Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by bazz61 > 9 months ago, 20 Jan 2017
545 posts
21 Jan 2018 9:00AM
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Long time toker and productive tax payer not sure i have the solutions but if i was to be busted at home for pot it would put my job in jeopardy and possibly the 8 people that work for me and their families if it was to affect my business as well so i do see current laws as a joke especially when we are so quick to get kids on meds these days probably more chance of dexies being a gateway to dealing and using harder drugs than pot.

WA, 2940 posts
21 Jan 2018 3:17PM
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i can get a bigger criminal charge and or jail compared to some drunk f!cker who one hits someone and kills them. where the f#ck is the logic in that

2614 posts
29 Jan 2018 8:06AM
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shoodbegood said..

evlPanda said..

shoodbegood said..
Everyone I know who has been a bongo at an early age (say under 14) is in struggle town

This is terrible. We should make weed illegal and really come down hard.

Send dealers to jail where they become nicer people and have better job prospects when they get out so they won't have to turn to crime again.

Send kids to juvenile if they have been caught smoking it themselves. Juvenile is much better for a child than getting stoned. Especially for their future job and societal prospects.

Make the punishment for dealing so high that it sends the price of drugs up so high that criminals can't resist.

Ensure only criminals control the supply chain.


Man I was stoned permanently from 14 - 18.

I wouldn't recommend, at all, but I did turn out alright. I guess. ...maybe. (I can see Malcolm's office from here). I'll emphasise I was stoned a lot. Practically all the time. Not just sometimes.

I know a few others that are the same, very impressive resumes now. And yes, I know some basket cases. Marijuana is not completely safe. D'uh.


The cost of policing, processing and jailing dealers and even users (who are the victims, yeah?) is a lot.
The cost of not legalising and taxing it is also a lot.
There is a lot of money being needlessly wasted.
There are a lot of people's time and lives being needlessly wasted.


All evidence points to weed being safer than alcohol.

Might have been sitting in Malcom's office if you gave your brain a chance to grow when you were 14-18 !

Exactly! You could have had the superiour intellectual capacity like Malcolm and acheived something equally as great as the NBN.

QLD, 1371 posts
29 Jan 2018 9:05PM
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Marsbars said..
Long time toker and productive tax payer not sure i have the solutions but if i was to be busted at home for pot it would put my job in jeopardy and possibly the 8 people that work for me and their families if it was to affect my business as well so i do see current laws as a joke especially when we are so quick to get kids on meds these days probably more chance of dexies being a gateway to dealing and using harder drugs than pot.

The biggest problem with weed, is that it is free, the antithesis to the military, industrial pharmaceutical complex.

but you just can't talk them down since they own the means of propaganda (money)

if if you don't have a plant or two in your backyard and enough seeds to help your mates out you either, just ain't trying, or you've bought into the complex

Mr Milk
NSW, 3004 posts
29 Jan 2018 11:13PM
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So is home brew, yet there are plenty of people willing to pay $20 for a 6 pack of craft beer.
Ditto tomatoes. Dead easy to grow, but supermarkets sell them for $3-15/kilo.
While I'm off my feet for another few weeks, I don't suppose you would be willing to send a bag my way so I can find out what the fuss is all about?

QLD, 1371 posts
29 Jan 2018 10:40PM
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Mr Milk said..
So is home brew, yet there are plenty of people willing to pay $20 for a 6 pack of craft beer.
Ditto tomatoes. Dead easy to grow, but supermarkets sell them for $3-15/kilo.
While I'm off my feet for another few weeks, I don't suppose you would be willing to send a bag my way so I can find out what the fuss is all about?

Pm for seeds, sometimes caught in the post.

9106 posts
30 Jan 2018 9:50AM
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lotofwind said..
Wow, if I was in a high risk environment that my life depended on, I would hate to be depending on a druggo with slow reactions times because they have been dulled by dope.
" oh wow sorry duuuude, my bad, didnt know I was spose to turn off the power for you before you touched that live wire,, I was too busy watching that butterfly and eating my tofu mung bean burger ,, bummer duude ay"

How did your mate who smoked bongs the night before get to work? Dope still effects your reaction time 24hrs later, hope he didnt drive and risk my, your and our kids lives??

Same way your mate that drank alcohol or had taken way too many pain killers
or the dill that playes XBOX all night, yep I see more Xbox sleep deprived "zombies than druggies.

its call taking responsibility of own actions.

