Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

Great Wave Sailing Spots

Created by Zubby > 9 months ago, 15 Aug 2008
WA, 12135 posts
27 Aug 2008 9:20PM
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rooster said...


You obviously dont live in WA??? What a crock

Or he doesn't wave sail, some people who just go out in the ocean, and do bump and jump, don't realise how down the line riding is restricted to a very small area, and can be stuffed by crowds.

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
27 Aug 2008 9:56PM
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WindWarrior said...

Here's an exert from High Surf by Tim Baker and a chat with Aussie author Tim Winton.
It's about surfing but I believe a lot of it can be applied to windsurfing/wavesailing.

Quite topical at the moment especially the localism undertones and locals only mind set promoted by a few !



Tim Winton
I came to surfing <snip> , a buzz that lasts all the rest of the day.

Hug-hes this is for you also:
I never saw anyone in this thread promote localism or agro at certain spots. Certainly I didn't, nor have I ever witnessed it in WA.

Nobody cares if people show up to their secret spot as everyone realises that one day somebody will find it: if I discover it then it's only a matter of time before somebody else does, right?
I have been shown (and shown others) 'secret' spots.

What we object to is somebody posting it on a forum with disregard for those who sail it regularly. That means every curious tourist will go there on the way to the big well known spots and suddenly it is too crowded, dangerous etc and the whole vibe is lost as some spots can only handle 5-6 guys out there.

Let me know next time you are having a party, a mate of yours can also invite a mate of his along if he brings a 6 pack of coldies, right?
Then I'll bung an open invite on the internet OK?

WA, 243 posts
28 Aug 2008 9:31AM
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These guys probably wear yellow sunnies too

WA, 28 posts
28 Aug 2008 10:24AM
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let. it. go.

WA, 9 posts
28 Aug 2008 11:11AM
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Hi Rooster what a cock....sorry crock, I do live and sail here!

WA, 7608 posts
28 Aug 2008 11:43PM
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Does the Swan River count as a secret spot?

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
29 Aug 2008 3:09PM
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Greenroom said...

Does the Swan River count as a secret spot?

Aww, good one Greenroom, Now you've spoiled it for everyone!!
Now I've gotta find a new spot.

WA, 3469 posts
29 Aug 2008 3:57PM
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try Margaret River... oops... That just slipped out...

That area of the country is actually a strange one... went there a couple of years ago in Feb and found that overcrowding wasn't the issue... the main issue was finding someone to windsurf with. Gave a couple of spots a miss simply because I didn't want to go out by myself with no one else around...

WA, 28 posts
29 Aug 2008 5:08PM
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stehsegler said...

try Margaret River... oops... That just slipped out...

That area of the country is actually a strange one... went there a couple of years ago in Feb and found that overcrowding wasn't the issue... the main issue was finding someone to windsurf with. Gave a couple of spots a miss simply because I didn't want to go out by myself with no one else around...

you're just trying to wind them up again aren't you

like all those waves you drop in on when sailing at wanda...

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
29 Aug 2008 6:51PM
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stehsegler said...

try Margaret River... oops... That just slipped out...

That area of the country is actually a strange one... went there a couple of years ago in Feb and found that overcrowding wasn't the issue... the main issue was finding someone to windsurf with. Gave a couple of spots a miss simply because I didn't want to go out by myself with no one else around...

Perhaps they were all out at a roolllyyy gooood secret spot
That will eat away at you now won't it

WA, 7608 posts
29 Aug 2008 10:21PM
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So whats wrong with going out alone?
If I found a spot with wind and waves, I sure as hell wouldnt watch those waves go by unriden just because no one else is out!
You wont know unless you go.
Some of the best sessions Ive had have been on my own. 2kms offshore. No one around. Hooting at the top of my voice. Just me, the wind, and waves

Mr. No-one
WA, 921 posts
30 Aug 2008 12:46PM
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Greenroom said...

So whats wrong with going out alone?
If I found a spot with wind and waves, I sure as hell wouldnt watch those waves go by unriden just because no one else is out!
You wont know unless you go.
Some of the best sessions Ive had have been on my own. 2kms offshore. No one around. Hooting at the top of my voice. Just me, the wind, and waves

2kms!, Ooh, Ooh, I know where it is, pick me, pick me!
I've got a secret little spot I sail in summer, I'll call it hguorbracS.

