Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 29 Apr 2010
NSW, 5780 posts
29 May 2010 12:27AM
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maxm said...

And that's it, is it? The sum total of your evidence? A plane leaves a contrail so the only conclusion you can come to is that it must be due to some nefarious secret organisation seeking to do ... some kind of ... dastardly deeds ... god knows what...

maxm i think the aluminium from your tin foil hat has leached into your brain.

want evidence, watch the videos posted, visit read some of the research, visit,,, look for chemtrail related info there

or just look up and see for yourself something is not right with the way these 'trails' linger and expand to 'white out' the sky.

Honestly, y'know, you need to look yourself in the mirror sometime.

what the hell does that even supposed to mean...?

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
29 May 2010 3:50AM
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petermac33 said...

ever heard the saying BLACK is WHITE and WHITE is BLACK?

yes but I didn't believe it. Maybe I'm just cynical and I should open my mind to your ideas.

QLD, 12326 posts
29 May 2010 6:50AM
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theDoctor said...

the evidence is there right above your head.

what changed in the last ten years that made aeroplanes leave endlessly long "contrails" (read chemtrails) instead of the vapours which used to dissipate at the same rate the planes moved across the sky..?

or just look up and see for yourself something is not right with the way these 'trails' linger and expand to 'white out' the sky.

There can be no denying that is what is happening. I see it happening everyday when the sky is fairly clear. We must be under the air route from Brisbane to I guess Singapore. The trails expand and hang around for hours.

If they are contrails they would quickly disappear. It is mighty cold up that high, so they have to be chemtrails of one kind or another.

Let's explore this one; what changes have been made to jet fuel by legislation to make the jet exhaust supposedly cleaner than before?

We have been made to run our petrol powered machines on unleaded fuel to give us allegedly less toxic exhaust fumes but it stinks of rotten egg gas (H2SO4 ??).

Then they have mandated changes to diesel fuel and the exhaust from that makes me instantly neauseous.

So have they made changes of this type to jet fuel?? If not it has to be something else they are lacing the atmosphere with.

NSW, 864 posts
29 May 2010 9:36AM
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theDoctor said...

maxm i think the aluminium from your tin foil hat has leached into your brain.

Well for once, I think you're right there doc! Damned thing has left a tide mark.

NSW, 601 posts
29 May 2010 11:58AM
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theDoctor said...

what changed in the last ten years that made aeroplanes leave endlessly long "contrails" (read chemtrails) instead of the vapours which used to dissipate at the same rate the planes moved across the sky..?

Someone actually bothered to post some "historic" photos showing contrails in the sky from before 2000.

The 1963 one is pretty big.

NSW, 864 posts
29 May 2010 12:11PM
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cisco said...

If they are contrails they would quickly disappear. It is mighty cold up that high, so they have to be chemtrails of one kind or another.

Why would they? They would need to be warmed to evaporate.

And anyway, are you saying the Organisation of the Dark And Nefarious couldn't spray cold chemicals to avoid leaving these trails? That they can manufacture and organise a mighty, clandestine army to step-by-stealthy-step take over the world without anyone ever being they wiser... but they can't work out how to use a refrigerator? They seem a pretty stoopid bunch.

theDoctor said...

or just look up and see for yourself something is not right with the way these 'trails' linger and expand to 'white out' the sky.

That's exactly the kind of thinking that gave us theories like the flat earth and stars spinning around the earth. Hey petermac - here's something new for you to learn today from history:

The ancient Greeks knew that the earth was round, not flat. They even estimated it's size and came pretty darned close to the actual measure. All through history, educated people studied ancient Greece knowledge. So from the time of the Greeks, any educated person knew that the Earth was not flat. But that didn't stop the uneducated masses from insisting that it was. The uneducated were wrong.

Interesting, isn't it, how you can DECIDE black is white and yet it doesn't change reality one scrap. Maybe you flat earthers would do well getting your education from somewhere other than yoo-choob, d'ya think?

NSW, 5780 posts
29 May 2010 12:21PM
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the 'uneducated masses' at that time thought the world was flat because the establishment at the time told them it was.

the uneducated masses of this time think towers fall because of petrol fires, iraq has WMD's, wars are nessesary for peace arabs are the devil and chemtrails aren't real because the establishment at this time tells them so.

NSW, 864 posts
29 May 2010 1:56PM
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theDoctor said...

the 'uneducated masses' at that time thought the world was flat because the establishment at the time told them it was.

the uneducated masses of this time think towers fall because of petrol fires, iraq has WMD's, wars are nessesary for peace arabs are the devil and chemtrails aren't real because the establishment at this time tells them so.

So the NWO was around even in the days of the ancient greeks? Were they spraying chemtrails back then? Jeezus, you'd think after all these thousands of years they'd be able to actually manage to take power but it seems not.

