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Get into Oz free card

Created by Gunna1 > 9 months ago, 17 Mar 2011
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3777 posts
18 Mar 2011 9:25AM
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Im supprized the labour government hasn't introduced a asylum seeker tax 30 $ per head She seems to have a tax for everything else.

3777 posts
18 Mar 2011 9:32AM
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now .. onto something funny..

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
18 Mar 2011 9:33AM
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Refugee seeking refuge

154 posts
18 Mar 2011 10:13AM
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2nd point first Lefty My limited understanding of the UN convention on refugees says we are only obligated to give them food and shelter whilst processing their application with no time limit imposed upon us to do so, within reason, not withstanding these people do nothing to help the authorities find out who they are or where they come from, (what have they got to hide?). I also don't think the UN convention on refugees says they can riot, burn, destroy and break out of the accomodation provided because they get impatient. Us "imbeciles" you speak of have never said we would not accept genuine refugees who apply through the correct channels and co-operate fully to enter this country and wish to make a contibution, not live on welfare.
1st point, if we had to flee from persecution here at some time, how would we be treated if we lobbed in their country? there is no way you would be extended the courtesy Oz provides. the old saying applies, "don't bite the hand that feeds you"

QLD, 3954 posts
18 Mar 2011 12:32PM
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busterwa said...

Im supprized the labour government hasn't introduced a asylum seeker tax 30 $ per head She seems to have a tax for everything else.

How do you think Sporty Spice was going to pay for his promises? Any wonder they wouldnt provide the details on the hole in the numbers.

Guess what mate, the hole was going to be filled with tax money. That was going to come most likely from an increase in GST.

I am a swinging voter, I vote for who I believe not just who the newspaper I read be it left or right wing tells me to.

SA, 2865 posts
18 Mar 2011 1:03PM
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Wouldn't the people that set fire to the detention centre now be regarded as "alleged" arsonists and criminals and should be prosecuted as such.
And I would assume that Australia would not allow anyone with a confirmed criminal record or "alleged" criminal record into the country. (Yes I know Australia was colonized buy criminals being sent here)

WA, 1305 posts
18 Mar 2011 12:36PM
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poor relative said...

Refugee seeking refuge

The bluff carnarvon??

WA, 3519 posts
18 Mar 2011 1:01PM
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poor relative said...

felixdcat said...

Those guys are not refugiees
payed up to $50000.00
do not be scare of Indonesia,
send them back to theyre last port
the annual aid Indo receives
from us, will make the corrupt Indonesian politicians
would come out of theyre pocket!

Is English your first language?

No but I came legally went trough the rite channels (skilled migrant scheme), payed my fare, payed my application fee, waited in line, did my medical visit, came here, mixed with the rest of the population, did not try to push my customs onto anyone, got a job, payed my tax, did not get any handover from Canberra did all I could rite and if I had to fight for this great country I would not hesitate 1 seconde. And well yes I am trying hard to have English as my first language and I will take notice of your comments when you'll be able to speak and write French. Italian, German and Portuguese as bad as I can do it in English.

WA, 15849 posts
18 Mar 2011 1:43PM
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felixdcat said...

poor relative said...

felixdcat said...

Those guys are not refugiees
payed up to $50000.00
do not be scare of Indonesia,
send them back to theyre last port
the annual aid Indo receives
from us, will make the corrupt Indonesian politicians
would come out of theyre pocket!

Is English your first language?

No but I came legally went trough the rite channels (skilled migrant scheme), payed my fare, payed my application fee, waited in line, did my medical visit, came here, mixed with the rest of the population, did not try to push my customs onto anyone, got a job, payed my tax, did not get any handover from Canberra did all I could rite and if I had to fight for this great country I would not hesitate 1 seconde. And well yes I am trying hard to have English as my first language and I will take notice of your comments when you'll be able to speak and write French. Italian, German and Portuguese as bad as I can do it in English.

PR owed by Felix

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
18 Mar 2011 1:49PM
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Cam0063 - spot on and spoken by one who has seen it.
The counter opinion is usually spoken by those who have not see it, but rather have been indictrinated by the land rights for gay whales activists

I am confused as to why I have seen Kiwis who are here legally get deported due to offences thay have committed.

Immigrants who have been here for years have likewise been deported due to criminal offending.

So why do we put up with people who have no immigration status yet, doing these things?