WA, 3469 posts
30 Aug 2008 4:34PM
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Perhaps they were all out at a roolllyyy gooood secret spot
That will eat away at you now won't it

hardly... cause I was staying at a local sailors holiday apartment... he couldn't make it that day but said that even on a good day him and his mates have to arrange a place to meet for sail (if it's not Margs itself) as there aren't simply enough windsurfers about.

Hence I still stand by my comment about Lanceline being overrun cause it's close to Perth, Gerladton is overrun because it has the wind and Gnaraloo is overrun because it's relatively cheap to stay there. Then again if you compare any of those places to spots in Africa, Europe or the Hawaii it's hardly backed out...

WA, 3469 posts
30 Aug 2008 4:40PM
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Greenroom said...

So whats wrong with going out alone?
If I found a spot with wind and waves, I sure as hell wouldnt watch those waves go by unriden just because no one else is out!
You wont know unless you go.
Some of the best sessions Ive had have been on my own. 2kms offshore. No one around. Hooting at the top of my voice. Just me, the wind, and waves

on that particular day it was blowing about 35 to 40 knts from the North West (freak February storm)... swell was running at about 5 meters. Margs was probably a solid 6 to 7 meters closing out. The spot I found was perfect side shore with 6 meter walls peeling in... in the middle of the bay there was a rather strong current pulling out. Either side of the bay was high cliffs for about 10 kms up and down the coast.

In a nutshell if you break something, get caught in the rip and dragged out to see you pretty much a goner. Even if someone on the beach happens to see you on your way out by the time they call the coast guard you are probably never to be found.

I simply have to too much respect of the sea to go out alone in those conditions... ended up choosing a spot which was as windy but but didn't have waves as gnarly... still sailed by myself. Only towards the end of the session I had a kiteboarder show up. He essentially had the same story... been trying to find a spot safe enough to go out by himself.

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
30 Aug 2008 9:13PM
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stehsegler said...

Perhaps they were all out at a roolllyyy gooood secret spot
That will eat away at you now won't it

hardly... cause I was staying at a local sailors holiday apartment... he couldn't make it that day but said that even on a good day him and his mates have to arrange a place to meet for sail (if it's not Margs itself) as there aren't simply enough windsurfers about.

Hence I still stand by my comment about Lanceline being overrun cause it's close to Perth, Gerladton is overrun because it has the wind and Gnaraloo is overrun because it's relatively cheap to stay there. Then again if you compare any of those places to spots in Africa, Europe or the Hawaii it's hardly backed out...

Dude there was a lot of winks after that

WA, 1144 posts
30 Aug 2008 9:41PM
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stehsegler said...

on that particular day it was blowing about 35 to 40 knts from the North West (freak February storm)... swell was running at about 5 meters. Margs was probably a solid 6 to 7 meters closing out. The spot I found was perfect side shore with 6 meter walls peeling in... in the middle of the bay there was a rather strong current pulling out. Either side of the bay was high cliffs for about 10 kms up and down the coast.

In a nutshell if you break something, get caught in the rip and dragged out to see you pretty much a goner. Even if someone on the beach happens to see you on your way out by the time they call the coast guard you are probably never to be found.

I simply have to too much respect of the sea to go out alone in those conditions... ended up choosing a spot which was as windy but but didn't have waves as gnarly... still sailed by myself. Only towards the end of the session I had a kiteboarder show up. He essentially had the same story... been trying to find a spot safe enough to go out by himself.

the reason margs doesn't get crowded on those days is cause 6 metres is huge and it's also bull ****, and the place you are talking about is ages away and not really accessable, not too many people would go sailing in 6m walls and on a NW it's starboard and that's not popular over hear.

secret places should not be named becuase they are really for locals only and if everyone knows, then spot you go to, to get away from the crowd suddenly has 6 or so people out there on it, an example is main break packed so i head out at another spot but you can see me from main break about 40min later i have 2 other sailors then 4 then 10, then for the rest of the week there are a hand full of sailors at that break that usually no one sails. 10 sailors isn't crowded but you get the point. and it's not the good sailors, or even that bad sailors that wave sail all the time, it's the sometimers that drop in all over the place that you are trying to escape that follow you. tell people about the regular spot but let them find the others on their own or be shown.

