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CO2 Taxation Australia

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 8 Jul 2011
WA, 4564 posts
27 Jul 2011 6:50PM
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Prime Minister Gillard and her government last night ran an advertisement nationwide on all television stations urging Australians to say “yes” to her proposed tax on carbon “pollution”.

The advertisement features a power station supposedly in Australia belching out carbon “pollution”.

But the power station is actually in London, UK and is already closed and obsolete.

These "Warmists" will go to any lengths in their lies.

From: The Courier Mail / Herald Sun

Good Lord - isn't that London's Battersea power station in the background?
Surely no one could be that stupid.

Reader Popular Front confirms - the power station that Gillard's tax will

shut is actually in Britain and actually closed already:

That link says it all and they even used the same photo!!!!!

So, what else are they lying about???????

You're right - it IS Battersea Power Station (now just a shell btw) and
they ARE that stupid. Maybe they should add a giant inflatable pig over it,
or maybe Richard III doing a swan dive off it.

: They have shown the old Battersea power station in England because of the “Australian Cringe”

Our coal fired power stations are not old and evil enough. So this ad claims falsely Gillard's tax will clean the skies from soot which the ad falsely shows belching from
a British station which the ad falsely claims is pumping out pollution today.
Could it get any more deceitful?

Meantime we have a volcano in South America spewing out more carbon than the whole of mankind can create in
the next 100 years.

So Julia, what are ya gonna do about that, tax God?

NSW, 807 posts
27 Jul 2011 9:49PM
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I'll just put this here...

NSW, 9202 posts
27 Jul 2011 10:41PM
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mineral1 said...


Prime Minister Gillard and her government last night ran an advertisement nationwide on all television stations urging Australians to say "yes" to her proposed tax on carbon "pollution".

The advertisement features a power station supposedly in Australia belching out carbon "pollution".

But the power station is actually in London, UK and is already closed and obsolete.

These "Warmists" will go to any lengths in their lies.

Hey you know all those ads you see on TV? Toothpaste, McD's, Televisions, Biscuits, Cars... actually I'd say about 80%+ of the ads:

The actors aren't Australian!
In fact they haven't even been to Australia.

The power station in question is what is called stock footage:

Actually the ads were a kinda bad example. They are not using stock footage (usually). Perhaps for landscapes and such.

The producer of the ad has the option of sending a crew out to get footage of a power station, with all the associated costs, or purchase some stock footage for a fraction of the price.

People that have gone to the expense can sell their stock footage to get some money back. This is how the world actually works.

For example the Microsoft guys didn't go out and take a photo of that rolling green hill for XP:

^ really interesting

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
27 Jul 2011 11:26PM
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FlySurfer said...

Do as we told you Juliar.

You going to the rally FL ?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
27 Jul 2011 11:30PM
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mineral1 said...


Prime Minister Gillard and her government last night ran an advertisement nationwide on all television stations urging Australians to say “yes” to her proposed tax on carbon “pollution”.

The advertisement features a power station supposedly in Australia belching out carbon “pollution”.

But the power station is actually in London, UK and is already closed and obsolete.

These "Warmists" will go to any lengths in their lies.

From: The Courier Mail / Herald Sun

Good Lord - isn't that London's Battersea power station in the background?
Surely no one could be that stupid.

Reader Popular Front confirms - the power station that Gillard's tax will

shut is actually in Britain and actually closed already:

That link says it all and they even used the same photo!!!!!

So, what else are they lying about???????

You're right - it IS Battersea Power Station (now just a shell btw) and
they ARE that stupid. Maybe they should add a giant inflatable pig over it,
or maybe Richard III doing a swan dive off it.

: They have shown the old Battersea power station in England because of the “Australian Cringe”

Our coal fired power stations are not old and evil enough. So this ad claims falsely Gillard's tax will clean the skies from soot which the ad falsely shows belching from
a British station which the ad falsely claims is pumping out pollution today.
Could it get any more deceitful?

Meantime we have a volcano in South America spewing out more carbon than the whole of mankind can create in
the next 100 years.

So Julia, what are ya gonna do about that, tax God?

That post should have the Benny Hill theme music as an background

WA, 7671 posts
27 Jul 2011 9:45PM
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log man said...

mineral1 said...


Prime Minister Gillard and her government last night ran an advertisement nationwide on all television stations urging Australians to say “yes” to her proposed tax on carbon “pollution”.

The advertisement features a power station supposedly in Australia belching out carbon “pollution”.