WA, 163 posts
30 Jan 2018 10:33AM
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Canadian from Vancouver chiming in. You can buy it fairly easily down the street here from shops. Fill out some paper work and you're good to go.

Some people find it helpful, I work in hospital and I've had terminally ill patients that find it helps. My mom is investing in weed stocks (kinda funny).

Somebody compared it to a beer... I'd even say its softer then that, more like a coffee.

Its an eye opener to see how these laws have ruined many lives, and we've been going along with it for many years now. It frankly scares me. Shows how easy it is to turn a blind eye.....

Darn shame. Makes me think.....

"evil is the absence of good".

Buster fin
WA, 2577 posts
30 Jan 2018 8:03PM
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danw said..
Canadian from Vancouver chiming in. You can buy it fairly easily down the street here from shops. Fill out some paper work and you're good to go.

Some people find it helpful, I work in hospital and I've had terminally ill patients that find it helps. My mom is investing in weed stocks (kinda funny).

Somebody compared it to a beer... I'd even say its softer then that, more like a coffee.

Its an eye opener to see how these laws have ruined many lives, and we've been going along with it for many years now. It frankly scares me. Shows how easy it is to turn a blind eye.....

Darn shame. Makes me think.....

"evil is the absence of good".

"these laws"... what laws?

1972 posts
4 Feb 2018 1:10AM
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News from the U.S. ~

Alcohol Sales Dropped 15% In States With Medical Marijuana Laws

WA, 2940 posts
4 Feb 2018 3:34PM
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kiterboy said..

Exactly! You could have had the superiour intellectual capacity like Malcolm and acheived something equally as great as the NBN.

if the mad monk had not have won we would simply had fixed wireless and FTTP but that cock smoker decided FTTN was a cheaper and better solution . He was the one who cocked the nbn up

1221 posts
4 Feb 2018 6:45PM
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Pack me up a thumb screwa

Nah I dont smoke any more

Or drink

As far as drugs go the extreme spinach is relatively harmless ( as long as you have no pre disposition to schizophrenia - I seen someone who was smoke wasn't pretty)

Weed makes people relaxed and peaceful other substances do not

1972 posts
20 Feb 2018 2:08AM
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QLD, 6124 posts
20 Feb 2018 8:01AM
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Weed induced psychosis is a thing. I was introfuced to weed by my best mate. He eventually broke on through to the other side. He's been in and out of mental hospital ever since and lives on a disability pension. Might this have happened anyway? Maybe. Pretty coincidental that he smoked weed and a month later had his first episode. Certainly I went on to smoke a lot at uni and got paranoia for a time but that's about all. I think if your are susceptable you might get through life ok but weed or any hallucinogen can bring out the illness and make it a lot lot worse. One leading mental health researcher in the us said she'd rather give her kid heroin than weed Ina doco I saw.
Ask anyone who works in ct about all the hippies they scan due to psychosis - ruling out tumours (due to them being off the planet). On their way into mental hospital.
Personally I don't think it's worth it. I still have a drag on the odd Dube in good company on a special occasion camping or something. But it's got smoking disadvantages, robs motivation, and in the wrong social setting can cause anxiety. Can cost you your job. I'll stick to nice healthy piss which we are meant to drink

QLD, 6806 posts
20 Feb 2018 9:59AM
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Very soon weeds and maybe all narcotic drugs problem will be resolved due to progress in electronics.All those drugs do is stimulation of the part of your brain. The same you could do with electric impulses.
Applied directly by an electrode implanted into your brain or transcranial - just sticking to the skin on your hear. Very soon Chinese made electronic gadget/devices you may buy for few bucks. Your only ongoing expenditure will be a battery instead of drug dealer fees.So you all will stick electrodes to the head, flick the switch and turn potentiometer to your desired effect. Hopefully, Chinese manufacturer does not forget to add timer switch to disconnect you from endless pleasure after say 10 hours or so.Experiments made on monkey showed so far that our close primate friend having the option rather stay connected then eats and drinks. So die of starvation quickly.That must be fascinating future to see soon people wired to the electronic stimulant, now playing dead brain zombies - all in public places, cars, parks, laying on the grass - while feeding this electronic pleasure into your brain.Same time it could be greatest ever invention in the eyes of your government. All they need to do to satisfy society is take care that batteries are constantly available to voters/public. Much cheaper than supply work/ job, medical care, food and other types of relaxation.Just $5 gadget will do all this for everybody.

