Discussing with Perks today and as there is not a lot of wind forecast for Stanley this weekend, we will aim for a GPS5 event rather than traditional slalom racing around a set course. This allows sailors to make the most out of whatever wind there is and get some scores on the board.
I'm unfortunately unable to make it up this year (can't even remember the last time I didn't got to Stanley), but hope the AGM goes well and there is more wind than the forecast shows!!
Just wondering if a definite time has been set for the AGM, Gill posted that it would be held at 830 on Sunday night. If it is Ben and I will not be able to attend as we are only coming up for Sat. night returning home Sunday afternoon. Is it possible to hold the AGM on Sunday morning like we have done before?..Cheers Paul
I wont be there till Saturday evening but I have got no problems with the meeting being on Sunday morning.
Hi guys, good luck at Stanley and hope you get a bit of wind. Also I wont be going back on the comittee this year. Looks like WT is looking healthy again.
Thanks Steve for all your effort over the years, will you be still holding the Dash for Cash next year?
At the AGM today, the successful movie night was mentioned from last year's WT activities. .....
Is this another opportunity? ....
XXL Pedra Branca w. 23 Yr Old McLeod
At just 23 years of age Alastair McLeod is not only the youngest but also the first and only person to have ever windsurfed the XXL wave spot known as Pedra Branca in the wild Tasmanian Sea. That’s right he is 23 and his surname is not Polakow, Swift or Naish. He was the only guy out there, the wind was fickle, the swell enormous, the heli even had to turn home after it looked unrideable. We caught up with McLeod as he currently packs his bag for a tour of the UK with the Ocean Film Festival, who will display his incredible feat on the big screen. There are five viewings in the UK and another 87 across the rest of Europe, the premieres will also include footage from John John Florence amongst other breathtaking sports and scenes from our great home – the ocean.
We are very happy that you asked Cookie to fill the boat with crays Ant, after the gut full (2-3 crays each) on Sat night Perks couldn't even be bothered with the legs.
The only thing missing was a bit of lettuce.
Awesome organisation Mr. Pres.
Will anyone still be up there tomorrow (Tues)?
I'm hoping to catch the low tide at East Inlet for Speeeeed!!!
Looks like pretty good weekend despite the lack of wind though looks like you got a sail, did you get to race?
Is it worth posting a brief summary of the AGM, positions etc...just in case people are led to believe it was a Monty Python affair.
I think Gillian did a quite respectable job of getting the show in order, so to speak.
Wayne from Launceston Automation,
Thanks for the loan of the bolt yesterday.
Send me a msg & we'll work out how to get it home.
No worries, if we catch up again I'll grab it off of you but no biggie. Glad it helped get you on the water.
boring I know but ...
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The ex members have been removed
Let em know if there is an issue