But the power station is actually in London, UK and is already closed and obsolete.

These "Warmists" will go to any lengths in their lies.

From: The Courier Mail / Herald Sun

Good Lord - isn't that London's Battersea power station in the background?
Surely no one could be that stupid.

Reader Popular Front confirms - the power station that Gillard's tax will

shut is actually in Britain and actually closed already:

That link says it all and they even used the same photo!!!!!

So, what else are they lying about???????

You're right - it IS Battersea Power Station (now just a shell btw) and
they ARE that stupid. Maybe they should add a giant inflatable pig over it,
or maybe Richard III doing a swan dive off it.

: They have shown the old Battersea power station in England because of the “Australian Cringe”

Our coal fired power stations are not old and evil enough. So this ad claims falsely Gillard's tax will clean the skies from soot which the ad falsely shows belching from
a British station which the ad falsely claims is pumping out pollution today.
Could it get any more deceitful?

Meantime we have a volcano in South America spewing out more carbon than the whole of mankind can create in
the next 100 years.

So Julia, what are ya gonna do about that, tax God?

That advertisement should have the Benny Hill theme music as an background

There, fixed it.

NSW, 4453 posts
28 Jul 2011 3:11PM
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log man said...
You going to the rally FL ?

Dude, you still sucking on Al Gores hockey stick?

NSW, 9202 posts
28 Jul 2011 3:19PM
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Pictures log man. Big cartoon pictures.
(to be fair I like big cartoon pictures myself, easy to understand)

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
28 Jul 2011 4:32PM
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"there ain't no hill or mountain we cant climb"

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
28 Jul 2011 4:33PM
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FlySurfer said...

log man said...
You going to the rally FL ?

Dude, you still sucking on Al Gores hockey stick?

Hey mate, you know us socialists, I have to suck on anything my union, communist, PC loving , tree hugging, UN infiltrating, new world order, masters tell me to. Ah well, such is life. Did Al Gore ever play hockey?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
28 Jul 2011 4:46PM
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log man said...

FlySurfer said...

SomeOtherGuy said...


You forgot to attribute your quote:

Maybe you should read this: [Global Warming for Dim Wits: A Scientist's Perspective of Climate Change]

I liked the section that says "People that bought this also liked this...." Geez ,come on FL, some of those titles are a bit NQR.
And that's what I dont get about alot of the climate deniers. Why can't you rely on the science, OK your science ? why if your sooooo confident in your science wouldn't you say "let the chips fall where they may". The REAL SCIENCE that you believe will win out.Why the need for the "Obamas secret lies on GW"? Why the nutty "the UN is coming to get you crap?" Why the socialist (or is this one the Jews)(I get my conspiracies confused) plot stuff? why FFS, if you have ANY confidence in your position would you post that ridiculous KOOZZOO news thing (that was plain embarassing). Not to mention the strange "labor / Green dictatorship".???????? That stuff does not help your argument. But then..... you've got truth on your side so why not play to your strengths and just say ...."look AGW is wrong and I can prove it" ..... read it and weep!..... SUFFER IN YOUR JOCKS!!!!.
But no,you get involved in the political and you know what ? it sounds loony

Fly surfer, I watched Lord Monckton debating the other guy at the Press Club last night and he did the same wacky stuff about GW that I pointed to above. I dont get it. Everything is going along as you would expect..... Monckton concentrating on his "science" then bang , out comes the strange politics, the conspiracies, all the stuff that makes peoples eyes roll back into their heads. Why!!

1862 posts
30 Jul 2011 8:40PM
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log man said...
That post should have the Benny Hill theme music as an background

I'm going to steal that joke and use it somewhere else - good work logman

NSW, 807 posts
31 Jul 2011 9:26AM
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Thanks, elbau. I see it's written by:

James M. Taylor is senior fellow for environment policy at The Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment & Climate News.

... and just a little digging shows that the Heartland Institute and its Environment and Climate News are strident climate deniers. They are a "free market institute" so their core belief is that corporations should be able to do what they like when they like so as to make the biggest profit they possibly can. Hell, they even put the boot into Nature, probably THE most respected science journal in the world in any field you can mention. It's funny how some of these dudes start playing the "my scientist is better than your scientist" game.

WA, 365 posts
31 Jul 2011 8:22AM
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The sooner we have an election the better. Democracy will settle this matter once and for all (and rid us of the looney Left)

NSW, 807 posts
31 Jul 2011 11:04AM
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Yeah, democracy might settle the current Labor CO2 tax question. Of course, a change'll just mean the Libs will introduce their proposed CO2 tax which is a direct tax on you and me. So the election may not have the effect you're looking for ADS!

