Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Shark things out of hand in WA

Created by king of the point > 9 months ago, 14 Jul 2012
WA, 792 posts
16 Jul 2012 11:44AM
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jbshack said...

Woodo said...

jbshack said...
Spot on. Killing the sharks could make the situation even worse. If you don't like the odds stay out of the water.[}:)]

How will it make the situation worse?

GW's especially being low in numbers is throwing out the rest of the ecosystem. So we could see (sorry we are seeing) more smaller sharks, Plague proportions on our beaches. So instead of one big shark we may have to deal with 100 smaller sharks.

Sorry mate but what a crock of sh!t. How many times do you have to hear from not only marine bioligists, scientific researchers, fisheries officers, commercial fisherman, you name it, that NOBODY knows enough about the GWS to even come close to putting a number of how many exist let alone their behavioural habits. So for you to say GW's are in low numbers is just BS with absolutely no evidence or proven facts to back up your theory.
And personally i'd prefer to be in the water with 100 smaller sharks anyday of the year than just one big fark off white...

WA, 15849 posts
16 Jul 2012 11:49AM
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Woodo said...

jbshack said...

Woodo said...

jbshack said...
Spot on. Killing the sharks could make the situation even worse. If you don't like the odds stay out of the water.[}:)]

How will it make the situation worse?

GW's especially being low in numbers is throwing out the rest of the ecosystem. So we could see (sorry we are seeing) more smaller sharks, Plague proportions on our beaches. So instead of one big shark we may have to deal with 100 smaller sharks.

Sorry mate but what a crock of sh!t. How many times do you have to hear from not only marine bioligists, scientific researchers, fisheries officers, commercial fisherman, you name it, that NOBODY knows enough about the GWS to even come close to putting a number of how many exist let alone their behavioural habits. So for you to say GW's are in low numbers is just BS with absolutely no evidence or proven facts to back up your theory.
And personally i'd prefer to be in the water with 100 smaller sharks anyday of the year than just one big fark off white...

Killing 3-5 large sharks isnt going to change the ecosystem, but is it going to help the current situation

WA, 1916 posts
16 Jul 2012 11:56AM
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someone mentioned to me that the NZ fur seal population has grown significantly. maybe part of the problem.

the sunday times expert says that the breeding problems of a gws is a myth. they give birth to a 1.5m long pup. after two years its 2.5m long. if it survives two years then theres no real natural enemy for it. top of the food chain.

WA, 6913 posts
16 Jul 2012 12:02PM
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Poida said...

someone mentioned to me that the NZ fur seal population has grown significantly. maybe part of the problem.

the sunday times expert says that the breeding problems of a gws is a myth. they give birth to a 1.5m long pup. after two years its 2.5m long. if it survives two years then theres no real natural enemy for it. top of the food chain.

The same guy also said in as many words no big issue to lose a surfer but how will we all feel when its a child or someone of importance

Yeah he was so reputable.

WA, 14681 posts
16 Jul 2012 12:12PM
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jbshack said...

Woodo said...

jbshack said...
Spot on. Killing the sharks could make the situation even worse. If you don't like the odds stay out of the water.[}:)]

How will it make the situation worse?

GW's especially being low in numbers is throwing out the rest of the ecosystem. So we could see (sorry we are seeing) more smaller sharks, Plague proportions on our beaches. So instead of one big shark we may have to deal with 100 smaller sharks.

Seal numbers are increasing at an alarming rate IMHO. Every time i surf lately there are bloody seals in the water. What eats seals so are we already seeing an out of balance. Did you know a seal will eat about 100kilos of fish a day. So now with increasing seal numbers might we see a huge effect on local fish stocks? There for stimulating the already low fish stock/ no food problem.

Whales are starting to wash up dead all over the world a little now due to malnutrition. In some parts of the world Seal numbers grew so fast and now they have decimated (along with commercial fishing) local stocks and are now dieing as well.
On Saturday i went for look at my local and there was two guys and a seal in the line up. Seals are everywhere and they scare me TBH.

The Sea of Cortex now has Squid that are attacking humans. Funny point is that the local shark fishery in that area was decimated by commercial fisherman.

