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Protesters in Sydney

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 15 Sep 2012
This topic has been locked
WA, 792 posts
17 Sep 2012 1:32PM
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Macroscien said...

Mark _australia said...

People hate each other and kill in the name of race or religion. spelling mistake'S

fixed IT for you

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
17 Sep 2012 1:43PM
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Saffer said...

hamburglar said...

i've said it before and i'll say it again "religion is the root of all evil"

Then explain why Hitler and Stalin, two of the biggest murderers in history were atheists?

Both raised in religious homes, both gave up religion at a young age and committed some of the worst atrocities as atheists.

Just saying...

Who told you that, your youth group leader?

Hitler frequently referred to God and Christianity in his various speeches and writings. In one 1933 speech, he said that "To do justice to God and our own conscience, we have turned once more to the German Volk." In another he said: "We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."

Stalin being a Communist leader may well have been atheist but what he did was certainly not done in the name of atheism, that is just rediculous.

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Sep 2012 3:43PM
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doggie said...

I guess you want to join our competition.
No cheating flying not allowed,,, but first vehicle allowed

WA, 4642 posts
17 Sep 2012 1:56PM
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Adziz said...

Yes im muslim; yes the violence by the protesters was wrong; no i dont believe it is right for atheists to disrespect religion in this way; Mohammed (PBU) is believed to be the last and the holiest prophet of God by muslims and shouldnt be mocked regardless of your beliefs; yes if this sort of stuff came out about Jesus or Buddah i would be protesting.. peacefully; my understanding is that someone yelled out racist taunts to the crowd and then was attacked and then police had to save him and then thats when the scuffle began - in saying this any violence against police shouldnt be and isnt tolerated as ive already said but making it clear; yes i hate the comment 'why arent muslims speaking out against this'
We always speak out against it, it would be appreciated if some of you gave a minute to read; yes i personally would like to be in a ring with the guy who said that stuff about the prophet - is that your problem? no, is it the problem for the police, no - but i would defend my beliefs just as i defend australia within my community and the way i defend my family. if anyone disagrees with my beliefs then by all means voice your opinions and debate it respectfully dont be so low as to make a rude offensive hurtful movie; do i think the protesters voiced their opinion respectfully? No;
No from a muslims perspective you are not an infidel whoever you are reading this, infidel refers to the 'bad' amongst the muslims and the christians and the jews and non-believers; Bad = the guy who made the movie. Ill try respond to rest of posts later

Hello Adziz... It's good to hear it from you perspective.. Thanks.
I agree with a lot of what you say, but the problem is that NONE of these demonstrators were in a ring with the people or persons who committed the offence. If they were I would not have a problem with it. I think the film makers were trouble makers and complete twats. Everybody knows that and apart from any retribution that you might like to send their way, that's where the matter should have ended.

The problem comes from the demonstrators marching off to the American embassy which had the possibility of ending in the same way as in Benghazi, that is the murder of people totally NOT responsible for the original offence.
Most people here have a huge problem with this.
If it was the only case of this type it could be excused as a one off aberration but it seems to be the normal method that people of this persuasion use to 'resolve' their disputes.
Most people here have a problem with that too.

If the demonstration was about showing their displeasure about what happened to the American ambassador in Benghazi then I think they would have got a much more understanding reception.
However, as we all know, it was not.
It was about exactly the same thing as the demonstration in Benghazi, death to all those who insult the prophet,.. and anyone else who might be of the same nationality, and we all know how that ended.
Most people here have a problem with that too.

It's a bit hard to expect people to overlook the whole event just on the excuse that they intended it to be a peacefull protest, when nearly everything about the outcome was so predictable.

NSW, 9202 posts
17 Sep 2012 4:27PM
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"Innocence of Muslims, previously called Innocence of Bn Laden[sic] (working title Desert Warrior), is an anti-Islamic[1] full-length feature film that was reportedly shown only once to the public—to an audience of about ten people at a rented theater in Hollywood, California"

It's become a real life Monty Python skit.