NSW, 807 posts
31 Jul 2011 11:11AM
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Make no mistake peoples.

Labor's scheme puts the pinch on corps producing CO2 and redistributes that money to you and me so we feel minimal pinch. The corps can avoid coughing up money by reducing pollution and I'd bet my left nut they'd be falling over themselves to do just that.

Liberals scheme is to tax you and me and give the money to the corps so they can reduce their CO2. Which would mean they'd be getting off the gravy train. Which they would want to do... why???

And you think the left is looney, ADS??

NSW, 4453 posts
31 Jul 2011 11:27AM
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SomeOtherGuy said...
... and just a little digging shows that the Heartland Institute and its Environment and Climate News are strident climate deniers. They are a "free market institute" so their core belief is that corporations should be able to do what they like when they like so as to make the biggest profit they possibly can.

What's your point?
Still better than the treasonous, simpleton, liar, socialist we have promoting the monetary raping of Australians on behalf of an international body.

NSW, 807 posts
31 Jul 2011 12:11PM
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FlySurfer said...

SomeOtherGuy said...
... and just a little digging shows that the Heartland Institute and its Environment and Climate News are strident climate deniers. They are a "free market institute" so their core belief is that corporations should be able to do what they like when they like so as to make the biggest profit they possibly can.

What's your point?
Still better than the treasonous, simpleton, liar, socialist we have promoting the monetary raping of Australians on behalf of an international body.

My point is, they come at it with a predetermined viewpoint and then try and bend any cr@p they can find to try prove their point. So why would I believe them? You are a fine proof of that point.

NSW, 4453 posts
31 Jul 2011 1:04PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...
My point is, they come at it with a predetermined viewpoint and then try and bend any cr@p they can find to try prove their point. So why would I believe them? You are a fine proof of that point.

Again no different from the IPCC, that's exactly what they're there for! No debate, no science, just excuses to prove the west needs to pay more money.

I can see reason is not your strong point and your determined that every Australian get farked... so how about this, you don't your way and I don't get mine.

You can cycle everywhere you need to go, live in a tent... hell I'll even petition your local council to let you live in your tent rent free... I'll even ask them to put some barbed wire up to protect you from the boogeyman.

And I'll try and live my life as best I can without a bunch of communist low life's trying to put their hand in my pocket every minute of the day.

Hey wait, why aren't you in your tent now? Are you a hypocrite? I hope your notebook is solar powered.

NSW, 807 posts
31 Jul 2011 2:54PM
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FlySurfer said...

Select to expand quote
SomeOtherGuy said...
And I'll try and live my life as best I can without a bunch of communist low life's trying to put their hand in my pocket every minute of the day.

The Liberal party are a bunch of commies?? Wow! You really have lost it.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
31 Jul 2011 3:43PM
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FlySurfer said...

SomeOtherGuy said...
My point is, they come at it with a predetermined viewpoint and then try and bend any cr@p they can find to try prove their point. So why would I believe them? You are a fine proof of that point.

Again no different from the IPCC, that's exactly what they're there for! No debate, no science, just excuses to prove the west needs to pay more money.

I can see reason is not your strong point and your determined that every Australian get farked... so how about this, you don't your way and I don't get mine.

You can cycle everywhere you need to go, live in a tent... hell I'll even petition your local council to let you live in your tent rent free... I'll even ask them to put some barbed wire up to protect you from the boogeyman.

And I'll try and live my life as best I can without a bunch of communist low life's trying to put their hand in my pocket every minute of the day.

Hey wait, why aren't you in your tent now? Are you a hypocrite? I hope your notebook is solar powered.

Ok, so I thought that we could have a reasoned, interesting, conversation about AGW and the politics of AGW. But we can't can we. FL, you've gone into some weird conspiracy world, where Gillard is a communist ,whose working for the take money out of your pocket. FFS

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
31 Jul 2011 3:56PM
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The Heartland Institute.......Oh please, no, I can't stand it

WA, 1227 posts
31 Jul 2011 3:27PM
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ADS said...
The sooner we have an election the better. Democracy will settle this matter once and for all (and rid us of the looney Left)

Nice thought, but whilst it might quell a few of our current ills it'll never get rid of the looney left. We're stuck with them

NSW, 807 posts
31 Jul 2011 5:37PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

Make no mistake peoples.

