Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

Inverloch Speed Invitational V2.0

Created by DanP > 9 months ago, 3 Sep 2012
Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
4 Oct 2012 9:34PM
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VIC, 317 posts
5 Oct 2012 11:43AM
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DanP said...
But not enough Pete.

Red light event is postponed until the weekend 20-21st Oct. Fingers crossed for a better forecast.

Oh well...are we still crashing Drift's caravan Sat nite

VIC, 737 posts
5 Oct 2012 2:35PM
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nazsail said...

Oh well...are we still crashing Drift's caravan Sat nite

Yeah...., let's do that!!!!

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
15 Oct 2012 9:43PM
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It has been rescheduled for this weekend. Keep an eye out for our Red Light/ Green Light calls. Preliminary notice given Wednesday night. Final call Thursday/Friday.

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
16 Oct 2012 10:47AM
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VIC, 286 posts
16 Oct 2012 5:09PM
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Yep fingers crossed, but at this stage its looking like we'll be running the comp this weekend

VIC, 873 posts
17 Oct 2012 5:22PM
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Might head down if the forecast is good, can anyone sign up for the event on the sunday morning?

VIC, 286 posts
17 Oct 2012 11:18PM
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Sure can... happy to have as many as possible down... so in saying that...

We're giving out first of 3 green light's to confirm event.

Sat forecast looking light but will make for good even competition for the most efficient sailor. Sunday's looking good. Will hopefully give 2nd green light tomorrow with final confirmation closer to the weekend. Lets hope the forecast stablises and strengthens for the weekend.

Hanging for some wind on a weekend!!

VIC, 737 posts
18 Oct 2012 10:14AM
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Jman said...
Might head down if the forecast is good, can anyone sign up for the event on the sunday morning?

Hey Jman,
I just re read your query and in Dan's excitement at looking at green lights he missed something out....The format is such that you need to post on Saturday and Sunday for a score to count...

VIC, 317 posts
18 Oct 2012 5:05PM
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What.. I'll have to sail both Sat & Sun. How will we handle the pressure of so much sailing
Might have to bring out the special suit...

VIC, 286 posts
18 Oct 2012 6:47PM
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drift said...
The format is such that you need to post on Saturday and Sunday for a score to count...

Mick people are fine to come sail one day.. For their result for the weekend their speed is then effectively halved. If some one sails Sunday and not sat, posting a 34kt 5x10, their result for the weekend will be 17.

So again... Come one come all!!! But in order to have the best chance at the prizes best you sail both days

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
18 Oct 2012 9:05PM
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Well just travelled the world and picked up the prizes - thanks to RPS, SHQ , Zu and Red Elk Cafe(Inverloch) for your support. Got 5 loan GPS(thanks SHQ) for those that have not tried this addictive part of our sport. Got the insurance policy. Forecasted wind Saturday and more on Sunday. Woo hoo Dan post that second Green Light and I must say Pete, you cut a dashing figure in the fluoro wettie
For all those coming do not forget to check out the Notice of Race and Event Guide at

VIC, 286 posts
18 Oct 2012 11:40PM
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Sorry troops, have been at the Storm Surfers 3D showing in Leongatha put on by the Southcoast boardriders. Awesome movie, get along and see it if you haven't. Shameless plug following, Southcoast boardriders will be doing another viewing at Sandy Point over summer. All proceeds go towards their junior surf groms program.

Now, back to business....

2 green lights given... Sunday's looking great at the moment. 3rd and final green light with final confirmation will be given tomorrow. But at this stage we're all systems go for the weekend.

VIC, 286 posts
19 Oct 2012 8:08PM
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And its Go Go Go for the 2012 Inverloch Speed Invitational!!!

We're on people, forecast is looking good. Saturday's looks ok too now with an arvo SW forecast... people will be scrambling to get 5 runs in before needing to submit their results for day 1

Just as a reminder:
$25 for Inverloch Windsurfing Club (IWC)Members
$35 for Non IWC members (extra to cover Public Liability)
$65 for Non IWC members – Fee includes Discounted IWC membership which includes 24/7 Personal Accident Insurance through YA Silver Card Scheme.

The event is non profit making. Prizes are provided by our generous sponsors and any extra $$$ will be added to prizes

Schedule for Saturday - 09:45 briefing at the Angling Club car park so be there before then to start rigging. Competition time between 10:00 - 16:00hrs (may push this back to take advantage of SW forecast). Results to be logged into my computer by 17:30

Will give rest of info tomorrow.

QLD, 291 posts
21 Oct 2012 6:42PM
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A big thanks to Dan, Doug for putting on a great event (and organizing weekend wind), and to all the locals for their hospitality over the weekend.

