Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Global Warming has hit Perth

Created by Pcdefender > 9 months ago, 24 Jun 2023
Froth Goth
630 posts
20 May 2024 1:49PM
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FlySurfer said..
Thanks to our warm weather, I managed to harvest some more watermelons. The small ones were a bit shaded, and the smallest wasn't edible, but the others were of Coles quality. The first crop in January was exceptionally good.

If you ever get gut issues when travelling abroad just eat a whole watermelon theyre tendrils cling to everything and pull it all out

WA, 2443 posts
20 May 2024 5:01PM
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Brent in Qld said..
Mid-May and 30 in Freo yesterday. Cold beers, thongs and singlets at a bbq in the arvo. Research complete.

If Perth averages 16 degrees maximum every day for the rest of the month, we'll equal the climate average for May.

Brent in Qld
WA, 964 posts
20 May 2024 6:40PM
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Going to smash that lowly 16 out of the park. Perth, slightly better than globally average. There's a tourism slogan!

WA, 2443 posts
20 May 2024 6:47PM
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Brent in Qld said..

Going to smash that lowly 16 out of the park. Perth, slightly better than globally average. There's a tourism slogan!

But Pcdefender assured us that "Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling", how can this be?!

WA, 1230 posts
25 May 2024 2:53PM
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WA, 2443 posts
25 May 2024 3:09PM
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Patience Grasshopper, there is still hope for your cooling prediction. We just need 9 degree daily maximum temps for the rest of the month.

NSW, 9027 posts
26 May 2024 8:09PM
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It's pretty cool for May in NSW. Winter has come early here. This is after another wet and cool summer. The BOM and the usual corporate media scare merchants promised climate Armageddon in spring 2023 for the coming summer. We were promised bushfires and heatwaves.

Summer was at best mild with a few warmer days, a couple of hot days..

WA, 2443 posts
28 May 2024 4:59PM
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Pcdefender said..
For the last 2 months it seems Perth has been freezing.
May and June have average max temperatures of 22.3 and 19.5 yet nearly every day it seems the max has been around 17C.
Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling.

WA, 1348 posts
28 May 2024 6:20PM
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Crikey, I hope PCd does better at Footy tipping than forecasting.

WA, 1230 posts
2 Jun 2024 2:07PM
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WA, 1230 posts
2 Jun 2024 2:07PM
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WA, 1230 posts
2 Jun 2024 2:14PM
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NSW, 6815 posts
2 Jun 2024 5:38PM
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I've worked out who is behind the climate scare. It's all about reducing the marijuana market:

QLD, 3700 posts
2 Jun 2024 5:44PM
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japie said..
I've worked out who is behind the climate scare. It's all about reducing the marijuana market:

Or drive up the price

WA, 2443 posts
2 Jun 2024 4:18PM
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Pcdefender said..

WA, 2443 posts
7 Jun 2024 10:45AM
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One theory is that record heat in Greece may have caused Michael Mosely to faint and fall of a cliff.

WA, 8713 posts
7 Jun 2024 12:15PM
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remery said..
One theory is that record heat in Greece may have caused Michael Mosely to faint and fall of a cliff.

Was he vacinated? if so.....

WA, 1348 posts
7 Jun 2024 3:30PM
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remery said..
One theory is that record heat in Greece may have caused Michael Mosely to faint and fall of a cliff.

Maybe he just walked the edge of the earth?

WA, 2443 posts
Friday , 5 Jul 2024 5:55PM
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Pcdefender said..
For the last 2 months it seems Perth has been freezing.
May and June have average max temperatures of 22.3 and 19.5 yet nearly every day it seems the max has been around 17C.
Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling.

Man it has been cold the last few weeks. Surely Pcdefender must finally be correct in in his assertion that, "Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling." June must have been colder than the climate average of 19.5 degrees right?
Wait what... 20.3 degrees for June, 2024!
Oh well, mayne next month he can claim a win. Here's a picture.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Global Warming has hit Perth" started by Pcdefender