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Get into Oz free card

Created by Gunna1 > 9 months ago, 17 Mar 2011
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154 posts
17 Mar 2011 11:24AM
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I have worked out how to get a new home for free. Choose the home, rock up on the doorstep unannounced, demand, and receive full board and lodging as well as any other benefits my heart desires including access to full legal support right to the high court. Whinge and complain nonstop, then completely trash the place, set fire to it smash down the fences and riot, then get flown to a better house free of charge.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
17 Mar 2011 11:44AM
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Seriously we are already doing a lot for these people.

Anyone involved in any rioting should be immediately flown back to where they came from.

You'd only have to do it once and then I think they will wait patiently and politely.

WA, 15849 posts
17 Mar 2011 11:48AM
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(.).) ??

SA, 350 posts
17 Mar 2011 2:26PM
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doggie said...

(.).) ??

or (.(.)

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
17 Mar 2011 11:57AM
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Nah Dogster I am pretty sure they were all males involved

WA, 15849 posts
17 Mar 2011 12:07PM
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sbray said...

doggie said...

(.).) ??

or (.(.)

154 posts
17 Mar 2011 12:23PM
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Totally agree Mark, Yep they were all males and looking at the picture in the West this morning of them getting on the plane they all looked like they have been in a pretty good paddock as well. I would be a bit concerned if I lived in Northam because if they riot and break out up there, it's not surrounded by water so they will head straight for town i would think.

WA, 3519 posts
17 Mar 2011 2:07PM
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Those guys are not refugiees they are freeloaders and queue jumpers, do not forget that they payed up to $50000.00 to get in a plane then stay in Indonesia for a while and then hire a boat, do not be scare of Indonesia, send them back to theyre last port of departure, or tell Indonesia that all it will cost to care for them will be discounted from the annual aid Indo receives from us, will make the corrupt Indonesian politicians think twice as the money would come out of theyre pocket!

154 posts
17 Mar 2011 2:22PM
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Yeah, you have to feel sorry for the genuine refugees who get out with the shirt on their back, stuck in a camp with no money, patientely waiting in the line, doing the right thing and every time one of these "refugees" lands on our soil this poor person goes further back down the line.

NSW, 9029 posts
17 Mar 2011 6:56PM
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So we define a refugee by their actions once out of the country where they have been persecuted? So on the one hand if they follow the rules, wait in line, wait their turn they are a genuine refugee. On the other hand if they decide to take matters into their own hands and try to get to a place where they can be safe then they are not refugees but just criminal scum. Is that right?

It also seems okay to lock people up for long periods of time who have not charged or convicted of any crime. Is it a crime to arrive in Australia and claim asylum?

About the only people who got a Get into Australia Free Card were the poms and the Kiwis. Nowdays it probably only the Kiwis.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
17 Mar 2011 4:50PM
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felixdcat said...

Those guys are not refugiees
payed up to $50000.00
do not be scare of Indonesia,
send them back to theyre last port
the annual aid Indo receives
from us, will make the corrupt Indonesian politicians
would come out of theyre pocket!

Is English your first language?

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
17 Mar 2011 4:56PM
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Mobydisc said...

So we define a refugee by their actions once out of the country where they have been persecuted? So on the one hand if they follow the rules, wait in line, wait their turn they are a genuine refugee. On the other hand if they decide to take matters into their own hands and try to get to a place where they can be safe then they are not refugees but just criminal scum. Is that right?

It also seems okay to lock people up for long periods of time who have not charged or convicted of any crime. Is it a crime to arrive in Australia and claim asylum?

About the only people who got a Get into Australia Free Card were the poms and the Kiwis. Nowdays it probably only the Kiwis.

Yeah I am happy to define people by their actions.

If you riot you need to be punished not pampered

If you jump the queue you are hindering the chances of others who do the right thing.

And they are not locked up without charge - it takes time to find out their identity (especially as most chuck away all their ID!!! Is that an act of soembody who is genuine??)...... it takes time to ascertain they are not terrorists, drug dealers, whatever as all the records in their own country needs to be checked etc.

I still say they have arrived in paradise, and even detention here is waaay better than a refugee camp, they should be grateful. If they riot, send them back.

NSW, 5780 posts
17 Mar 2011 8:27PM
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wow kinda makes you think about how the poor abo felt huh

NSW, 9202 posts
17 Mar 2011 9:02PM
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The thumbs have spoken.

NSW, 864 posts
17 Mar 2011 9:12PM
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Gunna1 said...

I have worked out how to get a new home for free. Choose the home, rock up on the doorstep unannounced, demand, and receive full board and lodging as well as any other benefits my heart desires including access to full legal support right to the high court. Whinge and complain nonstop, then completely trash the place, set fire to it smash down the fences and riot, then get flown to a better house free of charge.

