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Gay Marriage

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 16 Mar 2012
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NSW, 6451 posts
18 Mar 2012 6:56PM
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Mark _australia said...

^^^ So why are there so many mexicans then?

Because the mexicans have been eating nachos for thousands of years and men have evolved , to save their race , to be able to become pregnant.
The actual "giving birth" thing is not a pretty sight though.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
18 Mar 2012 4:07PM
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Now that you've all answered that question here's another couple that logically follow on.

1. Should a brother and sister be able to legally marry and adopt children?

2. Marriage in most cultures has been between 2 persons because there are 2 sexes.
Should 3 or more gay persons be able to legally marry if they wish to?

WA, 83 posts
18 Mar 2012 5:13PM
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FlySurfer said...

Stitch said...

I also just don't get it. Why can't they get married? How on earth does it make any difference to everyone else?

Most kids until they've been taught to grieve, feel no loss when people outside their family unit die.

So lets face it, what difference does anything make to you? If somebody dies or starts thinking different how does that impact on you?
What if we started allowing incest, would that make a difference?
What if we started ritual sacrifice?
But now if you take society as a whole and forget about your ego centric view, maybe then it does make a difference.

Now try and compare morality of today's average teenager, with that of 70 years ago.
Imagine a homo couple adopting a child.

Mmmm, I think you are misunderstanding what I wrote. To simplify : what right is it of yours to decide someone else's relationship status? Now that is an egocentric view - thinking that you get to make decisions for other people about what is best for them and imposing your will on them.

I am pro gay marriage and I don't see why gay people should not be allowed to adopt.

WA, 83 posts
18 Mar 2012 5:31PM
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d1 said...

pierrec45 said...

theDoctor said...

yeah well, unless you got a contract with jim rose...

hemaphrodite ain't quite natural either, well it might occur naturally but human(sic) evolution ain't built upon it

Human evolution ain't, but human (and other species) are built on a process that relies on mutations, which generate things like hermaphroditism, and, according to most scientists, homosexuality through genetics. Ergo even the changes that do not lead to full reproduction of fertile offsprings participate in the process of the evolution of the species.

Includes all the weirdos in this forum

On a more humorous note: "even those who think homosexuality is not a transmissible disease don't want their kids to catch it" (bad joke...)

If there were any scientists on this forum, they would point out that homosexuality has nothing to do with genetics. It is determined in utero, and linked to exposure to the mother's hormones. The grades vary, and societal and religious pressure has forced many borderline homosexuals to attempt living generally unhappy heterosexual lives. Such couples would produce offspring as normal as anyone else's.

Ignorance is also not genetic, but its permanent form, called stupidity, usually is.


10979 posts
18 Mar 2012 5:33PM
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Can we move on to Sexism? , racism? surely someone wants to kick the poor.? homophobia is boring.

I'm sure the same people will contribute much the same opinions..

NSW, 4453 posts
18 Mar 2012 8:34PM
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Stitch said...
Mmmm, I think you are misunderstanding what I wrote. To simplify : what right is it of yours to decide someone else's relationship status? Now that is an egocentric view - thinking that you get to make decisions for other people about what is best for them and imposing your will on them.

I am pro gay marriage and I don't see why gay people should not be allowed to adopt.

To simplify: I have every right, it's a social institution; society defines it, and I am part of society.
I'm pro farm animal marriage, I don't see why chimeras can't vote

WA, 3145 posts
18 Mar 2012 5:42PM
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Ian K said...

Should 3 or more gay persons be able to legally marry if they wish to?

What about one hetro male and two bisexual females, a marriage made in heaven

NSW, 6451 posts
18 Mar 2012 8:50PM
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I think thats called an orgy

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
18 Mar 2012 6:15PM
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Ian K said...

Now that you've all answered that question here's another couple that logically follow on.

1. Should a brother and sister be able to legally marry and adopt children?

2. Marriage in most cultures has been between 2 persons because there are 2 sexes.
Should 3 or more gay persons be able to legally marry if they wish to?

Well many people have mentioned if it does not affect them directly, they are all for it. Siblings bonking and making kids, hell why not.

QLD, 1499 posts
18 Mar 2012 8:29PM
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Mark _australia said...

Ian K said...

Now that you've all answered that question here's another couple that logically follow on.

1. Should a brother and sister be able to legally marry and adopt children?

2. Marriage in most cultures has been between 2 persons because there are 2 sexes.
Should 3 or more gay persons be able to legally marry if they wish to?

Well many people have mentioned if it does not affect them directly, they are all for it. Siblings bonking and making kids, hell why not.

Careful Mark, that sort of carry on is frowned upon in mainland Australia...

NSW, 6869 posts
18 Mar 2012 9:55PM
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Ian K said...

Now that you've all answered that question here's another couple that logically follow on.

