Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 29 Apr 2010
ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
22 May 2010 9:01PM
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It easier to believe in conspiracy theories if you've never managed anyone else.

Anyone who's ever had someone work for them realises how ****ing difficult it is to co-ordinate even the most basic events (a presentation, loading a file into a database, a meeting, the agreement of a project plan). They then look at 911 theories and can realistically estimate how impossible the challenge is.

If you've sat in your underpants in your bedroom for the last 25 years and figure co-ordinating a global conspiracy is not much more difficult than ordering a pizza and brushing your teeth, then you tend to believe they are more feasible.

NSW, 2495 posts
23 May 2010 3:06PM
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its not proof but hearsay mate. if you went to court with this ****e you would get laughed out.

NSW, 2495 posts
23 May 2010 3:12PM
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i especially like the one about the guy that heard it over the retaining wall. 8 ft high. good one.

NSW, 4453 posts
23 May 2010 3:17PM
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pweedas: here do yourself a favour and read this

I realize you may have gotten confused if I had just written transponder, so I included the navigation in there to help you out.

^^^^^^^Pilot=Abdul Hack and his box cutter 1984^^^^^^^^^

The engineers referred to this aircraft control as a Transponder Navigation Control Unit... we're not talking about the squawk transponder ALL aircraft have!

WTF do u want me to call so u understand?
Would u have really understood C Band, Ku Band, L-3 Com ACS?

I realize now, by the fact that simple physics evades y'all, explaining a relatively simple plan is gona seem like Particle Physics.

ginger pom: I've managed many projects... and this may surprise you, but not everybody is incompetent. And like I told y'all before everything didn't go to plan that's why u've got an idiot like me trying to explain the plan to u.

Anyway sorry I imagined the whole thing... it was Mussafa and his box cutter.

pweedas: if you used the same "rationality" used to dispute my "transponder" note and examined the events around the WTC demolitions we wouldn't be having this conversation. In fact just do some basic calculations g = 9.8 m/s2.

NSW, 5780 posts
23 May 2010 3:28PM
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funny you could say the same thing about the 'official' arabs in caves story too.

but that didn't stop our spineless kiddy fiddling political leaders do as they're tolds from throwing their hats into the military posse which formed before the events to invade two soveriegn nations and kill (officially close to but in actual probability well over) 1,000 000 innocent people.

but hmmm, my fat ass white bred 'owned those commiting the crimes' court says its just hearsay and conjucture so why should i care to look for myself ....

(where exactly was howard the day of september 11 2001...?, the answer might suprise you)

now back to chemtrails

WA, 1305 posts
23 May 2010 5:29PM
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Cant believe the mountain of crap being put to this one,,
might comprehend if it was funny
but seems to be lotsa serious shyyyyte

WA, 4642 posts
23 May 2010 5:59PM
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FlySurfer said...

pweedas: here do yourself a favour and read this

I realize you may have gotten confused if I had just written transponder, so I included the navigation in there to help you out.

The engineers referred to this aircraft control as a Transponder Navigation Control Unit... we're not talking about the squawk transponder ALL aircraft have!

WTF do u want me to call so u understand?
Would u have really understood C Band, Ku Band, L-3 Com ACS?

I realize now, by the fact that simple physics evades y'all, explaining a relatively simple plan is gona seem like Particle Physics.

ginger pom: I've managed many projects... and this may surprise you, but not everybody is incompetent. And like I told y'all before everything didn't go to plan that's why u've got an idiot like me trying to explain the plan to u.

Anyway sorry I imagined the whole thing... it was Mussafa and his box cutter.

pweedas: if you used the same "rationality" used to dispute my "transponder" note and examined the events around the WTC demolitions we wouldn't be having this conversation. In fact just do some basic calculations g = 9.8 m/s2.

Thanks mr FlySurfer for your kind advice. I did use the same rationality regarding the WTC soon after it came down. Being an engineer I was intensely interested in it and followed it in great detail. I watched the event unfold on live tv as it happened and when I saw the fire crew running into the building I was extremely sad for them. I could see what was sure to happen an hour before it came down and I was not at all surprised when it happened. The only thing that initially surprised me was that the second tower hit came down first.
Nothing I have seen since regarding the whole episode gives me the slightest doubt that it was anything other than what was reported.

