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Global Warming has hit Perth

Created by Pcdefender > 9 months ago, 24 Jun 2023
WA, 2100 posts
25 Jul 2024 7:47PM
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myscreenname said..

Pcdefender said..
All the islands that were supposedly in danger of being swamped by rising sea levels - they are all still there like they will always be there.

As a resident of Tuvalu, I can say 'rubbish'. Neil Oliver has never been here.

Already, two of our nine islands are on the verge of going under, the government says, swallowed by sea-rise and coastal erosion. During storms, waves batter us from the east and the west, "swallowing" the country.

Yeah, erosion, and rising sea levels, are remarkably different phenomena.

WA, 12092 posts
25 Jul 2024 8:10PM
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psychojoe said.. Yeah, erosion, and rising sea levels, are remarkably different phenomena.

Well sort of, with rising sea levels you get more erosion. So the two can be linked.

WA, 6625 posts
25 Jul 2024 8:32PM
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Since the end of the last ice age 21,000 years ago, our planet has seen ocean levels rise by 120 meters to reach their current levels.

.......The rise in sea levels at that time was an average of 14m worldwide, over less than 350 years. This corresponds to a rate of 40mm per year -- compared to the 3mm per year we are currently experiencing

1580 posts
25 Jul 2024 8:36PM
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Carantoc said..

Hey crack and talk, you do know FN's house is built on sand a few streets away from the ocean.

WA, 6625 posts
25 Jul 2024 8:41PM
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Yeah, I heard a rumour.

Also heard he doesn't like sea views. Magnificant vistas along the golden sands or out across the mighty ocean are just not for him. Would rather look at the bricks in the side wall of his neighbours house. In Rockingham.

Each to their own taste I guess. Nowt as queer as folk.

WA, 2682 posts
25 Jul 2024 9:31PM
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Carantoc said..

Since the end of the last ice age 21,000 years ago, our planet has seen ocean levels rise by 120 meters to reach their current levels.

.......The rise in sea levels at that time was an average of 14m worldwide, over less than 350 years. This corresponds to a rate of 40mm per year -- compared to the 3mm per year we are currently experiencing

And? We all know that Gage Roads was created by the Swan River and it was possible to walk to Rottnest Island 10,000 years ago. How does that help with the coming climate catastrophe?

WA, 1402 posts
26 Jul 2024 12:54AM
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remery said..

So did you click on the link and read all the big words, or just search for a video that supports your preconceived idiocracy?

In nearly every post you call me an idiot.

Can anyone explain to me why the mods on here continue to allow such CONSTANT abuse?

I have reported you on numerous occasions but with no feedback and only once was your vulgar post removed.

WA, 692 posts
26 Jul 2024 5:10AM
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fangman said..
Stuff the Average Joe can see (cos I am getting old). This is what Coodanup and the Murray and Serpentine River mouth looked like 30 years ago when we first moved here. Note the size of the beaches and sand spits, particularly the Murray (bottom arrow). Circa summer of 94/95.

Thirty years later it looks like this and the entire eastern shore is buttressed by a limestone wall to stop further erosion. Jan 2024.

Tha Dawesville cut opened 30 yrs ago to wash all the stink out.

805 posts
26 Jul 2024 6:01AM
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Pcdefender said..

remery said..

So did you click on the link and read all the big words, or just search for a video that supports your preconceived idiocracy?

In nearly every post you call me an idiot.

Can anyone explain to me why the mods on here continue to allow such CONSTANT abuse?

I have reported you on numerous occasions but with no feedback and only once was your vulgar post removed.

You'd first have to prove you're not an idiot to prove it's abuse.

WA, 14625 posts
26 Jul 2024 7:33AM
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myscreenname said..

Carantoc said..

Hey Crack and talk, you do know FN's house is built on sand a few streets away from the ocean.

It's okay; I am not religious. I think the floods happen to the Christians only and the rest of us are left behind.

Have you been to Perth? Everything is sand until you get into the hills. Nirvana for cycling as its so flat, but you get sand in every crevice and sometimes in the house too. After a couple of decades here I won't remember what real dirt looks like.

WA, 14625 posts
26 Jul 2024 7:47AM
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myscreenname said..
Hey Crack and Talk, you do know FN's house is built on sand a few streets away from the ocean.

Hey msn, I just watched that documentary that you posted a link to.

It's a conspiracy. You have been lied to. Little Christian children have been lied to and made to participate in the dishonesty.

Anyone here in Perf can tell you that sand is an excellent starting point for building a house. The secret? Sand doesn't result in floods. That only happens "*over east". Sand is a bastard to hold any water, which means growing a lawn over here means irrigating it a few times a week just to keep it alive. The evidence is all around you, you just need to open your eyes. All our stormwater just goes into the sand, no need for huge retention pits over here.

"*Over east" you see has floods in the news, clearly where they have built upon the rocks. Not sand. Rock! That's where the floods happen and the houses get crushed as per the biblical teachings.

