Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by bazz61 > 9 months ago, 20 Jan 2017
2614 posts
22 Feb 2018 11:29AM
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Macroscien said..

evlPanda said..

Macroscien said..
I have got it Marihuana is no longer harmful because alcohol and tobacco is .

You brought good facts about alcohol, but I am afraid you draw the wrong conclusion from that.
That fact that alcohol also is poisoning our society doesn't mean that if they add another one to the stack ( marijuana now) we resolve the first problem.
The solution is obvious and you could see it clearly but afraid to say it aloud.
But to say so will be like shouting Total gun ban in NRA lion cave.
So since neither alcohol could be banned and marijuana too.
All drugs will be totally accepted into society we could only think how to minimize damage.
One thing you could only say about alcohols - do stimulate humans procreation.
Evolutionary that is the substance that increases population grows in numbers.
One drink or more consumed is likely increased chance for one more human being to be conceived.
The opposite could be said about weed ( that will in most cases inhibits sexual behavior (?) ( true - unless you have another experience).
Evolutionary it could be a good thing - because genetically predisposed to drug addiction will eventually will extinct over next few thousand years ( unfortunately that is how slowly evolution works - since here was my proposal to legalize euthanasia ( read- voluntary suicide by drug overdose) this kind of people could eliminate themselves much earlier.Conclusion:1.Many people here reading this now _ will not be on this world at all - if not thanks to alcohol that facilitates their parent's parents to perform.2.Many other people do not read this -because they do not exist- due to the prohibitive outcome of the drugs on their ( to be parents - but that sexual act never happen . To be parents were lying in the senseless drug-induced coma instead of engaging into physical activity to procreate) .
If you are not reading this right now, this is because your's to be mother preferred rather go into hallucinogenic narcotic dreams sleep instead of enjoyable physical activity.
Possibly in her hallucinogenic dreams, your mother fu***ed up a the prince very hard, but that doesn't constitute in next human being to be conceived and born.

It's always those that argue an issue as being totally black & white have absolutely no experience with and idea what they are talking about.
You are a shining example.

SA, 724 posts
22 Feb 2018 3:33PM
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Yep, you can't just make stuff up Macro. Go get baked and report back please.

I think the evidence is now showing that an increase in mary jane consumption leads to a decrease in alcohol consumption. (very clear to see, now proven). Yet another reason the big end of town will keep trying to put the brakes on it. They advertise that the weed industry will be a billion dollar deal, shouldn't be. It's free for anyone with a green thumb. Except those nice quiet gardeners, who are doing less damage to themselves and others than their drunk neighbours are criminals.

NSW, 9202 posts
22 Feb 2018 4:57PM
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kiterboy said..
It's always those that argue an issue as being totally black & white have absolutely no experience with and idea what they are talking about.
You are a shining example.

Dunning-Kruger in full effect.

NSW, 9202 posts
22 Feb 2018 5:03PM
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Macroscien said..
You brought good facts about alcohol, but I am afraid you draw the wrong conclusion from that. That fact that alcohol also is poisoning our society doesn't mean that if they add another one to the stack ( marijuana now) we resolve the first problem.

If pot is less harmful than alcohol then why ban it?
If we legalise it then the question is: will it reduce alcohol consumption, leaving us better off overall?
Luckily we can look to parts of the world where this has actually happened to see how it goes.

Banning alcohol has already been tried and it didn't work. Sounds familiar.

When you ban things that are really popular there is a black market, criminals profit, addicts receive no help (before they become addicts), overdoses occur because of fear, more people die, more money is spent, corruption, violence, lower living standards, etc. etc.

We've proven this without a doubt with The War on Drugs. EVERYONE has admitted it is a failure. The outcomes are bad.

NSW, 6813 posts
22 Feb 2018 7:07PM
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I don't think that everyone would agree that it has been a bad thing banning drugs. Some people making lots and lots of lovely loot off the back of the banning. Like they did with prohibition. Some families still benefitting from the profits made with that little exercise. Probably the same folk who are benefitting from the prohibition of drugs.

Alcohol is a brilliant drug to keep legal. Keeps the population dumb at the same time as reducing the life span. Makes it easy to manipulate folks. Watch the resolve and common sense factor of a group of people drinking.

Reduces them to a level below that of animal it they guzzle enough.

Never observed that with weed.

QLD, 6806 posts
22 Feb 2018 9:30PM
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evlPanda said..