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
18 Mar 2011 2:17PM
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felixdcat said...

went trough the rite channels
payed my fare,
payed my application fee,
did my medical visit,
payed my tax
get any handover from Canberra
did all I could rite
I would not hesitate 1 seconde. And well yes I am trying hard to have English as my first language and I will take notice of your comments when you'll be able to speak and write French. Italian, German and Portuguese as bad as I can do it in English.

Your point is lost in a cacophony of crap grammar and poor spelling.

I hope you can find solace here

QLD, 2057 posts
18 Mar 2011 4:30PM
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poor relative said...

felixdcat said...

went trough the rite channels
payed my fare,
payed my application fee,
did my medical visit,
payed my tax
get any handover from Canberra
did all I could rite
I would not hesitate 1 seconde. And well yes I am trying hard to have English as my first language and I will take notice of your comments when you'll be able to speak and write French. Italian, German and Portuguese as bad as I can do it in English.

Your point is lost in a cacophony of crap grammer and poor spelling.

I hope you can find solace here


or grammar!!!

When choosing to have a go at someone's poor spelling, (albeit his second language), make sure yours is correct!!

That was a laugh!!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
18 Mar 2011 2:30PM
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felixdcat said...

And well yes I am trying hard to have English as my first language

So what your actually saying is that your as much of an Aussie as Muhammad Akbir from Iran who lives in the eastern Perth suburbs.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
18 Mar 2011 2:32PM
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Bigwavedave said...

That was a laugh!!


WA, 3519 posts
18 Mar 2011 2:35PM
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Bigwavedave said...

poor relative said...

felixdcat said...

went trough the rite channels
payed my fare,
payed my application fee,
did my medical visit,
payed my tax
get any handover from Canberra
did all I could rite
I would not hesitate 1 seconde. And well yes I am trying hard to have English as my first language and I will take notice of your comments when you'll be able to speak and write French. Italian, German and Portuguese as bad as I can do it in English.

Your point is lost in a cacophony of crap grammer and poor spelling.

I hope you can find solace here


or grammar!!!

When choosing to have a go at someone's poor spelling, (albeit his second language), make sure yours is correct!!

That was a laugh!!

Good one Dave

WA, 3519 posts
18 Mar 2011 2:40PM
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poor relative said...

felixdcat said...

And well yes I am trying hard to have English as my first language

So what your actually saying is that your as much of an Aussie as Muhammad Akbir from Iran who lives in the eastern Perth suburbs.

-Yes and as well as John Smith from London or Duncan Mc Ness from Scotland or Padi O' Hara from Dublin! As a matter of fact!

154 posts
18 Mar 2011 2:57PM
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Poor reli, if you looked at what Felix is saying instead of ridiculing him, he is saying he is as happy as a pig in mud to be here, been given opportunities he would never have had, prepared to work and assimilate into our culture, (maybe part of the reason he came here in the first place), paying his way and will be a great benefit to Australia, and maybe bring a small piece of his culture here for us to experience. Don't get me wrong, I love experiencing different cultures, love Melbourne, for example, tasting the huge variety of food available there, but don't come here and try and force those varieties on me, same as I wouldn't go to another country and complain I can't find Aussie food on every street corner and then riot and pillage to try and force change to that culture.

WA, 3519 posts
18 Mar 2011 2:57PM
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Select to expand quote
felixdcat said...

poor relative said...

felixdcat said...

And well yes I am trying hard to have English as my first language

So what your actually saying is that your as much of an Aussie as Muhammad Akbir from Iran who lives in the eastern Perth suburbs.

-Yes and as well as John Smith from London or Duncan Mc Ness from Scotland or Padi O' Hara from Dublin! As a matter of fact!

By the way who is Muhammad Akbir???? Are you his poor relative??? must be in the money if he is living in the eastern Perth suburbs.... close to the know Perth Western Australia look like you are not to flash with geography..... you must travel some time or read some travel atlas as you are so good at "grammer" and spelling and reading!!!!
Just follow the could learn a bit!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
18 Mar 2011 3:04PM
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He's my brother
I'm from Iraq originally. I speak Persian, Sanskrit and English fluently.
I am into Islam and think Taoism is kinda cool.
I came here on a leaky boat was intercepted at Ashmoore reef and held in detention for 3 years whilst my application was approved.
I had to leave Iraq as i was being persecuted for voicing my families and my communities need for a democratic freedom.
My life was in peril so i fled.
My family were all murdered in my homelands for their demands for a free society.