They're just getting stupider and stupider!

NSW, 4453 posts
29 May 2010 4:07PM
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Guys easy on the tin foil hats... these hats have a VERY valid purpose. Some people suffer from Radiosensitivity.

My wife's cousin came over for dinner the other night and immediately picked up on my wifi network or saw the high gain antenna in the hallway... I had to switch it off cos it's bad for her brain tumour... she actually appreciated the thought of fashioning a Aluminium foil hat, and although I didn't make it she said in the past they did actually help like in hotel rooms.

Are u suffering from headaches???


WA, 4642 posts
29 May 2010 5:16PM
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Chemtrails have been around from the very beginning.
Last night I had fried onions, mushrooms and garlic on toast.
I was leaving chem-trails around the house for hours afterwards.
They were completely invisible but you certainly knew if you crossed one.

QLD, 7428 posts
29 May 2010 7:36PM
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pweedas said...

Chemtrails have been around from the very beginning.
Last night I had fried onions, mushrooms and garlic on toast.
I was leaving chem-trails around the house for hours afterwards.
They were completely invisible but you certainly knew if you crossed one.

Mm Mmmm yummo.

NSW, 6868 posts
29 May 2010 8:02PM
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Good one Pweedas Did you light any?

One of the points that came across most strongly in the Zeitgeist movie was the point that made by Jacques Fresco from the Venus Project, that it is not possible to act ethically in the profit system.

If you accept his argument, and you have to watch it to debate it, needless to say I accept it, then it is likely that until such time as we erradicate it we will never reach our true potential as we will always be faced with unethical behaviour from any one within the system.

Which goes to explain crime at all levels.

Those with the most money have a far better plan for our future and will stop at nothing to achieve it.

There is more than enough there for everyone everywhere, just some want all of it and you are just a number. Colatteral damage if it comes to light!

NSW, 4453 posts
30 May 2010 10:47AM
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But it can dangerous going against the grain

NSW, 864 posts
30 May 2010 12:09PM
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japie said...

One of the points that came across most strongly in the Zeitgeist movie was the point that made by Jacques Fresco from the Venus Project, that it is not possible to act ethically in the profit system.

If you accept his argument, and you have to watch it to debate it, needless to say I accept it, then it is likely that until such time as we erradicate it we will never reach our true potential as we will always be faced with unethical behaviour from any one within the system.

Also known as "Marxism". Been tried, didn't work. Which is a shame because it is a good concept. The problem is that humans are just not put together that way. I've worked with a couple of Russians over the years. One of them said to me one time that "when everyone owns everything then nobody gives a **** about anything".

NSW, 6868 posts
30 May 2010 9:34PM
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Maxm - listen to what he says! any ism is a contrived system.

Human beings survived on this planet for a very very long time before "established" societies. We still have remnants of them today. Look how advanced the American indians were spiritually. They coped with the environment by their understanding that they were one with the environment, like bushmen and aborigines etc..

Scarcity is the root cause of conflict. Deep down we all find conflict abhorrent. All scarcity is contrived and it is an indightment on our times where we can feed the whole world and tranplant hearts that we have yet to come to terms with our humanity. It will happen.

Now is just a step in that progression. Just a few folk holding the process up!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
30 May 2010 8:11PM
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japie said...

any ism is a contrived system.


poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
30 May 2010 8:12PM
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In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom.

One day an acquaintance ran up to him excitedly and said, "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about Diogenes?"

"Wait a moment," Socrates replied, "Before you tell me I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test."
'Triple filter?" asked the acquaintance.

"That's right," Socrates continued, "Before you talk to me about Diogenes let's take a moment to filter what you're going to say. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?"

"No," the man said, "Actually I just heard about it."

"All right," said Socrates, "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about Diogenes something good?"

"No, on the contrary..."

"So," Socrates continued, "You want to tell me something about Diogenes that may be bad, even though you're not certain it's true?"

The man shrugged, a little embarrassed. Socrates continued, "You may still pass the test though, because there is a third filter, the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about Diogenes going to be useful to me?"

"No, not really."

"Well," concluded Socrates, "If what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even useful, why tell it to me or anyone at all?"
The man was bewildered and ashamed. This is an example of why Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem.

It also explains why Socrates never found out that Diogenes was shagging his wife.

NSW, 2495 posts
31 May 2010 10:54PM
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poor relative said...

japie said...

any ism is a contrived system.



NSW, 9202 posts
2 Jun 2010 9:27AM
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9/11 = 0.818181818181

a = 1
b = 2
h = 8

8181818181 = Hahahahahahaha

SA, 4032 posts
2 Jun 2010 4:36PM
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all this started from these guys....

