AM
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Nice video Morgan. See you around. Mal

QLD, 829 posts
27 Apr 2014 9:25AM
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Thanks very much Mal

Here are a couple of photos I took of you on Lake Cootharaba - l thought you might like them

Might see you at VP today

QLD, 189 posts
27 Apr 2014 10:25AM
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Morgan - thanks for the photo's. Will probably see you later on. Mal

QLD, 829 posts
27 Apr 2014 10:23PM
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Well there you go - Sunday at Victoria Point a pleasant spot to hang

Anita - rigged up the 4.3 junior and it was too much for her - got very windy - also Anita said it was a bit hard to dodge all the kiters - it was definitely kite central this afternoon, must have been about 30 out having a good time.

Jaye - disappointed we couldn't fit his Mistral 110l energiser in - had a run on the Fanatic Shark 165l - doesn't like it..Jumped on the Naish and smashed it both feet in the foot straps and hooked into harness. He said it felt awesome and kept on going faster and faster. That is what we are chasing. This is a very happy learner. Jaye did really well - good man

Me - Rigged up the 7.5 Neil Pride Sail on the fanatic shark 165l tried five beach starts but couldn't so uphauled and had a funny sort of ride on it - fast slow fast slow not sure if it was me or was the wind a bit gusty. This was about 1.45pm. anyway did get going but really hard work and it turned upwind really quickly and I got smashed with the sail. Uphaul again and another strange sort of a ride, couldn't hook in and think I got close to planing and crashed again. I was plumb tuckered out so made my way back to shore and swapped sails for the Mistral Pacifico (comfort zone) and continued to get smashed. It was so hard to do anything sinking up to my knees in mud every step hard work... Just seemed to make everything that much harder. I think i would have been ok with the 6m synergy sail up today.

I did however on the pacifico get it up and planing at one stage, standing on the rails, hooked into the harness and flying was keeping up with one of the quicker more experienced sailors for a bit til I stacked harddddd again. That felt really good I guess that is what I am aiming at but with more control for more time on a smaller board. By around 4.30 I just couldn't hold on anymore. Mind you I would think it was because I must have uphauled around 100 times and man that 7.5m sail was sooooooooooo hard to get out of the water. That means I must of stacked about 100 times - there was one point where I was going to leave the gear in the water and walk home... lol. Must have had a cramp in every muscle in my body and now I aching all over and managed to swallow more water than ever before.... yucky.

Felt it.... for a short time and got the taste for more - note to self - take more gear next time should have rigged the six metre sail. And did have a crack at a couple of water starts - no joy - close but no cigar.
A good afternoon on the water :-)

Hope everyone enjoyed the windy relief this afternoon.


QLD, 829 posts
29 Apr 2014 7:28AM
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Must have rocks in my head.....

I am finding it hard to think of anything much accept for the small amount of time I spent on the board standing out on the rails and smashing it. (well...smashing it for me anyway at my level) It felt like I was teetering right on the edge of a comfortable balance and loosing control (which i did every time, lost control that is) but managed to hold it for a bit maybe a couple of minutes. I just need to be able to hold that balance bit - might make it a bit easier in the foot straps and maybe as I said a smaller sail for the day. BTW I was hooked into the harness those couple of times - arms where too sore not to. Early on I kept on getting catapulting every time I hooked in so gave that up as a bad joke until I couldn't hold on any more.

Jaye is the same as me he had a ball by being able to hold that balance for much longer both feet in the outer straps and hooked into the harness.

Westerlies huh... What does that mean?
Going to get blown out into the channel across to coochie at Victoria Point.
Across to Moreton at Wellington point on high tide - it could be ok when the sand bank is out of the water but will it be broken up and messy like at the dam by the land.
Manly will get blow out into the channel

I know one thing though - I have to get out there again soon lol

I would also like to thank the guys who stopped their sailing to see if I was ok


QLD, 829 posts
29 Apr 2014 7:38AM
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I would like to thank the guys who stopped their sailing to see if I was ok. I am not sure I have met you but thank you. What a great sport and great bunch of people who sail. If I have met you on land and don't seem to recognise you in the water it is because - no glasses - can't see much detail without them. Can make out people just not the detail in a face a bit of a blurr.

Thanks Jack for keeping an eye on me and your very encouraging words and thumbs up - mate appreciate it

Even a couple of kiters stopped to see if I was ok after some almighty stacks - if you read this forum thank you, it is nice to know that if something were to happen we are all keeping an eye on each other out there on the water no mater what board we ride.


NSW, 7960 posts
30 Apr 2014 10:54AM
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sboardcrazy said..

Dwbh said..

Must have rocks in my head.....

I am finding it hard to think of anything much accept for the small amount of time I spent on the board standing out on the rails and smashing it. (well...smashing it for me anyway at my level) It felt like I was teetering right on the edge of a comfortable balance and loosing control (which i did every time, lost control that is) but managed to hold it for a bit maybe a couple of minutes. I just need to be able to hold that balance bit - might make it a bit easier in the foot straps and maybe as I said a smaller sail for the day. BTW I was hooked into the harness those couple of times - arms where too sore not to. Early on I kept on getting catapulting every time I hooked in so gave that up as a bad joke until I couldn't hold on any more.

Jaye is the same as me he had a ball by being able to hold that balance for much longer both feet in the outer straps and hooked into the harness.

Westerlies huh... What does that mean?
Going to get blown out into the channel across to coochie at Victoria Point.
Across to Moreton at Wellington point on high tide - it could be ok when the sand bank is out of the water but will it be broken up and messy like at the dam by the land.
Manly will get blow out into the channel

I know one thing though - I have to get out there again soon lol

I would also like to thank the guys who stopped their sailing to see if I was ok


pretty typical.. welcome to the addiction!


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Windsurfing Learning Curve" started by Dwbh