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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 29 Apr 2010
NSW, 4460 posts
25 May 2010 3:34PM
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theDoctor said...

the plane full beer kegs is not a 'spray' plane.

this is what they fit out new planes with while they do their testing on them before the final fixout and delivery.

the kegs are filled with water and the water is pumped around the plane while the plane flies to simulate stresses , forces and whatever.

Oh really? OK yes really, there's mo beer in the cargo hold
I believe the 1st Pic is a 777-200LR not sure about the others.

QLD, 5610 posts
25 May 2010 6:51PM
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I for one THANK the evil chemspray Lords for providing for free, these cleansing ,invigorating,chemicals upon which I depend for my daily pick me up.
I am hoping they soon release chemtrail spray in an aerosol can so I can enjoy the extra chemical goodness whenever I choose !......

NSW, 2510 posts
25 May 2010 10:34PM
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theDoctor said...

the plane full beer kegs is not a 'spray' plane.

this is what they fit out new planes with while they do their testing on them before the final fixout and delivery.

the kegs are filled with water and the water is pumped around the plane while the plane flies to simulate stresses , forces and whatever.

there was a big hoo haa a few years ago about the inside of a spray plane being photographed and these photos were presented as the evidence.

as for the spraying which is really happening most of it is done (east coast)in the hours before sunrise. get your ass out of bed by 4am when there is a high pressure system and watch the planes fly one after the other laying lines in the sky, by the time most sheep are on their daily commute the sky is already a haze.

which commercial airport is open to get those planes to that altitude by 4am...?

give it up mate. its over, horse has bolted, fat lady sung. buried, sunk and smoked.

it is now more about beer rain than chemical hoaxes. as for me, im looking skyward for the amber nectar in hope of the raining of the almighty liquid bliss which is.......

NSW, 5784 posts
26 May 2010 10:27AM
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NSW, 2510 posts
26 May 2010 10:48AM
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seems the chemtrails are coming from the engines of the planes. hmmmmmmm wasnt this mentioned before? unless they are burning beer .

btw aluminium isnt harmfull unless a big block lands on your head.

WA, 6993 posts
26 May 2010 8:58AM
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So confused now.

Is it proposed aluminium plate to reflect sunlight to combat global warming ?

Or chemicals designed to control the minds of the population ?

Or something carefully designed to stop hippies growing organic food , whilst allowing GM food grown by multi nationals to flourish ?

All the pictures of the close up of the planes have the trails clearly coming out of the engines. You can't put aluminium plate through a jet engine. I wouldn't have thought too many chemicals would be unaltered through a jet engine

Sorry, but the Utube of the weather guy saying chaff, the photos of the plane and this utube have pretty well turned my sceptic side to 99%.

No doubt somebody somewhere releases something from planes into the atmosphere for some designed or research purpose.

But wide spread world wide systematic spraying of aluminium chaff to combat global warming, control the minds of the populace and stop hippies eating juicy mangoes sounds like you need to grow more mangoes and less of the weed stuff.

However, in order for me to research this more I too need donations. Large cash donations. Please send me whatever you have so I can piss about with no shoes on, not work, contribute nothing to society, moan about everybody else and get stoned. Be assured though giving me cash will change the world, and you want change don't you ??

NSW, 5784 posts
26 May 2010 11:00AM
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aluminium isn't harmful...?

wow you so smart

WA, 15849 posts
26 May 2010 9:02AM
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saltiest1 said...

seems the chemtrails are coming from the engines of the planes. hmmmmmmm wasnt this mentioned before? unless they are burning beer .

btw aluminium isnt harmfull unless a big block lands on your head.

No No Not the beer!!!!

WA, 15849 posts
26 May 2010 9:03AM
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theDoctor said...

aluminium isn't harmful...?

wow you so smart

Um dont cook in it!

NSW, 5784 posts
26 May 2010 11:06AM
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WA, 6993 posts
26 May 2010 9:07AM
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saltiest1 said...

btw aluminium isnt harmfull unless a big block lands on your head.

And exists in whole ranges of forms and compositions in sea water, rocks, air, your skin, aeroplane engines, bowls used for collection of rain water, glass, Landrovers, 4th grade children's pens, volcanic soils of the type found on vocanic islands, car exhausts and all sorts of other places.

