Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 29 Apr 2010
NSW, 601 posts
27 May 2010 11:30AM
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petermac33 said...
bombs going off prior to collapse of towers including in the basement.

Apologies if this has come up before, but what was the purpose of blowing up the towers AND crashing a plane into them? Wouldn't plane damage be enough? Would the government be worried that thousands of deaths on their own wouldn't be enough, so they had to demolish the buildings as well?

NSW, 864 posts
27 May 2010 12:20PM
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evlPanda said...

dom noise. Absolutely everything.

Oh yeah, I remember that one. That was the day some dickheads got mixed up and sprayed out antidote to chemtrails instead of chemtrails.

Idiots. The Supreme Commander kicked some butterflies that day.

NSW, 864 posts
27 May 2010 12:21PM
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HEY! I can say butterflies on here now!!

NSW, 864 posts
27 May 2010 1:22PM
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GreenPat said...

I think there's some sort of conspiracy going on here. Did you really mean to say butterflies?

DOH! ... (grumble) ... damn admins ... (grumble) ... pulling admin tricks on me ...

That breaks up the meter now. And it doesn't even start with the same letter! Definitely not poetic.

NSW, 5780 posts
27 May 2010 2:45PM
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evlPanda said...

Ignorant? Dude, you can't even tell us what chemical it is.

the chemicals have been listed in the first video post

evlPanda said...

Really man, you look for patterns where there are none. Anywhere. Everything is random noise. Absolutely everything.

seriously...? and you call me hippie

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
27 May 2010 1:56PM
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japie said...


This guy has absolutely no credibility whatsoever.
How anyone can believe even half of what he says.

I'm sure he has late onset schizophrenia if not delusional disorder at the least

cke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party when, in 1990, he had an encounter with a psychic who told him he was a healer who had been placed on Earth for a purpose.[4] In April 1991, he announced on the BBC's Terry Wogan show that he was the son of God and predicted that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes.[5] The show changed his life, turning him practically overnight from a respected household name into an object of ridicule.
At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian

NSW, 864 posts
27 May 2010 4:04PM
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poor relative said...

cke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party when, in 1990, he had an encounter with a psychic who told him he was a healer who had been placed on Earth for a purpose.[4] In April 1991, he announced on the BBC's Terry Wogan show that he was the son of God and predicted that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes.[5] The show changed his life, turning him practically overnight from a respected household name into an object of ridicule.
At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian

Lemme recap (tee hee) what I said elsewhere:

Maybe not so delusional after all!

NSW, 4453 posts
27 May 2010 4:26PM
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WA, 15849 posts
27 May 2010 2:32PM
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WTF thats not a chemtrail thats your PCs performance and you are not doing anything

WA, 6415 posts
27 May 2010 2:45PM
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i watched the first 50 minutes of this David Icke video last night.......very informative.....and right on the money.

what he is trying to get across is we live in a MATRIX

that is our REALITY of how we perceive things to be is.......controlled largely by the Military Industrial Complex.....of which the mainstream media is a part of.

look at the suppression of information on chemtrails, 1200 Architects + Engineers for 911 Truth, the use of depleted uranium in Iraq + Afghanistan.[Gulf War Syndrome]

the mainstream media[by and large] will not touch on these issues. this information is being SUPPRESSED by the mainstream media.

this filtering of news is what David Icke is trying to get the people to wake up to in this video.

NSW, 5780 posts
27 May 2010 5:59PM
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poor relative said...

This guy has absolutely no credibility whatsoever.
How anyone can believe even half of what he says.

so what is credible....?

a bunch of people all on the same pay roll, dancing along to the paymasters tune...?

or someone who stands on his own and says here's something different, why not look at it from this way

thing is you can't prove him wrong, you can only poke fun without even listening to what he has to say first.

see yourself anywhere on this vid rellie...?

NSW, 4453 posts
27 May 2010 6:21PM
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petermac33 said...

the use of depleted uranium in Iraq + Afghanistan.[Gulf War Syndrome]

Do not get me started on that... how the f**k can we allow another nation to spray radioactive waste on another country?

Its use MUST be charged as crimes against humanity and nature.

{Must calm down}

@doggie: exactly, $1400 CPU and 12 threads doing nothing.