If pot is less harmful than alcohol then why ban it?

You misread my post completely. Yes, lets those people smoke, inhale as much as they want or even more.But under one condition only. They do so on their own account.I don't want to be a ride on the footpath by a shamck on high. I have been already ridden on by a similar guy on the motorized dinghy, me on a sailboard.Who pays all those drug addicts unable to work - due to addiction and on dole? What about medical bills - who should pay? Now we have this few empty brainers promoting weed on another social media - SB.
Yeeep. Lets them talk freely to a youngster how fabulous they do feel , under influence, what the beautiful world it could be with weeds growing instead of grass everywhere.You have today 7 teenagers taken directly from high school to the hospital on Gold Coast - due to overdoses. There is not the clear border between soft and hard drug. Small amount or a little bit too much. You could compare this to the following example: You say you should be allowed to beat your wife but only a little bit each time and not using hard/ sharp tools, only softball bat.

I think that problem will be resolved in a civilized way- special cabin will be created within cities for narcomans to consume, inhale, inject everything they want. Video from those public cabins should be then streamed live on a social media website.There is this disparity between what person under influence think about himself and what the rest of the public see.
a bit of weed makes you great again


1972 posts
23 Feb 2018 5:56AM
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Macroscien said..

One thing you could only say about alcohols - do stimulate humans procreation.
Evolutionary that is the substance that increases population grows in numbers.
One drink or more consumed is likely increased chance for one more human being to be conceived.

This is the only thing on this post that I can agree with, even though you left out the fact that it helps ugly women get pregnant.
But this has nothing to do with sex and pot, you've obviously never tried it, try it you'd like it, it can even make a beautiful woman look even more beautiful. But a funny thing, it can't make an ugly woman look pretty, only alcohol can do that.

QLD, 6806 posts
23 Feb 2018 9:23AM
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Mastbender said..

But a funny thing, it can't make an ugly woman look pretty, only alcohol can do that.

Before.... ( you drink )

and after

Doesn't weed the same magic to your women?

QLD, 6806 posts
23 Feb 2018 9:33AM
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evlPanda said..

If we legalise weed then the question is: will it reduce alcohol consumption, leaving us better off overall?

You are right.
This lady wants to smoke weed with you now ( instead of drink).

Yeep, how romantic is that to light the fire on your bun ( and choke on the smoke together )

QLD, 6806 posts
23 Feb 2018 9:41AM
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Since weed is so healthy, early education is paramount.
Thanks to good mother you learn to smoke pot before you walk.

NSW, 9202 posts
23 Feb 2018 12:57PM
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Macroscien said..
You misread my post completely. Yes, lets those people smoke, inhale as much as they want or even more .But under one condition only. They do so on their own account.

Well yes, that's the entire argument.

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Who pays all those drug addicts unable to work - due to addiction and on dole? What about medical bills - who should pay?

Same people that pay for the alcoholics. Us.

Or, you can pay for the police, judges, jails and the alcoholics.

The theory is there are less addicts when it is legal. So far where it has been legalised this is what has happened. So, you will continue paying for them, but less that you do now. And we'll have less criminals.

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Now we have this few empty brainers promoting weed on another social media - SB.

Whoah there Nelly.

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Yeeep. Lets them talk freely to a youngster how fabulous they do feel , under influence, what the beautiful world it could be with weeds growing instead of grass everywhere.

Black and white again.

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You have today 7 teenagers taken directly from high school to the hospital on Gold Coast - due to overdoses. There is not the clear border between soft and hard drug. Small amount or a little bit too much.

There are far more teenagers taken to hospital with alcohol overdoses every weekend. Far, far, far more.

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You could compare this to the following example: You say you should be allowed to beat your wife but only a little bit each time and not using hard/ sharp tools, only softball bat.

No, you couldn't compare this to that at all.

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I think that problem will be resolved in a civilized way- special cabin will be created within cities for narcomans to consume, inhale, inject everything they want. Video from those public cabins should be then streamed live on a social media website.There is this disparity between what person under influence think about himself and what the rest of the public see.

Man you're weird.

NSW, 9202 posts
23 Feb 2018 1:06PM
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Abraham Lincoln
Carl Sagan
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
The Beatles
Michael Phelps
Ben & Jerry

All criminals, addicts and a complete drain on society.

(Out of that list Carl is obviously the best )

SA, 724 posts
23 Feb 2018 12:48PM
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Fairly sure that list can be increased hugely. Most of the more famous people who have a toke won't own up to it, it's illegal.

