Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by busterwa > 9 months ago, 27 Jan 2014
WA, 6913 posts
29 Jan 2014 1:33PM
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blueprint said..

southace said..

PaddlePig said..

I don't care about any science the bleeding hearts will put up here. I just reckon it's great to see some sharks die. I don't care which ones or size it anything. Just shoot it. I caught a Spanish mackerel on the weekend and everyone said great job. Catch a shark and people cry. I am hoping one a day. Don't think about it, just shoot it. So long as they put a good, serious dent in the numbers!!

Very mature opinion champ we need more young champs like you, maybe one day you will grow up and see that there are other things living on our planet other than you. In my profession I meet more people that want to see sharks, fish and wild animals than people like you that wants to kill any type or size you would be the odd one out!..... One day you might grow up and realise if everyone was like you we would have nothing left to appreciate that's wild.

Do you talk to them about the east coast Drum and nets, take them to see them....remove baits etc.

Not saying for or against but PP's right, the conversation has gone on too long and most aside from the most passionate on both sides are over it.

Something does need to be done, is this right....hmm....not sure....we'll see, should we be working on other solutions also though rather than focussing on the current one (which I'm yet to hear anything better than close your eyes and hope as an alternative), yes.

Meanwhile a good proportion of the commentators (on here atleast) continue to do so from behind the drums and nets in the east......

The regular comparison to car accidents I find interesting while the stats may look good at the end of the day you don't get behind the wheel of your car drunk, drive recklessly without a seatbelt and expect to be ok, we introduced these "controls" to protect those who do get in their cars sober, drive for the most part safely and wear their seatbelts, I see the shark "controls" as the same. If I'm a free driver and get in the ocean to dive with a GWS then yeah I accept I'm taking that risk but it's not the same as going for a swim or a surf. I wonder what the stats of free divers taken by GWS is vs ocean users in WA look like?????

Blueprint what about free divers drowning? WHat numbers would that be.

I guess the point that i still find hard is why spent $40 million dollars on something that has only killed low numbers compared to many other ways of death? I agree its scary for us surfers but we need to be smart about were the money gets spent by our governments?

How about this new $200,000.00 web site? Does that make you feel any safer?

I think the biggest problem for most people, me especially is that Our government is elected to enact the will of the people. Be that the majority and not the will of the minority.
You would have to admit that the will of the people is not to cull sharks..Their are too many polls, to many loud voices being heard throughout out WA, Australia and even the world..

I appreciate your particular view may be to Cull, but you must admit the numbers are against you..

Hunter S
WA, 516 posts
29 Jan 2014 1:51PM
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^^^^ You've been reading too many of your own posts JB

You're mistaking a vocal minority for a majority.

Personally I don't have a strong opinion either way about the drum lining.

I do however strongly object to a relatively small group of very vocal individuals dictating what actions the state will take on this issue.

I kite and surf all over WA and have done so alone at some dodgy locations. I accept the risk. JB, the notion that a shark shield is going to stop a great white in full flight is laughable.

WA, 321 posts
29 Jan 2014 2:02PM
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JB not for or I said at the start.

Agree governments should be driven (and generally are, though maybe some don't see it that way or perhaps sometimes it's not executed that way) to spend tax $ wisely, you should see the money poured into other safety issues by both government and private industry then......

You don't know my opinion so how can you say numbers are against me?????

free divers drowning statistically does not look at the same risk or the mitigation being used so statistically not comparable or useful, that was my point about car accidents also, generally produced stats don't factor the risk being taken or the migitation in place and as a result either under or overstate the risk involved.......

I think my opinion is probably best stated in similar terms to PR above..... not to say I'm not occasionally freaked by having to body drag for my board or being out on my own surfing (and there are places that at certain times of the year I DO NOT go as a result) but really I'm not so passionate to be out there fighting either side (frankly both of which I believe are generally poorly informed or have a terribly formed emotional argument), and yes I am saying that I don't feel informed well enough to have an opinion that should drive policy for the general public, hence I'm not out there fighting either side, and on this one I don't wish to become that well informed (it's not my profession).

Yes I like the idea of living, surfing and kiting till I'm too old to do so, if possible all while feeling safe (to an extent)....

What I'm not convinced of is that people involved in the forefront of the arguments know as much as they claim.

There are people out catching sharks (and most other fish also) both professionally and recreationally every single day why the uproar about a program that I would be surprised netted (no pun intended) out that many catches, I'm sure if the science was there to support it being a threat to the species that it would not have been allowed federally either here or on the east coast (i.e. I doubt very us if you have anything....this would have been allowed through with no due diligence or professional comment).