There's a funny story about me and David, I didn't know anything about him until we kind of both stumbled on the same info regarding 911 on like 912... I told a couple yea there this guy down the road who also knows what's happening, then I told them it was David and they immediately thought I was a whack job... turns out he said on TV in the 80's he was the Son of God, a new prophet... but his career took off after that with speaking engagements... and I came here :)

WA, 6415 posts
27 May 2010 5:16PM
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according to this video on C.S.I, you are unpatriotic if you believe in chemtrails!

QLD, 5610 posts
27 May 2010 7:20PM
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If they want to control the population they should just put drugs in their drugs....
In fact the evil conspirators could probably turn a profit if they sold "chemspray" in pill form at dance parties and raves....

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
27 May 2010 8:55PM
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FlySurfer said...... turns out he said on TV in the 80's he was the Son of God, a new prophet... but his career took off after that with speaking engagements... and I came here :)

I know you conspiracy theorists aren't particularly rigorous in your research but that was higher up on this page! And it was 1991

NSW, 6868 posts
27 May 2010 9:27PM
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What he will probably tell you today is that we are all the sons of god and the sooner we wake up to that fact and come to terms with it the better off we will be.

Anyone with a year 12 understanding of quantum physics can understand that we are all one and the same thing. Just some sections of energy have succumbed to short circuiting!

Come on Ginger Pom - try sitting down and opening your mind and think over the arguments. Just try and break free of the shackles! Let a chink of light in for crying out loud

NSW, 2495 posts
27 May 2010 10:39PM
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theDoctor said...

poor relative said...

This guy has absolutely no credibility whatsoever.
How anyone can believe even half of what he says.

thing is you can't prove him wrong, you can only poke fun without even listening to what he has to say first.

see yourself anywhere on this vid rellie...?

um... hello...... we are still waiting for you to prove these chemtrails with something other than youtube.

NSW, 9202 posts
27 May 2010 10:40PM
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japie said...

Anyone with a year 12 understanding of quantum physics can understand that we are all one and the same thing. Just some sections of energy have succumbed to short circuiting!

Yes. We all came from supernovae.

What I find interesting is that on a large scale the universe is homogeneous, pretty much the same no matter which way you look. Except at our size it obviously is not. "They" (scientists) have artistically called it the fingerprint of god. Little flaws an irregularities that caused suns to form, and everything after that.

The noise man. The random noise.

@ Flysurfer

This is the best album I've bought in ages. I think I am actually in love with "Alter Ego", track 3. In fact I'm going to start a thread on it right now...

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
27 May 2010 11:11PM
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japie said...

Come on Ginger Pom - try sitting down and opening your mind and think over the arguments. Just try and break free of the shackles! Let a chink of light in for crying out loud

There are plenty of shackles to break free of. Chemtrails and 911 probably aren't included in them. In fact, they're a distraction to some of the better people (and a lot of the idiots)

Human beings are irrational enough. Read these books...

Irrationality by Stuart Sutherland
Black swan by Nicolas Nassim Taleb
Tricks of the mind by Derren Brown

and if you're really into conspiracies look up "Dehomag"

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
27 May 2010 10:28PM
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theDoctor said...

thing is you can't prove him wrong, you can only poke fun without even listening to what he has to say first.

I would confidently say David Icke has no credibility

I listened to his delusional beliefs when he initially voiced them on the wogan show after being a sports presenter/greens leader.
Why does his belief have to be the "truth"?
Its pure and simple 'out of the air' theory without any scientific proof.
He even believes he is the son of god LOL

Before i believe in something i need reputable proof.
Thus far i see none.

NSW, 6868 posts
28 May 2010 1:35AM
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I do not need to read a book to tell me about the irrationality of many human minds. The evidence is our muted acceptance of the system imposed on us by a very small section of society.

In a world where there is a proven excess of food and medication, why do we allow kids to starve to death? Why is there so much corruption and why are people trying to continually **** one another over? Why do we use scarcity for an excuse to start wars when there is more than enough for everyone?

Profit. This whole society has been manipulated into slavery and we want it! All for the benefit of that section of the human race that holds sway. They use their media, their government, their education system and their money to flood us with bull**** at the same time as keeping us focused on this inane treadmill.

They hold on to outdated resources and maintain "scarsity" to keep profits up even when we are bombarded with technological advances that make the possibility of free energy a reality for the whole world. And we do it at the expense and the environment, knowingly with no real plan.

And we have become so dumbed down that we cannot see the wood for the trees.

