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Get into Oz free card

Created by Gunna1 > 9 months ago, 17 Mar 2011
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Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
18 Mar 2011 7:46PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

Mark _australia said...

Cam0063 - spot on and spoken by one who has seen it.
The counter opinion is usually spoken by those who have not see it, but rather have been indictrinated by the land rights for gay whales activists

I am confused as to why I have seen Kiwis who are here legally get deported due to offences thay have committed.

Immigrants who have been here for years have likewise been deported due to criminal offending.

So why do we put up with people who have no immigration status yet, doing these things?

Wide range of opinions here obviously. What I don't understand though is stuff like the above. Are you talking about immigrants or refugees? You guys do realise there's a difference, right? That nobody needs to apply to any country to go there as a refugee? You just turn up. You know that, right?

Yes I know the difference, so no need to be condescending.
My point (which you have chosen to ignore) was that if we deport people who did not originate from here, but have P.R status, for their crimes, why don't we deport refugees who riot.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
18 Mar 2011 7:48PM
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poor relative said...

He's my brother
I'm from Iraq originally. I speak Persian, Sanskrit and English fluently.
I am into Islam and think Taoism is kinda cool.
I came here on a leaky boat was intercepted at Ashmoore reef and held in detention for 3 years whilst my application was approved.
I had to leave Iraq as i was being persecuted for voicing my families and my communities need for a democratic freedom.
My life was in peril so i fled.
My family were all murdered in my homelands for their demands for a free society.

It has been difficult here everyone thinks i am a terrorist or going to put bombs in hay street. However i am not like that. I condone violence and wish my life to in some way benefit mankind.
In fact i'm just like you except i haven't been afforded the same oppertunities like the ability to apply for a passport or a visa via an embassy or diplomatic assistance. In fact if i had applied for a passport the authorities would have detained me and probably killed me.
I am actually employed as a Dr in our local hospital. My qualifications weren't initially recognised so i had to undertake retraining. I found the studies just a duplication of what i had already been taught and a complete waste of time.
I work i pay taxes. I have come to love Australia and enjoy everything that it has to offer. I fish, i sail i kite i SUP plus i eat lamb - halal of course.

True story.

All I have to say to that is bugger, we let in another kiter. Damn Immigration Dept.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
18 Mar 2011 7:51PM
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Don't forget - Kiters have right of way.

....and the ladies like us more.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
18 Mar 2011 8:04PM
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poor relative said...

Don't forget - Kiters have right of way.

....and the ladies like us more.

From my last sail, it would appear so [}:)]

but you're alright P.R you can drop in on me anytime

QLD, 7932 posts
18 Mar 2011 10:10PM
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so you didnt get any help, mmmm. Who payed for your retraining as a dr?good whine but pretty pathetic. You put crap on someone when you should have been,how do i say it in english, been a bit more understanding. instead of being jealous and with a chip on your shoulder. I would rather someone pay and help. Oh before you want to attack me, my family came here from war and as my old boy says, nobody mowed grass in a desert for him. Get over it and be bloody thankful you live in this great country.

poor relative said...

He's my brother
I'm from Iraq originally. I speak Persian, Sanskrit and English fluently.
I am into Islam and think Taoism is kinda cool.
I came here on a leaky boat was intercepted at Ashmoore reef and held in detention for 3 years whilst my application was approved.
I had to leave Iraq as i was being persecuted for voicing my families and my communities need for a democratic freedom.
My life was in peril so i fled.
My family were all murdered in my homelands for their demands for a free society.

It has been difficult here everyone thinks i am a terrorist or going to put bombs in hay street. However i am not like that. I condone violence and wish my life to in some way benefit mankind.
In fact i'm just like you except i haven't been afforded the same oppertunities like the ability to apply for a passport or a visa via an embassy or diplomatic assistance. In fact if i had applied for a passport the authorities would have detained me and probably killed me.
I am actually employed as a Dr in our local hospital. My qualifications weren't initially recognised so i had to undertake retraining. I found the studies just a duplication of what i had already been taught and a complete waste of time.
I work i pay taxes. I have come to love Australia and enjoy everything that it has to offer. I fish, i sail i kite i SUP plus i eat lamb - halal of course.

