Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 29 Apr 2010
WA, 8725 posts
19 May 2010 4:15PM
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A nice little youtube vid taken from above on the FEA (finite element analysis) of the imapct, it's on you tube it must be coreect

A Sydney Uni paper on 911 based on engineering design rules.
Please note page 4 with yield strength graphs based on effects of temperature

WA, 15849 posts
19 May 2010 4:42PM
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The exact mechanism that initiated failure is not known, but it is most likely that a combination of loss
of strength, increased sagging, and stresses due to thermal expansion caused a failure of the joint.

No it was explosives.

WA, 15849 posts
19 May 2010 4:46PM
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Go to Pilots for 911 truth website, they talk about the planes air speed and how the planes were flown that day, very intersting.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
19 May 2010 6:57PM
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japie said...

@gingerpom - you ought to think about setting up a novel way of demolishing buildings in competition with the experts. Starting a fire is a hell of a lot cheaper than explosives. You obviously know better!

japie - you ought to think about what people's primary concern is when demolishing 100 floors of steel and concrete in the middle of a city.... it isn't cheapness. And it appears here that I do know better

WA, 15849 posts
19 May 2010 5:41PM
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ginger pom said...

japie said...

@gingerpom - you ought to think about setting up a novel way of demolishing buildings in competition with the experts. Starting a fire is a hell of a lot cheaper than explosives. You obviously know better!

japie - you ought to think about what people's primary concern is when demolishing 100 floors of steel and concrete in the middle of a city.... it isn't cheapness. And it appears here that I do know better

Ok pom explain building 7 please tell me how that fell.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
19 May 2010 9:04PM
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doggie said...

ginger pom said...

japie said...

@gingerpom - you ought to think about setting up a novel way of demolishing buildings in competition with the experts. Starting a fire is a hell of a lot cheaper than explosives. You obviously know better!

japie - you ought to think about what people's primary concern is when demolishing 100 floors of steel and concrete in the middle of a city.... it isn't cheapness. And it appears here that I do know better

Ok pom explain building 7 please tell me how that fell.

no, read the wikipedia entry yourself

Danger Mouse
WA, 592 posts
19 May 2010 7:14PM
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poor relative said...

poor relative said...

Eagle boys are clean.

Maybe not..... i think our local spottty delivery guy is actually a reptilian.

The show V is propaganda circulated by the aliens before the ships arrive and let their presence known so we are more accepting of the idea.


WA, 6650 posts
19 May 2010 7:19PM
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Does nobody find irony in conspiracy theories about how the World Trade Towers collapsed ?

In comparision to what the World Trade Organisation has done and what the World Trade Organisation is - is it not a little like looking for a needle in a haystack, or a storm in a tea cup ?

The World Trade Organisation did more bad to 'poor' peoples of the world in complicitly allowing the US (and western world in general) to maintain import tarrifs, subside unsustainable agriculture, inflate the price of life saving drugs , prevent free world trade and hinder developing nations.

Should the questions not be what brought the towers down, but what supported what the towers did when they were up ?, it certainly wasn't democratically elected, accountable officers, high ethics and operational transparency.

Whatever brought them down, better down than up ???

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
19 May 2010 9:23PM
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Carantoc said...

Does nobody find irony in conspiracy theories about how the World Trade Towers collapsed ?

In comparision to what the World Trade Organisation has done and what the World Trade Organisation is - is it not a little like looking for a needle in a haystack, or a storm in a tea cup ?

The World Trade Organisation did more bad to 'poor' peoples of the world in complicitly allowing the US (and western world in general) to maintain import tarrifs, subside unsustainable agriculture, inflate the price of life saving drugs , prevent free world trade and hinder developing nations.

Should the questions not be what brought the towers down, but what supported what the towers did when they were up ?, it certainly wasn't democratically elected, accountable officers, high ethics and operational transparency.

Whatever brought them down, better down than up ???

but I don't feel cool or special by believing in all that stuff. I can't sit in my bedroom in my hat made entirely of tin foil and my 100% you tube education and claim to be better and more insightful than all the others with genuine global unfairness....

NSW, 5780 posts
19 May 2010 9:46PM
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Carantoc said...

Whatever brought them down, better down than up ???

I guess you could argue one and the same

follow the money

NSW, 6868 posts
19 May 2010 11:17PM
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@martman - Thanks for that link to zeitgeist. I have watched both movies on the site. Almost six hours worth by calculation. Whilst I was aware through other reading the atrocities perpetrated by the Yanks in their foreign policy in Central America the extent was quite shocking when seen from the economic perspective.

I felt that the movies were very well made. The expose on religion and christianity is a new one on me but there was just too much evidence to refute their conclusions.

Sowed me up on a dilemma impregnated into me through four ealry years at a very traumatic catholic boarding school in east africa.