All we need is there! They get our children to give their lives to their cause, profit. They don't care about us and they have got us right where they want us.

You don't think there is a conspiracy? I think it has got beyond that and it is rotten from the top to the bottom.

When I was a kid our mum did not have to work and did not when we were small. Most families now are based on two incomes and the delinquency and ignorance is directly proportional. How can that be good for us?

Look at this insane degradation of the environment. Only a tosser would argue the degree we are ****ing it up. And for what? Profit. I just hope that it does not take much longer for the whole world to see the light because that will be the start of the new age where creativity will be limitless.

Oh and read Bill Creeches book, the Five Pillars of TQM. Might sort some of your management problems out though I doubt it. He was a big proponent of leadership, team work and involvement. One time Colonel in command of the US air force acrobatic team. Good read!

WA, 6415 posts
27 May 2010 11:51PM
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the best book i ever read. Jeffrey Grupp

i forgot to mention he has a chapter on chemtrails and everything else!

NSW, 864 posts
28 May 2010 8:53AM
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petermac33 said...

i watched the first 50 minutes of this David Icke video last night.......very informative.....and right on the money.

what he is trying to get across is we live in a MATRIX

that is our REALITY of how we perceive things to be is.......controlled largely by the Military Industrial Complex.....of which the mainstream media is a part of.

look at the suppression of information on chemtrails, 1200 Architects + Engineers for 911 Truth, the use of depleted uranium in Iraq + Afghanistan.[Gulf War Syndrome]

the mainstream media[by and large] will not touch on these issues. this information is being SUPPRESSED by the mainstream media.

this filtering of news is what David Icke is trying to get the people to wake up to in this video.

That's one of the possible realities. Another is that David Icke is selling baseless nonsense that he plucks out of his own diseased brain to sell to gullible people in order to make a PROFIT.

All you guys should seriously consider reality number 2... it could set you free!

WA, 6415 posts
28 May 2010 7:18AM
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it's taken a while, but we have come from a THEORY to a POSSIBILITY.

an opening of the mind, surely not.

one of the hardest things a person can do is to admit they had been HAD

NSW, 864 posts
28 May 2010 10:20AM
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.. except that in science, a possibility is a HYPOTHESIS which, when developed and fully fleshed out becomes a THEORY. When the theory is accepted as fact then it becomes a LAW.

So going from a theory to an hypothesis is actually going back a step.

WA, 6415 posts
28 May 2010 4:03PM
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i learn something new everyday.

so the HYPOTHOSIS that the boogie man did the dasterly deed was fully fleshed out by the powers that be, it then became a fact.

that is if you trust the powers that be.

i prefer to look at the evidence MYSELF and then decide what is fact.

ever heard the saying BLACK is WHITE and WHITE is BLACK?

WA, 15849 posts
28 May 2010 4:10PM
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But what evidence are you looking at? Hard evidence that you can touch/feel or you tube evidence?

We can babble on about this stuff for ages and the thread will get as big as the funny images one. Funny really

NSW, 5780 posts
28 May 2010 7:05PM
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the evidence is there right above your head.

take some time to look.

then, watch aerosol crimes at, it is also on youtube

what changed in the last ten years that made aeroplanes leave endlessly long "contrails" (read chemtrails) instead of the vapours which used to dissipate at the same rate the planes moved across the sky..?

NSW, 864 posts
28 May 2010 7:20PM
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petermac33 said...

i prefer to look at the evidence MYSELF and then decide what is fact.

ever heard the saying BLACK is WHITE and WHITE is BLACK?

You can DECIDE anything can be what you want it to be in petermacworld. But I think at least SOME of us are talking about reality. Y'know... what happens out in the fresh air and sunshine of good old mother Earth? And I can't help but think that you ain't one of that number.

Mini nukes... thanks petermac, I haven't laughed so much for ages. You can red flag this one now too if you like!

NSW, 864 posts
28 May 2010 7:24PM
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theDoctor said...

what changed in the last ten years that made aeroplanes leave endlessly long "contrails" (read chemtrails) instead of the vapours which used to dissipate at the same rate the planes moved across the sky..?

And that's it, is it? The sum total of your evidence? A plane leaves a contrail so the only conclusion you can come to is that it must be due to some nefarious secret organisation seeking to do ... some kind of ... dastardly deeds ... god knows what...

Honestly, y'know, you need to look yourself in the mirror sometime.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Chemtrails" started by theDoctor