I guess I'm saying lets see how a year of it goes and assess then.....until then this discussion really is going nowhere except downhill as it's at the point now where sides are polarised and the rest are not participating due to the nature of the conversation......

WA, 321 posts
29 Jan 2014 2:12PM
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DARTH said..

Personally I think its the same risk, you know the danger. Just like riding a motorbike. Its dangerous but you still do it.

but so is getting out of bed, I still do that and it doesn't make it relevant to the conversation....that said do agree there is a decision being made to enter the water, it has risk and I am accepting of that but if that is the stat we are looking at we should be seeing all water deaths not just shark fatalities......

WA, 3028 posts
29 Jan 2014 2:17PM
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blueprint said..

DARTH said..

Personally I think its the same risk, you know the danger. Just like riding a motorbike. Its dangerous but you still do it.

but so is getting out of bed, I still do that and it doesn't make it relevant to the conversation....that said do agree there is a decision being made to enter the water, it has risk and I am accepting of that but if that is the stat we are looking at we should be seeing all water deaths not just shark fatalities......

Motor bike = danger = helmet

surf = shark = surf sheild or similar

We havnt killed of motor bikes because they are way more dangerous than cars and bikes kill way more people than sharks every year.

Take resposibilty for your own actions.

Feels like groundhog day in here.......

WA, 321 posts
29 Jan 2014 2:19PM
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^ Yes it does

2129 posts
29 Jan 2014 2:26PM
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deXtrous said..

Nikita said..

Nek minnut...
Fatal car accident - ban cars
Someone falls down the stairs and dies - ban stairs
Kid killed by a dog - cull dogs

Actually.. Fatal car acccident - driver gets banned
Someone falls down stairs - their own drunken fault
Kid killed by dog - dog DOES get culled.


You know what dog did it, so it gets culled. You don't cull every dog though right, or people might think that was a bit unfair.

WA, 6913 posts
29 Jan 2014 2:36PM
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blueprint said..

JB not for or I said at the start.

Agree governments should be driven (and generally are, though maybe some don't see it that way or perhaps sometimes it's not executed that way) to spend tax $ wisely, you should see the money poured into other safety issues by both government and private industry then......

You don't know my opinion so how can you say numbers are against me?????

free divers drowning statistically does not look at the same risk or the mitigation being used so statistically not comparable or useful, that was my point about car accidents also, generally produced stats don't factor the risk being taken or the migitation in place and as a result either under or overstate the risk involved.......

I think my opinion is probably best stated in similar terms to PR above..... not to say I'm not occasionally freaked by having to body drag for my board or being out on my own surfing (and there are places that at certain times of the year I DO NOT go as a result) but really I'm not so passionate to be out there fighting either side (frankly both of which I believe are generally poorly informed or have a terribly formed emotional argument), and yes I am saying that I don't feel informed well enough to have an opinion that should drive policy for the general public, hence I'm not out there fighting either side, and on this one I don't wish to become that well informed (it's not my profession).

Yes I like the idea of living, surfing and kiting till I'm too old to do so, if possible all while feeling safe (to an extent)....

What I'm not convinced of is that people involved in the forefront of the arguments know as much as they claim.

There are people out catching sharks (and most other fish also) both professionally and recreationally every single day why the uproar about a program that I would be surprised netted (no pun intended) out that many catches, I'm sure if the science was there to support it being a threat to the species that it would not have been allowed federally either here or on the east coast (i.e. I doubt very us if you have anything....this would have been allowed through with no due diligence or professional comment).

I guess I'm saying lets see how a year of it goes and assess then.....until then this discussion really is going nowhere except downhill as it's at the point now where sides are polarised and the rest are not participating due to the nature of the conversation......

Far call thanks for the reply..

I don't actually think this session will really produce too much real harm to our oceans, and i am happy that Greg Hunt has said a extension beyond this year will need Full assessment. That has already been ear marked to fail by the authority in charge and hopefully it could also wash into other states..

Will have to wait and see.

I just see the political argument and i believe it is wrong.

I can't for the life of me still understand why the State government didn't think to educate the public that they changed the way they were alerting everyone of any shark detections. SO when we had such a massive jump people really would have had the true figures, not now thinking we had a shark epidemic.

One last point is i now find it very strange that after the drum lines have started virtually no sharks have been sighted, tagged detections, reported by the public, or by any of SLSWA since mid night the 25th. Nothing for 4 days..

