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Gay Marriage

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 16 Mar 2012
This topic has been locked
NSW, 6869 posts
17 Mar 2012 8:44PM
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adolf said...

I don't get it. Can someone enlighten me on this issue?

I will try!
Seems to be a big issue now. When I was growing up, learning about the world. The homosexual people I knew made a point about being different, but were looking for a society where they were accepted and acknowledged for their contribution by the wider community.

I think that they have always been accepted by society. You can find heaps of examples throughout history where creative homosexual individuals creative work has been given merit where merit has been due. I think it is fair to say that in the past they have been unfairly persecuted in varying degrees for their sexual practices and that as human beings they deserved the right to rectify that.

I think they are well and truly accepted and acknowledged for their contribution to broader society now.

I disagree. I believe they are now given unwarranted attention for their sexual orientation. They have always been marginalised for this because they have always been a small minority of society and because the larger majority of society finds their sexual practices unsavory. Other than that and their in your face statements like the Mardi Gras what is their contribution to broader society?

The thing I don't get is, now that they've achieved their goal, they want to be the same as the rest of us heterosexual plebs, they no longer want to be seen as any different to the rest of us.

There is plenty of evidence that points toward their striving "to be the same" being driven by a more powerful entity than your average deviate. The majority do not think too far past his, or her, next sexual conquest, never have and never will.

I'm biased, in that I think you choose to be homosexual, I don't think people are born wired to be homosexual.

It is a matter of fact that all behaviour including sexual behaviour is learned so in this respect you are probably right.

Why is homosexual marriage such a big deal?

It is a big deal because it has been made to be a big deal. Look to see who promotes it, that is follow the money, then the answers will become apparent.

Is the homosexual marriage debate to do with legal rights over children or is it something else?

Thinking more about my post, it's clear that this is just another distraction that the illuminate have designed to prevent me thinking about real issues.

If you dig and delve enough and employ a little critical thinking it is obvious that the whole sorry mess is part of a far wider agenda. The promotion of all forms of behaviour that detract from a structured and sound society, for example rampant deviant sexual practice, excess alcohol consumption and pursuit of personal wealth to name a few, are used to fracture communities in order to render them pliable and receptive to change. The instruments employed, Hollywood, the press, the porno industry etc. are all owned by a very small percentage of the global population.

NSW, 6869 posts
17 Mar 2012 8:59PM
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youngbull said...

as backward as doing each other up the poop shoot and calling it natural...?
not funny doctor don't go there..

Two legs bad, four legs good

There is a farking good reason why excrement stinks and why the vast majority of the human race agrees on that. It is because it is waste product and it is unhygienic to touch it, never mind using it's exit point as a sexual play ground.

You are right don't go there, don't go there!

NSW, 6869 posts
17 Mar 2012 9:04PM
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FlySurfer said...

For 1000's of years (prehistory) men and women have been committing themselves to one another, creating a social bond in order to raise a family.

Then at the turn of the 20th century Freudian psychoanalysis came about, and certain individuals, and collectives decided to break the family unit in order to create their vision of society; one where the father is the state.

Naturally most people rejected it, and so they decided to break the family unit through subversive initiatives.

Gay marriage is just 1 of many of those initiatives.
Divorce incentives, sexual equality, social services, children suing, minimize family interaction, children's rights, rampant pornography...

Yeah I know this all happened by itself, nobody planned it from a cave in Afghanistan... go watch MTV, there's a doco of a couple of homos adopting kids, and drink some coolaid.

No, manipulate us? Do you reckon? We are far too smart for that! We've got telly now, and Ipods, what would past generations know about survival and holding things together in the face of adversity?

NSW, 5780 posts
17 Mar 2012 9:11PM
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oh gosh, islamics telling us why western cilivisation is doomed....?

how dare they....

I mean they don't eat bacon or drink alcohol.....!

(edit, oh yeah sorry was closed down, pm me if you want a copy of the films)

6657 posts
17 Mar 2012 6:30PM
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All sounds a bit GAY to me ..... but hey

NSW, 4453 posts
17 Mar 2012 9:54PM
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japie said...

youngbull said...

as backward as doing each other up the poop shoot and calling it natural...?
not funny doctor don't go there..

Two legs bad, four legs good

There is a farking good reason why excrement stinks and why the vast majority of the human race agrees on that. It is because it is waste product and it is unhygienic to touch it, never mind using it's exit point as a sexual play ground.

