Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

team SRM thread

Created by snides8 > 9 months ago, 28 Mar 2008
WA, 1730 posts
28 Mar 2008 7:17PM
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feeling a little lonely and left out of itwith the opposistion having their own personal forums so i thought we should have our own thread
so here it goes....let it rip......

WA, 2224 posts
28 Mar 2008 7:26PM
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snides8 said...

feeling a little lonely and left out of itwith the opposistion having their own personal forums so i thought we should have our own thread
so here it goes....let it rip......

toughen TFU

WA, 1730 posts
28 Mar 2008 8:07PM
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oh noooooo! hijacked by the dreaded crab munchers already!
your right though.....need to HTFU
Bloody crab lickers and their mind just trying to pysch us out

WA, 8725 posts
28 Mar 2008 8:23PM
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It's alright we talk the talk

The SRM walk the walk

WA, 4564 posts
28 Mar 2008 9:03PM
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I said in Pinnas forum that I wished I could gybe like the rest of the team Pinnas.
What I meant was I wished I could gybe half as good as Snides

WA, 1730 posts
28 Mar 2008 9:15PM
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ahhh stop it ! now i am really getting psyched out attacked on 2 crab kisser from the south and team cemetery from the north
is there any srm'ers out there?....helloooooooooooo..........bueller...bueller....

WA, 8725 posts
28 Mar 2008 9:25PM
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snides8 said...

is there any srm'ers out there?....helloooooooooooo..........bueller...bueller....

Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

WA, 1646 posts
29 Mar 2008 1:54AM
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Hey I wondered where all the posters had gone from the gps speedsailing forum .. does this mean we can all have our own forums?

Hey did you hear the one about the gps with mm accuracy doppler speed?

WA, 1730 posts
1 Apr 2008 9:47PM
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nice effort for March guys well done!! great team effort across the board for the month(2 days)
lets hope the wind improves. i noticed all our numbers except the 2 sec came from a session(hardies) where the wind struggled to gust over 22knots.
the 2 sec came from a sess(pt walter) with similar(less?) wind strengths.
it will be interesting if we get 25 to 30kn solid at some listening hewy?

WA, 3619 posts
14 Apr 2008 9:48PM
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it's awefully quiet in here

WA, 319 posts
14 Apr 2008 10:11PM
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Its awfully quite everywhere Ado!
The volume of forum traffic is directly proportional to the volume of wind!
All WA input to forums has ground to a halt as we pursue obscure things in the dreaded autumn doldrums!
I'm on a week off work and it will be lucky to hit 15 knots for the entire week [went snorkelling and picnicing with the kids today, biking around the Mother Swan yesterday, school holidays etc]!! Of course my CA SP47 arrived last Thursday! Straps are on, fins are fitted - the bastard probaly won't get wet until June!!
Trying to hold it together and keep the beer consumption in check! Arrrrrrgggghhhh

WA, 1730 posts
15 Apr 2008 6:08PM
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just got a call it was 18 at peli raced there from alkimos to find it had swung s/east
and dropped to 5kn.....should of known better....
at least i got to mull over it while i sat in peak hour coming back out of the city......

WA, 685 posts
15 Apr 2008 7:41PM
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Hi Snides and co. Depression setting in down here, keep looking at the arrows and hoping...... but I cannot see much chance of planing
in the next week. (Windfinder is significantly different from Seabreeze for Fri and windfinder is often the most accutate)
I have emptied my kit out of my trailer and cannot see a need to load up for a while

WA, 1730 posts
15 Apr 2008 8:05PM
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evets said...

Hi Snides and co. Depression setting in down here, keep looking at the arrows and hoping...... but I cannot see much chance of planing
in the next week. (Windfinder is significantly different from Seabreeze for Fri and windfinder is often the most accutate)
I have emptied my kit out of my trailer and cannot see a need to load up for a while

hello evets,
yes depression has set in here as well(especially after seeing the forecasts for the pineapple licker's)....... had an electronic conversation with some of my fellow team mates today and we have decided we need some group therapy....have you got hardies number? on second thoughts that may not be a good idea....he would probably only hand out razor blades to us

WA, 8725 posts
15 Apr 2008 8:51PM
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snides8 said...

evets said...

