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Gay Marriage

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 16 Mar 2012
This topic has been locked
log man
VIC, 8289 posts
25 Mar 2012 4:02PM
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japie said...

This guy sums it all up pretty well. A mega song and dance is being made about an issue which would never have raised a ripple if it did not have the backing of Zionist organisations uch a the ADL, Hollywood and the mainstream press.

You are being manipulated guys and are too preoccupied to realise it.

Few Gays Opt to Marry

December 11, 2007

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Despite the example set by these Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers, less than one-in-20 gays took advantage of Canada's decision to legalize marriage in June 2005, according to a census a year later.

Gays make up just 0.1% of all married couples, a proportion which is consistent with other countries that permit same-sex marriage.

In other words, the definition of the most important heterosexual institution was changed to satisfy one couple in one thousand.

This information is crucial to Americans where only Massachusetts permits same-sex marriage but as many as eleven other states are considering it.

In terms of numbers, Statistics Canada calculated that about one percent of the Canadian population are gay or bisexual, well below the estimates we normally hear. (StasCan Daily "Community Health Survey" , June 15 2004, p. 9) This works out to 316,900 people. The 2006 census found 7465 married same-sex couples, fewer than 15,000 men and women.

Roughly a quarter of Canadian gays (75,000) prefer "common law" relationships. There is no way to gauge their permanence or exclusivity.

The vast majority of homosexuals don't want gay marriage. It is being foisted on them and on society by elite social engineers using the media, government and a few activists. The goal is to undermine heterosexual marriage by obscuring its true character. The purpose is to destroy the family and render society more vulnerable to world government dictatorship by the central bankers.


The majority of gays regard same-sex marriage as a diversion from more important issues.
This view is expressed by Gareth Kirby in an editorial in Capital Xtra, an Ottawa gay newspaper, Oct. 18, 2007.

"Remember the headlines...that claimed we were flocking to city hall and churches to get the deed done as courts legalized same-sex marriage in province after province? ...It was a lie. Very few among us are eager to embrace marriage rights...

"Didn't we just spend a decade and by some estimates $2 million to wage wage this fight? Didn't we just put all our other major issues virtually on ice because some couples, a few lawyers, and a couple of out-of-touch lobby groups decided that same-sex marriage was the only thing that really mattered...

"Marriage is a heterosexual institution designed by the church, endorse by the state, with the intention of controlling the sexuality of women and by extension, their husbands...

"I don't expect the wedding rate will pick up. We have something better in our relationships, something that allows for a variety of friendships, **** buddies, lovers, sisters and ex's. We don 't put all the pressures on one person...

"We don't need the limitations of marriage. So we're taking a pass. But what waste of time and money, and a tragic diversion of focus, in that decade-long fight."

As Kirby suggests, being gay is about not marrying and being monogamous. It is farcical and tragic that heterosexual society should be sacrificed on the altar of gay marriage. Marriage-minded gays should be given a separate status with equal benefits and responsibilities.


The Canadian media has ignored the tepid gay response to marriage and tried instead to create the impression that traditional marriage is on the rocks. The fact the mass media is singing from an identical song sheet is further proof that it is directed by the central banking cartel.

In an article in The Hill Times (Sept. 24, 2007) Tom Korski writes:

[The media] "depicted gay Canadians enthusiastically embracing traditional roles at the exact moment the rest of society spirals into family dysfunction."

'Thank heavens for gay marriage,' wrote Globe and Mail columnist Margaret Went. 'Without it, the most ancient of our social institutions would be in even worse decline than it already is.'

Other journalists advised readers "the nuclear family is fading away," (Edmonton Sun) and that "same sex couples are taking the reins" (, or mocked the myth of the perfect family," (Vancouver Sun) and lamented "there is no such thing as traditional family anymore." (Moose Jaw Times Herald)

In one comically inelegant phrase CTV National's Lloyd Robertson told viewers, "If you're part of a so-called traditional family where the children are raised by a mother and father who are married, you seem to be in a declining breed." (End of Korski)

Meanwhile the gay lobby behind the legalization of same-sex marriage is releasing statistics that exaggerate the number of gay marriages by about %65. This lobby is called "Egale" and it is funded by IBM and a number of other anonymous corporations, as well as by the federal government.


Today, people who advance in the fields of government, education, media and big business generally belong to a colonial elite. They represent the London-based Masonic-Zionist central banking cartel which is colonizing us all in a 1984-style "world government." They are waging psychological war on society to undermine our ability to resist.

The nuclear family is the basic building block of society. We derive our identity, meaning, values and security from it. Heterosexual marriage is the basis for raising the new generation to be productive responsible citizens. It is based on the exchange of female power for male love which awakens the man's protective and constructive instincts. It is an essential step in our personal development and fulfillment.