QLD, 6806 posts
23 Feb 2018 10:08PM
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evlPanda said..
Abraham Lincoln
Carl Sagan
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
The Beatles
Michael Phelps
Ben & Jerry

All criminals, addicts and a complete drain on society.

(Out of that list Carl is obviously the best )

Yeep, we could create next list of even more famous people that died on syphilis.
Now replicating you course of thinking we could claim: If you are now acquire syphilis fast you may become famous composer, poet, even King.

To guarantee success you should even combine this two together. Acquire syphilis and smoke pot.
Then you start writing your poems and send here to SB.

1221 posts
24 Feb 2018 8:12AM
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Have you smoked the spinach before macron? The photo of the housecat thinking its a lion above: well weed is the opposite of that

QLD, 6806 posts
24 Feb 2018 2:23PM
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quikdrawMcgraw said..
Have you smoked the spinach before macron? The photo of the housecat thinking its a lion above: well weed is the opposite of that

Well, I have to trust you on this one.I thought that weed you smoke give you invincibility wings.
In such case all those smokers can not loose in such dispute.
There are all invincible, all lions, not mere house cats.We could perform small scientific experiment.All those smoking and on high now could look at the mirror.

If you skin is turning green indeed ?

QLD, 3570 posts
24 Feb 2018 2:55PM
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evlPanda said..
Abraham Lincoln
Carl Sagan
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
The Beatles
Michael Phelps
Ben & Jerry

All criminals, addicts and a complete drain on society.

(Out of that list Carl is obviously the best )

good buds huh?..!

QLD, 6806 posts
24 Feb 2018 3:43PM
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bazz61 said..
good buds huh?..!

Yeep , but all died.
Brain died at least.
I am still pleasantly surprised hearing that Hollywood star - or just any other hero this days died due to natural causes : such as cancer, Alzheimer, car accident, gun shooting, meteorite strike, lighting, eaten by shark not due to drug overdoses.

QLD, 6806 posts
24 Feb 2018 4:04PM
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evlPanda said..
Bill Gates

OK Take this Bill Gates as example. 30 years ago guy invented computer, windows, apple, mouse, and many different things.Since he start smoking weed, he could only give the money to somebody still has some brain left and could do something to save the world. If that was the same Gates as 30 years ago he could use all this resources and money to create company to resolve the problem by himself.Like Elon Musk do. Bill want to resolve mosquito problem - but he can not invent mosquito trap!
He want to feed hungry kids in Africa. So he buy food at Coles and send to feed them. But 30 years ago he would rather go to Bunnings to buy tools so poor Africans could feed themselves.The more Bill smokes the less he can do and getting poorer and poorer ever since. The best Bill Gates could do is give all the money to somebody has ambitious plans and capability to perform but not enough fund - Elon Musk.

1221 posts
24 Feb 2018 2:26PM
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Macroscien said..

quikdrawMcgraw said..
Have you smoked the spinach before macron? The photo of the housecat thinking its a lion above: well weed is the opposite of that

Well, I have to trust you on this one.I thought that weed you smoke give you invincibility wings.
In such case all those smokers can not loose in such dispute.
There are all invincible, all lions, not mere house cats.We could perform small scientific experiment.All those smoking and on high now could look at the mirror.

If you skin is turning green indeed ?

Sorry mate you lost me
That green guy is on amphetamines
Regarding weed think Bob Marley

545 posts
24 Feb 2018 4:51PM
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Macroscien said..

evlPanda said..
Bill Gates

OK Take this Bill Gates as example. 30 years ago guy invented computer, windows, apple, mouse, and many different things.Since he start smoking weed, he could only give the money to somebody still has some brain left and could do something to save the world. If that was the same Gates as 30 years ago he could use all this resources and money to create company to resolve the problem by himself.Like Elon Musk do. Bill want to resolve mosquito problem - but he can not invent mosquito trap!
He want to feed hungry kids in Africa. So he buy food at Coles and send to feed them. But 30 years ago he would rather go to Bunnings to buy tools so poor Africans could feed themselves.The more Bill smokes the less he can do and getting poorer and poorer ever since. The best Bill Gates could do is give all the money to somebody has ambitious plans and capability to perform but not enough fund - Elon Musk.

From "reading" this I can see why you think along the lines you do, must be great to have so much knowledge and all the answers....maybe except for how to get rid of Lantana.