True story.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
18 Mar 2011 9:19PM
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chrispychru said...

so you didnt get any help, mmmm. Who payed for your retraining as a dr?good whine but pretty pathetic. You put crap on someone when you should have been,how do i say it in english, been a bit more understanding. instead of being jealous and with a chip on your shoulder. I would rather someone pay and help. Oh before you want to attack me, my family came here from war and as my old boy says, nobody mowed grass in a desert for him. Get over it and be bloody thankful you live in this great country

Mr Crispy,

I think you will find mr relative is very pro-refugees and would disagree with most of the things posted in this thread by people like me....... so i think he was being sarcastic and having a shot
he was not having a go at immigrants or refugees.

Anyway, he was a brain surgeon in his home country but now drives a taxi in Oz.
Due to his medical quals though, he drives a maxi-taxi, and that is not to be sneered at, it is the peak of the public transport profession.

NSW, 6874 posts
19 Mar 2011 12:21AM
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This topic just goes endlessy round and round and round and round and round and round, has done for decades,

It is a distraction.

The debate will continue guys, ad infinitum, imagine that, we can discuss it forever and ever,

for as long as there are refugees there will be a refugee problem.

There is only one way to solve the refugee problem, legally anyway, and if you think about it even the most unimaginative of us here will acknowledge that the solution sticks out like dogs balls.

Refugees, they are a product of poverty and instability. No argument from the informed.


Spread the wealth and stop destabilising poor countries to get at their resources cheaply.

Share the beach,

Another big move would be to spread the truth. Unfortunately the truth gets distorted all too frequently.

Wake up.

Go Seabreeze and thank you so much for letting me express a political opinion

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
18 Mar 2011 10:42PM
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japie said...


Spread the wealth and stop destabilising poor countries to get at their resources cheaply.

Trouble is most of them are fkd up countries where the north hate the south, tribes hate each other or if you don't believe in their religion they take an AK47 to your village.
That part is not our fault.
They need to stop hating each other too.

Of course when western nations go to help they are criticised

thommo 000
1670 posts
18 Mar 2011 11:06PM
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i don't want those people that did what they have done on xmas island for my neighbors, sorry, and it's a waste of police resources too.

WA, 6277 posts
18 Mar 2011 11:12PM
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Good point Mark,

Just a thought:

Are we, as 'civilised' countries (who don't have wars or anything vulgar like that any more, they're too expensive) on the increase or on the wane?

Could we, as their 'moral superiors', give them a heap of education, which would create something like a Rennaissance?

Man, I'd donate $20 to that cause.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
18 Mar 2011 11:38PM
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nebbian said...

Good point Mark,

Just a thought:

Are we, as 'civilised' countries (who don't have wars or anything vulgar like that any more, they're too expensive) on the increase or on the wane?

Could we, as their 'moral superiors', give them a heap of education, which would create something like a Rennaissance?

Man, I'd donate $20 to that cause.

Yes, we already do.
Look at Afghanistan for example

The Govt of the western nations bomb the bejeezus out of the Taliban so as to reduce the ability of terrorism to be fostered there, and also the allow the people to be free of the oppression of the Taliban.

At the same time, the Red Cross ets give food and water, medical supplies, education.
Your $20 you gave whatever international organisation already helps, right?

Meanwhile the UN does sweet F.A about anything bad in the world so the $20 of your tax money that Australia gave to the UN results only in their self-proclaimed expert socialist treehugger whacko employees telling us how to do business in our country.
That $20 could be better spent methinks.

WA, 6277 posts
18 Mar 2011 11:42PM
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Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
18 Mar 2011 11:44PM
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nebbian said...

and the picture of your campsite at Gnaraloo last October is supposed to mean....?

WA, 6277 posts
18 Mar 2011 11:50PM
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Ha ha Busted

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
19 Mar 2011 10:18AM
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QLD, 12327 posts
19 Mar 2011 12:54PM
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poor relative said...

He's my brother
I'm from Iraq originally. I speak Persian, Sanskrit and English fluently.
I am into Islam and think Taoism is kinda cool.
I came here on a leaky boat was intercepted at Ashmoore reef and held in detention for 3 years whilst my application was approved.
I had to leave Iraq as i was being persecuted for voicing my families and my communities need for a democratic freedom.
My life was in peril so i fled.
My family were all murdered in my homelands for their demands for a free society.

It has been difficult here everyone thinks i am a terrorist or going to put bombs in hay street. However i am not like that. I condone violence and wish my life to in some way benefit mankind.
In fact i'm just like you except i haven't been afforded the same oppertunities like the ability to apply for a passport or a visa via an embassy or diplomatic assistance. In fact if i had applied for a passport the authorities would have detained me and probably killed me.
I am actually employed as a Dr in our local hospital. My qualifications weren't initially recognised so i had to undertake retraining. I found the studies just a duplication of what i had already been taught and a complete waste of time.
I work i pay taxes. I have come to love Australia and enjoy everything that it has to offer. I fish, i sail i kite i SUP plus i eat lamb - halal of course.

