Almost done with my full review on the Carver. Have ridden it in 6-43 knots with foils from 700-1150. Anything special people really want to see in a formal review that is commonly missed?
Really nice board BWalnut!would you still use this board in light summer breezes between 8-12 knot over a DW board with more length?I am trying to decide if this style of board is the right compromise over a full DW as those are the conditions I encounter the most in summer and given that I windsurf in winds from 18knots up. I weight about 76kg and I am still a beg/intermediate.
I only have one Code mast; 85cm.
But for North I have 72/85/95.
I ride mostly in open sea. 85cm seem the best overall but in really high wind with 1-2m wind swell 95cm help a lot but I think it is a bit too extreme.
72cm is too short for winging in choppy sea, I don't use it since I got 85cm.
I didn't feel anything.
I ordered the 6'2" 95l board. I'm 6'4", 94kg currently on a 5'10" 105l Smik. If there was a 105l version I would have picked it, but I reckon I'll get the hang of it eventually
Hi guys, I'm planning to get a Carver 5'10'' (85l) mainly as light wind wing board, from 8 to 15 kts approx. For that wind range I currently have a 78l 5'2'' x 24'' custom board and with the adequate foil and wing I can ride it in as low as 8-10 kts (I'm 80kg). But I would like to experiment new sensations, and all the reviews I could read are a big motivation for a Carver. Only doubt, is 85 not too small ? Based on volume only, it is more than my actual board, but I have the impression that these shapes are floating less than traditional ones. I know 95l would be better for the lowest wind limit, but I would really like to optimize the size of te board, not having unnecessary liters. Thanks for the advice !
First session on my 6'2" Carver today. I'm nearly two years into my winging journey and a slow learner so this is feedback from a novice's perspective. I was a bit apprehensive, stepping off my 29" 105l board I was expecting climbing on this 20" wide board to be somewhat challenging. I'd have preferred to start in flat water conditions but winter weather meant swell plus chop and intermittent wind, not ideal but this board needs to get wet! First launch, took me 3 falls before I got standing. Once standing the Carver then accelerated away nicely and I was up on my ART999 foil with ease, a pleasant surprise as this foil can be a bugger to get up in rough conditions. Volume being 10l less than I'm used to didn't feel too small.
on foil the board felt instantly comfortable and responsive. I was making more silly mistakes than usual, so I think I still need to get my balance on this narrow board dialled in. My foot switches aren't pretty and today was no exception, but I did one dodgy switch where I was able to save a fall by grabbing the leeward rail with my back foot - that felt cool.
Overall I'm pretty happy with my purchase. This board is not too much for me, I think it's only upwards from here!
Looks nice Leigh I'm jealous you've got a v2 ART also!! Getting to kneeling with wing flying is the trickiest bit for me. I kneel more across than along the board, I lean on the wing on leeside of board while climbing aboard. The trickiest bit is then pulling up the wing with the front handle and grabbing a handle underneath. If I need to, I'll crouch back down again, bracing wing on water, while i grab the rear handle. I suspect that the NP Firefly, with pistol grip and boom, would be best for this.
Hi Leigh, yes I know Guy. Sounds like it's time for me for me to come up to Dawesville for a run with the Carver crew. V2 999, skinny and Advance fuse are all on my wish list!
Hi Peter, I think I'm dropping into an stinkbug if I'm unable to get to both handles on my first attempt. Boom (Slick) is definitely easier than handles (Nova). I'll study the stinkbug technique a bit closer.