You are right don't go there, don't go there!

Supposedly the mouth and nasal area is home to the largest concentration of harmful bacteria and viruses in the body.
The crap shoot is supposed to be fairly free of harmful bacteria/viruses... however if the area is damaged it offers good conduit for infection.

...just saying.

QLD, 825 posts
17 Mar 2012 9:00PM
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japie said...

youngbull said...

as backward as doing each other up the poop shoot and calling it natural...?
not funny doctor don't go there..

Two legs bad, four legs good

There is a farking good reason why excrement stinks and why the vast majority of the human race agrees on that. It is because it is waste product and it is unhygienic to touch it, never mind using it's exit point as a sexual play ground.

You are right don't go there, don't go there!

Funny how most guy's seem to rave about on their female girlfriends.
Always gives me a laugh when some fresh pup rocks up to work cracking on how
he gave it to his women up the........

They are both the same male or female.

WA, 14676 posts
17 Mar 2012 7:33PM
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japie said...

adolf said...

I'm biased, in that I think you choose to be homosexual, I don't think people are born wired to be homosexual.

It is a matter of fact that all behaviour including sexual behaviour is learned so in this respect you are probably right.

Really? All behavior is learned? "A matter of fact"? I think you are making stuff up there.

I would have thought most guys going through puberty would have had the same attraction to women I did when I was that age. It certainly wasn't learned. I don't think I taught my brain anything, and the other part of my body just did what it wanted to...

I very much doubt it is a choice. As a heterosexual, could you choose to bat for the other team? I doubt it. It seems to be a natural attraction that we are wired for, whether it is genetics or brain chemistry, so why do you think gay people would be any different.

If it is a 'choice' are you saying that you could change your preference? Again, I doubt it.

NSW, 4453 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:32PM
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youngbull said...
They are both the same male or female.

Dude, you are sooo wrong I don't even know where to begin... maybe an image...



VIC, 107 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:36PM
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It is accepted in the scientific world that homosexuality has nothing to do with learned behaviour. Homosexuality has existed well before and continued with the evolution of humans. A homosexual blokes desire to root another bloke is just as innate as my desire to root women and just as innate as my Golden Retriver's desire to go and get a tennis ball when I throw it. If all behaviour was learned, the term "innate" would not exist yet we know that some behaviours are innate and are simply part of out genetic composition as a result of evolution. Learned or not though, I can't see how any of this has anything at all to do with the legalisation of gay marriage?

For the record, it is legalisation that is sought, so it would be legal but certainly not compulsory. Look at it this way. ...Tomorrow I am planning to have left over Nachos for breakfast.. Many here and many more in the general population may well be opposed to eating nachos for breakfast. They nonetheless realise that they have no reason to campaign for laws against my particular choice because ultimately it has nothing to do with them and they realise that my choice in breakfast will not affect their life in any way whatsoever. There is no need for a law against nachos for breakfast because people are aware that they don't have to do it if they don't want to and if they do choose to have nachos for breakfast then nobody else will be in any way effected by that decision.

Gay marriage is the same as having nachos for breakfast. It is a decision that effects only those who choose to participate and is no-one elses business. It doesn't effect the lives of anyone else so why the hell would they care? Given that no-one in the world ever has actually managed to formulate a reason why it should be illegal, I'm more than kind of confused as to why it is.

NSW, 6869 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:40PM
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FormulaNova said...

japie said...

adolf said...

I'm biased, in that I think you choose to be homosexual, I don't think people are born wired to be homosexual.

It is a matter of fact that all behaviour including sexual behaviour is learned so in this respect you are probably right.

Really? All behavior is learned? "A matter of fact"? I think you are making stuff up there.

I would have thought most guys going through puberty would have had the same attraction to women I did when I was that age. It certainly wasn't learned. I don't think I taught my brain anything, and the other part of my body just did what it wanted to...

I very much doubt it is a choice. As a heterosexual, could you choose to bat for the other team? I doubt it. It seems to be a natural attraction that we are wired for, whether it is genetics or brain chemistry, so why do you think gay people would be any different.

If it is a 'choice' are you saying that you could change your preference? Again, I doubt it.