Also, I took your advice and looked up the link you posted,.. and,.. it says,.? exactly what I said.;---
a radio, radar, or sonar transceiver that automatically transmits a signal upon reception of a designated incoming signal.
I have to admit, it's now been over 20 years since I fitted a transponder so in case they have changed radically since then, I did a google search on "transponder navigation unit" and came up with just one response, which turned out to be this thread.
And it was you who used the term.
Somehow I don't think I will take that as the definitive authority.

Maybe Google is having an "off" day so if you know of any other references to this 'transponder navigation unit' in aircraft I would be really interested to read it. Maybe you could post a link.? I might even buy one.

Also, I'm a bit sad that you find "simple physics evades y'all " since many years ago I put in the effort and did a 5 year engineering degree and then used it for about 40 years to make a living.
So although I don't count myself as the smartest guy in the world I kind of considered I had a reasonable grasp of most things related to the real world.
"The real world" I say, not science fiction.

Regarding your request;-
"In fact just do some basic calculations g = 9.8 m/s2."
, I consider I am reasonably conversant with the matter, although being an old person I often use the imperial version g=32ft/sec/sec.
They both mean the same thing.
I've played intimately with this variable for the last 50 years because it's the number which takes over when the big fan on the front of my aeroplane stops turning. (That's the aeroplane with the transponder in it by the way. But definitely no transponder navigation unit.)

At that point another equation takes over which is PE=mgh, -Potential Energy =(mass X gravity X height ) in whatever units you like.
They all translate to the same thing, 'you're coming down' ! (double )

And then finally, the last equation E=1/2 mv^2. This is the big one!
It combines with another one which goes s= ut + 1/2 at^2 to give you a very hard time.
It's the one which makes all the noise as you spead yourself 50 metres along the ground.
You wouldn't like it. It chips a lot of paint.
I would try and avoid it if I were you.

Coincidentally, these are the same equations which dictated the outcome of the last seconds of the WTC.
They are all Newtons fault. Nobody had any trouble with this until he came to blows with an apple or something and then got carried away with his description of the event.

Let me see now, what else did you say?
Oh yes.
"The engineers referred to this aircraft control as a Transponder Navigation Control Unit... "

I would check on their qualifications if I were you.

And :-
"Would u have really understood C Band, Ku Band, L-3 Com ACS?"

Yes I would. Feel free to use them but I don't know why you would want to.
None of them make any difference to the argument.

And then:-
" that's why u've got an idiot like me trying to explain the plan to u."

Don't be too hard on yourself Flysurfer. It makes for an interesting discussion and a remarkable insight into the human condition.

And then:-
"Anyway sorry I imagined the whole thing... "

Apology accepted.

FlySurfer, the ultimate test on anything like this comes down to the question I asked in my earlier post.
Which is, how many people would you require to carry out such a plan and then how do you keep them quiet for so long afterwards?
If this question can't be answered in a plausible manner then whatever scenario you propose is proven unworkable.
Everything else is just passing wind. (or is that "shooting the breeze?)

NSW, 5780 posts
23 May 2010 8:24PM
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do you even watch the clips or view the links posted...?

watch 'september clues'

it is easy to control when you own all the pieces

WA, 1305 posts
23 May 2010 6:49PM
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pweedas said...

FlySurfer said...

pweedas: here do yourself a favour and read this

I realize you may have gotten confused if I had just written transponder, so I included the navigation in there to help you out.

The engineers referred to this aircraft control as a Transponder Navigation Control Unit... we're not talking about the squawk transponder ALL aircraft have!

WTF do u want me to call so u understand?
Would u have really understood C Band, Ku Band, L-3 Com ACS?

I realize now, by the fact that simple physics evades y'all, explaining a relatively simple plan is gona seem like Particle Physics.

ginger pom: I've managed many projects... and this may surprise you, but not everybody is incompetent. And like I told y'all before everything didn't go to plan that's why u've got an idiot like me trying to explain the plan to u.

Anyway sorry I imagined the whole thing... it was Mussafa and his box cutter.

pweedas: if you used the same "rationality" used to dispute my "transponder" note and examined the events around the WTC demolitions we wouldn't be having this conversation. In fact just do some basic calculations g = 9.8 m/s2.