NSW, 5780 posts
6 Jun 2010 10:46AM
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taken from the posted videos' accompanying notes:

Chemtrails on CSI
- This is called "pre-programming". It is a form of mind control. "talking points" are inserted into television programs in order to influence how people view reality. This is an obvious example. First they say someone who talks about chemtrails is "anti-american" then later they show him as a "domestic terrorist" so this will become part of your thinking. Most of the time the mind programing is not so obvious. For more REAL information on chemtrails visit or for more propaganda just continue watching television. Whatever you do, for God's sake, don't mention the reptiles. ...

SA, 4032 posts
6 Jun 2010 12:28PM
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hey doc who are you?

NSW, 4453 posts
6 Jun 2010 1:15PM
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Dr, Dr. Screenplay writers are normal people like you and me, OK maybe not like me and you but they have some similarities... they watch the news and read popular culture including some whacky websites, to get ideas for their screenplays.

There are only 2 rules that a screenplay must adhere to.
1.- Do not criticise Jewish people.
2.- now that I think of it, there's only 1.

So anything else goes Aliens, Remote viewing, Psychic phenomena, Chemtrails, MK Ultra, Drugs, Sexual misconduct, conspiracies, etc... and if you can include a Muslim terrorist or nudity you get a bonus.

Any one can be a writer and most are self employed working on numerous shows... and belong to some kind of union like a Writer's Guild.

So while TV is used for social conditioning it's the whole theme of the show... Like women presidents, womanising men, stupid teenagers, cool gay people, promiscuous women...

Back on topic, if you can see these chemtrails, next time u see them get your camera out and take a photograph

I've never seen any in Australia, and since I'm a paraglider and used to be a sailplane pilot I spend a lot of time looking at clouds... and I've seen some unusual things.

NSW, 2495 posts
6 Jun 2010 1:26PM
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why dont air sampling stations pick up the chemtrail stuff?? amazing technology that chemtrail stuff.

WA, 6650 posts
6 Jun 2010 11:56AM
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theDoctor said...

Chemtrails on CSI
- This is called "pre-programming". It is a form of mind control. "talking points" are inserted into television programs in order to influence how people view reality. This is an obvious example.

Is a more obvious example not the fact that every week there is a strange and interesting murder that a group of people solve in 45 minutes using some strange methods that suddenly fall into place in the last 5 minutes and there is always a couple of sub-plots and some romance thrown in for good measure ?

Is this conditioning the masses that if you commit a strange and interesting murder once a week you will be caught within 45 minutes, and if you want a career in crime investigation then you can expect to have some form of angst ridden inter office romance (but only if you are the most attractive in the office, the ugly ones never get any) ?

I reckon you could find an infiniate number of such examples in any TV show, whether the show is professed to be fiction or fact

Wouldn't a better way to control peoples minds and change their opinions about Chemtrails through TV shows to be to run a documentry slagging off the believers and presenting lots of people called Dr. something trashing the whole ideas ?

Even better, use one of the short shows between the shows, I think they might be called Ads.

WA, 6650 posts
6 Jun 2010 12:10PM
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The whole Chemtrail conspiracy still relies on one thing :

A single consistent cohesive 'force' that is constant and regular everywhere, controlling and driving the production and spraying of whatever it is they are alledgedly spraying.

There is, and has never been, such a thing in human history or the natural world.

There has never been a single group of people unified without question or deviation in a single cause, able and capable of acheiving a single goal whilst keeping it hidden from everybody else.

Human existance has been based on ever changing, ever arguing, ever breaking and forming groups aligned to whatever suits them at the time. Even groups that indoctrinate and mind wash their youth into believing a single ideal have never come close to acheiving it.

If the Chemtrail group can do everything from flying planes to writing TV scripts in an undercover and clandestine manner over a long period of time without being caught they have acheived something nobody else has ever come close to, and if they could do that why wouldn't they do something more effective instead ?

I bemoan the sensentionalistic approach of the media, but it means every journo everywhere is trying to bust great stories, what story would be greater than a unified world alliance spraying Chemtrails onto peoples of every nationality ?

Journos can infiltrate everything everywhere, but not the Chemtrail group ??

NSW, 4453 posts
7 Jun 2010 2:06PM
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Carantoc said...

The whole Chemtrail conspiracy still relies on one thing :

A single consistent cohesive 'force' that is constant and regular everywhere, controlling and driving the production and spraying of whatever it is they are alledgedly spraying.

There is, and has never been, such a thing in human history or the natural world.

There has never been a single group of people unified without question or deviation in a single cause, able and capable of acheiving a single goal whilst keeping it hidden from everybody else.