1. Should a brother and sister be able to legally marry and adopt children?

2. Marriage in most cultures has been between 2 persons because there are 2 sexes.
Should 3 or more gay persons be able to legally marry if they wish to?

Fark it, why not chuck in the dog as well, and while we are at it would it not be wise to make provision for aliens if and when they turn up.

QLD, 5396 posts
18 Mar 2012 10:11PM
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sounds like a good old Redneck shindig goin on here

10979 posts
18 Mar 2012 8:32PM
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NSW, 2005 posts
19 Mar 2012 12:05AM
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d1 said...

pierrec45 said...

theDoctor said...

yeah well, unless you got a contract with jim rose...

hemaphrodite ain't quite natural either, well it might occur naturally but human(sic) evolution ain't built upon it

Human evolution ain't, but human (and other species) are built on a process that relies on mutations, which generate things like hermaphroditism, and, according to most scientists, homosexuality through genetics. Ergo even the changes that do not lead to full reproduction of fertile offsprings participate in the process of the evolution of the species.

Includes all the weirdos in this forum

On a more humorous note: "even those who think homosexuality is not a transmissible disease don't want their kids to catch it" (bad joke...)

If there were any scientists on this forum, they would point out that homosexuality has nothing to do with genetics. It is determined in utero, and linked to exposure to the mother's hormones. The grades vary, and societal and religious pressure has forced many borderline homosexuals to attempt living generally unhappy heterosexual lives. Such couples would produce offspring as normal as anyone else's.

Ignorance is also not genetic, but its permanent form, called stupidity, usually is.

Interesting that you would claim to represent all of science. Your friends have misled you. There is absolutely no proof anywhere, and certainly no scientific consensus, on your claim that it's all utero in humans and that the case is closed. If it's the case, please tell us of the exact utero reproducible recipe that produces this particular characteristics. (Please don't bring the "the-mother-was-stressed thing you find in some studies - vague and directed towards a certain conclusion. Also none of the studies that show that hormones can be influenced in the foetus show that there is no genetic possible predisposition, so don't bring that one up either.)

Until then, you'll find that many believe it's a combination, some that it's purely environmental (or even beyond birth), some that it's 100% genetics for that particular individual. The usual twins studies show a slight correlation, but are some tainted it seems... I thought there was no debate on the pleiotropy of many traits vaguely related to masculinity - for all the good and bad that it brings, and sexual dimorphism. I do not know of a scientist that will claim that full dimorphism (differences between male and female: hormones, physical, etc.) is entirely due to vague utero stress things in humans. Would like to hear if there is such a school of thought...

That I know of, unlike just about any other human traits these days, there is just about no loci research on this question. I vaguely understand the ethical reasons why it should be so, but there is a counter-reaction "it's pure utero induced and I don't need to prove it" that goes too far in this field. I asked my neighbour's daughter to bring up this ethics question at her anthropology class, and she just about got attacked. (knew she would)

"Such couples would produce offspring as normal as anyone else's" And I thought you claimed to represent both science and stupidity... . Genetically acquired traits are not necessarily transmissible, nor transmitted.

Grades vary: I do not know that for science, but I'll take your word for it, sure, why not.
That grades may vary does not imply 100% utero and environmental factors.
For that statement to be true you would have to prove that all genetically-acquired traits are off-on - a tall order.

10979 posts
18 Mar 2012 9:33PM
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WA, 304 posts
18 Mar 2012 9:41PM
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pierrec, so happy you discovered wikipedia. next step would be looking at studies of statistical correlations between incidences of second male offspring and homosexual development. once you find that and understand the implication, will be glad to debate further.

it is not genetic. non-selfish mutations do not survive. it should be obvious... and has nothing to do with transmissibility...

6657 posts
18 Mar 2012 9:49PM
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Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
18 Mar 2012 10:31PM
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SP said...

Tolerance just to look good whilst ignoring practicalities and implications, is dumb.

- Me

WA, 1089 posts
18 Mar 2012 11:20PM
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I know a number of gay people that cant breed, but should.
I know a larger number of straight people that can breed, but shouldn't.

WA, 319 posts
19 Mar 2012 12:20AM
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stamp said...

FlySurfer said...
That's complete bullpoop, sure mutations happen but you can spot those ones, and their easier to eat... life evolves through intent.
Zebra like species wishes he could reach taller branches with more food > writes instructions in to DNA > ~100 generations later you have a giraffe.

please tell me nobody actually believes this.
you are taking the pi55 right?

and to think that all this time i was under the impression that evolution results from natural selection. when actually it's just those members of a species who 'want it more'.
i hope you've contacted the participants in the human genome project to let them know they are on the wrong track.

meanwhile i'll get to work and just 'write' some instructions to my DNA to create a smarter, stronger version of me in the next generation.