WA, 1144 posts
30 Aug 2008 9:47PM
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stehsegler said...

Hence I still stand by my comment about Lanceline being overrun cause it's close to Perth, Gerladton is overrun because it has the wind and Gnaraloo is overrun because it's relatively cheap to stay there. Then again if you compare any of those places to spots in Africa, Europe or the Hawaii it's hardly backed out...

and we don't want it to get backed out like those places, locals don't always want to sail the most hardcore break in the area, some times you want to sail a more relaxed wave where you can try stuff. and the more packed spots get by them being more well know, forces people who want to get away from the crowd to more and more hardcore spots.

NSW, 1019 posts
31 Aug 2008 10:21AM
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curac said...


secret places should not be named becuase they are really for locals only and if everyone knows, then spot you go to, to get away from the crowd suddenly has 6 or so people out there on it, an example is main break packed so i head out at another spot but you can see me from main break about 40min later i have 2 other sailors then 4 then 10, then for the rest of the week there are a hand full of sailors at that break that usually no one sails. 10 sailors isn't crowded but you get the point. and it's not the good sailors, or even that bad sailors that wave sail all the time, it's the sometimers that drop in all over the place that you are trying to escape that follow you. tell people about the regular spot but let them find the others on their own or be shown.

Here's a gem from one of the worlds greatest surfers and all round good guy - Mark Richards - exert from High Surf by Tim Baker

I was surfing Off the Wall and I was whinging to some local guy about how crowded it was. There must have been 15 people in the water instead of 10. And he told me something that I've never forgotten, He said you shouldn't be complaining. Enjoy this winter, because even though it's more crowded than last winter, it's less crowded than it's going to be next winter. So you're Actually lucky... enjoy it'

WA, 3469 posts
31 Aug 2008 11:02AM
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...doesn't get crowded on those days is cause 6 metres is huge and it's also bull ****, and the place you are talking about is ages away and not really accessable,

and you would know this because you were there that day?

btw... the place I am talking about is actually only 25 minutes from Margaret River... has a nice car park in the middle of the bay and you actually get a bit of beach to launch from.

not too many people would go sailing in 6m walls and on a NW it's starboard and that's not popular over hear.

So why would everyone start complaining if I'd print the name here?

WA, 504 posts
31 Aug 2008 8:13PM
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stegs,give it a rest,stop blabbin on about it..Stay on ya own side, and show some respect.

NSW, 1718 posts
31 Aug 2008 10:29PM
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What the hell is that ^^. Stay on your own It's crap like that that really really gets to me. Are we all not like minded people with the love of the same sport? Localism has a very very ugly side to it. Sure, maybe it's not entirely appropriate to broadcast the location of so called 'secret spots' on the forums but even that's a stretch. I think the likelihood of people, particularly euros, turning up at these spots because they found them on the internet is pretty slim. Most of these super secret nasa locations probably only work in set wind and wave conditions anyway which would make the likelihood even more remote.

If I happened to turn up at spot x,y,z one day I would hope that the reception would be friendly. Not, **** off locals only here bud.

WA, 504 posts
31 Aug 2008 8:58PM
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sounds like you ^^hunt in a pack and cant quite handle it sailin on ya todd.

NSW, 1718 posts
31 Aug 2008 11:17PM
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I'm not really sure what that means? I can't handle sailing on my own? If that's what it does in fact mean, well, in wollongong there are 3 wave sailors (that I know of). We try to sail together as often as possible but life etc gets in the way. I would say I sail on my own 75% of the time. Not really sure how that bears much relevance whatsoever though.

WA, 504 posts
31 Aug 2008 9:47PM
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Its all about certain crew blabbin on about venues that do not need to be broardcasted all over the world,with the new sport of kite that is spirraling out of control it wont be long befor you get tangled up in some lines and cut up at your favourite spot abc.Respect ,thats all it is

WA, 7608 posts
31 Aug 2008 11:45PM
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westhammer said...

