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jksmurf said..
I've done carbon booms for all of my 4, 5 and 6 m2 v2 Echo Wings now, love them and so does my wife who is a lot lighter than me.
Not considering the Slick just yet but was wondering if DWF was considering doing the same custom boom for it, whether it's even worth it given one boom fits all Slicks) ? If so a how to video for the new boom would be cool, although I've got a pretty good idea what to do now.
Making your own carbon booms for the Slick is straightforward. I got a some shafts from some broken SUP paddles, cut them to length and covered them in chinese heatshrink from Ebay.
I cut mine 3 cm too short due to some incorrect intelligence about the length prior to anyone getting the Duotone booms, so I have designed a 3D printed plug to go in the other end to make up the length.

The handle at the top of the paddle shaft seats into the pocket on the Slick like it was made for it, no chance of it coming out. I haven't weighed the booms, but they are way lighter than the standard aluminium Slick boom. Total cost was about $60 each.
The potential weakest point is the joint between the shaft and the handle at the top, you need to make sure this joint isn't going to separate and that the handle is strong enough to take the bending loads at that point. My handles were lightweight carbon, so I filled them with high density (80kg/m3) polyurethane expanding foam to strengthen them up, and bonded them in with Gorilla glue.