Labor's scheme puts the pinch on corps producing CO2 and redistributes that money to you and me so we feel minimal pinch. The corps can avoid coughing up money by reducing pollution and I'd bet my left nut they'd be falling over themselves to do just that.

Liberals scheme is to tax you and me and give the money to the corps so they can reduce their CO2. Which would mean they'd be getting off the gravy train. Which they would want to do... why???

And you think the left is looney, ADS??

In case you missed it.

NSW, 807 posts
31 Jul 2011 5:40PM
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log man said...

Ok, so I thought that we could have a reasoned, interesting, conversation about AGW and the politics of AGW. But we can't can we. FL, you've gone into some weird conspiracy world, where Gillard is a communist ,whose working for the take money out of your pocket. FFS

You have to make allowances for FlySpot, loggie. Y'know he's been obsessed with that stuff ever since his alien abduction incident. The aliens stole his brain.
Seems they were doing an anal probe at the time!!

Boom tish! I got a million of 'em folks!

NSW, 807 posts
31 Jul 2011 7:43PM
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Written by:

Marita Noon is the executive director for Energy Makes America Great Inc.


She began her career as a public speaker at age 19 and was an author at 24. That career (following in the footsteps of her mother, Florence Littauer, also a renowned author and speaker), took flight.

So she's a career public speaker and she wrote a book. Must be some kind of expert, eh?

C'mon, dinsdale. Next thing you'll be telling me that you believed it when the tobacco companies told you that smoking doesn't cause cancer.

NSW, 4453 posts
31 Jul 2011 7:58PM
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dinsdale said...

Climate Change Alarmist Alarmed They're Wrong

Dude, you've got a hard battle trying to convince someduhguy, he's sucking on Al Gore's hockey stick big time, and any information that doesn't come from his approved sources, gets filtered.

Where as the rest of us are open to information from both sides and want the best for Australia followed by the rest of the world.

Here somewhateverguy,

IPCC chairman is full of it.

Some losers just want the world to be smoking so they can make some money saving it.

NSW, 2005 posts
31 Jul 2011 8:49PM
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dinsdale said...

Climate Change Alarmist Alarmed They're Wrong

Have you read the article ?? It's 3 anecdotes and circular reasoning, written by (read to the end) some right-wing self-proclaimed Christian at her own outfit called "Energy Makes America Great Inc.". What did you expect from someone who's paid for her point of view? BTW there are a lot of that here: just look at CNN at night - such-such president of his own "Institute of Arabic Affairs", etc. Those mainly one-man outfits are invited as 'experts' on topics. The interviewer usually concludes with "we just spoke to the authority on..." to reinforce the POV they wanted to peddle in the first place.

The polar bear thing: he's a minor scientist in all this, who brought an anecdote and probably wanted to get the spotlight for it. As she says herself: he was doing other things at the time. How can this have any impact on a "theory" that started before him, of which he must be 0.001% ?? She's way off when she says that "this was fundamental work of the theory" - just trying to pump you up, dude - circular reasoning.

Article in Globe and Mail: just one of many, many such articles on both sides. Not greatly relevant - you'll find such new counter-ideas every other day in any paper. The Globe and Mail is just a morning paper, by the way. Since when is a morning paper reporting on news, accidents and last night's sports worthy of scientific debate? Picking on any specific to disprove something... wow.

Study by University of Alabama: ditto the above.

Wow, that was great scientific reading.

The cow is right on one thing though: Americans have hit the snooze button. But this is more an observation than a logical conclusion. It's catching up on them now anyways. Too late to wake up.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
31 Jul 2011 9:51PM
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"Some losers just want the world to be smoking so they can make some money saving it."

FL, you shouldn't attribute others with you own motivations. It's pretty clear from your posts on this subject and others that your motivation to oppose action on global warming is based on.............. $.
How frikken noble of you. Other people's motivations are maybe a teeny weeny little bit less self serving than your shallow philosophy.

NSW, 4453 posts
31 Jul 2011 10:03PM
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log man said...

"Some losers just want the world to be smoking so they can make some money saving it."
FL, you shouldn't attribute others with you own motivations. It's pretty clear from your posts on this subject and others that your motivation to oppose action on global warming is based on.............. $.
How frikken noble of you. Other people's motivations are maybe a teeny weeny little bit less self serving than your shallow philosophy.

No you dingbat, $ is an invented means of exchange. I don't want to exchange what I do for something I believe is a lie and doesn't make sense, by liars for their own goal.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"CO2 Taxation Australia" started by FlySurfer