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Don't panic, stock food now!!

Created by Macroscien > 9 months ago, 25 Feb 2020
QLD, 3623 posts
2 Mar 2020 2:22PM
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Windpasser said..
Sorry that is an old pic, but I am stocking up anyway.

Costco is famous for its intelligent and forward thinking customer base.

NSW, 4521 posts
2 Mar 2020 3:59PM
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Trying to figure out if Macro is serious or taking the p155?

QLD, 3623 posts
2 Mar 2020 3:04PM
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Harrow said..
Trying to figure out if Macro is serious or taking the p155?

Queesland is a risky place for the outbreak. There and also Wuhan. I wouldn't go to either.

WA, 7323 posts
2 Mar 2020 3:08PM
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How can more be dead than infected?? nCov lines around the wrong way?

NSW, 4521 posts
2 Mar 2020 6:57PM
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hilly said..
How can more be dead than infected?? nCov lines around the wrong way?

Different scales on the right and left of the graph. Not labelled very well.

QLD, 6806 posts
2 Mar 2020 9:05PM
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Harrow said..
Trying to figure out if Macro is serious or taking the p155?

At average mortality range 4% seem to be not much.I still wonder how they do calculate this mortality rate, because at this moment 4% infected died, 20% recovered and the rest remain unknown . So within this 80% infected but not recovered still don't know end result.
so at worse case scenario it could be 16%.
Beside you can get infected second time and next. So going back to this 4% rate it means that on 100 people you know 4 is going to die soon due to corona virus alone. Not on the cancer, car accident or eaten by sharks but this modern flu. In other words 4 people on every 100 of our Seabreezers also is going to retire from this world due to this corona virus alone.
Don't panic. if 4% is not scary enough I wonder why people play Lotto where your chances are more like 1 to 10 mln to win.

Ian K
WA, 4049 posts
2 Mar 2020 7:21PM
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Macroscien said..

. In other words 4 people on every 100 of our Seabreezers also is going to retire from this world due to this corona virus alone.

You've lumped us all in the 60 to 70 age bracket Macro. Do you have the data to support this assumption?

QLD, 6806 posts
2 Mar 2020 9:45PM
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Ian K said..

Macroscien said..

. In other words 4 people on every 100 of our Seabreezers also is going to retire from this world due to this corona virus alone.

You've lumped us all in the 60 to 70 age bracket Macro. Do you have the data to support this assumption?

Do we have any approx number of SB subscribers, readers ? Then we could approx the number of us ceasing SB activity due to Corona alone. We could already draw some conclusions. Proportion of Windsurfers could be higher then Kiters- as I suspect those last are usually generally younger.

As usual Males have preferential treatment by Corona and they are twice as likely to die then female.

QLD, 6806 posts
2 Mar 2020 10:50PM
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Don't panic,
you may have always a second chance ( to recover)

QLD, 6806 posts
4 Mar 2020 7:23PM
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Exactly one hundred years ago Spanish Flue did take toll on Australian citizens taking 15,000 lives.
40 % of our population was infected and then mortality rate comes at 0.75%
Now mortality rate is 5x higher for Corona, but we are now better prepared to deal with outcome.

(we could dig bigger graves quicker)

Ian K
WA, 4049 posts
4 Mar 2020 6:16PM
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It's an ill wind that blows no good. Sir Isaac Newton did his best work at home when the university was shut down during the plague.
"Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August 1665, the University closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student, Newton's private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the next two years saw the development of his theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation. "

QLD, 6806 posts
4 Mar 2020 8:36PM
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Ian K said..
It's an ill wind that blows no good. Sir Isaac Newton did his best work at home when the university was shut down during the plague.
"Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August 1665, the University closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student, Newton's private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the next two years saw the development of his theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation. "

Actually that virus crisis could provoke the greatest progress in XXI century.Virtual work in China already from home is flourishing!
Instead of public transport, traffic, office risk, many jobs can be done from private homes. Many chinese back to work without leaving their homes at all! BTW> I am looking now for myself for the best quality HMD.I am bored constantly looking at the computer screen while glued to the chair and desk. Head Mounted Display will allow me now comfortable work on sofa or lazy chair. After good experience with Oculos Go to watch Netflix , now is time for something serious to properly read printed text on the screen.
My focus is on:
1.SAmsung Odyssey +
2.Oculus Quest
3. HP Rift,review-3550.html

I can wait for the latest Virtual Foiling app. and Slalom Racing !!

Laudteritz also could be good and I feel I could hit 60 knots if lucky.Virtual Lake George could yield me 600 miles in one day. I think I should be able to lay down on my chair that long.

WA, 947 posts
4 Mar 2020 8:12PM
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Macro you are always shopping! If it is coming from China I would wait, none of my Chinese ebay orders since mid January have arrived, most haven't shipped if you can believe the tracking.

QLD, 6806 posts
4 Mar 2020 11:05PM
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Here is most recent example how Virtual Reality could soon effect our lives , after Corona Virus pass.
Security Conference in Europe cancellation serve this example well.Why even to call such conferences if you could organize virtual presence?