Hi Snides and co. Depression setting in down here, keep looking at the arrows and hoping...... but I cannot see much chance of planing
in the next week. (Windfinder is significantly different from Seabreeze for Fri and windfinder is often the most accutate)
I have emptied my kit out of my trailer and cannot see a need to load up for a while

hello evets,
yes depression has set in here as well(especially after seeing the forecasts for the pineapple licker's)....... had an electronic conversation with some of my fellow team mates today and we have decided we need some group therapy....have you got hardies number? on second thoughts that may not be a good idea....he would probably only hand out razor blades to us

The big fellas gone bush.

After sailing on no less than 15 different sessions last month he says he needs the rest.

He also didn't know what everyone was whining about

WA, 3619 posts
17 Apr 2008 12:35PM
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What are you doing in our thread Elmo?

The next thing you'll be found surreptitiously rigging up along Melville Beach, trying to sneak in a sail on our patch!

WA, 8725 posts
17 Apr 2008 1:33PM
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AUS1111 said...

What are you doing in our thread Elmo?

The next thing you'll be found surreptitiously rigging up along Melville Beach, trying to sneak in a sail on our patch!

Mate, I've sailed the Swanny motocross track before, about as much fun a rubbing your balls on a cheese grater, got me buggered how you lot can do it.

I don't have to read about when you guys are planning a sneak atack on the ladder, you normally turn up down at Hardies to do it

Carn the Eagles, sucks arse looking up the shockers skirts on the ladder

WA, 1730 posts
19 Apr 2008 9:27AM
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arrrrrrrggggrrrrr! got to love that BOM..............not!

WA, 8725 posts
19 Apr 2008 6:48PM
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snides8 said...

arrrrrrrggggrrrrr! got to love that BOM..............not!

Got to love the Elmo even more

Allt he way back from Freo this arvy winds getting stronger and stronger, get down to the estuary the boys are all having a ball.

Sorry for missleading you this morning My big bad

WA, 1730 posts
20 Apr 2008 9:57AM
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no worries misleading it looks by the graphs it may have been windier here (at times)anyway.
did get out at peli for about 3/4 of an hour but it was crap...
wind was gusty 10 to 22kn dead on shore and a dozen kites making it impossible to sail in a straight line.
the worst bit is when the lulls hit ,all the kites drop out of the sky making for no sailing room at all.!
also it appears the dreaded green filament weed is back growing again,this had my hardies weed fin coming to a screaming halt
even had the kites rigging up in the windsurfing area... sad to say but i think they have taken over..hopefully its only a matter of time before they are banned

WA, 1730 posts
24 Apr 2008 8:40PM
Thumbs Up it too early to talk about it?

WA, 12135 posts
24 Apr 2008 8:59PM
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Yep, wait till after it's happened.

WA, 8725 posts
24 Apr 2008 11:10PM
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snides8 said... it too early to talk about it?

what how crap the forecasts are?

check windfinder, with a max breeze (note i didn't say wind) of 16knots on friday just shy of midnight beuing the strongest breeze for he foreseeable stretch of boredom

WA, 1730 posts
25 Apr 2008 9:13AM
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at this stage i'll take 15kn... as long as its consistent..

WA, 8725 posts
25 Apr 2008 10:53AM
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Well I'm making the sacrifice for you lot tomorow.

All the tourists are down here so I've got a family day up in Perth

WA, 1730 posts
27 Apr 2008 8:45AM
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snides8 said... it too early to talk about it?

WA, 8725 posts
27 Apr 2008 10:15AM
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we've got 10-15 woo hoo

and it's raining

WA, 1730 posts
6 May 2008 4:56PM
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arrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhh....torture.... will it wont it must stop looking at graphs....bad dobby.....

WA, 2224 posts
6 May 2008 5:52PM
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5 weeks living in Perth training in new job and not one sail. Think I,m clinically insane now.

Know what you mean snides i have watched the graphs(today) have moments of green arrows only for them to dissappear again aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

WA, 1730 posts
6 May 2008 6:39PM
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Bender said...

5 weeks living in Perth training in new job and not one sail. Think I,m clinically insane now.

Know what you mean snides i have watched the graphs(today) have moments of green arrows only for them to dissappear again aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

all because of your new board... you and decrep have a lot to answer for......

ps is that you at 'yo yo s' run in your avatar? from our magic sess last year?

WA, 8725 posts
6 May 2008 8:53PM
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I've come up with the solution Guys.

My computer has green arrows

Go to the graphs page
Scroll down the left hand side to the Help Box
Select "Arrow colour"
Change colour option to the right hand Button

Problem solvered

We've got truck loads of Green arrows


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"team SRM thread" started by snides8