The promotion of gay marriage has nothing to do with the welfare of homosexuals. As with feminism,it is designed to increase sex-role confusion, divorce, and depopulation. By conflating hetero and homosexual marriage, straights are being encouraged to emulate gays, who generally are not monogamous and do not have children. This is part of a wider attack on our gender identity (i.e. masculinity and femininity.)

Did we need to legalize gay marriage to accommodate one couple in one thousand? No. The central bankers
legalized it to destroy the nuclear family and change societal norms. By arresting our personal development, they are ensuring that humanity remains under their tutelage, a perpetual under-achiever.
Note: I am indebted to the Nov. Dec 2007 issue of Reality. This publication is sponsored by the Real Women of Canada I highly recommend it.

See also my: "Canada Redefines Marriage"

and "Heterosexual Society is Under Siege"

Mate, it's just really embarrassing. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I' mean look at that!! It' a page of drivel

QLD, 69 posts
25 Mar 2012 3:15PM
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This is a great topic and has a simple answer just put something in the water to cure the pore sick bastards, problem solved.[}:)]There would be no complaints apart from the odd idiot do gooder that may claim their rights had been violated from changing them from what god had created them to be.Oh yeh the bible says its a abomination. Dam no where to go

NSW, 6869 posts
25 Mar 2012 4:31PM
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^^ who is embarrassed?

I have to give you one thing Loggy, you are really consistent. When there is something you do not agree with rather than employ your gray matter you simply bleat derision on it. Your tactics, or rather lack of them, are so similar to the clowns on commercial shock jock radio one would be forgiven for mistaking you for a clone.

Tell me one thing in relation to this debate, why is it that the Anti Defamation League sees fit to champion homosexual marriage when they do sweet fark all to address the rampant racism against African Americans in the United States, an issue that affects a far larger demographic than united dung punchers and carpet biters marital concerns?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
25 Mar 2012 5:08PM
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japie said...

^^ who is embarrassed?

I have to give you one thing Loggy, you are really consistent. When there is something you do not agree with rather than employ your gray matter you simply bleat derision on it. Your tactics, or rather lack of them, are so similar to the clowns on commercial shock jock radio one would be forgiven for mistaking you for a clone.

Tell me one thing in relation to this debate, why is it that the Anti Defamation League sees fit to champion homosexual marriage when they do sweet fark all to address the rampant racism against African Americans in the United States, an issue that affects a far larger demographic than united dung punchers and carpet biters marital concerns?

"^^ who is embarrassed?".... Well Japie that' the sad don't even realize it. It's like there's a conversation going on and you just can't hear it, let alone understand it.......Example, you bring up a article by Makow that most people would look at and....go ...Oh politely and move away, trying to avoid eye contact with the nutter who's trying to spruik it to them. Then, you accuse me of being a "shock jock clone" or some crap.WTF? Name a left wing shock why because they're on your side of politics. They are of the right ....not the left. Hello, Japie, can you hear me???

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
25 Mar 2012 5:11PM
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I forgot. The answer to your anti defamation league question is ....because they're a Jewish organization.

4214 posts
25 Mar 2012 2:15PM
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log man said...

japie said...

^^ who is embarrassed?

I have to give you one thing Loggy, you are really consistent. When there is something you do not agree with rather than employ your gray matter you simply bleat derision on it. Your tactics, or rather lack of them, are so similar to the clowns on commercial shock jock radio one would be forgiven for mistaking you for a clone.

Tell me one thing in relation to this debate, why is it that the Anti Defamation League sees fit to champion homosexual marriage when they do sweet fark all to address the rampant racism against African Americans in the United States, an issue that affects a far larger demographic than united dung punchers and carpet biters marital concerns?

"^^ who is embarrassed?".... Well Japie that' the sad don't even realize it. It's like there's a conversation going on and you just can't hear it, let alone understand it.......Example, you bring up a article by Makow that most people would look at and....go ...Oh politely and move away, trying to avoid eye contact with the nutter who's trying to spruik it to them. Then, you accuse me of being a "shock jock clone" or some crap.WTF? Name a left wing shock why because they're on your side of politics. They are of the right ....not the left. Hello, Japie, can you hear me???

Left wing shock jock = Mike Carlton. Don't think I could name another.

WA, 4642 posts
25 Mar 2012 2:41PM
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Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?..... Are we there yet?....

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Mar 2012 6:13PM
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^^^^^Yes,,I think we are.
We have proven that the opened minded people will not be able to change the opinions of the old closed minded people
The end

NSW, 9202 posts
25 Mar 2012 7:22PM
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japie said...
You are being manipulated guys and are too preoccupied to realise it.