Happy Monkey ?Sure!

After few years of stimulation whole humanity may start growing hairs again and tail, then return to the right place on the eveolutionary ladder on earth.By the time robots, Articicial Intelligence and internet will be able to take care of food production, transportation, manufacturing , sciences and space travel.People could sit comfortably in their cages plug in to electronic endorfin stream.Good monkey maybe even rewarded with traditional weed to smoke, instead of sugar candy.

Yeep , no doubts. Weed is good for you. One smoke and you feel superhero again.

Running low of liquid weed! Please help poor monkey!Make $5 donation to make human monkey happy again!

NSW, 9202 posts
20 Feb 2018 7:16PM
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myusernam said..
Weed induced psychosis is a thing. I was introfuced to weed by my best mate. He eventually broke on through to the other side. He's been in and out of mental hospital ever since and lives on a disability pension. Might this have happened anyway? Maybe. Pretty coincidental that he smoked weed and a month later had his first episode. Certainly I went on to smoke a lot at uni and got paranoia for a time but that's about all. I think if your are susceptable you might get through life ok but weed or any hallucinogen can bring out the illness and make it a lot lot worse. One leading mental health researcher in the us said she'd rather give her kid heroin than weed Ina doco I saw.
Ask anyone who works in ct about all the hippies they scan due to psychosis - ruling out tumours (due to them being off the planet). On their way into mental hospital.
Personally I don't think it's worth it. I still have a drag on the odd Dube in good company on a special occasion camping or something. But it's got smoking disadvantages, robs motivation, and in the wrong social setting can cause anxiety. Can cost you your job. I'll stick to nice healthy piss which we are meant to drink

There's a very odd and I think very interesting relationship of sorts between magic mushrooms, weed, and psychosis. Once that door is opened weed is never the same again.

It's an absurdly common experience.

NSW, 9202 posts
20 Feb 2018 7:22PM
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That's me! But there's no recording electrode, nor juice reward, and the chair is non-restraining. And the "response bar" looks different.

tDCS man. There's a whole subculture of people experimenting with themselves. Don't say I didn't warn you (that's a warning).

QLD, 6806 posts
20 Feb 2018 7:00PM
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evlPanda said..

tDCS man. There's a whole subculture of people experimenting with themselves. Don't say I didn't warn you (that's a warning).

That could be our language in the future.
Half of the generation will be degenerated and disabled. will be now required to be supported by the healthy rest of community.
Obviously, they will blame everybody, but not themselves.since weed and other drugs were illegal - no chance for lawsuits. But now everything may change. The fault will at those that legalizes unhealthy products without prior scientific research.Obviously none the those legalized hallucinogens will not pass a rigorous test that any medicine needs to pass. The only solution to this social program could be now acceptance of the euthanasia.
In such case, all this narcoman generation will be also free to consume any amount of any strength drug until their/our problem is solved.

so new slogan should go:Let's legalize weed and free euthanasia!

QLD, 1961 posts
20 Feb 2018 9:41PM
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You're a very strange man Macro.

QLD, 6806 posts
20 Feb 2018 11:02PM
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Shifu said..
You're a very strange man Macro.

Drug addicts expect to have all the fun, but somebody else to pay for consequences.
So I did only say have fun and pay for it !
Don't ask others for help once you ruin yourself.
To be fair I think more people in the USA die due to drug addiction/overdose then guns.
But nobody here careYou all want to gun law but at the same time no law against drugs...

can you see the numbers ? 5 years age - 20 mln people in USA alone constantly on HIGH .

1972 posts
21 Feb 2018 2:21AM
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Macro, your charts aren't near big enough to include alcohol abuse and deaths.

1221 posts
21 Feb 2018 4:00AM
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Mastbender said..
Macro, your charts aren't near big enough to include alcohol abuse and deaths.

Arryay cowboy tobacco kills about 10 times all those illicit substances combined annually and alcohol is way ahead also but thats ok because um wait a minit

NSW, 9202 posts
21 Feb 2018 2:34PM
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Can we add sugar to the charts now?

QLD, 6806 posts
21 Feb 2018 7:17PM
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quikdrawMcgraw said..

Mastbender said..
Macro, your charts aren't near big enough to include alcohol abuse and deaths.

Arryay cowboy tobacco kills about 10 times all those illicit substances combined annually and alcohol is way ahead also but thats ok because um wait a minit

I have got it Marihuana is no longer harmful because alcohol and tobacco is .

