Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

team SRM thread

Created by snides8 > 9 months ago, 28 Mar 2008
WA, 1730 posts
6 May 2008 9:17PM
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elmo said...

I've come up with the solution Guys.

My computer has green arrows

Go to the graphs page
Scroll down the left hand side to the Help Box
Select "Arrow colour"
Change colour option to the right hand Button

Problem solvered

We've got truck loads of Green arrows

your obviously close to breaking point Elmo, doctor chopper prescribes 2 and a half cans of HTFU......if all else fails see your local you know who (he's the 1 with the vapors

WA, 8725 posts
6 May 2008 9:32PM
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snides8 said...

elmo said...

I've come up with the solution Guys.

My computer has green arrows

Go to the graphs page
Scroll down the left hand side to the Help Box
Select "Arrow colour"
Change colour option to the right hand Button

Problem solvered

We've got truck loads of Green arrows

your obviously close to breaking point Elmo, doctor chopper prescribes 2 and a half cans of HTFU......if all else fails see your local you know who (he's the 1 with the vapors


I've gotten that desperate, I've been asking the Boss to give me jobs lists (which I've been adding to it myself).

The truly Sick part about it is that I've done all the jobs already

I'm now looking for more jobs around the house.

Thats as well as fixing Benders fins

WA, 1730 posts
6 May 2008 9:46PM
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maybe i should of added the word gaastra

yes its a sad state of affairs-
i use to earn browny points (to go sailing) in between sails in summer by doing the family thing,chores etc,
so i have had enough time in recent months to become a browny point millionaire! how ever the cheese and kisses has just informed me that the browny points that i have stocked piled so far have a used by date!! and will only keep for 7 days ,so i am then faced with earning more again just so i can go sailing (if the wind ever returns)..its a vicious merry-go-round

WA, 6277 posts
6 May 2008 10:43PM
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I've got a new fin

Bender's got a new board

I'm sure others have new toys to try out

We're doomed

WA, 2224 posts
7 May 2008 9:01AM
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snides8 said...

ps is that you at 'yo yo s' run in your avatar? from our magic sess last year?

Yep Snides its from that magical day. Infact the memories of that fine day are the only thing from decending me in to utter maddenss with the current lack of wind.

WA, 1730 posts
7 May 2008 9:28AM
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nebbian said...

I've got a new fin

Bender's got a new board

I'm sure others have new toys to try out

We're doomed

not to mention all the brand new GT 31'S about to be delivered!....doooooomed

WA, 4082 posts
7 May 2008 10:05AM
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Stop it you guys are making me depressed I just spent 50 minutes in front of the mirror, and it wasn't easy getting the couch into the downstairs bathroom

WA, 1730 posts
9 May 2008 8:45PM
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i dont think i can take it anymore.....just looked at the graphs...more torture..arrrggggggh!

it has to be another mirage.....

WA, 6277 posts
9 May 2008 9:13PM
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It's real... it's on a workday

WA, 1730 posts
9 May 2008 9:41PM
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if its still there tuesday morning wont be a work day...
bad dobby...must not get ones hopes up

hey Claude did you check your mile? i just checked my data.....only went for 1 nm..turns out i completely misjudged the distance.......the last 300 meters had me sailing back up wind..dohhhhhh the first 1500 meters or so was mostly 30+ with lows to 28 and highs to 32+...bugger

WA, 1730 posts
18 May 2008 8:03PM
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could it be another mirage?
its 6 days away
its a non workday
they think it will be sunny
and they reckon its going to blow 25knots!!!!!!

WA, 12135 posts
18 May 2008 8:40PM
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Doesn't sound possible does it, but I've got my fingers crossed, WA's slipping down the ladder.

WA, 1730 posts
18 May 2008 8:57PM
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decrepit said...

Doesn't sound possible does it, but I've got my fingers crossed, WA's slipping down the ladder.

i knew the numbers where never going to be enough...

looks like something on thurs morning as well decrep? will have to keep the fingers crossed on both hands

WA, 12135 posts
18 May 2008 9:15PM
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And toes too I suspect.

WA, 1730 posts
30 May 2008 5:09PM
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happy birthday Pedro!...may you soon achieve a pb that matches your age!!!!

WA, 8725 posts
30 May 2008 7:33PM
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snides8 said...

happy birthday Pedro!...may you soon achieve a pb that matches your age!!!!


New world record

WA, 319 posts
30 May 2008 8:42PM
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NO Albert - no record!
But 44 would be a PB!
Is that not your vintage?
The Chinese year of the dragon!

and thanks for the good wishes Snides and the sms Yoyo!
Know who m mates are!!

WA, 8725 posts
30 May 2008 9:32PM
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yep XXXXV this year

WA, 1730 posts
3 Jun 2008 8:12PM
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nice effort for May guys!! it was great to see a fair crew rock up and brave the couple of dawn missions we had although only 2 of the missions succeeded in getting guys on the water.well done to Slowy and Claude especially for going the hard yards when it counted.
lets hope we can get some wind in june to keep our heads above water so to speak.

WA, 1730 posts
13 Jun 2008 5:30PM
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hello team,does any one else have a hankering for crab stew with a side order of estuary garden salad(weed) topped off with a little devil fish desert for lunch on sunday???

WA, 685 posts
13 Jun 2008 6:57PM
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What exactly are you getting at Snides?
A clockwork orange strikes again

WA, 1730 posts
13 Jun 2008 7:53PM
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WA, 8725 posts
13 Jun 2008 8:11PM
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snides8 said...

hello team,does any one else have a hankering for crab stew with a side order of estuary garden salad(weed) topped off with a little devil fish desert for lunch on sunday???

or a bloody long swim back from the outer

WA, 1730 posts
14 Jun 2008 9:01PM
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check your emails

WA, 8725 posts
14 Jun 2008 9:04PM
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snides8 said...

check your emails

oooooooo secrecy

WA, 685 posts
14 Jun 2008 9:27PM
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My hovercraft is full of eels

WA, 3619 posts
25 Jun 2008 11:34AM
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Our team may not be on top, but at least our thread now is!

WA, 1730 posts
25 Jun 2008 8:00PM
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when are you off Chris? dont forget to take the gps

WA, 3619 posts
26 Jun 2008 2:25PM
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Mate there is a three-strong SRM mission to Maui departing on July 12. Are we fired up about it? Yes we are!!

It's not really speedsailing heaven as you know but at least Craig & I will be there to back up any miracles Slowie may produce! He goes on to Fuerteventura and Karpathos after we come back home.

WA, 1730 posts
26 Jun 2008 5:16PM
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coool didnt realise Cragus was going as well,jealous as .....make sure you take a GTC enrollment form for that weed that barged your photo last year


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"team SRM thread" started by snides8