Compare that to the 25 there was 3
the 24 there was 5
the 23 there was 5
the 22 there was 6
the 21 there was 4

That is find rather strange..I'm not saying the sharks have moved on but i would say reporting has obviously changed..

5 posts
29 Jan 2014 2:46PM
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best to get out of the water when the trawlers are sorting. the dolphin has some teeth rakes on him and nearly gets nipped at 0:30

WA, 1255 posts
29 Jan 2014 2:53PM
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jbshack said..

One last point is i now find it very strange that after the drum lines have started virtually no sharks have been sighted, tagged detections, reported by the public, or by any of SLSWA since mid night the 25th. Nothing for 4 days..

must be working then huh

WA, 6913 posts
29 Jan 2014 2:56PM
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default said..

jbshack said..

One last point is i now find it very strange that after the drum lines have started virtually no sharks have been sighted, tagged detections, reported by the public, or by any of SLSWA since mid night the 25th. Nothing for 4 days..

must be working then huh

Well considering he has only caught one shark..I can't see how

Edit unless somehow through SLSWA and the Water Police (who actually control the reports to be shared) are somehow trying to paint that picture to the uneducated..Im not sure

WA, 166 posts
29 Jan 2014 3:03PM
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If those pecker heads get out of the way it would be a lot easier.

WA, 2503 posts
29 Jan 2014 3:04PM
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jbshack said..
Edit unless somehow through SLSWA and the Water Police (who actually control the reports to be shared) are somehow trying to paint that picture to the uneducated..Im not sure

It's a conspiracy JB.

WA, 3028 posts
29 Jan 2014 3:52PM
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smicko said..

jbshack said..
Edit unless somehow through SLSWA and the Water Police (who actually control the reports to be shared) are somehow trying to paint that picture to the uneducated..Im not sure


It's a conspiracy JB.

Fearmongering I would say.......

SA, 4776 posts
29 Jan 2014 6:25PM
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LateStarter said..

A young boy went missing over the weekend in the Northern Territory. The Police Tactical Response Group have so far shot and killed 2 large crocodiles while searching for the boys remains. WHERE ARE ALL THE PROTESTERS?

4000 people turned up at Cottesloe beach a few weeks back to protest a 'cull' here in WA. NSW and Queensland have been netting and drum lining since the 1950's. WHAT HAVE ALL THE PROTESTERS BEEN DOING FOR THE LAST 60 YEARS?

The media published photos of a large tiger shark hooked alongside a fishing boat and 'environmentalists' and celebrities from all over the world have been chiming in and condemning the practice. WHERE ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE WHEN THOUSANDS OF FISH ARE HOOKED DAILY AND ARE LEFT GASPING AND SLOWLY DYING IN A BUCKET. Why is it cruel if a fish is 3m long, yet perfectly acceptable for something smaller?

This is NOT a cull. Its a mitigation strategy to remove large, potentially dangerous sharks from areas highly populated by humans.

Why don't we have protests against commercial overfishing, pollution, domestic violence, poverty, alcohol related violence and drug related crime? One would argue that each would be a more noble cause than following the ignorant, ill-advised herd.

How many eggs do crocodiles hatch? Why are sharks called sharks yet you seem to think they are big fish? Are crabs crayfish?

The problem is that you are targeting the mature breading size of the shark which could easily put them on the endaged species list without doing the research on how many target sharks can be culled .

WA, 166 posts
29 Jan 2014 4:04PM
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How do they get most of their research info if they haven't been able to fish or hunt them for such a long period of time.catching a dozen or so mite help with researching instead of this bloke reckons this and this bloke said that.

2614 posts
29 Jan 2014 4:38PM
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southace said..

How many eggs do crocodiles hatch? Why are sharks called sharks yet you seem to think they are big fish? Are crabs crayfish?

The problem is that you are targeting the mature breading size of the shark which could easily put them on the endaged species list without doing the research on how many target sharks can be culled .

Why are tailor called tailor yet you seem to think they are not so big fish?
Why are herring called herring yet you seem to think they are small fish?
Are tuna salmon?

Nice logic.

Tell us how bad drumlining is;

And tell us why the CSIRO are wrong when they say feeding sharks from cages changes their behaviour.

2614 posts
29 Jan 2014 4:40PM
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jbshack said..

I appreciate your particular view may be to Cull, but you must admit the numbers are against you..

Got any proof to back this BS statement up?

WA, 589 posts
29 Jan 2014 5:04PM
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Read this:

Finally an article that is objective and contains facts and relative statistics as opposed to tabloid driven hysteria.

WA, 3028 posts
29 Jan 2014 5:12PM
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LateStarter said..