What a load of balderdash - I am applying for the fees to be refunded.

NSW, 864 posts
20 May 2010 9:09AM
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Carantoc said...

Whatever brought them down, better down than up ???

You're not listening! The aliens brought them down. Didn't you see the chemtrails from those planes?? Dead giveaway. They did it to destroy the WTO headquarters. The WTO of course is just a front for the NWO and since it wants to rule the world, it doesn't want the aliens colonising the place and buggering up their schemes. So they had to be taken out.

Wear the hat people, wear the hat.

NSW, 4453 posts
20 May 2010 1:18PM
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@japie: Haaa shucks, that "Australia I came to in 1983" made me think u were born in 1983... for a second there I had some hope in my heart that the next generation weren't all suffering from dysexecutive syndrome.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
20 May 2010 1:25PM
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So now that you know (911 was an inside job and that we are all being crop dusted in order to subdue us What you gonna do about it?
I know why not expose the 'truth' on a water sports forum. That'll change the world.
Even better start a blog eh

NSW, 4453 posts
20 May 2010 4:29PM
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poor relative: well unfortunately we can't do much about it, cos... well we'd be ridiculed as conspiracy nutts or worse still terrorist.
I mean u don't really believe those terrorism laws were to protect you, do you?
And the lie has reached a magnitude that would if supplanted, destroy the authoritative fabric of participating countries.

My hope is that when all this craziness is over and done with we emerge in to a more enlightened landscape and the people who brought about this madness are relegated to the pages of history with Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Stalin and the likes.

So my plan is to keep the truth alive until things sort themselves out.

The USA is around 5 years away from a full revolution... and depending how things turn out we may see the perpeTraitors before a free court and judge sooner than you think.

QLD, 6123 posts
20 May 2010 5:27PM
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yall smoke to much weed.

WA, 6415 posts
21 May 2010 9:17PM
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listened to Bob Chapman [latest] interview on Alex Jones radio show.

his forecast, by end of year the Dow will have dropped from currently 10,000 to around 3000 points!

this will be the trigger for widespread rioting in Europe, starting in Greece,followed by Portugal and Spain. Ukraine to follow in the east.

gold to climb to $1500 an ounce.

a new war somewhere else to be started.

my own take on 911......the twin towers were a contolled EXPLOSION caused by many baseball size micro-nukes.

building 7 was the opposite, it was a contolled IMPLOSION [that is the building came in and down on itself].

sure residue of thermite was found on the steel columns, but you cannot possibly have such a powerful lateral ejection of material [including steel columns] without the use of nukes. [some of the lateral ejections were so powerful the columns were wedged in other buildings].

that is probably why the WTC is called ground zero. they are just sticking it in our face.

WA, 4642 posts
21 May 2010 9:46PM
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Hmmm, nukes eh?
Well that would be very difficult to detect wouldn't it.
I mean you would need something as complicated as a radiation detector to figure out if something like that was used.
And just nobody would have access to that kind of equipment would they?
Certainly not in a technologically backward country such as America anyway.

Geez pwete, you certainly come out with some good ones.

QLD, 12326 posts
22 May 2010 12:17AM
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Well if jet fuel (refined kerosene) burning caused the steel in the WTC towers to melt, you better not fly in a jet or turbo prop aircraft ever again because the fuel is going to make the engines melt and the plane is going to fall out of the sky if it actually gets off the ground.

Besides which most of the burning fuel exited the buildings on the opposite side from where the planes (or holograms) went in.

911 was an inside job!!

WA, 4642 posts
21 May 2010 10:24PM
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I can't stand the suspense.
So tell me, who dunnit, and how?
And how many people are in on it?

I need to know so I will know who to be suspicious of.

WA, 14670 posts
21 May 2010 10:38PM
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cisco said...

Well if jet fuel (refined kerosene) burning caused the steel in the WTC towers to melt, you better not fly in a jet or turbo prop aircraft ever again because the fuel is going to make the engines melt and the plane is going to fall out of the sky if it actually gets off the ground.

Besides which most of the burning fuel exited the buildings on the opposite side from where the planes (or holograms) went in.

911 was an inside job!!

Where did you want to start? A lesson on how engines work, a lesson on how jet engines in particular work, or plasticity of steel?

(I hope not the last one, as I don't really know too much about that one... apparently you need heat)

Why do people HAVE to believe the outrageous solutions when easy ones seem to fit?

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
22 May 2010 9:53AM
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petermac33 said...

listened to Bob Chapman [latest] interview on Alex Jones radio show.

his forecast, by end of year the Dow will have dropped from currently 10,000 to around 3000 points!

gold to climb to $1500 an ounce.

a new war somewhere else to be started.

at last a testable hypothesis

When he is wrong, how will you retrench your views?

Except the last one, which is inevitable. A new war is started most months...