Yet another conspiracy yet this one seems to be endorsed by the Christian movement, so PM33 is wilfully turning a blind eye to it.

You need to beLIEve.

WA, 14625 posts
26 Jul 2024 7:54AM
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Pcdefender said..
remery said..

So did you click on the link and read all the big words, or just search for a video that supports your preconceived idiocracy?

In nearly every post you call me an idiot.

Can anyone explain to me why the mods on here continue to allow such CONSTANT abuse?

I have reported you on numerous occasions but with no feedback and only once was your vulgar post removed.

I actually agree. It should stop. If we all did that, we would just be calling each other idiots and writing off any different point of view straight away.

But you say he 'nearly always' calls you an idiot. That's technically not 'constant'.

I can't talk to why Remery calls you an idiot, but I think it might be because you have a perception of not listening to any argument provided for whatever you have suggested and then instead using the flimsiest information to bolster your own argument.

The best thing though is that none of this seems to be searchable with Google, so at least this rubbish is not cached.

WA, 6625 posts
26 Jul 2024 8:29AM
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remery said...
.. How does that help with the coming climate catastrophe?

Yeah, well, I guess nothing.

I mean we don't need any knowledge or understanding of the past to assess what might be in the future. Science doesn't work that way. All we really need is emotive language and some random pseudo-political mumbo-jumbo talk.

One way to understand it might be to consider things like this :

WA, 12092 posts
26 Jul 2024 9:01AM
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Pcdefender said..
Can anyone explain to me why the mods on here continue to allow such CONSTANT abuse?

I have reported you on numerous occasions but with no feedback and only once was your vulgar post removed.

Well it could be that the mods consider he's just stating facts.
About 90% of your posts are pure nonsense.
It's only when you talk windsurfing, you sound like a rational human being.

Brent in Qld
WA, 1017 posts
26 Jul 2024 9:59AM
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Pcdefender said..

remery said..

So did you click on the link and read all the big words, or just search for a video that supports your preconceived idiocracy?

In nearly every post you call me an idiot.

Can anyone explain to me why the mods on here continue to allow such CONSTANT abuse?

I have reported you on numerous occasions but with no feedback and only once was your vulgar post removed.

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Pcdefender said..

remery said..

So did you click on the link and read all the big words, or just search for a video that supports your preconceived idiocracy?

In nearly every post you call me an idiot.

Can anyone explain to me why the mods on here continue to allow such CONSTANT abuse?

I have reported you on numerous occasions but with no feedback and only once was your vulgar post removed.

WA, 1528 posts
26 Jul 2024 11:48AM
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Rango said.. Tha Dawesville cut opened 30 yrs ago to wash all the stink out.

If you visited the area in the eighties/early nineties you might remember this stuff before The Cut opened. It was a horrific smelling horrible toxic sludge of algae and whatever soup. Allegedly fuelled by the superphosphate run off from Nairns farm immediately to the North. Don't know whether that is dinkum, but the paddock in the SE corner does drain to that spot. It would have been a helluva job getting feed to grow on that soil, it is mostly coarse white sand devoid of anything helpful.
There are a few research papers on the Peel Estuary pre/post cut that make interesting reading if you are into that sort of stuff. Let me know and I will dig them up.

1580 posts
26 Jul 2024 3:27PM
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Carantoc said..
One way to understand it might be to consider things like this :

It all makes perfect sense now. I was looking at that chart, here in Tuvalu, while stroking my beard facing west while the sun was setting.

Thanks for posting.

WA, 2100 posts
26 Jul 2024 3:39PM
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remery said..

Pcdefender said..
In nearly every post you call me an idiot.

Can anyone explain to me why the mods on here continue to allow such CONSTANT abuse?

I have reported you on numerous occasions but with no feedback and only once was your vulgar post removed.

Hey, play fair, I used to say you were a liar, but several people pointed out that you were possibly not lying, just rehashing misinformation and ignorance. So I did the right thing and switched to pointing out the undeniable fact that you are an idiot.

Why are you persisting?
What is the end goal?

1580 posts
26 Jul 2024 4:04PM
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psychojoe said..
Why are you persisting?
What is the end goal?

YUP, makes zero sense to me. Why carry on with the idiot nonsense?

Pete has some odd views of the world, he's entitled to express them and nothing anyone says will change him. The idiot/liar thing is tiring. I can't see how the majority of his incorrect views are inflamitory/descrimitory/sexist/hateful or will change anyone's mind. If anything it's not a bad thing to be occasionally challenged, by flawed ideas.

It helps pass time while trying to make sense of this mortal coil.

NSW, 6848 posts
26 Jul 2024 7:44PM
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myscreenname said..

psychojoe said..
Why are you persisting?
What is the end goal?

YUP, makes zero sense to me. Why carry on with the idiot nonsense?

Pete has some odd views of the world, he's entitled to express them and nothing anyone says will change him. The idiot/liar thing is tiring. I can't see how the majority of his incorrect views are inflamitory/descrimitory/sexist/hateful or will change anyone's mind. If anything it's not a bad thing to be occasionally challenged, by flawed ideas.