WA, 1305 posts
17 Mar 2011 7:51PM
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maxm said...

Gunna1 said...

I have worked out how to get a new home for free. Choose the home, rock up on the doorstep unannounced, demand, and receive full board and lodging as well as any other benefits my heart desires including access to full legal support right to the high court. Whinge and complain nonstop, then completely trash the place, set fire to it smash down the fences and riot, then get flown to a better house free of charge.

Fair comment , after all thats what they are doing ,
why allow this type of behaviour?
After a few planes full of complainants get sent back the boats might stop

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
18 Mar 2011 12:20AM
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Do we want the boats to stop?

SA, 2865 posts
17 Mar 2011 11:59PM
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Hypothetical; If a plane landed in Australia full of people without passports and visas what would happen? I dare say it would be refueled and sent back to where it came from... so why not boats?

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
17 Mar 2011 9:32PM
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log man said...

Do we want the boats to stop?

Yeah OK I'll bite.


WA, 15849 posts
17 Mar 2011 9:38PM
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Gizmo said...

Hypothetical; If a plane landed in Australia full of people without passports and visas what would happen? I dare say it would be refueled and sent back to where it came from... so why not boats?

Most of the boats wouldn't make the trip back in most cases, I'm amazed at how many make it. I think luck has a heap to do with it!

QLD, 1051 posts
17 Mar 2011 11:51PM
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Gizmo - I wanted that topic
Flying boats v's floating boats - of those who overstay their paperwork and basically hide-out the ratio is about 20:1 - So the planes R the biggest problem IMO (not H about this!!).

But certainly would toughen up the attitude - riot and back you go. Same applies for probation period once accepted. But there are a number of areas in our society I have a right wing attitude about - although mostly I am more left of centre on social benefits and values. Can't tolerate mindless trashing of good / basic / solid values and services at the community expense - saying sorry later does not cut it.


NSW, 4188 posts
18 Mar 2011 1:00AM
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Gunna1 said...

I have worked out how to get a new home for free. Choose the home, rock up on the doorstep unannounced, demand, and receive full board and lodging as well as any other benefits my heart desires including access to full legal support right to the high court. Whinge and complain nonstop, then completely trash the place, set fire to it smash down the fences and riot, then get flown to a better house free of charge.

Hmm, another victim of the sad state of affairs that is our media these days...

Perhaps you might like to find out a bit more about exactly what it is most of these poor folks are fleeing from, and the way in which their cases are handled (or not) once they get here.

WA, 56 posts
18 Mar 2011 1:04AM
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AND when you do your research - visit these countries where these people are fleeing from, many of whom are paying a kings ransom to be delivered into Australian waters. From - India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Burma, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Jordan etc... Ask yourself who is the persecuted refugee who needs help the most - The one who comes from a country where the average wage is between $5-20 week. when they can get work and then pays $1000 of dollars [some in excess of $10,000] to flee their homeland and illegally arrive in OZ, or the poor bugger who must stay and live the hardship because they can not afford to escape? Research who needs help the most and most urgently? Cover all the bases as its not cut and dried!

Make the trip to London. San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, El Paso and Houston Texas. San Diego & LA California. Johannesburg, Durban and Peitermaritzberg South Africa and ask the locals how illegal immigrants who have been processed and granted residency and the others who have stayed illegally, have affected their quality of life - ie: safety and well being? These are all cities I have visited, some more than a few times and a couple I have lived in. All cities who have been the target of illegal immigration, many having lost streets and entire suburbs to the control of immigrant criminal gangs... I can not count the number of times I was told - "Don't let this happen Down Under!" I took that as a warning...

Talking with an ex London Police Officer last year, now a suburban police officer in Perth about why he left London. He told me because his job and life for his young family in London was becoming dangerous! So he came to WA under a recruitment plan our state Govt had in place to lure UK police officers to our local force. He then told me how after 6 months here he got news from London, his previous partner on the beat had been lured into a London alley with her partner on the pretext of someone in distress and where then attacked by a Somali gang - immigrants granted legal residency and armed with Machetes. He said both had died. Their death apparently was due to a tribal initiation of young Somali males entering manhood...

Then before you conclude your research - see if you can find the medical staff from the Port Hedland Detention center, who were on duty during and immediately following the Sept 11 2001 terrorist bombings in the United States. Ask them why they walked out of the Centre at that time? Then ask - was it to do with the cheering and chanting of detainees throwing toilet rolls thru the air in the cafeteria and rec centre as they watched the media coverage of the terrorist bombings on US soil resulting in the death of 1000's of innocent people [including Aussies]? A mate of mines wife is one who walked out in disgust and I believe those illegal immigrants were later to become Aussie residents...