Stegs, give it a rest, stop blabbin on about it...

That goes for everyone I think? Its been and gone 2 weeks ago.
Stegs phuct up, realised it, and he has deleted his post.
Now lets all move on in hoping we have all learnt something from this thread.
Keep ya spots to yourself, continue to enjoy them with ya mates, and welcome new faces with a wave and a smile... until they snake you, then its time to turn that wave into a bird and the smile into a phuck orf![}:)]

WA, 3469 posts
1 Sep 2008 12:04AM
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let's get one thing straight here... if any one is trying to patronize me I am more than happy to post ever single god damn spot up and down the WA coast in this forum.

I mean seriously... are you guys really that up yourself that you think you have the best sailing locations in the world?

Reality is that the only wave in WA even worth mentioning here is that little place up in North Western WA everyone know about anyway. Everyone spot works some days but not most...

... btw, if any WA localism guys ever come to NSW, Victoria, Tassy or Qld don't worry about dropping us a line in this forum. Most guys are more than happy to share their wave with someone else because the remaining 360 days of year they will be doing it alone...

even here in Sydney I have days were I am standing on the beach alone... no kiteboarder, now surfer, now windsurfer to speak off... perfect cross off shore wind in the 30 knt range and a 4 meter walls rolling in and you just wonder if there is something wrong with the place because now one else it out.

Guys, the bottom line is this country has somewhere around 36,700 km of coast line with only 20 million people... most of which don't even know what windsurfing is. I'd say be open and share... I am happy to share my backyard beach here in NSW with anyone willing to visit. Euro, Aussie, Asian or American who cares... come one down share a wave and couple of beer... want to see this in action visit one of the wave comps. Plenty of friendly faces happy to share their waves with anyone. Local or not...

Oompa Loompa
13 posts
1 Sep 2008 8:23AM
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stehsegler said...

let's get one thing straight here... if any one is trying to patronize me I am more than happy to post ever single god damn spot up and down the WA coast in this forum.

You would, wouldnt you?

I mean seriously... are you guys really that up yourself that you think you have the best sailing locations in the world?

Not up themselves... just protective like a tree hugger standing between a forest and a money hungry developer ready to rape it.
Wasnt it Ripcurl who recently wanted to hold a comp/video at a NW break?
It was successfully stopped. Why? You tell me...

Reality is that the only wave in WA even worth mentioning here is that little place up in North Western WA everyone know about anyway. Everyone spot works some days but not most...

Thats your opinion.

... btw, if any WA localism guys ever come to NSW, Victoria, Tassy or Qld don't worry about dropping us a line in this forum. Most guys are more than happy to share their wave with someone else because the remaining 360 days of year they will be doing it alone...

Localism sucks! Posting places on public forums sucks too.

even here in Sydney I have days were I am standing on the beach alone... no kiteboarder, now surfer, now windsurfer to speak off... perfect cross off shore wind in the 30 knt range and a 4 meter walls rolling in and you just wonder if there is something wrong with the place because now one else it out.

Its a beautiful sight isnt it. 30 knots cross shore. Therefore too windy for the average kiter, and as if a surfer is going to be out surfing in those conditions.

Guys, the bottom line is this country has somewhere around 36,700 km of coast line with only 20 million people... most of which don't even know what windsurfing is. I'd say be open and share... I am happy to share my backyard beach here in NSW with anyone willing to visit. Euro, Aussie, Asian or American who cares... come one down share a wave and couple of beer... want to see this in action visit one of the wave comps. Plenty of friendly faces happy to share their waves with anyone. Local or not...

Yes thats the way it always should be. But the bottom line that I have been picking up from this thread IS... dont post places on public forums?

NSW, 441 posts
1 Sep 2008 10:49AM
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I found one of these in the garage thought it may help,

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
1 Sep 2008 8:59AM
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your cake spoon no doubt krusty??

NSW, 406 posts
1 Sep 2008 12:18PM
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Nobbys reef in Newcastle aint no secret spot....probably the most consistent and best reefs in Aust for sailing. Its port tack too, so i welcome all WA sailors to come and sail it. More the merrier i reckon.


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"Great Wave Sailing Spots" started by Zubby