SA, 4032 posts
22 May 2010 9:40AM
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FormulaNova said...

cisco said...

Well if jet fuel (refined kerosene) burning caused the steel in the WTC towers to melt, you better not fly in a jet or turbo prop aircraft ever again because the fuel is going to make the engines melt and the plane is going to fall out of the sky if it actually gets off the ground.

Besides which most of the burning fuel exited the buildings on the opposite side from where the planes (or holograms) went in.

911 was an inside job!!

Where did you want to start? A lesson on how engines work, a lesson on how jet engines in particular work, or plasticity of steel?

(I hope not the last one, as I don't really know too much about that one... apparently you need heat)

Why do people HAVE to believe the outrageous solutions when easy ones seem to fit?

How does an aircraft made of alloy cut through steel beams,ever fired a high powered rifle at a steel beam? depending on the thickness the bullet may get through it but it is travelling at nearly mach2.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
22 May 2010 10:37AM
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choco said...
How does an aircraft made of alloy cut through steel beams,ever fired a high powered rifle at a steel beam? depending on the thickness the bullet may get through it but it is travelling at nearly mach2.

I think it is to do with the fact that momentum = mass x velocity. Planes weigh more than bullets.

Change of momentum = impulse = force x time

So if the components of the wing have ten to hundred thousand times more mass and are decelerated in a similar time, then the fact they are travelling at only a tenth of the speed is less important.

NSW, 864 posts
22 May 2010 11:36AM
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ginger pom said...

at last a testable hypothesis

When he is wrong, how will you retrench your views?

Except the last one, which is inevitable. A new war is started most months...

There was also that other one. Something about the NWO taking over the world at Copenhagen. Score of none out of one so far.

NSW, 4453 posts
22 May 2010 12:22PM
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pweedas: who done is a little hard to Id, but what is known is the following.

America has 2 primary industries Finance and Military.
Considerable money was invested in bringing Bush the 2nd/republicans to the Executive so they would enact favourable policies for both industries and expand military expenditure for the neocon "new American century".

An ngo false flag operation and corresponding propaganda campaign was devised ~1998.

After Bush's court win, the plan was activated and Larry Silverstein proceeded to lease the World Trade Center complex, July 2001 (the existing WTC lease holder run in to "trouble").

August 2001 over numerous weeks all 3 buildings were loaded with charges and thermite; during building maintenance and renovation.

Spetember 2001 Transpoder navigation control units were installed in 3 or 4 planes (AA11, *AA77, UA175, UA93)

11/09/2001: Numerous civil and military training exercises commenced. NORAD, National guard, Army and even coast guard. The planes navigation systems were overridden and the planes were directed to their intended targets.
UA93 was intended for Building 7, some how the pilots managed to regain control or the ctrl unit failed... the plane was soon after shot down over Pennsylvania.

The decision was taken to pull WTC7 none the less.

So there u go. The government/Bush didn't know about it. The defences were confused cos of the training. And things almost went to plan.

Anybody with any sense knows what happened... the cost was minimal... the benefit was understood.

No mini nukes.
Phone calls from the planes irrelevant and unsubstantiated.
AA77 crash in to the pentagon is unconfirmed... there are reports of it landing at a military air field and the passengers of loaded (I've seen photos). Remote control of a B757 so close to the ground is very challenging. Damage to the building is inconsistent with a B757 impact... I don't want to speculate, I don't have enough evidence to formulate an opinion.

Did 19 Muslim people board the planes... sure. But they could have got 19 Chinese, 19 Christians or 19 Australians.

If you have any valuable intel to contribute, please do.

NSW, 5780 posts
22 May 2010 2:40PM
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loosechange 2nd edition


loosechange final cut

are both worthy of a view.

aerosol crimes is really worth a watch too.

WA, 4642 posts
22 May 2010 1:37PM
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FlySurfer said...

If you have any valuable intel to contribute, please do.

Hmm, that would be a little bit out of place in this thread wouldn't it?

Oh well, since it's raining outside and you ask so nicely I will.

FlySurfer said...
who done is a little hard to Id, but what is known is the following.

America has 2 primary industries Finance and Military.
Considerable money was invested in bringing Bush the 2nd/republicans to the Executive so they would enact favourable policies for both industries and expand military expenditure for the neocon "new American century".

An ngo false flag operation and corresponding propaganda campaign was devised ~1998.

After Bush's court win, the plan was activated and Larry Silverstein proceeded to lease the World Trade Center complex, July 2001 (the existing WTC lease holder run in to "trouble").

August 2001 over numerous weeks all 3 buildings were loaded with charges and thermite; during building maintenance and renovation.