WA, 15849 posts
17 Sep 2012 2:30PM
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evlPanda said...

"Innocence of Muslims, previously called Innocence of Bn Laden[sic] (working title Desert Warrior), is an anti-Islamic[1] full-length feature film that was reportedly shown only once to the public—to an audience of about ten people at a rented theater in Hollywood, California"

It's become a real life Monty Python skit.

Nothing like a good over reaction

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Sep 2012 4:32PM
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If olive branch is symobol universal enough to reconcile both sides ?
Yes, if used wisely.

Not to smack each other but to bring a peace.

Similarly "discussion" above brings that hope

QLD, 32 posts
17 Sep 2012 4:59PM
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pweedas said...

Adziz said...

Yes im muslim; yes the violence by the protesters was wrong; no i dont believe it is right for atheists to disrespect religion in this way; Mohammed (PBU) is believed to be the last and the holiest prophet of God by muslims and shouldnt be mocked regardless of your beliefs; yes if this sort of stuff came out about Jesus or Buddah i would be protesting.. peacefully; my understanding is that someone yelled out racist taunts to the crowd and then was attacked and then police had to save him and then thats when the scuffle began - in saying this any violence against police shouldnt be and isnt tolerated as ive already said but making it clear; yes i hate the comment 'why arent muslims speaking out against this'
We always speak out against it, it would be appreciated if some of you gave a minute to read; yes i personally would like to be in a ring with the guy who said that stuff about the prophet - is that your problem? no, is it the problem for the police, no - but i would defend my beliefs just as i defend australia within my community and the way i defend my family. if anyone disagrees with my beliefs then by all means voice your opinions and debate it respectfully dont be so low as to make a rude offensive hurtful movie; do i think the protesters voiced their opinion respectfully? No;
No from a muslims perspective you are not an infidel whoever you are reading this, infidel refers to the 'bad' amongst the muslims and the christians and the jews and non-believers; Bad = the guy who made the movie. Ill try respond to rest of posts later

Hello Adziz... It's good to hear it from you perspective.. Thanks.
I agree with a lot of what you say, but the problem is that NONE of these demonstrators were in a ring with the people or persons who committed the offence. If they were I would not have a problem with it. I think the film makers were trouble makers and complete twats. Everybody knows that and apart from any retribution that you might like to send their way, that's where the matter should have ended.

The problem comes from the demonstrators marching off to the American embassy which had the possibility of ending in the same way as in Benghazi, that is the murder of people totally NOT responsible for the original offence.
Most people here have a huge problem with this.
If it was the only case of this type it could be excused as a one off aberration but it seems to be the normal method that people of this persuasion use to 'resolve' their disputes.
Most people here have a problem with that too.

If the demonstration was about showing their displeasure about what happened to the American ambassador in Benghazi then I think they would have got a much more understanding reception.
However, as we all know, it was not.
It was about exactly the same thing as the demonstration in Benghazi, death to all those who insult the prophet,.. and anyone else who might be of the same nationality, and we all know how that ended.
Most people here have a problem with that too.

It's a bit hard to expect people to overlook the whole event just on the excuse that they intended it to be a peacefull protest, when nearly everything about the outcome was so predictable.

Yes exactly, my mate asked me yesterday why theyre burning the american flag? and his right. America has nothing to do with it - in fact america denounced it

Another point i guess is no one would have heard about it if it wasnt for these protests, so not only did they make us look bad but they also spread the ideas put forward by the maker

NSW, 1317 posts
17 Sep 2012 5:03PM
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ah fundamentalist religion......and i always thought that little voice in my head telling me not to eat the last three tim tams in the packet was my conscience

QLD, 32 posts
17 Sep 2012 5:20PM
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evlPanda said...

Adziz said...

Yes im muslim; yes the violence by the protesters was wrong; no i dont believe it is right for atheists to disrespect religion in this way; Mohammed (PBU) is believed to be the last and the holiest prophet of God by muslims and shouldnt be mocked regardless of your beliefs...