VIC, 737 posts
22 Oct 2012 9:27AM
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Great weekend...and Huey provided some decent breeze!
Awesome to sail with The Pit and Geelong crew.
Good to see some sneaky strategies that worked ( and some, like mine, that didn't!).
The format works well at getting you out exploring the Inlet and finding spots that you might not normally sail.
Well done, Dan, on organising a top event!

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
22 Oct 2012 10:30AM
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I am officially stuffed
I will leave it to Dan to post official results and comments from a brilliant weekend. Great to play with the other GPSTCers. Just amazing to watch the PIT crew play on our home territory in some interesting conditions.
Anthony - welcome to the IWC walk of shame - you are amongst good company with Kato , Drift, me and a lot of other names to add to the list.
Oldie was a scene out of Chainsaw Massacre when he sailed up to the event HQ with a bow saw around his neck. Shame you did not get to the tree in the Inlet before it speared Daffy's board
To Dazza and Wendy - Party central Saturday night was brilliant - solving the world's problems and having a laugh
Birthday cake on Sunday to celebrate Carmel's 21st. What more could we want
I think we had 15 on the water Saturday and 30 on Sunday. Great format Dan
Big thanks to our sponsors RPS, SHQ, ZU, The Red Elk Cafe(Newly appointed official IWC Cafe) - could not have done it without you. And a late supporter in Gipps Sport making sure everybody went away with a stubby holder.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
22 Oct 2012 2:50PM
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VIC, 633 posts
22 Oct 2012 2:57PM
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I saw Spotty on the drive home last night! Did you guys get a lot of wind yesterday?

We scored at Philip Island - it was so good! I was pretty maxed on a 4.7
Hands are feeling it today... probably feeling better than poor Benny though, he had a little harness fling and kept one foot in the strap. Looks like a full knee reco later this week

VIC, 286 posts
22 Oct 2012 6:26PM
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Event Wrap

The Inverloch Speed Invitational is the only semi-serious competition that the Inverloch Windsurfing Club host's throughout the season, and this year with my 'wind guarantee' coming to fruition we should really remove the word semi. The competition on the water was ferocious.

The Inverloch Speed Invitational is a 2 day speed windsurfing competition, with competitors registering their 5x10sec ave to constitute their result for the day - this eliminates the lucky gust scenario. Their final event result is the average of their Saturday & Sunday result. Only speeds recorded within the allocated times and on the waters of Anderson Inlet will count towards the participants result.

The Combatants & Competition
As Saturday dawned we awoke to light Westerly winds. The forecast bode well for an increase in strength from the W-NW before a late SW change. Eager competitors were hoping the change would arrive before the cut off for Saturday's results. After briefing things started to get serious, fins, and sails were chosen meticulously for the gusty conditions and it was evident very early that correct choice of gear for the conditions at hand would be pivotal to overall standings & results at the end of the day.

Yours truly got the best of the early conditions but by mid arvo, more raiders (Ado & Spotty) from the Pit Crew turned up and as the wind increased in strength and moved SW my lead was quickly diminished.

14 registered competitors battled it out on the first day and by days end it was obvious the format was perfect for close competition. In Division A some quick running repairs to Daffy's board were required to keep him in the mix after having a close encounter with a submerged tree over at Point Smythe, overnight in Div A only 0.5kts separated 2nd – 5th.
Daffy's Board

In Division B Mick 'Drift' Green lived up to his nick name. Whilst every other competitor went with shortboard's in the hope of catching 10 sec gusts, Mick tried to emulate 2011 champion John Rohrsheim by sailing to the area with the fastest flowing tidal current in the hope of running with the current to get an edge on the rest of the field.

Unfortunately for Mick he ended up just drifting around the inlet and out of contention. Division C was highly contested and the loan female entrant Wendy Jepsen battled it out against the gents – and held her own as well! Our come & Try division had 5 sailors all of whom took to GPS sailing with gusto.

After a small bit of mismanagement by the event organiser forgetting to book dinner, we ended up at Casa Del Jeppo for a great night. Spotty once again uttering his famous, “you won't go 50 eating salad!” as we all attacked a serious amount of pizza and mulled over some of the serious issues in life – the desal plant, wind turbines, innovative ways that Pete could complete his postie round etc.

Sunday dawned and we headed to the IWC's newly sanctioned 'official' café The Red Elk. Great service and a great breaky and more serious conversation: “what really constitutes a macchiato??”. Shortly after, we headed back to the beach to eagerly await the predicted 25kt+ SW change.

Gusty W winds greeted us and after the briefest of briefings we got started on day 2. A heap of new competitors turned up for Sunday due to the forecast, leading to 19 registered competition sailors and another 10 or so just out for a sail.