So sadly we don't know the answer. But we really shouldn't just have a knee jerk one either.

Sadly is though that my prediction is it will get worse still

So, if there are heaps of seals, why isn't there a huge population of GWS to suit?

You would think that the population of seals would be kept in check by their predators and the available food sources.

Whales dying from malnutrition? Really? Are you sure? The animals they eat aren't changing, so how are they getting malnourished?

Seals eat about 100kgs of fish a day? Why 100kgs? If this is/were true, and fish stocks reduced, wouldn't the seal numbers also reduce?

WA, 718 posts
16 Jul 2012 12:37PM
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I'm not an expert on Great Whites or the overfishing claims, but a bit of google-fu has given some food for thought.

From the wiki article on Great Whites;

Great white sharks are carnivorous and prey upon fish (e.g. tuna, rays,[29] other sharks[29]), cetaceans (i.e., dolphins, porpoises, whales), pinnipeds (e.g. seals, fur seals,[29] and sea lions), sea turtles,[29] sea otters, and seabirds.[30] Great whites have also been known to eat objects that they are unable to digest.
Upon approaching a length of nearly 4 metres (13 ft), great white sharks begin to target predominately marine mammals for food.[31]

This makes me think that the overfishing argument could be flawed, as the reported sizes of the shark/s in the recent spate of attacks has been in the 'marine mammals preferred' size range.

Furthermore, off the cuff, I would think that an animal is not going to hang around an area where there is no food; surely if there is no food around, there wouldn't be any point in lingering.
It's only natural that plentiful food supplies would attract and keep predators hanging around.

So a bit more of a search and I find this article;
From this article I would think that there are plenty of seals around, that and the whale migration would indicate that times are good for the Great Whites on the WA coast.

Humans could really be just the collateral damage of the good feeding conditions in WA at present.

Still though, I would like to see something done about the situation, it's our damn environment too.
Any group of animals in the wild, should they perceive a threat to their group security will do something about it, be it killing the threat or chasing it off.
We as the dominant intelligent species should be able to do something about this threat in an intelligent manner.

WA, 6913 posts
16 Jul 2012 12:37PM
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So, if there are heaps of seals, why isn't there a huge population of GWS to suit?
Because GWS bread so slowly. That's is the big issue.

You would think that the population of seals would be kept in check by their predators and the available food sources.
That would make sense if shark numbers could keep up but they can't. Not all animals bread at the same rate.

Whales dying from malnutrition? Really? Are you sure? The animals they eat aren't changing, so how are they getting malnourished?
Yes im sure. Reports are popping up daily if you watch the correct sites.

Seals eat about 100kgs of fish a day? Why 100kgs? If this is/were true, and fish stocks reduced, wouldn't the seal numbers also reduce?
Why do they eat that much i don't know. I guess there hungry. Yes eventually they will run out of food. But it will take some time for that to happen. But in the mean while you have a out of balance. In SA NZ fur seals are now killing of all the penguins. In fact SA fisheries are already trying to solve that problem. Visited the back side of Rottnest lately. Seen the seen population and its growth in the last 2 years? Eagle bay was a family haunt for me for over 20 years but i will no longer even swim there.

Have you seen more seals in the water surfing?

1011 posts
16 Jul 2012 1:03PM
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the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
16 Jul 2012 1:07PM
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Would be nice for a level headed fisheries fella to comment on this(you know who you are), knowing history, breeding, movement and increase in numbers etc etc.

So i have been told if GWS has a big feed very unlikely to surface again anytime soon and could be weeks for its eats again, therefore chances of killing the offender=almost immposible and they eat whatever they can.

WA, 6913 posts
16 Jul 2012 1:36PM
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the gibbo said...

Would be nice for a level headed fisheries fella to comment on this(you know who you are), knowing history, breeding, movement and increase in numbers etc etc.

So i have been told if GWS has a big feed very unlikely to surface again anytime soon and could be weeks for its eats again, therefore chances of killing the offender=almost immposible and they eat whatever they can.

Its my understanding that Sharks can determine the fat content of a feed, and with energy exhausted to catch and digest humans normally wont be second on there want to eat again list. They need a high fat or blubber content to be satisfied.