Few Gays Opt to Marry

December 11, 2007

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Despite the example set by these Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers, less than one-in-20 gays took advantage of Canada's decision to legalize marriage in June 2005, according to a census a year later.

I'm going to hazard a guess that LESS THAN 1 in 20 heteros got married in the same year. ie 5% of the population didn't get married in 2005.

Just think for a second if that is even reasonable. 1 in 20.
That's ~1,000,000 wedding ins Australia in 2005, if you were to use the same ratio for heteros as gays.

That's about 20,000 wedding a week.
Grade 5 maths.

In actuality 1 in 20 IS A ****ING HUGE amount.

Today, people who advance in the fields of government, education, media and big business generally belong to a colonial elite. They represent the London-based Masonic-Zionist central banking cartel which is colonizing us all in a 1984-style "world government." They are waging psychological war on society to undermine our ability to resist.

So... people that work in government, education, media and big business, a PRETTY LARGE percentage of the population, and homosexuals, are out to enslave us all.

Dude, you are completely bat**** insane. This is so far out of reality I am not sure how you survive. You need to seriously sit down and ask yourself if you are possibly mad. No really, as one human to another you absolutely have to. Just ask yourself if maybe, just maybe all the drivel you read is madness.

The government can't even organise a public transport ticketing system FFS. Media can't get TV shows in the same time slot each week, and teachers work on a pittance.


Came to link to this RELEVANT conversation

NSW, 9202 posts
25 Mar 2012 7:33PM
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log man said...

japie said...

^^ who is embarrassed?

I have to give you one thing Loggy, you are really consistent. When there is something you do not agree with rather than employ your gray matter you simply bleat derision on it. Your tactics, or rather lack of them, are so similar to the clowns on commercial shock jock radio one would be forgiven for mistaking you for a clone.

Tell me one thing in relation to this debate, why is it that the Anti Defamation League sees fit to champion homosexual marriage when they do sweet fark all to address the rampant racism against African Americans in the United States, an issue that affects a far larger demographic than united dung punchers and carpet biters marital concerns?

"^^ who is embarrassed?".... Well Japie that' the sad don't even realize it. It's like there's a conversation going on and you just can't hear it, let alone understand it.......Example, you bring up a article by Makow that most people would look at and....go ...Oh politely and move away, trying to avoid eye contact with the nutter who's trying to spruik it to them. Then, you accuse me of being a "shock jock clone" or some crap.WTF? Name a left wing shock why because they're on your side of politics. They are of the right ....not the left. Hello, Japie, can you hear me???

right-click > Google 'Makow'


Obama groomed for Presidency by Elite Communists

...this is on the same page he chortles on about banks running everything.

so... Obama bails the banks out with public money, that could have been used for all sorts of socialist-type activities such as hospitals and education and somehow, i really, really, REALLY do not understand this... somehow he's a communist. Lenin is spinning in his grave.

That's so ****ing dumb I can't even.

Anyway check my link above from somebody that has had gay parents for 25 years. Might be more relevant than a conspiracy theory. These threads ALWAYS turn into a conspiracy. You people are all chicken ****s.

NSW, 5780 posts
25 Mar 2012 7:56PM
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it's ok panda, you and your boyfriend can get married

just don't invite henry makow to the wedding

NSW, 4453 posts
25 Mar 2012 8:32PM
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cisco said...

FlySurfer said...
Remember kids being gay is fully sick.

And them being dumbed down, brain washed and indoctrinated into "gay approval" is even sicker.


A wog/lebbo expression that means excellent or very good...also can be used to play out wogs/lebs.... :)

Check out my vl boyz,its fully sick
Aaay guys look at that maria walking down the street,she looks fully sick.

That car looks fully sik habib...


NSW, 4453 posts
25 Mar 2012 8:36PM
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pweedas said...

Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?..... Are we there yet?....

Shut it and keep looking out the window, when we start moving you'll know were getting closer.

NSW, 9202 posts
25 Mar 2012 8:43PM
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theDoctor said...

it's ok panda, you and your boyfriend can get married

just don't invite henry makow to the wedding

Oh god. Imagine him on the ecstasy-spiked punch.

"Lizards! Everywhere. And communists! Leather clad communists dancing with secret muslim black lizard bankers!!! Argh!!! Everything I'm afraid of!!!"

WA, 6415 posts
25 Mar 2012 5:48PM
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What is the end game in all this?

Aaron Russo,once a friend of one of the elite Rockefeller's, said the ultimate goal is to have all money and else on a RFID chip.

If you want to protest they just turn off your chip.