I subscribe to empiricist thinking. Sodomy has been prevalent in a few cultures over the ages. In ancient Greece it was culturally quite acceptable. An ancient Grecian would not have turned his nose up at the prospect because of his exposure to it, in other words because of what he had learned.

I think that most guys going through puberty have an inclination to stick their willy into anything that is likely to give them physical pleasure, be it a pumpkin, a goat, a swimming pool suction pump, an artificial vagina or a real one. That is instinctive. What they choose to stick it into, their preference, is going to depend firstly on what is on offer and secondly on what they have been exposed to.

Which goes to explain why sodomy raises it's ugly head in corners of cultures where it is decidedly unacceptable, corners like prisons, navy's and boarding schools.

Anyway that is my opinion. I do not pretend to be an expert but I certainly do not swallow the crap, pardon the pun, that the p00fter lobby pushes, and pardon that one too!

NSW, 6869 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:42PM
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FlySurfer said...

japie said...

youngbull said...

as backward as doing each other up the poop shoot and calling it natural...?
not funny doctor don't go there..

Two legs bad, four legs good

There is a farking good reason why excrement stinks and why the vast majority of the human race agrees on that. It is because it is waste product and it is unhygienic to touch it, never mind using it's exit point as a sexual play ground.

You are right don't go there, don't go there!

Supposedly the mouth and nasal area is home to the largest concentration of harmful bacteria and viruses in the body.
The crap shoot is supposed to be fairly free of harmful bacteria/viruses... however if the area is damaged it offers good conduit for infection.

...just saying.

Great! I will stop washing my hands then

NSW, 4453 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:42PM
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buckles said...

It is accepted in the scientific world that homosexuality has nothing to do with learned behaviour. Homosexuality has existed well before and continued with the evolution of humans. A homosexual blokes desire to root another bloke is just as innate as my desire to root women and just as innate as my Golden Retriver's desire to go and get a tennis ball when I throw it. If all behaviour was learned, the term "innate" would not exist yet we know that some behaviours are innate and are simply part of out genetic composition as a result of evolution. Learned or not though, I can't see how any of this has anything at all to do with the legalisation of gay marriage?

For the record, it is legalisation that is sought, so it would be legal but certainly not compulsory. Look at it this way. ...Tomorrow I am planning to have left over Nachos for breakfast.. Many here and many more in the general population may well be opposed to eating nachos for breakfast. They nonetheless realise that they have no reason to campaign for laws against my particular choice because ultimately it has nothing to do with them and they realise that my choice in breakfast will not affect their life in any way whatsoever. There is no need for a law against nachos for breakfast because people are aware that they don't have to do it if they don't want to and if they do choose to have nachos for breakfast then nobody else will be in any way effected by that decision.

Gay marriage is the same as having nachos for breakfast. It is a decision that effects only those who choose to participate and is no-one elses business. It doesn't effect the lives of anyone else so why the hell would they care? Given that no-one in the world ever has actually managed to formulate a reason why it should be illegal, I'm more than kind of confused as to why it is.

Can I marry a sheep too?
Wait, nachos with cheese? Are you going to heat them up in the oven, microwave or have'em cold?
Do they have guacamole?

NSW, 4453 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:43PM
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japie said...
Great! I will stop washing my hands then

As long as you don't touch anything, you're good.

1862 posts
17 Mar 2012 8:48PM
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theDoctor said...

as backward as doing each other up the poop shoot and calling it natural...?

My brother in law had a kid with a morbidly obese woman and stayed with her for years and years. She was really horrible, did nothing except eat fast food all day and watch Ian Turpie's Wheel of Fortune. None of us could understand it, I still don't.

I watched this tv show on SBS one night, after another one of those facinating programs about Hitler. It was about people who love fat people and from that I worked out that he'd roll up different parts of the fat on her morbidly obese body and pork that - now that's unnatural - and he was hetro. Well he used to be.

After that marriage ended he started hanging around his son's 16 y/o male friend who he is still with - so I guess he was hetro then pedo before he finally turned full blown homo. There ought to be a law about people like that being able to get married.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:50PM
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Jesus Christ!!, I just read the whole thread, and I knew there were some back woods mother****ers out there........but I didn't realize how deep those back woods really are

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:53PM
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Adolph, stop winding them up! But I bet bet that fat bitch was a lesbian Muslim!

VIC, 107 posts
17 Mar 2012 11:57PM
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FlySurfer said...

buckles said...