Thanks mr FlySurfer for your kind advice. I did use the same rationality regarding the WTC soon after it came down. Being an engineer I was intensely interested in it and followed it in great detail. I watched the event unfold on live tv as it happened and when I saw the fire crew running into the building I was extremely sad for them. I could see what was sure to happen an hour before it came down and I was not at all surprised when it happened. The only thing that initially surprised me was that the second tower hit came down first.
Nothing I have seen since regarding the whole episode gives me the slightest doubt that it was anything other than what was reported.

Also, I took your advice and looked up the link you posted,.. and,.. it says,.? exactly what I said.;---
a radio, radar, or sonar transceiver that automatically transmits a signal upon reception of a designated incoming signal.
I have to admit, it's now been over 20 years since I fitted a transponder so in case they have changed radically since then, I did a google search on "transponder navigation unit" and came up with just one response, which turned out to be this thread.
And it was you who used the term.
Somehow I don't think I will take that as the definitive authority.

Maybe Google is having an "off" day so if you know of any other references to this 'transponder navigation unit' in aircraft I would be really interested to read it. Maybe you could post a link.? I might even buy one.

Also, I'm a bit sad that you find "simple physics evades y'all " since many years ago I put in the effort and did a 5 year engineering degree and then used it for about 40 years to make a living.
So although I don't count myself as the smartest guy in the world I kind of considered I had a reasonable grasp of most things related to the real world.
"The real world" I say, not science fiction.

Regarding your request;-
"In fact just do some basic calculations g = 9.8 m/s2."
, I consider I am reasonably conversant with the matter, although being an old person I often use the imperial version g=32ft/sec/sec.
They both mean the same thing.
I've played intimately with this variable for the last 50 years because it's the number which takes over when the big fan on the front of my aeroplane stops turning. (That's the aeroplane with the transponder in it by the way. But definitely no transponder navigation unit.)

At that point another equation takes over which is PE=mgh, -Potential Energy =(mass X gravity X height ) in whatever units you like.
They all translate to the same thing, 'you're coming down' ! (double )

And then finally, the last equation E=1/2 mv^2. This is the big one!
It combines with another one which goes s= ut + 1/2 at^2 to give you a very hard time.
It's the one which makes all the noise as you spead yourself 50 metres along the ground.
You wouldn't like it. It chips a lot of paint.
I would try and avoid it if I were you.

Coincidentally, these are the same equations which dictated the outcome of the last seconds of the WTC.
They are all Newtons fault. Nobody had any trouble with this until he came to blows with an apple or something and then got carried away with his description of the event.

Let me see now, what else did you say?
Oh yes.
"The engineers referred to this aircraft control as a Transponder Navigation Control Unit... "

I would check on their qualifications if I were you.

And :-
"Would u have really understood C Band, Ku Band, L-3 Com ACS?"

Yes I would. Feel free to use them but I don't know why you would want to.
None of them make any difference to the argument.

And then:-
" that's why u've got an idiot like me trying to explain the plan to u."

Don't be too hard on yourself Flysurfer. It makes for an interesting discussion and a remarkable insight into the human condition.

And then:-
"Anyway sorry I imagined the whole thing... "

Apology accepted.

FlySurfer, the ultimate test on anything like this comes down to the question I asked in my earlier post.
Which is, how many people would you require to carry out such a plan and then how do you keep them quiet for so long afterwards?
If this question can't be answered in a plausible manner then whatever scenario you propose is proven unworkable.
Everything else is just passing wind. (or is that "shooting the breeze?)

NOW this comeback made me laugh!!!
Well written pweedas.

WA, 6415 posts
23 May 2010 10:23PM
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watched on saturday night the playoff match Blackpool v Cardiff on foxtel.

half hour prior to kick-off, camera moves around ground and to sky.

guess what?

clearly saw around 8 or so chemtrails!

they were crossing over each other.

on of the WTC towers, the top section from the 80th floor above[around 30 floors], it started to fall independently of lower section.

it tipped over around 23 degrees from lower section [80 floors] as it fell, then miraculously it [the top 30 floors] just seemed to disappear.

after tilting 23 degrees the top section should have fallen independently of lower section.

watch the video and see for yourself.

this is evidence PWEEDAS that explosives were planted in top section as it miraculously disappeared, that is it particularized / vaporised.

what force on earth could do this?


yes, much evidence of radiation has been found at WTC.