Conclude your research as to whether you believe Australia needs to be thorough with its processing of illegal immigrants coming from dangerous lands, Countries that often have no up to date personal records of their citizens...? Ask if the cultural and religious beliefs of the detainee could be dangerous to us or themselves or their family? Ask if we need to be stronger or weaker in our approach and if we want to be the "easy destination" for those who target us... Ask if there are risks and if so how it could affect you and your children if you chose an easy solution? The detainees are not held in Auschwitz whilst here Down Under and they are not tortured, but fed and clothed well and provided entertainment and sport. If it takes longer to process an "illegal immigrant" than the immigrant likes - is that a huge price to pay for detecting a nut case hiding in the good and preventing the immigrant crime and ghettos that so many "first world" Nations now have?... Rioting and protesting by illegal immigrants is tolerated by some and not others. To me that's a no brainer! We do know not all illegal immigrants are bad people, but we do know that it is a very dangerous world with some very deadly and dangerous people hidden in it. Being cautious and thorough are the tools we have to keep our quality of life for all who live here...

SA, 2865 posts
18 Mar 2011 8:44AM
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Now they are burning the detention centre.... Just send them back !!!

Replace them with Japanese people that need and would be grateful of the help.

QLD, 3954 posts
18 Mar 2011 8:41AM
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Now that is a great post.

Well done mate. Lots to think about there.

On a lighter note what about all of the People coming in via the NZ back door? Can't get in to Oz? It's OK just immigrate to NZ for a few years as they have a less strict criteria and then move over. Easy, probably cheaper and safer than doing it in a boat from Indo.

WA, 1305 posts
18 Mar 2011 8:05AM
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Gizmo said...

Now they are burning the detention centre.... Just send them back !!!

Replace them with Japanese people that need and would be grateful of the help.

Great idea
go to the top of the class
They need all the help they can get

154 posts
18 Mar 2011 8:28AM
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Ok Galah, sure the media might overplay certain things, however pictures of rioting and burning on Australian property is not photo shopped. And as for these poor people fleeing for their lives to escape oppression and the like, fair enough, but they only need to go to the next port of call who will accept them. they pass 4 of those countries to get here! A "genuine" refugee would be thankfull for asylum anyway safe wouldn't they?

WA, 56 posts
18 Mar 2011 8:44AM
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Thanks CMC... Its a passionate topic for many - those who want our handling of illegal immigrants relaxed and/or sped up and there are those who want it to remain strict or even harder. No one likes to see people oppressed, victimized or worse. Anyone illegally entering Australia does so in breaking the law - is well cared for and treated far better than they are in any other country handling similar peoples and even their own homeland. Having seen the results of relaxed handling and fast tracking illegal immigrant processing overseas - we have a lot to lose if we get it wrong and you can not turn back the clock.... This people trade is with us for some time to come as its an industry and very profitable to many Indonesians filling their boats for a dollar. Its also not illegal to do this in Indonesia... Unfortunately. Makes it all the more harder for us!

WA, 56 posts
18 Mar 2011 8:47AM
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"A "genuine" refugee would be thankfull for asylum anyway safe wouldn't they?" Good point Gunna....

3777 posts
18 Mar 2011 9:15AM
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WHAT can i say you stupid idiots voted to open the gates at the last election.

Least the young generation is slowly fighting for a democratic way e.g baharain and egypy.
These wars show just how pathetic and outdated the islam and Muslim culture is We can the thank the global internet and the younger generation for world change.

The younger generation has seen how civlized people live on sites like facebook and arent going to stand for a dictatorship Women dont want to be treated like dogs .. unfortunatly for change Threres going to be alot of bloodshed. Once the dictators have gone and the country becomes democratic we will see less asylum seekers.

Australis becoming more unaffordable with julias lie tax and flood tax the new introduced tax on the tax.
Stupid red head bitch is ****en finished.

WA, 190 posts
18 Mar 2011 9:18AM
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cam0063 said...

"A "genuine" refugee would be thankfull for asylum anyway safe wouldn't they?" Good point Gunna....

Unfortunately not all countries are signatories to the convention on the status of refugees. Indonesia isn't. And other countries close by to the homelands of these refugees are often not in a position to feed/house refugees adequately.

As I see it you have two choices.
1) except the refugees who come here and be thankful that you and your family don't have to flee persecution
2) Come out of the UN convention on refugees and show the world what a uncaring bunch of imbeciles you really are.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Get into Oz free card" started by Gunna1