If you are worried about aluminium STOP DRINKING BEER. It comes in aluminium kegs, cans and glass bottles.

Pretty sure you will find drinking beer and smoking weed aren't all that good for your health, benefit multi national companies, provide governments with revenue streams and control peoples minds. Don't see too many hippies moaning about them though.

NSW, 5784 posts
26 May 2010 11:23AM
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well, it is well documented the cia introduced drugs into the hippie movement.

most/all 'alternative' (don't work in a windowless air con box, slave to mortgage, tv, plastic excess, 98% fat free and material death) lifestyle people i know view the hippie tag with disdain,
would'nt touch a commercial beer and grow their own weed, for way more uses than to smoke e.g hemp seed is super nutritious.

NSW, 4460 posts
26 May 2010 11:33AM
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Chemtrail == Beer froth?

God dang I wish the CIA would introduce drugs in to the kitesurfing community.

@Carantoc: No direct mind control BUT and here's a real good one, it does aid in mind control indirectly as an atmospheric reflector from a ground based radio signal.

I'm not going to go in to much detail here cos u's are gona think my tin foil hat melted in to my brain, but basically this technology is an extension of over the horizon radar. What the researchers discovered was that not only could one use the technology for object location but also remotely affect individual and geological structures depending on the frequency/amplitude was used.

So they developed HAARP and provided it enough juice to be able to direct a ~4 MW signal.

In layman's terms it's a dial your frequency weapon. I'm sure "u's" know what a microwave does to your "Pot noodle" well imagine if you could focus that energy on a target :)

Lower frequencies ~15khz can give u a BLINDING headache... even lower frequencies and penetrate DEEP in to the ground to locate bunkers... destabilize geological structures... etc, etc.

It can also be used to push the thermosphere higher causing a massive bubble 100's km high which can be used to down satellite's (friction).

Chemtrails add particles which better reflect the desired frequencies.

NSW, 2510 posts
26 May 2010 11:38AM
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hey look! i agree with doctor! hemp is good!

if you look at the periodic table of elements you can see that nearly all of the stuff found on that thing is toxic if taken the right way.

eg. injected potassium, talc, zinc, magnesium, alluminium etc.
water can kill you.
even asbestos is "organic".

you might live an alternate lifestyle, just as i have and still do when i can, but you are going to cut your life short by worry about things that are maybes, and if they are true, then why bother writing about them here???? go to national geographic or somewhere that has clout.
youd be better off spending your energy saving kids from starving in other countries than venting your spleen here. go have a beer, or a little tote on the green stuff if you like. you can believe all this stuff if you like and im happy for you. in the end does it really matter?

NSW, 5784 posts
26 May 2010 12:06PM
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i guess you can walk across the freeway without worrying about looking too, and enjoy the walk till you get struck, but if you look before you cross, does'nt mean you enjoy the walk any less...

NSW, 4460 posts
26 May 2010 12:20PM
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saltiest1: If you lived in a cave and lost your eye sight, does it really matter that a whole other world exists outside your cave?

Does it really matter that we're a small planet, circling a small star, in a normal galaxy?

What does matter? Some inarticulate men running after a ball? Some scantily clad women shaking their mammary glands? Or some professional liars telling you their going to make you pay less money and live a better life?

NSW, 864 posts
26 May 2010 1:48PM
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FlySurfer said...

I'm not going to go in to much detail here cos u's are gona think my tin foil hat melted in to my brain, but basically this technology is an extension of over the horizon radar. What the researchers discovered was that not only could one use the technology for object location but also remotely affect individual and geological structures depending on the frequency/amplitude was used.

You say you're wearing it, but I can tell you're not. If you were wearing it then you'd know it was the aliens.

NSW, 2510 posts
26 May 2010 7:33PM
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FlySurfer said...

saltiest1: If you lived in a cave and lost your eye sight, does it really matter that a whole other world exists outside your cave?

Does it really matter that we're a small planet, circling a small star, in a normal galaxy?

What does matter? Some inarticulate men running after a ball? Some scantily clad women shaking their mammary glands? Or some professional liars telling you their going to make you pay less money and live a better life?

well..... i guess what matters to me and my loved ones around me is that we have knowledge enough and common sense to tell when something is a threat, something is safe, something is real, what makes us happy and a rough idea where life is headed. to be secure within ourselves and to extend care and freindship to new people we meet. kinda figure its at least a decent base.
oh.... and good beer. yeah thats important but thats another thread.