WA, 6650 posts
23 May 2010 10:36PM
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theDoctor said...

now back to chemtrails

yeah back to chemtrails

back to the paper published in Nature home vidoe posted on utube,

back to them old redneck school teachers who used to do all that learning of people and stuff

back to the bloke who spent 10 years alone in Alaska doing nothing but looking up and reporting what the clouds look look every hour

Come on folks - how can these people be wrong ? they may be mad but they are true-blue americans and God blesses America.

I mean all this spraying, it is killing us all right, we are living short lives, there are less literate people, the percentage of people studing at university is less, we have much lower birth survival rates, worst health care, worst hygene than 100 years ago when aeroplanes started flying

mmmm hang on - evidence suggests to me even if THEY are spraying chemtrails it does the population more good than bad ??

Sorry Doc, so long ago now you told me about them, I forget, what do the chemtrails do to me that is bad ??

and if it is nefarious and getting worse then wouldn't the population's health be getting poorer not better ??

WA, 6415 posts
24 May 2010 5:42AM
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found this from

On chemtrails, I noticed that after the so called ash cloud incident (which by the way was totally invisible here in northern Sweden, although Iceland is not that far away. In fact the skies was clearer than it has been for ages due to the absence of chemtrails when the air traffic was grounded), we had an unusually stable and pleasant spring weather since the chemtrail spraying took a few weeks to get going up at full speed. There were many days with clear blue skies all day and strong sunlight.

However, the last few days they have been spraying heavily again and instantly the weather got more unstable with quick changes in temperatures, strong winds and the familiar overcast chemtrail mush blanket that seems to be the main effect of the sprays they are using now. One day I watched how they turned the skies from clear blue into a totally grey blanket of mush in about 5-6 hours! Also, with the chemtrails, the regular physical symptoms of fatigue, muscle aches and sinus problems have returned.


Finally, I had a very interesting conversation at work the other day with a young guy who is doing work experience at my workplace. He is from Somaliland in East Africa. I started to ask him a few questions about the situation over there. First we talked about the so-called pirates off the coast, who he said simply were fishermen who had gotten tired of foreign trawlers taking advantage of Somalia's lack of coast guard and totally depleting the fish along the coast, thus leaving the local fishermen destitute and with hungry families.

In addition, there had also been ships doing illegal dumping of toxic waste that had made both fish and people sick. But in Western media, they were just pirates, hellbent on making trouble...a prime example how skewed the media is over here.

Then we got on to 911 and Bin Laden, and to my surprise he was totally aware that it was an inside job and that Bin Laden probably was dead and and had nothing to do with it. He also said that in "Somalia everybody knows this." He was also aware of the influence of bankers, Freemasons, Illuminati on politics and world affairs. How many 20-year-olds here in the West have a clue about any of this? It is embarrassing...

Further, we talked about the mass media, and he said that people in the West are indoctrinated and lived in a bubble of fantasies, while people down in Somalia, due to the hardships they had been through, could not afford to ignore the realities and thus were much more acutely aware of the state of things in the world and who really called the shots.

He also mentioned a few interesting facts about Somaliland, which is a breakaway republic consisting of the most Northern part of Somalia. Due to that it is not internationally recognized by UN or other such vile organizations, it can not receive loans and aid from IMF, Worldbank etc.

However, this was a blessing in disguise for them, since they are debt free, also they only have a minimal government, not a bloated and corrupted bureaucracy, since there isn't a big influx of money for it to feed off. He said that they still had managed to rebuild the totally destroyed capital, Hargeisa, since 1991. They used funds from the diaspora and by giving free land to anyone who was willing to build a house on it. Furthermore, they only pay a tax rate of 5 %! And the country still seems to work. It shows that government interference is not needed. Indeed the opposite is true, government is the problem not the solution.

No wonder we never hear about Somaliland on the news! It works too well staying outside the global system. I am not saying that this country is a paradise, but they seem to have gotten a lot more things right than us over here, who are folding under the weight of taxation and bureaucracies.

NSW, 864 posts
24 May 2010 8:54AM
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Here's some news from downtown Somalia on the pirates:

Notice the paragraph that reads in part "Piracy has cost tens of millions of dollars in ransoms.