...dont be so low as to make a rude offensive hurtful movie; do i think the protesters voiced their opinion respectfully? No;

WHAT WAS THIS MOVIE? Can anyone break down what, exactly, was so offensive? Was it slander or lies or out of context facts or what was it???

It upsets me to tell you but there were two trailers on youtube that depicted Muhammad "as a womanizer, a homosexual and a child abuser" My understanding is google took them down.

Obviously I am hurt to use those words in the same sentence as Muhammeds and to many people this is the first impression they get of Muhammad (PBU). You see to muslims we believe that he was a mercy to mankind, he was chosen by God because of his humble character to deliver a message to save humanity. He is just a man like you and me, nothing more nothing less but because of the beauty in his personality God chose him to deliver that message.

WA, 15849 posts
17 Sep 2012 3:56PM
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Adziz said...

evlPanda said...

Adziz said...

Yes im muslim; yes the violence by the protesters was wrong; no i dont believe it is right for atheists to disrespect religion in this way; Mohammed (PBU) is believed to be the last and the holiest prophet of God by muslims and shouldnt be mocked regardless of your beliefs...

...dont be so low as to make a rude offensive hurtful movie; do i think the protesters voiced their opinion respectfully? No;

God chose him to deliver that message.

Whos god?

QLD, 32 posts
17 Sep 2012 6:11PM
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doggie said...

Adziz said...

evlPanda said...

Adziz said...

Yes im muslim; yes the violence by the protesters was wrong; no i dont believe it is right for atheists to disrespect religion in this way; Mohammed (PBU) is believed to be the last and the holiest prophet of God by muslims and shouldnt be mocked regardless of your beliefs...

...dont be so low as to make a rude offensive hurtful movie; do i think the protesters voiced their opinion respectfully? No;

God chose him to deliver that message.

Whos god?

God is the same as Allah, he created you (my belief)

A message from the Grand Mufti of Australia in regards to the protests

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
17 Sep 2012 6:17PM
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as with all religions there are some good people and some bad people...... unfortunately in current and recent conflicts Islam seems to be overly represented not just in the middle east but in Africa as well where militant islamists are responsible for many conflicts.... If they are not fighting others they are fighting against themselves.

I am certainly not blaming all muslims ( I know at least three and their families quite well but they are not exactly strict about their religion either ) but there is a serious over representation in conflicts and violence that cannot be ignored.

If Islam is a religion of peace and the majority of Muslims are peaceful they certainly seem to be the silent majority.

Lastly a serious question regarding the Burka... after recently returning from UAE it came to my attention that the women wear black burkas whislt the men wear white robes, can anyone tell me ...
does a burka have to be black ?
it was about 40 degress and these women are covered head to toe in a black burka... I understand the reason for wearing the burka and respect this requirement but being predominantly desert people in hot countries surely it would make more sense to wear a yellow burka or some other colour that did not absorb the heat as black does hmmmm......

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
17 Sep 2012 6:32PM
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kiteboy dave said...

Religion is always the root problem, be it jebus or:

A student of Islamic history and politics but unfortunately not of graphic design.

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Sep 2012 7:21PM
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da vecta said...
history and politics but unfortunately not of graphic design.

actually do you prefer opposite? ( on drawing summary on such subject )
good graphic designer that know nothing what is talking about?
just saying
or rather just paint few flowers on the meadow instead ? ...
I agree

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
17 Sep 2012 7:43PM
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Adziz said...

It upsets me to tell you but there were two trailers on youtube that depicted Muhammad "as a womanizer, a homosexual and a child abuser" My understanding is google took them down.

Obviously I am hurt to use those words in the same sentence as Muhammeds and to many people this is the first impression they get of Muhammad (PBU). You see to muslims we believe that he was a mercy to mankind, he was chosen by God because of his humble character to deliver a message to save humanity. He is just a man like you and me, nothing more nothing less but because of the beauty in his personality God chose him to deliver that message.