WA, 344 posts
16 Jul 2012 1:54PM
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oceanfire said...

From the wiki article on Great Whites;

Upon approaching a length of nearly 4 metres (13 ft), great white sharks begin to target predominately marine mammals for food.[31]

Think that sums it up really. Mammals in a marine environment are on the menu. Funny how people get all bent out of shape when the realise that they are not on top of the food chain any more.

WA, 1916 posts
16 Jul 2012 2:16PM
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jbshack said...

Poida said...

someone mentioned to me that the NZ fur seal population has grown significantly. maybe part of the problem.

the sunday times expert says that the breeding problems of a gws is a myth. they give birth to a 1.5m long pup. after two years its 2.5m long. if it survives two years then theres no real natural enemy for it. top of the food chain.

The same guy also said in as many words no big issue to lose a surfer but how will we all feel when its a child or someone of importance

Yeah he was so reputable.

Sure it's the Sunday times, and those comments werent appropriate but which part of the lifecycle of a gws that he commented on was wrong?

WA, 421 posts
16 Jul 2012 2:56PM
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Definitely out of control. A full on cull to push them right back to the brink of extinction would be ideal. I honestly can't see anyone missing them. It's not like people would go: "Gee remember the good old days when people got killed by sharks?" No, no one would miss them. Should be open season for every boat angler with a bounty.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
16 Jul 2012 2:58PM
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Anything that culls the human population is a good thing.

WA, 792 posts
16 Jul 2012 3:01PM
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PaddlePig said...

Definitely out of control. A full on cull to push them right back to the brink of extinction would be ideal. I honestly can't see anyone missing them. It's not like people would go: "Gee remember the good old days when people got killed by sharks?" No, no one would miss them. Should be open season for every boat angler with a bounty.

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Jul 2012 5:07PM
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jbshack said...

the gibbo said...

Would be nice for a level headed fisheries fella to comment on this(you know who you are), knowing history, breeding, movement and increase in numbers etc etc.

So i have been told if GWS has a big feed very unlikely to surface again anytime soon and could be weeks for its eats again, therefore chances of killing the offender=almost immposible and they eat whatever they can.

Its my understanding that Sharks can determine the fat content of a feed, and with energy exhausted to catch and digest humans normally wont be second on there want to eat again list. They need a high fat or blubber content to be satisfied.

All these shark attacks just prove we are getting fatter. Y/N?

Also, I've eaten quite a few women and they can taste very good.

WA, 15849 posts
16 Jul 2012 3:10PM
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evlPanda said...

jbshack said...

the gibbo said...

Would be nice for a level headed fisheries fella to comment on this(you know who you are), knowing history, breeding, movement and increase in numbers etc etc.

So i have been told if GWS has a big feed very unlikely to surface again anytime soon and could be weeks for its eats again, therefore chances of killing the offender=almost immposible and they eat whatever they can.

Its my understanding that Sharks can determine the fat content of a feed, and with energy exhausted to catch and digest humans normally wont be second on there want to eat again list. They need a high fat or blubber content to be satisfied.

All these shark attacks just prove we are getting fatter. Y/N?

Also, I've eaten quite a few women and they can taste very good.

Only a few panda?

10979 posts
16 Jul 2012 3:15PM
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longwinded said...

oceanfire said...

From the wiki article on Great Whites;

Upon approaching a length of nearly 4 metres (13 ft), great white sharks begin to target predominately marine mammals for food.[31]

Think that sums it up really. Mammals in a marine environment are on the menu. Funny how people get all bent out of shape when the realise that they are not on top of the food chain any more.

We are top of the food chain, humans have proved they can kill anything, nearly to extinction if they choose but we are not allowed to fish for them so effectively the top level of the food chain has been removed

WA, 792 posts
16 Jul 2012 3:29PM
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evlPanda said...

jbshack said...

the gibbo said...

Would be nice for a level headed fisheries fella to comment on this(you know who you are), knowing history, breeding, movement and increase in numbers etc etc.

