Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Don't panic, stock food now!!

Created by Macroscien > 9 months ago, 25 Feb 2020
QLD, 3570 posts
22 Mar 2020 3:38PM
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choco said..

sn said..

japie said..
Dried lentils and beans

that's a big NO from me,

as a last resort, curried roof rabbit will be on the menu

Oh well got about 60 ton of butternuts growing so pumpkin soup/roast pumpkin,pumpkin cake.......

Flo be turning in her grave ...

NSW, 4521 posts
22 Mar 2020 5:31PM
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choco said..
Oh well got about 60 ton of butternuts growing so pumpkin soup/roast pumpkin,pumpkin cake.......

Some ripper "dutch ovens" coming up.

Chris 249
NSW, 3257 posts
22 Mar 2020 7:18PM
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We've been vegetarians for years and have always had a fairly well stocked pantry, but I have been wondering whether the guy across the creek has counted his sheep and cows lately......... Apparently roos taste good, too, and there's plenty of those around. Our dogs are apparently only half as fast as rabbits, because when I catch them up there's only half a rabbit left, but there's still meat on them.

Not that I'd want to ever make a profit from tragedy, but if the post is still running in a few weeks we could swap 'roo and rabbit for B & J and freestyle kit.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Don't panic, stock food now!!" started by Macroscien