I actually had a school teacher that thought that this was how it worked!!! Told a class full of 10-11yr olds that evolution was when a bug wanted to eat a certain flower so it decided to become white for better camouflage. Was pretty hard to listen to anything else he had to say after he came out with that gem.

If these stats are even vaguely true there's an awful lot of them out there:

WA, 6415 posts
19 Mar 2012 3:15AM
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Since finding out a few years back about the BPA that they deliberately put into the construction of plastics,i have greatly reduced buying anything in plastic.

Coincidence then that since i've stopped consuming this estrogen mimicker,that i've become a lot hornier for skirt?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
19 Mar 2012 10:18AM
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Mark _australia said...

SP said...

Tolerance just to look good whilst ignoring practicalities and implications, is dumb.

- Me

Weasel words, Mark. You're hiding behind "practicalities". What "practicalities"????....Come on , just come out and say it. You're repulsed by homosexuality and any excuse will do to not have to deal with it. "implications"????of what .....equality?. Yeah, I know I can hear your sigh from here, and before you accuse me of "taking the moral high ground". I'm going to agree straight away.....yes, I am taking the "moral high ground". Anyway... how's the vote for women going Mark?, just think of the "implications", it could end in disaster!!!!

10979 posts
19 Mar 2012 8:05AM
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Mark _australia said...

SP said...

Intolerance does not look good anytime, it's impractical and has implications. And is dumb..

- Me

Fixed it for ya mate

Mark _australia
WA, 22380 posts
19 Mar 2012 8:17AM
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Typical Logman

"Oh Mark must be homophobic". Gather you didn't read my post before that one (back on p3) before you make assumptions.
I love gay people and have many gay friends who I also express my point of view to.
Typical leftie Loggie, as soon as I am against something you say I must be a redneck who HATES the people involved - which could not be farther from the truth.

So gay marriage has no implications? Nothing will change? Well why the hell are you fighting for it then?

NSW, 4453 posts
19 Mar 2012 11:27AM
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Personally I'd prefer homos to get married and have kids vs stupid.
Like everybody who believes steal buildings implode with small office fires must be sterilized, simple as that.

NSW, 4453 posts
19 Mar 2012 11:35AM
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Mark _australia said...
I love gay people and have many gay friends who I also express my point of view to.


I don't know a single homo apart from this fairy my Mrs invited to my birthday party... she said "Do you mind if I invite (whatever his name was), my gay friend?". I don't actually know him, but that's the closest.
BTW: he was better dressed than my friends.

You must be like my cousin who has ~1780 freaking friends on face book.

QLD, 2770 posts
19 Mar 2012 11:03AM
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FlySurfer said...

Personally I'd prefer homos to get married and have kids vs stupid.
Like everybody who believes steal buildings implode with small office fires must be sterilized, simple as that.

then with your ideas about how evolution works maybe you should just knacker yourself right now

and i bet you know plenty of gay just don't know they're gay

10979 posts
19 Mar 2012 9:37AM
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Mark _australia said...

Typical Logman

"Oh Mark must be homophobic". Gather you didn't read my post before that one (back on p3) before you make assumptions.
I love gay people and have many gay friends who I also express my point of view to.
Typical leftie Loggie, as soon as I am against something you say I must be a redneck who HATES the people involved - which could not be farther from the truth.

So gay marriage has no implications? Nothing will change? Well why the hell are you fighting for it then?

What would change Mark, they already have the same rights as married couples... So legally nothing.. All they want is to be equal in the eyes of the law, state and community and probably more than anything have a wedding ceremony for the same reason you did, cause they are in love with the person and want to stand up and declare that they wish to spend there life with that person..

Quick stat.

Approx 1500 species in nature practice homosexuality. Only one practices homophobia...

And nothing funnier than seeing the look on your mates face when his kelpie cattle cross mounts another male dog. Especially when it was a ****zu....

1862 posts
19 Mar 2012 10:06AM
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japie said...

Britain officially axes husband & wife:

This would change.

If you'd have asked me a few months ago what I thought, I would have said I couldn't care less. People should be allowed to have a choice as long as it doesn't affect anyone else.

However, this issue has been in the media for such a long time, and has become an all consuming passion by some sections of the community. Personally, I've tired from it, to the point that I've changed my mind about it.

I respect alternative points of view, and I find it slightly offensive that I'm shut down and labeled as homophobic for choosing an opposing view to the issue.

10979 posts
19 Mar 2012 11:55AM
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Adolf, That doesn't bother me, I'm not British. Gay couples have the same rights as any hetero couple in Australia. And most of our laws are written as such, so I don't get it. If you mean the bit about the church well sorry but I don't listen to people have allowed some of the biggest moral crimes you are ever likely to see go on under there noses for decades and not take responsibility..

And thanks for pointing out it sucks to be judged, that is the point, I don't care whether it is legal or not I just don't like that people judge others and not expect others to judge them.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage" started by adolf