It has been difficult here everyone thinks i am a terrorist or going to put bombs in hay street. However i am not like that. I condone violence and wish my life to in some way benefit mankind.
In fact i'm just like you except i haven't been afforded the same oppertunities like the ability to apply for a passport or a visa via an embassy or diplomatic assistance. In fact if i had applied for a passport the authorities would have detained me and probably killed me.
I am actually employed as a Dr in our local hospital. My qualifications weren't initially recognised so i had to undertake retraining. I found the studies just a duplication of what i had already been taught and a complete waste of time.
I work i pay taxes. I have come to love Australia and enjoy everything that it has to offer. I fish, i sail i kite i SUP plus i eat lamb - halal of course.

True story.

NSW, 807 posts
18 Mar 2011 6:08PM
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Mark _australia said...

Cam0063 - spot on and spoken by one who has seen it.
The counter opinion is usually spoken by those who have not see it, but rather have been indictrinated by the land rights for gay whales activists

I am confused as to why I have seen Kiwis who are here legally get deported due to offences thay have committed.

Immigrants who have been here for years have likewise been deported due to criminal offending.

So why do we put up with people who have no immigration status yet, doing these things?

Wide range of opinions here obviously. What I don't understand though is stuff like the above. Are you talking about immigrants or refugees? You guys do realise there's a difference, right? That nobody needs to apply to any country to go there as a refugee? You just turn up. You know that, right?

WA, 3519 posts
18 Mar 2011 3:17PM
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Thanks Gunna you are dead right, when I came 20 some years ago I did it by choice because I wanted it, I was not expecting anything Australia but I happy to accept all what came my way and the best thing was to embrace the layback have a go culture, I did a bit of English school at the time and found that the more negative ppl in class where the refugees, maybe because unlike me they came because they had to and had a bit of bitterness in them. When ppl complained to me about how this and that is so much better in my country and I started to tell them “ well if you are not happy here you can go back in your country when you want as you are now in a free country”. This landed me in hot water with a few of the English teachers at the time, but always felt strongly about it.

WA, 15849 posts
18 Mar 2011 3:35PM
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WA, 3519 posts
18 Mar 2011 3:35PM
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I had to leave Iraq as i was being persecuted for voicing my families and my communities need for a democratic freedom.
My life was in peril so i fled.
My family were all murdered in my homelands for their demands for a free society.

So you let it to your family and countrymen to try to improve the situation and you fled Iraq????

I condone violence and wish my life to in some way benefit mankind.

Really????? Maybe you are not that good at "grammer" too!![}:)]

I found the studies just a duplication of what i had already been taught and a complete waste of time.

That is the rule of the land.... but you can't stop yourself to complain about it, but maybe it is like I said before... the doctors are so much better in your country! I am not a doctor but still had to pass all my engineering tests before been allow to work here and did not cried and winged about it!

You are right I now feel sorry for you.

WA, 3519 posts
18 Mar 2011 3:38PM
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Hey Doggie,
is that (,(,) saggy tits

WA, 15849 posts
18 Mar 2011 3:41PM
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felixdcat said...

Hey Doggie,
is that (,(,) saggy tits

Big nips

(v)(v) Maddona

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
18 Mar 2011 3:46PM
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poor relative

WA, 3519 posts
18 Mar 2011 3:48PM
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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm big nips!

WA, 3519 posts
18 Mar 2011 3:50PM
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PR are you leaving............ sorry (not).............. please stay (not)! [}:)]

WA, 15849 posts
18 Mar 2011 3:53PM
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poor relative said...

poor relative

WA, 190 posts
18 Mar 2011 4:13PM
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Gunna1 said...

I also don't think the UN convention on refugees says they can riot, burn, destroy and break out of the accomodation provided because they get impatient.

I never said it did. I just don't like all Refugees being tarred with the same brush, of being some kind of queue jumping free loaders. I'm an immigrant I had to queue, but that is because I wasn't in danger in my homeland and I could afford to pay the associated fees. Thats fair.

If some at the detention centre have broken the law they should be charged and delt with in the correct manner. You do realised that some of these people have been locked up for over a year?

Gunna1 said...

1st point, if we had to flee from persecution here at some time, how would we be treated if we lobbed in their country? there is no way you would be extended the courtesy Oz provides. the old saying applies, "don't bite the hand that feeds you"

I sure you wouldn't be extended the courtesy Oz provides. But surely that is the point?

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Get into Oz free card" started by Gunna1