NSW, 4453 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:02PM
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evlPanda said...

theDoctor said...

it's ok panda, you and your boyfriend can get married

just don't invite henry makow to the wedding

Oh god. Imagine him on the ecstasy-spiked punch.

"Lizards! Everywhere. And communists! Leather clad communists dancing with secret muslim black lizard bankers!!! Argh!!! Everything I'm afraid of!!!"

FYI: Henry is even ostracised from (in?) the free thinking societies.

But Japie, what's wrong with policies that confuse (the easily confused) the traditional roles of family & procreation?

From my perspective, it will free people like loggy to pursue their programming.
Had he not had these ideas/values instilled in him, he may go on to marry somebody he isn't attracted to, and produce MORE people like him so as to keep his wife placid.
Where as now he can join the floats at Mardi Gras, get married to another person like him without feeling like a social pariah.

NSW, 6869 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:30PM
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log man said...

I forgot. The answer to your anti defamation league question is ....because they're a Jewish organization.

Let me get that right, the ADL do nothing about the rampant racism against African Americans because they are a Jewish organisation but they back the gay marriage issue, in fact ram it down our throats, pardon the pun!

4214 posts
25 Mar 2012 6:46PM
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Not sure if Laurie allowed for pages hitting the 100 mark. What if this thread stops at 99 ? It's a bit like the Y2K bug. I guess we'll find out next month.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:48PM
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^^^well I googled and I found this press release I don't know if it's a red herring or not but I think you may bit a bit Henry Makow

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
25 Mar 2012 9:36PM
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this part confuses me. equal rights advocators on this forum are usually anti religious, anti christian, anti anything with traditional values that have been in place for centuries in the name of new age thinking. isn't a marriage in this country predominantly a christian practise or doesn't that matter in this case

shouldn't they be pushing for the abolition of marriage altogether

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
25 Mar 2012 8:38PM
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laceys lane said...

this part confuses me. equal rights advocators on this forum are usually anti religious, anti christian, anti anything with traditional values that have been in place for centuries in the name of new age thinking. isn't a marriage in this country predominantly a christian practise or doesn't that matter in this case

shouldn't they be pushing for the abolition of marriage altogether

Interesting thought. Far lefties calling for something practised / revered by moderates and the right, to be available to those who often hate the righties.

my brain hurts wondering why so I'm out..........

QLD, 12326 posts
26 Mar 2012 1:21AM
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japie said...

log man said...

I forgot. The answer to your anti defamation league question is ....because they're a Jewish organization.

Let me get that right, the ADL do nothing about the rampant racism against African Americans because they are a Jewish organisation but they back the gay marriage issue, in fact ram it down our throats shove it up our arses, pardon the pun!

There fixed it for ya!!

NSW, 807 posts
26 Mar 2012 9:39AM
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laceys lane said...

isn't a marriage in this country predominantly a christian practise or doesn't that matter in this case

Is it? Don't muslims get married? Buddhists? Shintoists? Hindus certianly get married... takes days! What about Rastafarians? Pastafarians certainly do 'cause I'm married.

And we didn't get married in a church we got married in a registry office. So does that make my 30+ year marriage just a "civil union"? If so what will I tell our kids?

QLD, 2770 posts
26 Mar 2012 8:44AM
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marriage predates christianity. the church usurped it just like they did christmas and easter

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
26 Mar 2012 8:26AM
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^^^ Doesn't matter guys. He has a point that the loony left who hate anything religious and traditional (values-wise) are calling for an essentially religious practise, with traditional values, to be available to them.

WA, 6415 posts
26 Mar 2012 8:47AM
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Paradigm shift: A paradigm is our perception of reality, our view of the world. It is

our interpretation of events based on previous teaching we have received. If our

paradigm is based only on our input from the media of conventional newspapers,

magazines, radio, television, Hollywood films, public education etc., may God help

us, for we will only see things the way they, the elite and wealthy rulers of this

world who control these sources of information, want us to see things! This is

often the opposite of the Truth. A paradigm shift means to have a sudden change

in perception, a sudden change in point of view, of how you see things.

WA, 304 posts
26 Mar 2012 8:54AM
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Mark _australia said...

^^^ Doesn't matter guys. He has a point that the loony left who hate anything religious and traditional (values-wise) are calling for an essentially religious practise, with traditional values, to be available to them.

Mark, ever heard of Secular Humanism? Some people do not need to fear the eternal flames of Hell in order to have strong morals, respected traditions and good value systems.

QLD, 4083 posts
26 Mar 2012 11:17AM
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Scotty88 said...

Not sure if Laurie allowed for pages hitting the 100 mark. What if this thread stops at 99 ? It's a bit like the Y2K bug. I guess we'll find out next month.

Nope. It's stopping at 12. Nothing to see here.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage" started by adolf