QLD, 6806 posts
24 Feb 2018 8:02PM
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Marsbars said..

except for how to get rid of Lantana.

because Lantana is a real problem in existence, as opposite to imaginary problem with weed, pot and all drugs.
Those problems are purely voluntary. You have them beacuse you suddenly want to smoke, inhale, inject or sniff.
Even if I eat you your drugs on menu here and will try to imagine Lantana to dispensary miraculously - miracle works only as long as those drugs invade brain.In drug dreams fields will be cleared from Lantana in not time, without any effort. Just one pill and like in scifi movies- you have the power of fire, frost, time jumps , magneto, You weak up next day with headache and Lantana is here again.

To get rid of my Lantana I need whole team of Batmans Superman, Fantastic Four, Nijna Turtles, Volverine.

My personal favorite is Alien .With those teethes and slimy mouth should be able to chew on Lantana as easy as my cows on the grass.
Yeep , I think that is great danger for all our pot smokers here. In the case of Alien invasion all stock of the pot and weeds will be in danger. Aliens invading Earth are after all drugs, pots and weeds not mineral resources or human blood as popular claim is.

545 posts
24 Feb 2018 7:27PM
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Aliens? Predators? Where do you get your information from?

WA, 71 posts
24 Feb 2018 8:06PM
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Macroscien,you sure you don't want Vulvarine to go get your Lantana?

WA, 71 posts
24 Feb 2018 8:23PM
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Macroscien said..

Marsbars said..

except for how to get rid of Lantana.

because Lantana is a real problem in existence, as opposite to imaginary problem with weed, pot and all drugs.
Those problems are purely voluntary. You have them beacuse you suddenly want to smoke, inhale, inject or sniff.
Even if I eat you your drugs on menu here and will try to imagine Lantana to dispensary miraculously - miracle works only as long as those drugs invade brain.In drug dreams fields will be cleared from Lantana in not time, without any effort. Just one pill and like in scifi movies- you have the power of fire, frost, time jumps , magneto, You weak up next day with headache and Lantana is here again.

To get rid of my Lantana I need whole team of Batmans Superman, Fantastic Four, Nijna Turtles, Volverine.

My personal favorite is Alien .With those teethes and slimy mouth should be able to chew on Lantana as easy as my cows on the grass.
Yeep , I think that is great danger for all our pot smokers here. In the case of Alien invasion all stock of the pot and weeds will be in danger. Aliens invading Earth are after all drugs, pots and weeds not mineral resources or human blood as popular claim is.

With the Aliens, find the Queen, blow some weed smoke over her, hive mind goes " Oh yeah, nah, hey all cool guys " and all the drones go and chill in the park looking at the trees growing in the sunlight. If it's the Predator, then we're all f******
Then again, he could be a really cool guy once he's stoned!!

QLD, 6806 posts
24 Feb 2018 11:16PM
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Marsbars said..
Aliens? Predators? Where do you get your information from?

Very well. It is old pope . Died already ( due to pot smoking possibly) . New pope doesn't smoke. Now you need to come with some nice nun smoking pot , ( naked the best ) and I could reconsider.
maybe I am not so saint I thought to be ?

NSW, 9202 posts
25 Feb 2018 1:18PM
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Just promise us you'll never try drugs Macro.

WA, 548 posts
27 Feb 2018 6:49AM
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Macroscien said..

evlPanda said..
Abraham Lincoln
Carl Sagan
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
The Beatles
Michael Phelps
Ben & Jerry

All criminals, addicts and a complete drain on society.

(Out of that list Carl is obviously the best )

Yeep, we could create next list of even more famous people that died on syphilis.
Now replicating you course of thinking we could claim: If you are now acquire syphilis fast you may become famous composer, poet, even King.

To guarantee success you should even combine this two together. Acquire syphilis and smoke pot.
Then you start writing your poems and send here to SB.

I love your work Macro. I honestly do. I went a bit shaky on my opinion when you posted the vid on the indoor windsurfing but I'm back to believing you are cool.

There weren't many spectators at the indoor windsurfing. I don't think it's ever gonna be a big thing unless they do it in space with reduced gravity as you pointed out. Cheers

WA, 6277 posts
27 Feb 2018 10:03AM
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You mean to tell me that Macro WASN'T high when he posted all that free association stuff over the years?


People pay good money to (temporarily) think the way you do Macro. Keep it up, don't ever change


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Weed....." started by bazz61