Hi Adziz,

A vote of appreciation for coming on here, denouncing these idiots, and trying to spread the word that they are an idiot minority within your community. (I didn't read you say that exactly but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt).

I have copped plenty in previous arguments on this forum about muslims. You can search to verify if you like. I have always jumped to their defence, been a moderate voice calling for calm and reason where the redneckier element is calling for 'throw em on a boat' etc. This is due to some friends of mine, essentially, firsthand knowledge that 99% of your demographic are great people.


I have the right, in Australia, to say something like:

"On the evidence I've seen lately, my conclusion is that Allah is a f**kstick."

You have the right to disagree. You have the right to be upset. You have the right to hurt feelings. You have the right to counter argue using similar language.

You, as I do, have the right to free speech.
It's a wonderful thing.

You DO NOT have the right, ever, to call for beheadings over it. NOT IN THIS COUNTRY. Will not be tolerated.

These pricks have managed to turn sympathetic people such as myself a little less sympathetic. In this they are hurting good muslims in general. YOUR COMMUNITY NEED TO REIGN THEM IN, YOURSELVES. We can't do it, we don't even speak the language. Your people are failing in the fight to stamp out this stuff internally.

I have been reading up lately on the growing dollars coming into this country from Saudi Arabia, sponsorship of Muslim schools, with the aim of pushing Wasabi / Salafi-ism (sp?) ie hardline sharia militant muslim attitudes. This is what you guys need to address first. It's pretty plain. Just as average christians here (not just atheists) need to fight the ACL and other fundamentalists, you guys need to be much more effective at cleaning up your own backyard.

Start with these guys too
Their flags were at the front with the beheading signs.

WA, 15849 posts
17 Sep 2012 5:47PM
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kiteboy dave said...

Adziz said...

It upsets me to tell you but there were two trailers on youtube that depicted Muhammad "as a womanizer, a homosexual and a child abuser" My understanding is google took them down.

Obviously I am hurt to use those words in the same sentence as Muhammeds and to many people this is the first impression they get of Muhammad (PBU). You see to muslims we believe that he was a mercy to mankind, he was chosen by God because of his humble character to deliver a message to save humanity. He is just a man like you and me, nothing more nothing less but because of the beauty in his personality God chose him to deliver that message.

Hi Adziz,

A vote of appreciation for coming on here, denouncing these idiots, and trying to spread the word that they are an idiot minority within your community. (I didn't read you say that exactly but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt).

I have copped plenty in previous arguments on this forum about muslims. You can search to verify if you like. I have always jumped to their defence, been a moderate voice calling for calm and reason where the redneckier element is calling for 'throw em on a boat' etc. This is due to some friends of mine, essentially, firsthand knowledge that 99% of your demographic are great people.


I have the right, in Australia, to say something like:

On the evidence I've seen lately, my conclusion is that Allah is a f**kstick.

You have the right to disagree. You have the right to be upset. You have the right to hurt feelings. You have the right to counter argue using similar language.

You, as I do, have the right to free speech.
It's a wonderful thing.

You DO NOT have the right, ever, to call for beheadings over it. NOT IN THIS COUNTRY. Will not be tolerated.


kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
17 Sep 2012 7:54PM
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/runs and hides under the bed

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Sep 2012 7:55PM
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kiteboy dave said...
You have the right to counter argue using similar language.

my conclusion is **********
You, as You do, have the right to free speech.
It's a wonderful thing.

Do I see what I see I have been almost lynched here for a spelling mistake...
and NO !
you don't have the right to say what you just said kiteBoy
There are still some places in psychiatric facilites to take care off you...

Mark _australia
WA, 22441 posts
17 Sep 2012 6:04PM
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Bloody top stuff Kiteboy Dave, and well said.

Adziz, top stuff for coming here to brave the anti's. YOU can change things.
However, regardless of your motives or eloquent posts, you still quote your holy text as defining "infidels" as bad Muslims, and Christians and Jews.
It also says they are to be put to death. You might wanna start a little movement amongst Muslims that the death part should be ignored.