Many world leaders now refused access to United Nation conferences because is located in USA and they don't welcome critics and other voices.Why not to organize this UN building hosting only avatars in those big boardrooms?
Then even Iranian and Venezuelan representant could virtually arrive and have voice at UN conference.

Unless internet router filters will not block them .Beside public could save a lot money once our official will be forced to travel virtually.No chartered jets, business class planes ticket, 5* hotels, alcohol and hores at our expenses.

QLD, 6806 posts
4 Mar 2020 11:22PM
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You don't need to panic anymore.
Somebody else did it for you and from now everything is going to be ok.

One may say that it is a little bit too late. Press this button 3 month back in time and Wuhan remain safe from virus infection.
Two duck killed with one stone.

QLD, 6806 posts
5 Mar 2020 7:46PM
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Don't panic and don't stock food and toilet paper anymore.
Vaccine is almost here.

WA, 6415 posts
5 Mar 2020 7:22PM
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There we have it then - Big Pharma is going to save us

WA, 6415 posts
5 Mar 2020 11:20PM
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I went to Coles tonight and was shocked.

Not by the complete lack of any of non essentials like toilet paper though.

When I went to buy rice this sh/t really hit home. I bought the last 5 kg bag left. There were two 1 kg bags of brown basmati left and I bought one of them. There was some other rice left but the vast majority was sold.

Almost all the large bags of flour for breadmaking were sold as well.

In a few days possibly a week I can see supermarkets are not going to be so super any more.

883 posts
6 Mar 2020 7:00AM
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WA, 14728 posts
6 Mar 2020 7:35AM
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Does no one here watch the TV zombie programs? They are meant to be informational not entertainment!

First lesson: A gun is better than a knife when it comes to arguing who owns the roll of toilet paper.

Second lesson: There will be plenty of houses stocked up, with toilet paper, that all the owners have been killed or turned into zombies.

Third lesson: Even though there seems to be an easy way to outrun zombies or to keep them away from you, don't take it, as it spoils the story line.

Fourth lesson: After the first season, or sometimes the first episode, the writers have nowhere to go, so they kill off a major character. Make sure its not you.

WA, 14728 posts
6 Mar 2020 7:38AM
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petermac33 said..
I went to Coles tonight and was shocked.

Not by the complete lack of any of non essentials like toilet paper though.

When I went to buy rice this sh/t really hit home. I bought the last 5 kg bag left. There were two 1 kg bags of brown basmati left and I bought one of them. There was some other rice left but the vast majority was sold.

Almost all the large bags of flour for breadmaking were sold as well.

In a few days possibly a week I can see supermarkets are not going to be so super any more.

Have you thought about buying out all of one stock line of something, say chux superwipes, and then telling the checkout operator that you bought all the chux super wipes because you have inside knowledge that it can cure corona virus?

I hope this will keep going, as its entertaining seeing what people will buy next and then trying to figure out why.

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Mar 2020 12:18PM
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Don't panic about COD19.There are much worse things to worry about. MERS virus takes to heaven one in three infected!!!!

Hopefully those two ( viruses ) never join forces. One that love to kill and another to infect people.

But there is very handy tip that allow to save us from MERS armageddon.

Looks like next great beer reputation will be tarnished soon.

One may think that high alcohol content should kill those nasty viruses in this great beer made of camel urine

Now every Camel beer comes with handy clock. Give you precise time how long you will last before MERS will grab you.

NSW, 4521 posts
6 Mar 2020 4:37PM
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saltiest1 said..
Well I just changed my superannuation from high risk to conservative.

I've followed suit. At least I managed to catch the dead cat bounce. I figure there's a heck of a lot more to lose than gain over the next 12 months.

NSW, 9202 posts
6 Mar 2020 5:07PM
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Ian K said..
You've lumped us all in the 60 to 70 age bracket Macro. Do you have the data to support this assumption?

Based on The Spanish Flu that affected younger people more in its second wave, later that year.

"And unlike a normal seasonal flu, which mostly claims victims among the very young and very old, the second wave of the Spanish flu exhibited what's called a "W curve"-high numbers of deaths among the young and old, but also a huge spike in the middle composed of otherwise healthy 25- to 35-year-olds in the prime of their life.

"That really freaked out the medical establishment, that there was this atypical spike in the middle of the W," says Harris."

NSW, 9202 posts
6 Mar 2020 5:10PM
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Macroscien said..
Don't panic and don't stock food and toilet paper anymore.
Vaccine is almost here.

A vaccine is at least 18 months away.

In reality.

2614 posts
6 Mar 2020 2:10PM
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evlPanda said..

Ian K said..
You've lumped us all in the 60 to 70 age bracket Macro. Do you have the data to support this assumption?

Based on The Spanish Flu that affected younger people more in its second wave, later that year.

"And unlike a normal seasonal flu, which mostly claims victims among the very young and very old, the second wave of the Spanish flu exhibited what's called a "W curve"-high numbers of deaths among the young and old, but also a huge spike in the middle composed of otherwise healthy 25- to 35-year-olds in the prime of their life.

"That really freaked out the medical establishment, that there was this atypical spike in the middle of the W," says Harris."