True story.


QLD, 12327 posts
19 Mar 2011 12:57PM
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doggie said...


Has she been breast feeding?

NSW, 807 posts
19 Mar 2011 3:41PM
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Mark _australia said...

Yes I know the difference, so no need to be condescending.
My point (which you have chosen to ignore) was that if we deport people who did not originate from here, but have P.R status, for their crimes, why don't we deport refugees who riot.

I'll take your word for it that you do but some of the other posters here (notice I said guys) don't seem to. As for why not deport them - well, I gather its to do with the convention that we've signed on to. We've agreed NOT to send refugees back to the situation they're trying to escape.

Look, I don't condone their actions any more than you do. But surely the answer is not to lock them up indefinitely and treat them worse than murderers innit?

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
19 Mar 2011 2:56PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

Look, I don't condone their actions any more than you do. But surely the answer is not to lock them up indefinitely and treat them worse than murderers innit?

Finally, the voice of moderation.

Most countries (developed and developing) are forced to deal with this same issue.

We could solve the problem in this way

However the majority of Australians would not advocate this method?

So how does Australia go about treating people with dignity who have managed to get here and have arrived (by boat or plane) unannounced without potentially encouraging more and more people arriving here from desperate situations in the future?

How would you solve this?

For 2009 and 2010 the total number of people who came here unauthorized by boat was less than 10 000.

5000 a year is not a large number, but if multiplied by 10 or 20 then the political debate in Australia would turn quickly.

If this happened then the outcome for refugees and Asylum seekers in Australia would not be a positive one.

QLD, 12327 posts
20 Mar 2011 1:42AM
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I think the Thais may have solved their illegal immigrant problem that way. A very clear message that will pass along the grapevine.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! Now somebody is going to say "They are not illegal immigrants, they are refugees."

If they arrive at any country's border after having ditched any form of identification or evidence of personal history, their claim of refugee status has to be deemed as dishonest and invalid and subversive in it's nature.

This is just cause to deny entry at all and any right to "processing" of their claims.

It is no wonder they are coming here in droves, planes and boats with the mamby pamby messages that our current socialist, political correct excuse for a government is sending out.

Apparently on 60 Minutes tonight the Muslim "leaders" are going to admit to their agenda of bringing the world under Muslim religious rule.

Seems to me they are trying to get their numbers up here so as to have voting numbers to effect their agenda.

Freedom loving Australians need to assess how much they value their existing freedoms and how many of them they are prepared to surrender or forego in the name of "Helping their fellow man."

Natural Law says that "No man has the right to impose his will on another." It is unwritten and God given.

That is what the "Schoolyard Bullying Debate" is all about.

If one of our basic pretexts of civilised behaviour is that we do not allow bullying in the "school yard", we should not allow it in the yards of politics, international diplomacy, immigration policy or moral arena.

As I have said before, the "refugees" are bashing us over the head with our generous nature.

Ask Felixdacat what happened in France. Fin.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
20 Mar 2011 10:35AM
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cisco said...

I think the Thais may have solved their illegal immigrant problem that way. A very clear message that will pass along the grapevine.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! Now somebody is going to say "They are not illegal immigrants, they are refugees."

If they arrive at any country's border after having ditched any form of identification or evidence of personal history, their claim of refugee status has to be deemed as dishonest and invalid and subversive in it's nature.

This is just cause to deny entry at all and any right to "processing" of their claims.

It is no wonder they are coming here in droves, planes and boats with the mamby pamby messages that our current socialist, political correct excuse for a government is sending out.

Apparently on 60 Minutes tonight the Muslim "leaders" are going to admit to their agenda of bringing the world under Muslim religious rule.

Seems to me they are trying to get their numbers up here so as to have voting numbers to effect their agenda.

Freedom loving Australians need to assess how much they value their existing freedoms and how many of them they are prepared to surrender or forego in the name of "Helping their fellow man."

Natural Law says that "No man has the right to impose his will on another." It is unwritten and God given.

That is what the "Schoolyard Bullying Debate" is all about.

If one of our basic pretexts of civilised behaviour is that we do not allow bullying in the "school yard", we should not allow it in the yards of politics, international diplomacy, immigration policy or moral arena.

As I have said before, the "refugees" are bashing us over the head with our generous nature.