"The pirates adapt new methods. Every time we suppress piracy, they change their tactics," said Ibrahim Mohamed al Musharrakh, commander of the United Arab Emirate's naval forces."

Tens of millions of dollars. They must be fairly well fed disgruntled fishermen by now!

QLD, 5610 posts
24 May 2010 9:41AM
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I used to have a Datsun 180B that left "Chemtrails" !!! Those evil bastards must have gotten to it.....

WA, 6650 posts
24 May 2010 10:08AM
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What do you get for your 5% tax ?

Free medical care form the cradle to the grave?
Welfare system to protect those who are less fortunate or fallen on hard times
Clean water and efficent sanitation systems
Transport networks that work
Policing of territorial waters from illegal fishing and dumping of toxic waste
Clean green electricity production
Transparent and corruption free governemnt
Protection of your person and property

Surely you can't get any of this ?

I mean I can't get it when I pay 40% tax.

Got a link to the Samariland wind graphs ?

NSW, 9202 posts
24 May 2010 1:13PM
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theDoctor said...
now back to chemtrails

Which airlines are doing this? What chemical is it?

Wouldn't it be easier to put said chemical in petrol, water, salt?

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
24 May 2010 11:37AM
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Richiefish said...

I used to have a Datsun 180B that left "Chemtrails" !!! Those evil bastards must have gotten to it.....

I had a HQ wagon the same. Shocking chemtrails
Died in a chem pool on Riverside drive many years ago

I am in no way involved in the spreading of chemtrails.

why would governments spray chemicals over their own families and in some cases themselves?
This chemtrail stuff borders on delusional.

NSW, 4453 posts
24 May 2010 2:23PM
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evlPanda: no airline. It's military/air force for the 5th time. No... there are no petrol/water/salt powered aircraft flying around at 22000 ft.

Since the 1st video didn't work with you, here's another:

WTF here are some pictures for you...

pweedas: What kind of engineer are you? I know you sure as hell can't be a Structural engineering.
Nothing I have seen since regarding the whole episode gives me the slightest doubt that it was anything other than what was reported.

Please excuse my ignorance but since before the day it happened I have been living in a delusional world view and I honestly don't know what has been reported...
I know the NYPD found a hijacker passport, but I still don't know how to connect the whole 2 people in Florida flight school > hijack commercial jetliner > demolition x 3 > pentagon > cave > War on terror > Patriot Acts > muslim burka burka > Afghanistan > Iraq > Iran

Just a simple timeline would suffice.

Also since you do understand basic physics how come the 70 floors under the impact zone offered 0 resistance to the "collapse"?
I mean surely those MASSIVE steel columns would offer just a little bit, or did the heat vaporize them all the way to the base?

1368 & 1362 ft... nice and easy for you since you prefer imperial.

WA, 6650 posts
24 May 2010 1:41PM
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But he says chaff and then talks about chaff - not chemtrails.

Nothing to do with chemicals - chaff is small peices of aluminimum plate design to reflect radar in strange angles. Been used since the invention of radar, put up by ships as well as aircraft as well as missiles. Particularly good to dump out the back of fighter craft when they are being chased by missiles.

Just bits of metal plate around 100mm x 50mm. When I was in the cadets at school I fired a chaff missle - it went up, exploded and spread chaff everywhere - big bright reflective cloud of shiny metal. Bit like see lots of windsurf sails reflecting the sun light on a warm summer afternoon - mmmmm warm summer seabreeze mmmm

Anyway - at some point in time somebody must test this by doing it, and test anti-chaff radar by sending chaff out. I don't think anything strange going on here.

I was slowly coming round, but I am slipping back now. If a weather man talking of chaff is significant evidence of chemtrails I am tending back toward my doubt side rapidly.

But I still don't get what is nefarious about them. What aspect of my life is getting worse due to chemtrails ? I am predicted to live longer and more wealthy than my parents, grandparents and all my ancestors. If this is a result of chemtrails, keep spraying I say.

WA, 6650 posts
24 May 2010 1:44PM
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And them pictures inside the aircraft, that is just the FMG Cloudbreak site plane coming back from another 4/1 roster.

Them hard working FMG boys need a bit of beer to calm the nerves on the way back. What better way than to brew it fresh.

WA, 15849 posts
24 May 2010 2:01PM
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How come that plane is fitted with beer kegs?