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Sep 2012 8:12PM
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I see it ....
I see it comming ....

A Big comet is coming to smash our (sorry - yours) Earth to pieces.

I am packing my flying saucer and going back to Alpha Centauri where my place is... under that rock .. you know...

This Humans just can't talk without shouting all the time

WA, 1089 posts
17 Sep 2012 6:58PM
Thumbs Up

Steve Hughes, Offended.

Google it...

Check it out....

Think about it...

Remember, Nothing happens when your offended.

ACT, 2174 posts
17 Sep 2012 9:08PM
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my imaginary friend tells me to burn things

WA, 1089 posts
17 Sep 2012 7:20PM
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Adziz said...

; yes i personally would like to be in a ring with the guy who said that stuff about the prophet - is that your problem?

Yes... as much as you are appearing like a moderate voice... why cant you just realise the guy(s) is a dick and move on. Why the need to get in the ring? Its the lower end of the exact same response to calling for beheadings.

Taking out the fairy tale element of religion, Its no different to someone calling your* mother a whore - I couldnt give a toss what someone - who has zero influence over me and mine - thinks of my mother.

No different to the ****tard in the bar asking if I'm looking at his pint - rise above it FFS!

*not your mother specifically, but in general.

QLD, 1535 posts
17 Sep 2012 9:25PM
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Select to expand quote

[I am certainly not blaming all muslims ( I know at least three and their families Lastly a serious question regarding the Burka... after recently returning from UAE it came to my attention that the women wear black burkas whislt the men wear white robes, can anyone tell me ...
does a burka have to be black ?
it was about 40 degress and these women are covered head to toe in a black burka... I understand the reason for wearing the burka and respect this requirement but being predominantly desert people in hot countries surely it would make more sense to wear a yellow burka or some other colour that did not absorb the heat as black does hmmmm......

I like this burka so much i wear it as my avatar - and it's white

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
17 Sep 2012 9:28PM
Thumbs Up

Right on Dave!......... Holy mother of Christ, Mark and I agree

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Sep 2012 9:52PM
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When I take my Flying Sourcer for a spin from time to time I could see your funny little planet. It is just tiny, tiny.
But when I get a little closer it is actually bigger then you think it is.
There is enough room for all of you.
But not for long…when the time comes and comet strike .. I could give a ride to some of you on my UFO, but not to all….
Who it could be ?????

Mark _australia
WA, 22441 posts
17 Sep 2012 7:59PM
Thumbs Up

log man said...

Right on Dave!......... Holy mother of Christ, Mark and I agree

May have to rethink my position....

Mark _australia
WA, 22441 posts
17 Sep 2012 8:04PM
Thumbs Up

Carantoc said...

poor relative said...

Mark _australia said...

the most insightful historian of modern times (Niall Ferguson)



I too enjoy reading Niall Ferguson's many novels regarding European history from the dark ages to the industrial revolution. Those stories of thundering horses and gallant knights, the tales of influential monks and greedy Barons really do make great reading and also inspire me with the belief that civilisation only existed in western Europe.

Thankfully the archeologists are beginning to catch up and prove much of conventially accepted history is a complete and utter load of bollocks.

Praise be to the post context-driven archeogologists and their war on historians

What planet are you on.

have you read War of The World? Hardly a 'novel' and I dont think archaeologists will refute what he found about the 20th century conflicts, being pretty recent and all....
And it refers to the world (the title is a giveaway ) not just western europe. A lot is devoted to other areas but the fact is that the bloodiest and most protracted conflicts of all time have been in multicultural european nations.
That's all I am saying...

QLD, 6806 posts
17 Sep 2012 10:18PM
Thumbs Up

Mark _australia said...

log man said...

Right on Dave!......... Holy mother of Christ, Mark and I agree

May have to rethink my position....

Good on you, Mark... come on... we have good waves to surf on Alpha

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Protesters in Sydney" started by adolf