It is accepted in the scientific world that homosexuality has nothing to do with learned behaviour. Homosexuality has existed well before and continued with the evolution of humans. A homosexual blokes desire to root another bloke is just as innate as my desire to root women and just as innate as my Golden Retriver's desire to go and get a tennis ball when I throw it. If all behaviour was learned, the term "innate" would not exist yet we know that some behaviours are innate and are simply part of out genetic composition as a result of evolution. Learned or not though, I can't see how any of this has anything at all to do with the legalisation of gay marriage?

For the record, it is legalisation that is sought, so it would be legal but certainly not compulsory. Look at it this way. ...Tomorrow I am planning to have left over Nachos for breakfast.. Many here and many more in the general population may well be opposed to eating nachos for breakfast. They nonetheless realise that they have no reason to campaign for laws against my particular choice because ultimately it has nothing to do with them and they realise that my choice in breakfast will not affect their life in any way whatsoever. There is no need for a law against nachos for breakfast because people are aware that they don't have to do it if they don't want to and if they do choose to have nachos for breakfast then nobody else will be in any way effected by that decision.

Gay marriage is the same as having nachos for breakfast. It is a decision that effects only those who choose to participate and is no-one elses business. It doesn't effect the lives of anyone else so why the hell would they care? Given that no-one in the world ever has actually managed to formulate a reason why it should be illegal, I'm more than kind of confused as to why it is.

Can I marry a sheep too?
Wait, nachos with cheese? Are you going to heat them up in the oven, microwave or have'em cold?
Do they have guacamole?

I'd have to question how you would detirmine that you had the sheep's informed consent? Bonking animals is out because they can't give inormed consent so you're out of luck there. However if the sheep was able to express that it was happy to marry you then it'd be fine with me. It's not like I'd have to divorce my wife and mary a sheep just because it was legal, so I really don't care. :)

To answer the important question, yes the nachos have cheese and mince beef cooked with mexican spices from an "old Elpaso" packet. I'm going to heat them up in the microwave, then add sour cream, salsa and guacamole. Also, I haven't decided yet for sure but if I can be bothered, I might dice and fry some bacon to sprinkle over the top. It'd mean washing a pan (or be killed by Mrs Buckles) but it would also give me the piggy boost I need for a full day on the water. :)

WA, 304 posts
17 Mar 2012 8:57PM
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log man, I am confused as to your standpoint: You invoke an Abrahamic personality and the expression "back woods" in the same paragraph [}:)]

NSW, 4453 posts
18 Mar 2012 12:02AM
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d1 said...

log man, I am confused as to your standpoint: You invoke an Abrahamic personality and the expression "back woods" in the same paragraph [}:)]

It's OK d1, loggy lives in a multidimensional closet; he's way more confused than you.

NSW, 4453 posts
18 Mar 2012 12:08AM
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buckles said...
I'd have to question how you would detirmine that you had the sheep's informed consent? Bonking animals is out because they can't give inormed consent so you're out of luck there. However if the sheep was able to express that it was happy to marry you then it'd be fine with me. It's not like I'd have to divorce my wife and mary a sheep just because it was legal, so I really don't care. :)

To answer the important question, yes the nachos have cheese and mince beef cooked with mexican spices from an "old Elpaso" packet. I'm going to heat them up in the microwave, then add sour cream, salsa and guacamole. Also, I haven't decided yet for sure but if I can be bothered, I might dice and fry some bacon to sprinkle over the top. It'd mean washing a pan (or be killed by Mrs Buckles) but it would also give me the piggy boost I need for a full day on the water. :)

What if I could get the sheep to turn up, and give a hoof?

Dude nachos come out soggy in the mw... heat the oven to 250c and put them in... you'll appreciate the difference

I'm really tempted to put some cheese on some Doritos in the oven... I've got the avocado, cream cheese, normal cheese and jalapenos... I'm doing it!

6657 posts
17 Mar 2012 9:11PM
Thumbs Up

adolf said...

theDoctor said...

as backward as doing each other up the poop shoot and calling it natural...?

My brother in law had a kid with a morbidly obese woman and stayed with her for years and years. She was really horrible, did nothing except eat fast food all day and watch Ian Turpie's Wheel of Fortune. None of us could understand it, I still don't.