Human existance has been based on ever changing, ever arguing, ever breaking and forming groups aligned to whatever suits them at the time. Even groups that indoctrinate and mind wash their youth into believing a single ideal have never come close to acheiving it.

If the Chemtrail group can do everything from flying planes to writing TV scripts in an undercover and clandestine manner over a long period of time without being caught they have acheived something nobody else has ever come close to, and if they could do that why wouldn't they do something more effective instead ?

I bemoan the sensentionalistic approach of the media, but it means every journo everywhere is trying to bust great stories, what story would be greater than a unified world alliance spraying Chemtrails onto peoples of every nationality ?

Journos can infiltrate everything everywhere, but not the Chemtrail group ??

Hmmm I'm not sure your argument passes history's scrutiny.
The Catholic Church.
The Freemasons.
Opus Dei.

Are but a few.

Chemtrail group is the USA Airforce... radar experiments and a whole heap of people know about it, include some kitesurfing beach bums!

I'm not sure what Dr. is on about with Chemtrails in NSW, I reserve my opinion until I see some evidence...
I believe there has been some spraying in Australia for both the Pine Gap and Jindalee Radar Networks.

FYI (wikipedia):
The Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) is an over-the-horizon radar network that can monitor air and sea movements across 37,000 km2. It has an official range of 3,000 km but depending upon certain atmospheric conditions has a range up to and including the Korean peninsula.

NSW, 864 posts
7 Jun 2010 2:19PM
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FlySurfer said...


The Catholic Church.

Oh yeah, that's a good example. Went from completely ruling their entire known world to... what? An empire of a couple of square kilometres. Great power play that one was.

Reminds me of an old joke about how to make a successful small business in New Zealand. Start off with a successful big business and pretty soon...

NSW, 4453 posts
7 Jun 2010 2:23PM
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@maxm: Yeah well they can still manage to CLOSE Sydney down for a couple days for their "pilgrimage" or what ever that was last year.

WA, 4642 posts
7 Jun 2010 12:34PM
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FlySurfer said...

Carantoc said...

The whole Chemtrail conspiracy still relies on one thing :

A single consistent cohesive 'force' that is constant and regular everywhere, controlling and driving the production and spraying of whatever it is they are alledgedly spraying.

There is, and has never been, such a thing in human history or the natural world.

There has never been a single group of people unified without question or deviation in a single cause, able and capable of acheiving a single goal whilst keeping it hidden from everybody else.

Human existance has been based on ever changing, ever arguing, ever breaking and forming groups aligned to whatever suits them at the time. Even groups that indoctrinate and mind wash their youth into believing a single ideal have never come close to acheiving it.

If the Chemtrail group can do everything from flying planes to writing TV scripts in an undercover and clandestine manner over a long period of time without being caught they have acheived something nobody else has ever come close to, and if they could do that why wouldn't they do something more effective instead ?

I bemoan the sensentionalistic approach of the media, but it means every journo everywhere is trying to bust great stories, what story would be greater than a unified world alliance spraying Chemtrails onto peoples of every nationality ?

Journos can infiltrate everything everywhere, but not the Chemtrail group ??

Hmmm I'm not sure your argument passes history's scrutiny.
The Catholic Church.
The Freemasons.
Opus Dei.

Are but a few.

Chemtrail group is the USA Airforce... radar experiments and a whole heap of people know about it, include some kitesurfing beach bums!

I'm not sure what Dr. is on about with Chemtrails in NSW, I reserve my opinion until I see some evidence...
I believe there has been some spraying in Australia for both the Pine Gap and Jindalee Radar Networks.

FYI (wikipedia):
The Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) is an over-the-horizon radar network that can monitor air and sea movements across 37,000 km2. It has an official range of 3,000 km but depending upon certain atmospheric conditions has a range up to and including the Korean peninsula.

oh puleeeeease!
The above quoted organisations amply confirm Carantoc's point.
They all get an in depth interrogation and pasting in the media from time to time, most recently the catholic church regarding matters it would undoubtedly have preferred were kept quiet forever.
The Rosicrucians used to advertise in the papers for new members 40 years ago.
Anyone who wanted to know about them could simply apply for membership.

And I am highly amused by the statement "depending upon certain atmospheric conditions has a range up to and including the Korean peninsula."
I take it that this automatically means the use of chem trails to enhance the range of the facility. Isn't there any other possible meaning for the term certain atmospheric conditions ?
Does that mean they are used every night to enhance the range of am radio reception? Because that happens every night doesn't it? And it always has; and that is entirely due to certain atmospheric conditions, which I always took to mean the normal day to night changes in the upper atmosphere due to ionisation and water vapour. Well it used to be. But now it seems that it is due to chem trails.
Can chem trails act retrospectively?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Chemtrails" started by theDoctor