Read this:

Finally an article that is objective and contains facts and relative statistics as opposed to tabloid driven hysteria.

172 posts
29 Jan 2014 5:49PM
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LateStarter said...
Read this:

Finally an article that is objective and contains facts and relative statistics as opposed to tabloid driven hysteria.

Brilliant article. States everything simply and too the point.

2614 posts
29 Jan 2014 5:51PM
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Oldmate78 said..

LateStarter said...
Read this:

Finally an article that is objective and contains facts and relative statistics as opposed to tabloid driven hysteria.

Brilliant article. States everything simply and too the point.

Didn't you read the bit where it said we were going to wipe out the world population of sharks, marine life and all of the planet?

JB and southy did.

WA, 136 posts
29 Jan 2014 6:08PM
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WA, 500 posts
29 Jan 2014 6:39PM
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LateStarter said..

Read this:

Finally an article that is objective and contains facts and relative statistics as opposed to tabloid driven hysteria.

What the WA government is now carrying out is far from open slather. It is a carefully monitored and targeted attempt to control the risks at popular swimming beaches, and it will be subject to environmental assessment and oversight. The evidence is that similar but more extensive programs in the eastern states have prevented many attacks - human lives should be accorded equal value in the west.

an extract from this article.
why is it so hard for the shark lovers to grasp this concept?

WA, 3477 posts
29 Jan 2014 7:26PM
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I was going to post the same link that Latestarter posted above a few hours ago because I found it an interesting read, I had typed out the spiel below but was then distracted and by the time I got back to my pc the link was already posted.

I'm pretty much a fence sitter on this one, whilst I would be prepared to take the risk and keep surfing, snorkelling and kiting as I have done all of my life with out the drum lines because I think the chances of attack are minimal, I do think that the GW numbers (and so risks of attack) are rising so I am not opposed to taking out a few that are hanging around close to populated areas.

I have heard all of the arguments, more people in the water, social media spreading the word of sightings etc.
However I have also talked to crayfishermen with years of experience that all tell me they are seeing more and more sharks in recent years.
My belief is that the increased whale numbers since they have been protected is the main reason there is way more sharks along the WA coast (particularly around October/November when the whales and calves are making there way back down the coast)

I am not really impressed that there will be baits set 1 km off the shore along the metro area because I often do downwinders on my SUP and at times would be close to that far out.

What I can't believe is the uproar for the anti cull brigade over the killing of a few sharks in WA when it has been going on for years on the East Coast and all around the country other species of fish (and crocodiles etc) are killed everyday, what makes the sharks so much more special than any other species?
Oh that's right it is the apex predator, so do the anti cull folks want us to save the GW's but go on killing every other fish until there is only sharks left?

WA, 6913 posts
29 Jan 2014 7:49PM
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kiterboy said..

Oldmate78 said..

LateStarter said...
Read this:

Finally an article that is objective and contains facts and relative statistics as opposed to tabloid driven hysteria.

Brilliant article. States everything simply and too the point.

Didn't you read the bit where it said we were going to wipe out the world population of sharks, marine life and all of the planet?

JB and southy did.

You have your opinion, i have mine. But how can you say that the above article is so great and full of facts. It was written by a journalist. If you believe the above journalist then you must also agree that every poll competed on culling sharks in the media has been at worst 66% against to as high as 95% for a few in support of no cull..If you read back I've listed those links..

WA, 6913 posts
29 Jan 2014 8:11PM
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Kneeling said..

How do they get most of their research info if they haven't been able to fish or hunt them for such a long period of time.catching a dozen or so mite help with researching instead of this bloke reckons this and this bloke said that.

At least now Barnet has said the bodies could be used for science. Also it means less incentive in the water to draw in other sharks..Mind you he needs to catch a few yet Fingers crossed he keeps going the way he is going, Then we get a full study before it goes ahead next year..

SA, 4776 posts
29 Jan 2014 11:05PM
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jbshack said..

Kneeling said..

How do they get most of their research info if they haven't been able to fish or hunt them for such a long period of time.catching a dozen or so mite help with researching instead of this bloke reckons this and this bloke said that.

At least now Barnet has said the bodies could be used for science. Also it means less incentive in the water to draw in other sharks..Mind you he needs to catch a few yet Fingers crossed he keeps going the way he is going, Then we get a full study before it goes ahead next year..

Said on the news tonight the problem was a shortage of big hooks was slowing the process.

WA, 166 posts
29 Jan 2014 8:36PM
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Thanks jb


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"SUPPORT THE SHARK CULL." started by busterwa