I watched this tv show on SBS one night, after another one of those facinating programs about Hitler. It was about people who love fat people and from that I worked out that he'd roll up different parts of the fat on her morbidly obese body and pork that - now that's unnatural - and he was hetro. Well he used to be.

After that marriage ended he started hanging around his son's 16 y/o male friend who he is still with - so I guess he was hetro then pedo before he finally turned full blown homo. There ought to be a law about people like that being able to get married.

Adolfo - are you smokin dungeon weed coz this is some seriously funny sheeezit man

NSW, 4453 posts
18 Mar 2012 12:20AM
Thumbs Up

adolf said...

theDoctor said...

as backward as doing each other up the poop shoot and calling it natural...?

My brother in law had a kid with a morbidly obese woman and stayed with her for years and years. She was really horrible, did nothing except eat fast food all day and watch Ian Turpie's Wheel of Fortune. None of us could understand it, I still don't.

I watched this tv show on SBS one night, after another one of those facinating programs about Hitler. It was about people who love fat people and from that I worked out that he'd roll up different parts of the fat on her morbidly obese body and pork that - now that's unnatural - and he was hetro. Well he used to be.

After that marriage ended he started hanging around his son's 16 y/o male friend who he is still with - so I guess he was hetro then pedo before he finally turned full blown homo. There ought to be a law about people like that being able to get married.

The real Adolf...

Doritos are in the oven

NSW, 1132 posts
18 Mar 2012 12:36AM
Thumbs Up

The lesbians next door to me gave me a Rolex for my
birthday. Very nice, but I think they misunderstood me when I said I
wanna watch.

VIC, 107 posts
18 Mar 2012 12:41AM
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FlySurfer said...

buckles said...
I'd have to question how you would detirmine that you had the sheep's informed consent? Bonking animals is out because they can't give inormed consent so you're out of luck there. However if the sheep was able to express that it was happy to marry you then it'd be fine with me. It's not like I'd have to divorce my wife and mary a sheep just because it was legal, so I really don't care. :)

To answer the important question, yes the nachos have cheese and mince beef cooked with mexican spices from an "old Elpaso" packet. I'm going to heat them up in the microwave, then add sour cream, salsa and guacamole. Also, I haven't decided yet for sure but if I can be bothered, I might dice and fry some bacon to sprinkle over the top. It'd mean washing a pan (or be killed by Mrs Buckles) but it would also give me the piggy boost I need for a full day on the water. :)

What if I could get the sheep to turn up, and give a hoof?

Dude nachos come out soggy in the mw... heat the oven to 250c and put them in... you'll appreciate the difference

I'm really tempted to put some cheese on some Doritos in the oven... I've got the avocado, cream cheese, normal cheese and jalapenos... I'm doing it!

How would I know that that the high hoof was for expressing it's desire for you rather than just a trick you taught the sheep for treats?

Thanks for the heads up. I've never cooked so much nachos before that I had leftovers. I'll heat them in the oven instead. What will happen to tonight's cheese? Will it be ok in the oven or should I chuck some fresh cheese on top?

NSW, 4453 posts
18 Mar 2012 12:54AM
Thumbs Up

buckles said...
How would I know that that the high hoof was for expressing it's desire for you rather than just a trick you taught the sheep for treats?

Thanks for the heads up. I've never cooked so much nachos before that I had leftovers. I'll heat them in the oven instead. What will happen to tonight's cheese? Will it be ok in the oven or should I chuck some fresh cheese on top?

Well I guess we'll just have to expand the definition of marriage to also include farm animals with a consenting hoof... "I hoof", should be as good as "I do".

Depends how processed the cheese is, if it's like the Coon stuff I just had with my Doritos I reckon your good to reheat many times... but add some more for good measure; you can't have too much cheese with Nachos.

4214 posts
17 Mar 2012 9:56PM
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DUDE said...

The lesbians next door to me gave me a Rolex for my
birthday. Very nice, but I think they misunderstood me when I said I
wanna watch.


VIC, 107 posts
18 Mar 2012 1:05AM
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It's shredded coon on them but there's some Bega and swiss cheese in the fridge too. What's best?

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
17 Mar 2012 10:08PM
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I felt like nachos one night but had no corn chips, so I made it with Chicken-In-A-Biskit.

It was nice.

NSW, 5780 posts
18 Mar 2012 1:11AM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage" started by adolf