And you know that anecdotal (and some studies) are showing that this virus is similar in that even if you get over a mild case, it doesn't really leave you and will come back a second or third time or more, even deadlier.

2614 posts
6 Mar 2020 2:10PM
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evlPanda said..

Macroscien said..
Don't panic and don't stock food and toilet paper anymore.
Vaccine is almost here.

A vaccine is at least 18 months away.

if that.

NSW, 9202 posts
6 Mar 2020 5:18PM
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I need to stock up on some more essential food.

Here's a list I have been using:

The average suburban or urban area has ~3 days of food available in groceries for the people they serve. Surge capacity for major resupply is difficult and becomes increasingly complicated with multiple geographic areas affected. Don't wait until the Panic-demic.

1.?MultiVitamins. They're cheap and in the event you're subsisting on rice for prolonged periods will prevent nutrient deficiencies.

2.?Shelf stable calorie dense food with complete proteins.

- Proteins are built from amino acids and there are nine our bodies can't build that need to be provided by our diet. Rice & beans is a common example of two foods combined that provide all nine. Meat always contains complete proteins.

- Fat is calorie dense providing 9 calories/gram whereas carbs and proteins contain 4 calories/gram. What does this practically mean? Buy tuna packed in oil. Buy oil to splash on your rice and beans.

- Spam. Seriously, spam. It fed the allied forces throughout WWII, is calorie dense, provides adequate salt and complete protein, is fully cooked, shelf stable, and has enough calories in a single can (1080) to provide adequate although not optimal caloric intake for a day in the event of a prolonged supply chain disruption. It also cost somewhere around $2.50/can.

(me: Yeah. Nah)

- Buy a canister of iodinated salt and a bag of sugar.

- Your pets need to eat, too. Don't forget Fido.

3. Go to the dentist. If you've been putting it off for whatever reason make an appointment today. Dental infections and pain are a real bummer and if your dentist is dead or closes up shop I suppose you can always resort to a pair of pliers.

4. ?Primarily buy things you use on a daily basis. This includes soap, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, deodorant, laundry soap, mouthwash, razors. (Yes, razors. A shave puts a shine on the day, it's good for morale.) Worst case scenario, if this all blows over you won't have to go shopping for awhile.

5. ?Toilet Paper & Sanitary Napkins. Unless you're going to magically stop pooping or menstruating in the next three months you'll use your surplus.

(me: haha)

6. OTC meds. Don't go crazy. Buy what you use. If you have GERD and take omeprazole everyday then go buy the million count container. Otherwise just get the basics in case you or your family become ill.

-Tylenol. Fevers are our friends in fighting infection but if they runaway into dangerous territory this is a good treatment.

- Guaifenesin--optionally including a cough suppressant, you've gotta sleep sometime, right?--to loosen secretions so you can cough the evil out.

(me: I found this easily at the chemist)

- Loperamide and a recipe for Oral Rehydrating Solution (ORS) handy in the event you get the trots.

(me: I've heaps of "training stuff" full of electrolytes and such)

- Diphenhydramine for allergic reactions and as a sleep aid.

-A ntifungal powder or cream. In the event of water rationing you're gonna get a little funk. Jock itch, athlete's foot, or yeast under your breasts is not only a bummer but compromises skin integrity and increases the risk of infection.

7. Get your house in order. Been putting off a pile of laundry? Can't rely on being able to go to the laundromat, take care of it sometime soon.

8. Get your head in order.

- If you pray, reinvigorate your prayer life. If you're into meditation or contemplation, start practicing that again. Detachment is important.
- Pick a spiritual or philosophical book that you can read a little from every day when you wake up. If religion/spirituality isn't your thing then the stoics are always good. You can start with five minutes each of prayer/meditation and reading per day. Build up to 15-30 minutes of each by adding a couple minutes every few days.

(me: I had better see my dealer)

- Buy a yoga mat. Being quarantined inside is challenging for your body-mind. Find a yoga, pilates, or bodyweight exercise routine to keep active.

QLD, 6806 posts
6 Mar 2020 4:21PM
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kiterboy said..
if that.

Surprisingly article in FT indicate that vaccine candidates were made in record time, about a month or so ( In February 2020) . Now is process of testing and approving which take less or more time.
In US it may takes a longer time because people will fill litigations and suits if procedures wasn't followed.
China may be more practical.
No surprise our Queensland professor is main contributor to newest vaccine preparation, so we should have full confidence.

Once we have viruses jumping on us from bats and monkeys , hopefully not much we could expect from our Koalas!! But it could happen that jumping Koala is not a joke anymore!!

Our brave Koala beats all other viruses hands down with 100% accuracy
Weaponizing now Koalas could be main goal for military VirLabs. No surprise , because unlike EuroAfroAsian continent this part of the world was separated for thousand of years and main population didn't have a chance to develop any resistance.

What about kanguru? We don't use to eat much koalas but with kangguru is different story........ better don't stock guru's as a food bank...

Kanguru Antivirus may be our best weapon against Corona !!!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Don't panic, stock food now!!" started by Macroscien