NSW, 9205 posts
26 May 2010 8:30PM
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Ok... maybe I was wrong about this. Perhaps they float away in QLD but there are definitely chem trails in WA.

The proof? Tame Impala.

I didn't want to install i-tunes to buy it so I went down to the store and scored a signed cover slip. Nice.

I made a bath, swapped the Whale Sounds CD for Inner Speaker ...alas no spliff.

Holy smokes batman these guys are in not from the 60's. More effects pedals than micro dots in their bloodstream and some amazing psychedelic licks and patterns mixed with some beautiful harmonies and melodies make for an interesting listen, indeed. Truly, some of the songs are beautiful.

"There's a party in my head an no-one is invited,
And you will never come close to how I feel".

Instant classic.

I can't give it 5/5 because I've only just got it. It takes a few years to earn that I reckon, see if it ages gracefully, or not at all. On second thoughts how will an album like this age? 4/5.

I'm only disappointed there aren't WA chem trails on the cover.

NSW, 9205 posts
26 May 2010 8:34PM
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Hey Doctor. If the chemtrails make us all easily controlled and suggestible etc. why we don't believe you?

NSW, 5784 posts
26 May 2010 9:19PM
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not controlled and suggestible but docile and ignorant.....

NSW, 2510 posts
26 May 2010 9:50PM
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you should talk to my wife!!!!

NSW, 7068 posts
26 May 2010 10:17PM
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NSW, 2510 posts
26 May 2010 10:26PM
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^^^ thats ok. im gonna be a member of the big club soon, then all of you can work for me!

WA, 6415 posts
26 May 2010 9:19PM
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look chemtrails do NOT evidence at all. it is water vapor.

911, NO conspiracy video footage of evidence of large plane crash outside the Pentagon,of dead bodies,blood,luggage,fuselage,engines or wings. this is NONESENSE, the video footage shows wreckage is STREWN all over the Pentagon.

damage to the lobby of the towers prior to collapse,including windows and marble walls blown out. no physical evidence of this only GOSSIP by tin foil hatters.

no video footage of wreckage of the plane at Shanksville, of any dead bodies,wreckage etc. look there was an old mineshaft at the site of the crash. you do not have to be a Rhodes Scholar to figure out what happened to the plane.

bombs going off prior to collapse of towers including in the basement. look an easy explanation there too. someone was having a fag in the basement, the jet-fuel leaked down the elevator shaft from the 80th floor, the bloke has thrown his dead-butt away igniting the jet fuel...WHAT IS THE PROBLEM HERE.

WTC 7, an easy explanation there too. the heavy dust/debris from the collapsed towers had ignited building 7 and we all know from experience what happens to a skyscaper when it catches fire. ALL FALLS DOWN

NSW, 7068 posts
26 May 2010 11:26PM
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WA, 1305 posts
26 May 2010 10:11PM
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theDoctor said...

well, it is well documented the cia introduced drugs into the hippie movement.

most/all 'alternative' (don't work in a windowless air con box, slave to mortgage, tv, plastic excess, 98% fat free and material death) lifestyle people i know view the hippie tag with disdain,
would'nt touch a commercial beer and grow their own weed, for way more uses than to smoke e.g hemp seed is super nutritious.

Hey Doc , do you by any chance live in a bubble, or wear some kind of space suit , or are they bad for ya 2?

NSW, 5784 posts
27 May 2010 10:33AM
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damn you got me

yes i live in a bubble spending all day sniffing my own farts and scratching myself cause this spacesuit itches like crazy....

QLD, 4087 posts
27 May 2010 11:06AM
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theDoctor said...

work in a windowless air con box, slave to mortgage, tv, plastic excess, 98% fat free and material death

I appear to be a slave to my mortgage, and probably watch too much tv, but I'm not sure about the rest of that. What means 'material death'?

NSW, 9205 posts
27 May 2010 11:12AM
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theDoctor said...

not controlled and suggestible but docile and ignorant.....

Well why don't they work on you?

Ignorant? Dude, you can't even tell us what chemical it is.

And docile?

Do you live under a rock?

Really man, you look for patterns where there are none. Anywhere. Everything is random noise. Absolutely everything.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Chemtrails" started by theDoctor