Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

A good sharts a dead shart.

Created by busterwa > 9 months ago, 3 Jun 2016
WA, 949 posts
22 Jun 2016 9:52AM
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RockyDude said..
"Killing for food wrong"!!!!!

I guess we should anaesthetize our poultry/cows/sheep/pigs, take the meat off that we need, then sew them up again?

Or maybe just chow down on a livey like an animal?

Most rational thinking people would understand that eating animals for sustenance is here to stay. How those animals are treated and killed is always going to be a point of contention. The hypocrisy of people astounds me, treat pets like humans, be outraged over shark killings, community back pat when a whale gets pushed back out to sea, yet literally not give a rats arse about the welfare of millions of animals destined for the dinner plate.

Hypothetically, do you know anyone that would pay more for their meat if the animal was to be anesthetised prior to death?

WA, 6913 posts
22 Jun 2016 10:50AM
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MDSXR6T said..

jbshack said...
Tagging has virtually died in WA, even the network of receivers is no longer being maintained, But in the East its starting to ramp up slowly.

Yet this last week they have tagged 24 Carnaby's. Solar power tag that collects and sends back data 8 times a day and a GPS location every 10minutes.

I said it 11 pages ago. Catch shark, tag shark, monitor in real time, gather data (water temp, numbers being tagged to see if culling is or isnt an issue etc) and clear the beaches / water when one is close so no **** gets eaten.

Surely designing a tag can't be that hard and everyone wins. Blokes can target the baddest fish in the sea, tackle shops will sell more 130lb tiagras, charter boats will have more bookings and lower running costs than chasing billfish, greenies will sleep better at night, water users will be loads safer and the govco won't be under constant pressure to do something.

SO why not the up roar at the government for not doing this Fisheries and Barnet came out saying they would tag sharks. They have provided many millions in funding to do it. They used that information to inform people of sharks movements when they came to close to the shore. HOWEVER they found it was happening too often meaning to many beach closures, (Bad for business) SO they changed the perimeters from 1 km of shore to 500m offshore. Then when beach closures were reduced came out bragging that their cull of tigers had worked to make our beaches safer

The government then came out quietly and said they would no longer maintain any of the 289 receivers up and down the coast. Well three of them Trigg, Scarb and Mullaloo were all off line for over a month before Bens attack in Mandurah. The next day they were all repaired very conveniently, i guess to avoid criticism.

Ocearch came to Australia and offered to tag (for free) great whites with more real time tags. SO when they come to the surface they send out a signal, showing their location on a mobile phone app. (All be it a few hours old) Our state didn't think that was needed and there offer was rejected

They did let them tag a few Tiger sharks up North and also of QLD. But Australia was not interested in them tagging Great Whites, apparently our government has that problem all under control

WA, 3028 posts
22 Jun 2016 3:41PM
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KiteWindnSurf said..

cauncy said...
If you carnt handle it don't go in the water,

....and if you don't want to get killed by a drunk driver, stay at home. And if you dont want to get sunburnt, stay at home. Or, as intelligent beings, we could have drink driving laws, wear a hat and keep sharks at sustainable but safe numbers. Its not complicated.

WA, 1777 posts
22 Jun 2016 6:18PM
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Rex said..

RockyDude said..
"Killing for food wrong"!!!!!

I guess we should anaesthetize our poultry/cows/sheep/pigs, take the meat off that we need, then sew them up again?

Or maybe just chow down on a livey like an animal?

Most rational thinking people would understand that eating animals for sustenance is here to stay. How those animals are treated and killed is always going to be a point of contention. The hypocrisy of people astounds me, treat pets like humans, be outraged over shark killings, community back pat when a whale gets pushed back out to sea, yet literally not give a rats arse about the welfare of millions of animals destined for the dinner plate.

Hypothetically, do you know anyone that would pay more for their meat if the animal was to be anesthetised prior to death?

If it weren't for the blatant hypocrisy, technically all the tree/shark hugging banshees would.

Maybe they should be forced to, just to wake them up to reality?

Just prepping some spaghetti bolognese for dinner.

It fulfills a perverted desire within me, imagining the poor screaming defenseless cow being captive-bolted and throat slit.
At least that's what some retards think.

I'm actually pretty glad it won't be mooing at me off the plate while I eat it though, maily because of the awesome flavour that comes with thoroughly browning the mince first. Pretty hard to do that properly when the thing keeps moving.

Anyhow, it's smelling pretty good now...

Vegetables/Vegetarians/Vegans can choose to not read things too. Or just enjoy a succulent scotch fillet while reading. And a glass of red.

WA, 1777 posts
22 Jun 2016 6:30PM
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DARTH said..