Regular IWC skulduggery started with a few people ducking off down to Area 45 to check it out, only to come back and say it was no good. Kato & Daffy took that word as gospel and went to sail there… Daffy posted the day's highest peak in the 'no good' conditions at Area 45 with a peak over 37!! Also in Div A Spotty & Ado headed out to one of the newly formed inlet entrance channels while yours truly was facilitating registrations!! In Div B, Dazza headed out in the gusty conditions on his big gear only to return shortly after with stories of waaaay too much lift from his 44 fin to the point that his ankles were in danger! In Div C Naz was looking comfortable on his 99ltr freeride board that was hugging the chop, the strong winds almost blew Wendy off the water as she struggled to hold down a 4.7. In the come & try's Brian bought out the old trusty wooden board and looked right at home in the conditions. The forecasted SW didn't come, but… Huey did put on a mighty show with easily 25kts+ W that really kicked in in the arvo, unfortunately it coincided with high tide which made far from ideal speed conditions.

Another fantastic event had been run and won. Thanks to everyone for coming and supporting the event, and thanks to all our sponsors – RPS, The Zu, SHQ, The Red Elk & GippSport that meant that once again no one went home empty handed. Special mention must go to Spotty for donating a portion of his winnings to the unplaced competitors in the Come & Try division, this reimburesed their event entry – Spotty you're a legend!!

We look forward to seeing you all back at Invy over the summer at our other events, and at the 2013 incarnation of the Inverloch Speed Invitational.


VIC, 3400 posts
23 Oct 2012 10:42PM
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A big thanks to Dan for running this years event with wind

Well done to all who gave to whole speedsailing thing a go, (Except Pete) in some very unforgiving chop

And thanks to all the sponsors ,The Zu, Rps, SHQ and The Red Elk its great to see all the shops supporting windsurfing.

I hope those who couldn,t or didn,t make the trip down this year don,t miss out on next years fun.

VIC, 764 posts
25 Oct 2012 9:25AM
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Where's the Pics?

VIC, 172 posts
25 Oct 2012 12:43PM
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Hi All ,

Well what a fantastic place and event to sail .
I really need to get my sailing fitness and skills up fast .

Family loved Invy and already planning next trip back !

Great to meet the Invy and Pit crew .
Red Elk makes a brilliant brew for any coffee Nazi needing a fix .

Amazed when a sailor ( image below ) instead of his usual practice of using floundering sailors as gybe marks, jumped from his board as I was being quickly washed up the inlet by the incoming tide and waterstarted my 9m sail , told me to grab hold of the back of my board then sailed me to the nearest sandbar . Then turned around and swam back to his board and rig .

Public announcement !!!!!! that if I don't crack 30 knots by March the 30th 2013 verified on GPSTC. Team Connewarre Cremasters, ANT ) then my entire collection of boards (14), sails( about 10), masts (about 7 ), fins (35 at last count) will be donated to the IWC ! OOOOOOOOHHH ! think I'm joking dont you . Stay tuned and keep watch

VIC, 172 posts
25 Oct 2012 12:44PM
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This will include the Trailer !

VIC, 3400 posts
25 Oct 2012 8:05PM
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Dartboy said...
This will include the Trailer !

I,ve seen the trailer and the streamlining runs the wrong way
Could be interested in a few fin box molds as i,ve just got all the bits to fix the CA

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
25 Oct 2012 10:11PM
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Dartboy said...
Hi All ,

Well what a fantastic place and event to sail .
I really need to get my sailing fitness and skills up fast .

Family loved Invy and already planning next trip back !

Great to meet the Invy and Pit crew .
Red Elk makes a brilliant brew for any coffee Nazi needing a fix .

Amazed when a sailor ( image below ) instead of his usual practice of using floundering sailors as gybe marks, jumped from his board as I was being quickly washed up the inlet by the incoming tide and waterstarted my 9m sail , told me to grab hold of the back of my board then sailed me to the nearest sandbar . Then turned around and swam back to his board and rig .

Ahemm Dartboy you thought that Kato was saving you. WRONG

Kato realised that you where about to break his world record IWC Walk of Shame. Yes he holds that record as well So he picked you up and brought you back within his mark
BTW - We have now made The Red Elk our Club Cafe. Had lunch there Tuesday after a meeting with Gipps Ports. The place to be seen if you are a IWC member!

VIC, 737 posts
26 Oct 2012 11:12AM
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Bonominator said...

Nothing there...

The event wrap is repeated, but I've uploaded the images to our website-

PS> Let's see if I can get a few more red thumbs for trying to put the pics up for seabreezers to view!


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"Inverloch Speed Invitational V2.0" started by DanP