Ask Felixdacat what happened in France. Fin.

Right on Cisco but I would go a little further. Just shoot the men ,bayonet the women and make the children watch, so they never forget.

NSW, 4453 posts
20 Mar 2011 11:41AM
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QLD, 12327 posts
20 Mar 2011 11:25AM
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^^^I think you just made doggy's day.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
20 Mar 2011 10:42AM
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log man said...

cisco said...

I think the Thais may have solved their illegal immigrant problem that way. A very clear message that will pass along the grapevine.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! Now somebody is going to say "They are not illegal immigrants, they are refugees."

If they arrive at any country's border after having ditched any form of identification or evidence of personal history, their claim of refugee status has to be deemed as dishonest and invalid and subversive in it's nature.

This is just cause to deny entry at all and any right to "processing" of their claims.

It is no wonder they are coming here in droves, planes and boats with the mamby pamby messages that our current socialist, political correct excuse for a government is sending out.

Apparently on 60 Minutes tonight the Muslim "leaders" are going to admit to their agenda of bringing the world under Muslim religious rule.

Seems to me they are trying to get their numbers up here so as to have voting numbers to effect their agenda.

Freedom loving Australians need to assess how much they value their existing freedoms and how many of them they are prepared to surrender or forego in the name of "Helping their fellow man."

Natural Law says that "No man has the right to impose his will on another." It is unwritten and God given.

That is what the "Schoolyard Bullying Debate" is all about.

If one of our basic pretexts of civilised behaviour is that we do not allow bullying in the "school yard", we should not allow it in the yards of politics, international diplomacy, immigration policy or moral arena.

As I have said before, the "refugees" are bashing us over the head with our generous nature.

Ask Felixdacat what happened in France. Fin.

Right on Cisco but I would go a little further. Just shoot the men ,bayonet the women and make the children watch, so they never forget.

Oh logman how dramatic.
Typical left wing sh!t that you trot out.
Just because we suggest we need to the be careful due to what other western nations have experienced, then we must be racist, xenophobic bigots.
All he said was we have an obligation to help them, but they do not have the right to impose their will upon us.

NSW, 807 posts
20 Mar 2011 8:39PM
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mark_australia - it also means you don't have a right to impose your will on them. Really pretty crappy drawing that line. I don't like it... us, them. I know a lot of Australian muslims, Mark. It might surprise you to know that they are "us" as well. I sure know who I'd prefer as friends.

cisco, I hope you were pissed when you spewed that cr@p and are feeling a bit sheepish now. It says a lot about you. None of it good.

QLD, 12327 posts
20 Mar 2011 9:34PM
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So what you are saying is that if I say to someone that I am not going to let them impose their cultural values on me that I am the bad guy for imposing my will on the other.

That could go around and around forever.

I hope you watched what was reported on 60 Minutes in regard to the Islamists.

3952 posts
20 Mar 2011 7:45PM
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cisco said...

So what you are saying is that if I say to someone that I am not going to let them impose their cultural values on me that I am the bad guy for imposing my will on the other.

That could go around and around forever.

I hope you watched what was reported on 60 Minutes in regard to the Islamists.

I saw that guy on the ad for the 60 mins story. I can't ever see him becoming a martyr and making love to a hundred virgins. I reckon, he'll just drive taxis for the rest of his life.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
21 Mar 2011 12:27AM
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Mark _australia said...

log man said...

cisco said...

I think the Thais may have solved their illegal immigrant problem that way. A very clear message that will pass along the grapevine.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! Now somebody is going to say "They are not illegal immigrants, they are refugees."

If they arrive at any country's border after having ditched any form of identification or evidence of personal history, their claim of refugee status has to be deemed as dishonest and invalid and subversive in it's nature.

This is just cause to deny entry at all and any right to "processing" of their claims.

It is no wonder they are coming here in droves, planes and boats with the mamby pamby messages that our current socialist, political correct excuse for a government is sending out.

Apparently on 60 Minutes tonight the Muslim "leaders" are going to admit to their agenda of bringing the world under Muslim religious rule.

Seems to me they are trying to get their numbers up here so as to have voting numbers to effect their agenda.

Freedom loving Australians need to assess how much they value their existing freedoms and how many of them they are prepared to surrender or forego in the name of "Helping their fellow man."

Natural Law says that "No man has the right to impose his will on another." It is unwritten and God given.

That is what the "Schoolyard Bullying Debate" is all about.