KiteWindnSurf said..

cauncy said...
If you carnt handle it don't go in the water,

....and if you don't want to get killed by a drunk driver, stay at home. And if you dont want to get sunburnt, stay at home. Or, as intelligent beings, we could have drink driving laws, wear a hat and keep sharks at sustainable but safe numbers. Its not complicated.

I could have said I agreed with you Doggie, but you could only manage posting a link, without adding your thoughts on the subject matter.

I guess that would be too much to ask or expect.

I do agree that it is rediculous to catch any shark in the area without checking the stomach contents thoroughly, and if there are any others nearby, do that too.

I reckon there would be a great benefit to the family members in knowing the facts surrounding the death of their close one, however difficult to accept.

Kind of like the police arresting a guy with a sword, nearby to where someone was found beheaded, and not pursuing the connection.

QLD, 12326 posts
22 Jun 2016 8:59PM
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Shoot!! If all sharts were killed, this thread would not exist and we would all have less head aches and the added bonus of safer swimming in the ocean.

And while we are on the topic, these woalas and kombats are causing far too much damage to cars innocently hooting down the high way. They have to go too.

Hands up all those in favour of Cisco, the new Minister for the Environment!!!!

WA, 3028 posts
23 Jun 2016 8:26AM
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RockyDude said..

DARTH said..

KiteWindnSurf said..

cauncy said...
If you carnt handle it don't go in the water,

....and if you don't want to get killed by a drunk driver, stay at home. And if you dont want to get sunburnt, stay at home. Or, as intelligent beings, we could have drink driving laws, wear a hat and keep sharks at sustainable but safe numbers. Its not complicated.

I could have said I agreed with you Doggie, but you could only manage posting a link, without adding your thoughts on the subject matter.

I guess that would be too much to ask or expect.

I do agree that it is rediculous to catch any shark in the area without checking the stomach contents thoroughly, and if there are any others nearby, do that too.

I reckon there would be a great benefit to the family members in knowing the facts surrounding the death of their close one, however difficult to accept.

Kind of like the police arresting a guy with a sword, nearby to where someone was found beheaded, and not pursuing the connection.

You are a dead set muppet, if you can't work out the link, you can't handle the link

p train
VIC, 2629 posts
23 Jun 2016 12:18PM
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Maybe we should legalise marriages between humans and sharks

Love is love, don't blush baby

One could use a tag like a wedding ring, then no one could hurt that shark, not even its feelings.

WA, 6913 posts
23 Jun 2016 11:03AM
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cisco said..

Shoot!! If all sharts were killed, this thread would not exist and we would all have less head aches and the added bonus of safer swimming in the ocean.

And while we are on the topic, these woalas and kombats are causing far too much damage to cars innocently hooting down the high way. They have to go too.

Hands up all those in favour of Cisco, the new Minister for the Environment!!!!

You'd save on average only 3 peoples lives a year in Aus.

If we spent the money instead on better beach safety and swimming, we could save around 100 a year..

WA, 6913 posts
23 Jun 2016 11:13AM
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DARTH said..

KiteWindnSurf said..

cauncy said...
If you carnt handle it don't go in the water,

....and if you don't want to get killed by a drunk driver, stay at home. And if you dont want to get sunburnt, stay at home. Or, as intelligent beings, we could have drink driving laws, wear a hat and keep sharks at sustainable but safe numbers. Its not complicated.

We are wanting answers on sharks, what they are doing and why they are hanging around.
The state government killed this shark of Dawesvile. Okay so it wasn't the shark from the attack but that doesn't mean they should cover that up by dumping the body at sea. They should have used it for all its worth, so that is death could help in the future. As sheep people just accept that reality. WHY, for political gain and to promote business is the reason that shark was not provided to science, even Fisheries would have liked to have studied the carcass but nope, the sooner the shark is gone, the sooner its forgotten.

All 172 sharks killed during the shark cull, not one was kept to be examined. All the sharks that were caught and realised had plastic cattle tags installed. This is a joke.

Another point just because someone doesn't support the culling of sharks, that doesn't make you a shark lover, vegan or a greenies.. No more than anyone who supports a cull, is automatically deemed a redneck psycho killer.. Maybe remember to focus on the issue at hand, getting answers..

3777 posts
24 Jun 2016 2:49AM
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Couldnt care less cant even be bothered reading your ****ing bull**** anymore. YOUR ONE OF THESE ****ING DELUSIONAL PEOPLE THAT THINK A 5 METRE GREAT WHITE SHARK IS YOUR FRIEND your living in a ****en dreamworld And if you think protecting less than 700km of the 14000km of coastline will place the numbers endangered your also ****ed in the head. blahblah tagging and nets dont go in the water what ever **** you can dribble wake the **** up

NSW, 55 posts
24 Jun 2016 7:38AM
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cauncy I believe you have caught a few "fish"in this thread ......