NSW, 6868 posts
24 May 2010 5:02PM
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If you believe that this scam could not have been pulled, for whatever reason, we are too intelligent, nobody would do it to their own people etc., then how do you explain the hold that popular religions, particularly Christianity, have had over society for at least the last 1000 years?

If anything it has a greater hold now than ever before particularly in America and serves one purpose only, that is to concentrate wealth and power at the same time as keeping the riff raff under control.

The people who control the money have been playing this same game for a vey long time at our expense. If you dont believe it it is because you have your eyes wide shut.

9/11 happened because there was motive, profit, and because it has been done before many times, and has always been successful.

There are none so blind as those who will not see. Challenge a persons belief system and they will argue that black is white. Quite a lot will argue that the suffering in this world is to get us through to heaven!

WA, 15849 posts
24 May 2010 4:03PM
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MMMM Beer.....................

NSW, 2495 posts
24 May 2010 6:53PM
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im with doggie on that one.

NSW, 5780 posts
24 May 2010 6:57PM
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the plane full beer kegs is not a 'spray' plane.

this is what they fit out new planes with while they do their testing on them before the final fixout and delivery.

the kegs are filled with water and the water is pumped around the plane while the plane flies to simulate stresses , forces and whatever.

there was a big hoo haa a few years ago about the inside of a spray plane being photographed and these photos were presented as the evidence.

as for the spraying which is really happening most of it is done (east coast)in the hours before sunrise. get your ass out of bed by 4am when there is a high pressure system and watch the planes fly one after the other laying lines in the sky, by the time most sheep are on their daily commute the sky is already a haze.

which commercial airport is open to get those planes to that altitude by 4am...?

WA, 15849 posts
24 May 2010 5:02PM
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Sheesh, glad its not happening in WA then

The idea of a plane full of beer is a good one I think they could pump it to a tap right at your seat, how good would that be, YEA!!

QLD, 5610 posts
24 May 2010 7:31PM
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This "chemtrail conspiracy" is the funniest one yet ! Keep em coming guys...

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
24 May 2010 9:03PM
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japie said...

If you believe that this scam could not have been pulled, for whatever reason, we are too intelligent, nobody would do it to their own people etc., then how do you explain the hold that popular religions, particularly Christianity, have had over society for at least the last 1000 years?

hmmm beer

and christianity is an intrinsically pleasant idea. Jesus was a nice guy etc. There is no big secret. It's all in one book. People read the book and then believe the idea- plus a whole load of religious philosophy that move the ideas one way or another

It is completely different from a hugely orchestrated plan (hi jacking/ transponders/ micro nukes (I nearly weed myself laughing when I read PeterMAc's post)/ demolition teams etc) to kill thousands of your own civilians that hasn't been leaked in nearly 10 years despite widespread opposition to both of the wars that it provoked by pretty much everyone involved (and that includes the guys that were originally for the wars)

The idiots that believe that it has been kept quiet for NINE years are also the same people that believe that Larry Silverstein accidentally gave it away on the day... either there was a conspiracy (and it would have been a lot slicker than giving it away on the day) or there wasn't and it was a mistake... or

you are a conspiracy theorist and upon reading my last sentence above, you concluded that Larry Silverstein deliberately gave it away in order to fuel conspiracy theories that missed the mark... very creative

Either way, this thread and the others have resulted in me learning a lot more than I ever wanted to about the stupid conspiracy theories...

SA, 4032 posts
24 May 2010 10:39PM
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maxm said...

saltiest1 said...

in a nutshell, commonsense says its all a load of frog poo. why is it so hard for some people to believe the obvious non conspirational facts?

Because then they wouldn't be able to tell themselves how smart they are at having figured it out. They MUST be smart because they can say things like "transponder navigation control units". So given a choice between frog poo and X Files plot, they'll take X Files every time.

BTW X Files was a fake, people. You can tell because Mulder always figured things out without wearing a foil hat. In real life that doesn't happen.

X files was fakeand i went out and spent $2k on one of their torches

WA, 6415 posts
25 May 2010 3:38AM
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some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ''internationalists'' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world,if you will.

if that's the the charge, i stand guilty,and i am proud of it.

David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405

''multi-national corporations have no ethics. they will deal with the devil himself if they can make a profit''

Robert Steele, former CIA covert operations.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Chemtrails" started by theDoctor