So i have been told if GWS has a big feed very unlikely to surface again anytime soon and could be weeks for its eats again, therefore chances of killing the offender=almost immposible and they eat whatever they can.

Its my understanding that Sharks can determine the fat content of a feed, and with energy exhausted to catch and digest humans normally wont be second on there want to eat again list. They need a high fat or blubber content to be satisfied.

All these shark attacks just prove we are getting fatter. Y/N?

Also, I've eaten quite a few women and they can taste very good.

Hopefully you've determined the fat content before going in for a chew and you didn't exhaust to much energy during the catch.

WA, 3519 posts
16 Jul 2012 4:09PM
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Just start a rumor in Japan that ground GWS tooth powder give you a big dirk and you will see all the whalers live the whales alone and fish for shark, the powder will fetch a gigantiganonus price per gram...... problem solved![}:)]

WA, 15849 posts
16 Jul 2012 4:54PM
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felixdcat said...

Just start a rumor in Japan that ground GWS tooth powder give you a big dirk and you will see all the whalers live the whales alone and fish for shark, the powder will fetch a gigantiganonus price per gram...... problem solved![}:)]

They wont hunt them for that, they will just bash people with a sharktooth necklace

WA, 3145 posts
16 Jul 2012 5:23PM
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evlPanda said...

I've eaten quite a few women and they can taste very good.

Tastes like chicken fish

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
16 Jul 2012 5:30PM
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I've said it before and i'll say it again we need to send in the Daleks

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
16 Jul 2012 6:28PM
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There was a Large whale washed up at Wedge Island winter last year or was it the year before,

I know it was not removed and wobbled / broke down into the sand just north of the was posted as a topic

Factor for GWS wanting to visit the area

WA, 4642 posts
16 Jul 2012 6:29PM
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jbshack said...

Woodo said...

jbshack said...
Spot on. Killing the sharks could make the situation even worse. If you don't like the odds stay out of the water.[}:)]

How will it make the situation worse?

GW's especially being low in numbers is throwing out the rest of the ecosystem. So we could see (sorry we are seeing) more smaller sharks, Plague proportions on our beaches. So instead of one big shark we may have to deal with 100 smaller sharks.

Seal numbers are increasing at an alarming rate IMHO. Every time i surf lately there are bloody seals in the water. What eats seals so are we already seeing an out of balance. Did you know a seal will eat about 100kilos of fish a day. So now with increasing seal numbers might we see a huge effect on local fish stocks? There for stimulating the already low fish stock/ no food problem.

Whales are starting to wash up dead all over the world a little now due to malnutrition. In some parts of the world Seal numbers grew so fast and now they have decimated (along with commercial fishing) local stocks and are now dieing as well.
On Saturday i went for look at my local and there was two guys and a seal in the line up. Seals are everywhere and they scare me TBH.

The Sea of Cortex now has Squid that are attacking humans. Funny point is that the local shark fishery in that area was decimated by commercial fisherman.

So sadly we don't know the answer. But we really shouldn't just have a knee jerk one either.
Sadly is though that my prediction is it will get worse still

jbhack, your argument doesn't make sense, and it looks to be largely self defeating.
If "seal numbers are increasing at an alarming rate", why on earth are GW sharks eating people???
Seals are their main diet so logically you would expect if there are very few GW sharks and lots of seals, the sharks would not bother with eating people.

AS for the "knee jerk reaction" we've had 5 people eaten in ther last year and what have we done about it? SWEET F. A.
Oh, except for giving fisheries another umpteen million to 'manage the problem" and umpteen more million to anyone who can come up with a convincing reason why the government should give it to them to help with "the problem".
What a waste of public money!
After 12 months delay and all that money wasted, our illustrious minister for fisheries says he doesn't understand what's causing the problem.
Gee. That was money well spent then.
Why did they spend any of it when for no cost at all, our very own company malamute has clearly and succintly stated the most obvious solution right here in this thread.

"Killing 3-5 large sharks isnt going to change the ecosystem, but is it going to help the current situation "
Now I know dogs are smart but gee, you wouldn't think everyone else would be so far behind.