Spetember 2001 Transpoder navigation control units were installed in 3 or 4 planes (AA11, *AA77, UA175, UA93)

11/09/2001: Numerous civil and military training exercises commenced. NORAD, National guard, Army and even coast guard. The planes navigation systems were overridden and the planes were directed to their intended targets.
UA93 was intended for Building 7, some how the pilots managed to regain control or the ctrl unit failed... the plane was soon after shot down over Pennsylvania.

The decision was taken to pull WTC7 none the less.

So there u go. The government/Bush didn't know about it. The defences were confused cos of the training. And things almost went to plan.

Anybody with any sense knows what happened... the cost was minimal... the benefit was understood.

No mini nukes.
Phone calls from the planes irrelevant and unsubstantiated.
AA77 crash in to the pentagon is unconfirmed... there are reports of it landing at a military air field and the passengers of loaded (I've seen photos). Remote control of a B757 so close to the ground is very challenging. Damage to the building is inconsistent with a B757 impact... I don't want to speculate, I don't have enough evidence to formulate an opinion.

Did 19 Muslim people board the planes... sure. But they could have got 19 Chinese, 19 Christians or 19 Australians.

I might start by saying that this would be a great scenario for one of those Hollywood blockbuster movies where you completely suspend any logic regarding what is plausible and what is just an insult to the intelligence.
If you are prepared to overlook the mountain of difficulties that this scenario would entail to organise, put into action and then to keep the participants in the act quiet afterwards then it might be remotely possible. I say "remotely possible" because that's all it is at very best.

Let's just look at one of the comments above where you say;

"September 2001 Transponder navigation control units were installed in 3 or 4 planes (AA11, *AA77, UA175, UA93)"

Transponder units have NOTHING to do with the aircraft navigation system.
They are an ssr unit (secondary surveillance radar).
They are not coupled into it the aircraft control system.
They have no control over it.
It is a stand alone system with no other input or output other than a connection to the aircraft static vent to detect altitude and then a connection to a very small antenna to transmit a response.
The unit itself doesn't even know where it is or how fast it is moving.
All it knows is how high the aircraft is and what the aircraft squawk code is.
All the other information such as speed, position and direction is calculated back on the ground by the ssr computer system.
The ground system simply presents an interpretation of the position and velocity of the aircraft based on the record of the previous returns from the transponder and the altitude which the transponder reports back with each response.

Basically it works like this.
The ssr ground unit sends out a radar sweep pulse.
When the aircraft transponder receives the incoming sweep pulse it then transmits a return transmission with the aircraft squawk code, (id) and the aircraft altitude encoded in the return.
The ground computer then calculates the current position, speed and heading of the aircraft based on the difference between this return and the previous returns.
They are updated every sweep of the radar, which is every few seconds.
The ground computer then calculates projected tracks on this information and if traffic conflicts are imminent then an alarm tag is placed next to the aircraft id tag on the ground operators screen and it's up to air traffic control to see this and radio instructions to resolve the conflict.
If the pilots are asleep or not listenning then the warning is wasted.

You can see then that it is, as the name states, a SURVEILLANCE system. NOT a control system.

If the answer is that it was the flight navigation computer and autopilot which was fiddled with, these are easily disconnected by either a forceful override force on the controls or switching the unit off. This routine procedure is carried out often during normal flight.
If these facilities had been disabled then ultimate disconnect could be made by switching off the aircraft master power switch.

These systems took many years to develop by many people.
How many people do you think it might take to develop, manufacture, and then install on 4 aircraft another device to subvert the control system to behave in the manner which you describe?
Just a rough estimate will do. 1? 10? 100? 1000?
And then how do you keep them quiet after the event.? Shoot them all?
Then how do you keep that quiet?

You see, what has been done is to construct a scenario which if you suspend all rationality might be believable in the same way that a movie is believable.
But when you look into the detail, to contemplate this scenario being the reality demands a blind belief in the unbelievable, if for no other reason than the total impossibilty of keeping the hundreds or even thousands people quiet who participated in the event.
Unfortunately, having had a few discussions with a number of people on a number of subjects over many years, I am well aware that some people do have the capacity to blindly believe the unbelievable. Even in the face of irrefutable contrary evidence.

NSW, 2495 posts
22 May 2010 6:10PM
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in a nutshell, commonsense says its all a load of frog poo. why is it so hard for some people to believe the obvious non conspirational facts?

NSW, 864 posts
22 May 2010 6:55PM
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saltiest1 said...

in a nutshell, commonsense says its all a load of frog poo. why is it so hard for some people to believe the obvious non conspirational facts?

Because then they wouldn't be able to tell themselves how smart they are at having figured it out. They MUST be smart because they can say things like "transponder navigation control units". So given a choice between frog poo and X Files plot, they'll take X Files every time.

BTW X Files was a fake, people. You can tell because Mulder always figured things out without wearing a foil hat. In real life that doesn't happen.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Chemtrails" started by theDoctor