It helps pass time while trying to make sense of this mortal coil.

Only in Pete's case it's not a coil. Platform maybe?

WA, 12092 posts
26 Jul 2024 8:18PM
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myscreenname said.. YUP, makes zero sense to me. Why carry on with the idiot nonsense?

I can see how a scientist would be deeply offended by Pete's constant attacks on science.

WA, 1402 posts
27 Jul 2024 1:30AM
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decrepit said..

I can see how a scientist would be deeply offended by Pete's constant attacks on science.

It seems you are implying that it should be a prosecutable crime to challenge global warming and other official narratives of their science.

There are of thousands of scientists from around the world that do not buy into the 'science' of global warming.

Take Neil Oliver, he questions so much of their science and is he not a scientist himself?

WA, 982 posts
27 Jul 2024 1:56AM
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It's just that you apply the same blind faith in people who appeal to your religious values no matter the topic.
Whether it be anthropomorphic climate change or Flat Earther.
Whereas most of us will at least consider claims that are backed up with empirical evidence.

Out of interest, when do you believe Climate Change became the so called "official narrative"?
And if it's official, why are so many government's ignoring it or even pushing back against it?

WA, 2100 posts
27 Jul 2024 5:16AM
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decrepit said..

myscreenname said.. YUP, makes zero sense to me. Why carry on with the idiot nonsense?

I can see how a scientist would be deeply offended by Pete's constant attacks on science.

Nah. An intellectual first needs to respect the opinion of another before they can be offended by it.

WA, 14625 posts
27 Jul 2024 6:29AM
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decrepit said..
I can see how a scientist would be deeply offended by Pete's constant attacks on science.

I am not so sure they would. I know in my life sometimes I come across someone that says things that are so outlandish that I just think "oh", and then followed by "well, there's no where to go from there, that's just nuts".

I suspect that this is common and that true scientists that are experts in their field hear some of these things and discount the conversation immediately as if the speaker had just been telling them that the pixies in their garden had told them the latest trends on interior design. They would no doubt smile, and look for a way to get out of there physically or conversationally.

It is only us plebs in the middle that would argue with someone that thinks there are spirit levels on planes to make sure that they are flying level. The ones that are smarter than us would just think "duh" and move on.

WA, 14625 posts
27 Jul 2024 6:36AM
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psychojoe said..
Nah. An intellectual first needs to respect the opinion of another before they can be offended by it.

Ahh no, I think I agree with you but also don't.

Would you be offended if a little kid wandered up to you and accidentally punched you in the nuts? No, you would try and laugh it off and keep away from the little ****, but you wouldn't be offended.

If someone you respected though because you followed their experience and took them as a well educated and logical thinker, came up to you and told you about something you disagreed with, you wouldn't be offended either but would want to work out what the differences in viewpoint were.

If it were just someone you didn't respect, you would just be wondering how to change the topic.

Maybe that's where these discussions fall down? The logical person tries to discuss things and reason them out, whereas someone else will just argue louder and get personal?

Brent in Qld
WA, 1017 posts
27 Jul 2024 8:02AM
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Something I read recently seems to sum nicely those who can't, don't, won't apply reason, logic etc... and I might be paraphrasing

Imagination when abandoned by reason creates impossible monsters.

WA, 982 posts
27 Jul 2024 8:38AM
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Is PC really Mike Adams?

". He is a fierce opponent of science and evidence-based medicine, providing long screeds about the danger of conventional medicine and against skepticism based on confirmation bias, misleading vividness, paranoia and conspiracy theories. He has absolutely no understanding of either science or critical thinking (complete inability to recognize fallacies or bias). He is also a proponent of every imaginable alternative treatment.
He is also a 9/11 troofer."

WA, 692 posts
27 Jul 2024 8:57AM
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Pcdefender said..

decrepit said..

I can see how a scientist would be deeply offended by Pete's constant attacks on science.

It seems you are implying that it should be a prosecutable crime to challenge global warming and other official narratives of their science.

There are of thousands of scientists from around the world that do not buy into the 'science' of global warming.

Take Neil Oliver, he questions so much of their science and is he not a scientist himself?

Most scientists do ,its just the headline grabbing catastrophic narrative pushed by political activists the UN and billionair self interests that they don't.

WA, 12092 posts
27 Jul 2024 9:22AM
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FormulaNova said..
I am not so sure they would. I know in my life sometimes I come across someone that says things that are so outlandish that I just think "oh", and then followed by "well, there's no where to go from there, that's just nuts".

I happen to know the scientist in question, and believe me he hates the constant attack on science.
When you've spent your whole working life doing real science, out in the field gathering data, analysing and publishing it. Then to have somebody say all his efforts are lies, and he's just a puppet of the MSM. Spreading false info, which can have very negative impacts on the general population.

I think he's being very restrained.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Global Warming has hit Perth" started by Pcdefender