11206 posts
24 Jun 2016 6:06AM
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busterwa said..
Couldnt care less cant even be bothered reading your ****ing bull**** anymore. YOUR ONE OF THESE ****ING DELUSIONAL PEOPLE THAT THINK A 5 METRE GREAT WHITE SHARK IS YOUR FRIEND your living in a ****en dreamworld And if you think protecting less than 700km of the 14000km of coastline will place the numbers endangered your also ****ed in the head. blahblah tagging and nets dont go in the water what ever **** you can dribble wake the **** up

....and if you think "protecting less than 700km of coastline" is going to make a scrap of difference to a 5.0m Great White Shark whose just cruised in from South Africa, then I refer you back to your own censored abuse for illustration.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
24 Jun 2016 8:38AM
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Was pleased to hear Mr Burrows opinion on the matter and that he will be spending some time working on the issue.

WA, 589 posts
24 Jun 2016 11:39AM
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Dawn Patrol said..
Was pleased to hear Mr Burrows opinion on the matter and that he will be spending some time working on the issue.

You mean he will be given bags of money to lend his name and image to an untested product...
Check out some of Taj's pro shark fishing comments from before he got on board the gravy train:

I'm highly skeptical of the trend of consumer goods that are hailed as shark deterrents being flogged by companies who spend more on legal disclaimers and flash marketing than the sum they devote to research and development. I would like to see government sanctioned testing of such goods and a crackdown on anything that does not do as it promises.

The hypocrisy whenever people talk about sharks is amazing. Cries of 'stay out of the water' and 'its their home' carry little weight from people who hardly spend any time in the ocean, let alone venture from the safety of their couch. I still laugh at the 2000 plus people who gathered at the Save the Sharks demonstration at Cottesloe a while back,yet collectively consumed every morsel of fried sea life from the adjacent fish and chippers.

Personally, I don't eat shark, I don't buy any goods that use shark products and I won't spend money at any restaurant that serves shark fin soup. I avoid the use of plastic bags, I actively recycle and avoid buying items with unnecessary plastic packaging, yet I wouldn't call myself an environmentalist. I have a healthy respect for the ocean, and consciously make an effort every day to at least reduce my own negative impact on the sea.

I'm also a surfer, Gearies has been my local for years and I know Ben and many of the guys who were in the water with him on that Tuesday afternoon. I know the kids who play in the nearby waves and the old salts who sit on their logs talking about the good old days.

I did not feel a single bit of remorse for the shark that was caught and killed. If anything, I'm glad to know that a shark that size was removed from the area. Personally, I don't think that a cull is the answer, but we as a ocean going community should demand that the Government do everything in its power to better understand Sharks, their movements and the ever increasing number of encounters with swimmers and surfers.

Hunter S
WA, 516 posts
24 Jun 2016 11:46AM
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^^^. Well said Late Starter

WA, 3028 posts
24 Jun 2016 12:47PM
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We all use the water, what makes anyone's opinion more or less than anyone else's.

Cull away, I'm out....

WA, 1019 posts
24 Jun 2016 11:40PM
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Forget that 9v battery and bit of retic wire JB and buy something that has been proven many times over to stop monster sharks in their tracks.

WA, 1305 posts
25 Jun 2016 7:49AM
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DARTH said..

I'm out....

Doggies last words eh?

NSW, 4 posts
25 Jun 2016 10:02AM
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I'll say....let them die if they want to. However ACDC have the answer...TNT.

oz surf
WA, 407 posts
25 Jun 2016 9:36AM
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Cassa said..

DARTH said..

I'm out....

Doggies last words eh?

We can only wish

WA, 122 posts
25 Jun 2016 6:30PM
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So 12 pages in and no one has suggested a shark spotting thread under surfing !!!!!
Inform people of when and where, oh wait might give away a secret spot........not.
Might save a life at the very least.
Oh hang on let's wait for tagging, culling, nets, devices.

just a suggestion

3777 posts
25 Jun 2016 6:53PM
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12 pages and I finally found a solution. Just a sygestion : Its gona be a bad year for tourism but good year for crayfish.

WA, 4263 posts
25 Jun 2016 7:20PM
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It's strange how the Gold Coast has been netting sharks for 50 years and there's been no flack.

Why ?

Tourism maybe ?

WA, 122 posts
25 Jun 2016 7:39PM
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Because thats the way its always been............generationalay accepted.

WA, 4263 posts
25 Jun 2016 7:40PM
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BTB said..
Because thats the way its always been............generationalay accepted.

Is that a word . lol.

The G word.

2224 posts
27 Jun 2016 3:14AM
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The original and still the best shark shield

2224 posts
27 Jun 2016 3:23AM
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2224 posts
27 Jun 2016 3:26AM
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2224 posts
27 Jun 2016 3:29AM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"A good sharts a dead shart." started by busterwa