It's a sorry indictment on the present human condition that in this day and age we seem to have completely abandoned the very asset which let us survive a hundred thousand years of the evolutionary process. And that is, if something attacks us then we attack back. If something is trying to kill us then we kill it first.

What do we do now?
Oh well, first off we form a committee and try to think up every possible explanation for the problem and solution for same, and then we proceed by trying out the most expensive and least likely to succeed solution, such as flying helicopters up and down the coast at a thousand dollars an hour, and as each solution fails in turn, we work our way back up the list until we come back to the cheapest and most obvious solution which we should have tried in the first place. And maybe, just maybe we will will reluctantly give that a try.

The solution we should have tried first up, over 10 years ago is, if a shark eats someone then hop out there, catch it and get rid of it. It's worked for thousands of years. Nothing has changed in nature that would make it not work again.
There are not dozens of man eating sharks attacking us. There are only one or two, probably old and/or sick and unable to catch anything more agile than a diver or surfer sitting on a board.
So, as the malamute says,
"Killing 3-5 large sharks isnt going to change the ecosystem, but is it going to help the current situation "
Yes it is.
Good dog.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
16 Jul 2012 6:41PM
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Listened to the fisheries head man answer sterero type questions and opinions from a female interviewer/ reporter on the 24 hour ABC channel this morning.

Bumble bumble and some more political bumble to the situation

WA, 421 posts
16 Jul 2012 6:45PM
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Listen people, I can not applaud your intelligence enough. The support for a cull is fantastic! This is our opportunity. I don't believe there has been a more serious topic ever discussed on these forums. In the past we've had people writing letters to politicians to condemn / support a shark cull. This is our chance to make ourselves heard. I've written to Colin Barnett twice before but I think this time we might have more support. Make sure your voice is heard.

In my letters to the premier, I have outlined:
1) The Australian lifestyle is at risk (water sports and beach time)
2) The value of human life and how much we care about our family

Make sure you state how proud you are to be Australian and how much this beautiful country means to you. State how much our way of life should be preserved and protected and the value of our loved ones.

I'll try to get the contact details and drum up more support.

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
16 Jul 2012 6:53PM
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PaddlePig said...

Listen people, I can not applaud your intelligence enough. The support for a cull is fantastic! This is our opportunity. I don't believe there has been a more serious topic ever discussed on these forums. In the past we've had people writing letters to politicians to condemn / support a shark cull. This is our chance to make ourselves heard. I've written to Colin Barnett twice before but I think this time we might have more support. Make sure your voice is heard.

In my letters to the premier, I have outlined:
1) The Australian lifestyle is at risk (water sports and beach time)
2) The value of human life and how much we care about our family

Make sure you state how proud you are to be Australian and how much this beautiful country means to you. State how much our way of life should be preserved and protected and the value of our loved ones.

I'll try to get the contact details and drum up more support.

Mr Barnett wants to upgrade Cottesloe does his plans include a GWS feeding ponton walk way and viewing area .............

84 posts
16 Jul 2012 7:02PM
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Spotx said...

How long do we wait ?

It has been 5 fatalities, do we wait for 6, 7,8.

This has gone on far to long.

5 people are killed while doing a sporting activities, that is a tragedy.

Get angry, it is the Fisheries Minster to blame. We are funding Fisheries $3.75m over five years for shark research.

They are not doing a great job are they.

Take Whites off the endangered species list, and fish for them close to the coast.

your out of your tree mate, people happily go to the zoo to see dangerous animals, albeit behind steel bars yet expect to go into the sharks natural habitat with expectation that you are absolutely safe....rethink it dude....haven't put the shark in the cage yet!!!!

WA, 4642 posts
16 Jul 2012 7:05PM
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Actually. Colin Barnett said on Radio National soon after a previous attack that he was all for catching the shark and getting rid of it. He sounded very matter of fact and logical, as he often is.
Unfortunately though, not in this case. A day or two later he had completely changed his tune and was back to the old throwing tax money at the problem to study it more. Lots of "unanswered questions" and all that.
Very poor effort Col.
Largely as a consequence of that iinappropriate action we now have yet another water user turn into fish food.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Shark things out of hand in WA" started by king of the point