2614 posts
21 Feb 2018 5:36PM
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Macroscien said..

quikdrawMcgraw said..

Mastbender said..
Macro, your charts aren't near big enough to include alcohol abuse and deaths.

Arryay cowboy tobacco kills about 10 times all those illicit substances combined annually and alcohol is way ahead also but thats ok because um wait a minit

I have got it Marihuana is no longer harmful because alcohol and tobacco is .

You've got something...

QLD, 1961 posts
21 Feb 2018 11:08PM
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For the record I don't support any kind of drug use.

NSW, 9202 posts
22 Feb 2018 12:30PM
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Macroscien said..
I have got it Marihuana is no longer harmful because alcohol and tobacco is .

Still wrong.

Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco (assuming moderate use of all).

So, why is it illegal? What impact does this have on users, police, taxpayers? How much time and money and pain have we invested in this falsehood?

Basically, why continue with the hypocrisy? If alcohol was invented just recently we'd be falling over ourselves to ban it. It'd be worse than meth.

Another case in point:



Of 31,624,156 adults discharged from French hospitals between 2008 and 2013, 1,109,343 were diagnosed with dementia and were included in the analyses. Of the 57,353 (5.2%) cases of early-onset dementia, most were either alcohol-related by definition (22,338 [38.9%]) or had an additional diagnosis of alcohol use disorders (10,115 [17.6%]). Alcohol use disorders were the strongest modifiable risk factor for dementia onset..."

One only needs to go into town on a weekend to see how ****ed up alcohol is.

1221 posts
22 Feb 2018 9:39AM
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Macroscien said..

quikdrawMcgraw said..

Mastbender said..
Macro, your charts aren't near big enough to include alcohol abuse and deaths.

Arryay cowboy tobacco kills about 10 times all those illicit substances combined annually and alcohol is way ahead also but thats ok because um wait a minit

I have got it Marihuana is no longer harmful because alcohol and tobacco is .

No but if you drink a six pack than have 4 - 5 cones the chance of you cooking dinner are greatly reduced

QLD, 12337 posts
22 Feb 2018 11:54AM
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evlPanda said..
So, why is it illegal? What impact does this have on users, police, taxpayers? How much time and money and pain have we invested in this falsehood?

Watch this vid from 12 mins in to find out why. Narrated by Jack Thompson.

The sound is crap around 19 mins but comes good.

The usual suspect, Dupont is largely to blame.

QLD, 6806 posts
22 Feb 2018 11:55AM
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evlPanda said..

Macroscien said..
I have got it Marihuana is no longer harmful because alcohol and tobacco is .

You brought good facts about alcohol, but I am afraid you draw the wrong conclusion from that.
That fact that alcohol also is poisoning our society doesn't mean that if they add another one to the stack ( marijuana now) we resolve the first problem.
The solution is obvious and you could see it clearly but afraid to say it aloud.
But to say so will be like shouting Total gun ban in NRA lion cave.
So since neither alcohol could be banned and marijuana too.
All drugs will be totally accepted into society we could only think how to minimize damage.
One thing you could only say about alcohols - do stimulate humans procreation.
Evolutionary that is the substance that increases population grows in numbers.
One drink or more consumed is likely increased chance for one more human being to be conceived.
The opposite could be said about weed ( that will in most cases inhibits sexual behavior (?) ( true - unless you have another experience).
Evolutionary it could be a good thing - because genetically predisposed to drug addiction will eventually will extinct over next few thousand years ( unfortunately that is how slowly evolution works - since here was my proposal to legalize euthanasia ( read- voluntary suicide by drug overdose) this kind of people could eliminate themselves much earlier.Conclusion:1.Many people here reading this now _ will not be on this world at all - if not thanks to alcohol that facilitates their parent's parents to perform.2.Many other people do not read this -because they do not exist- due to the prohibitive outcome of the drugs on their ( to be parents - but that sexual act never happen . To be parents were lying in the senseless drug-induced coma instead of engaging into physical activity to procreate) .
If you are not reading this right now, this is because your's to be mother preferred rather go into hallucinogenic narcotic dreams sleep instead of enjoyable physical activity.
Possibly in her hallucinogenic dreams, your mother fu***ed up a the prince very hard, but that doesn't constitute in next human being to be conceived and born.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Weed....." started by bazz61