If one of our basic pretexts of civilised behaviour is that we do not allow bullying in the "school yard", we should not allow it in the yards of politics, international diplomacy, immigration policy or moral arena.

As I have said before, the "refugees" are bashing us over the head with our generous nature.

Ask Felixdacat what happened in France. Fin.

Right on Cisco but I would go a little further. Just shoot the men ,bayonet the women and make the children watch, so they never forget.

Oh logman how dramatic.
Typical left wing sh!t that you trot out.
Just because we suggest we need to the be careful due to what other western nations have experienced, then we must be racist, xenophobic bigots.
All he said was we have an obligation to help them, but they do not have the right to impose their will upon us.

Mark , don't try and apologize for your friend, that's what always happens, you come out with some bigoted rant and then retreat with crap like "all he's saying is " and "just saying", "Just because we suggest" or "just asking the question". So Cisco thinks towing a refugee boat back out to sea is a good way to solve a refugee problem........ Now that's dramatic eh Mark. Can you actually hear what your saying towing a boat back out to sea! really! these are people, real people, women, children. ...... Oh crap! there I go again getting all dramatic, it's just the idea of state sponsored murder leaves me a little cold. And Mark if you resent being labeled(in your own words) a "racist Xenophobic bigot" then stop posting "racist xenophobic bigotry".

WA, 4564 posts
20 Mar 2011 9:41PM
Thumbs Up

log man said...

Mark _australia said...

log man said...

cisco said...

I think the Thais may have solved their illegal immigrant problem that way. A very clear message that will pass along the grapevine.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! Now somebody is going to say "They are not illegal immigrants, they are refugees."

If they arrive at any country's border after having ditched any form of identification or evidence of personal history, their claim of refugee status has to be deemed as dishonest and invalid and subversive in it's nature.

This is just cause to deny entry at all and any right to "processing" of their claims.

It is no wonder they are coming here in droves, planes and boats with the mamby pamby messages that our current socialist, political correct excuse for a government is sending out.

Apparently on 60 Minutes tonight the Muslim "leaders" are going to admit to their agenda of bringing the world under Muslim religious rule.

Seems to me they are trying to get their numbers up here so as to have voting numbers to effect their agenda.

Freedom loving Australians need to assess how much they value their existing freedoms and how many of them they are prepared to surrender or forego in the name of "Helping their fellow man."

Natural Law says that "No man has the right to impose his will on another." It is unwritten and God given.

That is what the "Schoolyard Bullying Debate" is all about.

If one of our basic pretexts of civilised behaviour is that we do not allow bullying in the "school yard", we should not allow it in the yards of politics, international diplomacy, immigration policy or moral arena.

As I have said before, the "refugees" are bashing us over the head with our generous nature.

Ask Felixdacat what happened in France. Fin.

Right on Cisco but I would go a little further. Just shoot the men ,bayonet the women and make the children watch, so they never forget.

Oh logman how dramatic.
Typical left wing sh!t that you trot out.
Just because we suggest we need to the be careful due to what other western nations have experienced, then we must be racist, xenophobic bigots.
All he said was we have an obligation to help them, but they do not have the right to impose their will upon us.

Mark , don't try and apologize for your friend, that's what always happens, you come out with some bigoted rant and then retreat with crap like "all he's saying is " and "just saying", "Just because we suggest" or "just asking the question". So Cisco thinks towing a refugee boat back out to sea is a good way to solve a refugee problem........ Now that's dramatic eh Mark. Can you actually hear what your saying towing a boat back out to sea! really! these are people, real people, women, children. ...... Oh crap! there I go again getting all dramatic, it's just the idea of state sponsored murder leaves me a little cold. And Mark if you resent being labeled(in your own words) a "racist Xenophobic bigot" then stop posting "racist xenophobic bigotry".

Give it a rest Logman, your post are boooooring the crap out of all but a minority few.
Flame suit on

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
20 Mar 2011 11:04PM
Thumbs Up

cisco said...

Apparently on 60 Minutes tonight the Muslim "leaders" are going to admit to their agenda of bringing the world under Muslim religious rule.

This one gave me a good laugh. On many levels.

A) Did the Muslim leaders speak in English? Attempting to take over the world with 'our' language. Classic one. It's already been done.

B) Muslim leaders are having a very tough time simply staying in power without adding a globally organized agenda (read conspiracy) to take over the world into the mix.

C) Don't spend too much energy shadow boxing and fearing Muslims. It's obvious. The Climatologists are the ones that are currently taking it over.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Get into Oz free card" started by Gunna1