Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

shark attack at umbies cont

Created by redman666 > 9 months ago, 24 Nov 2013
WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:33AM
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kiterboy said..

southace said..

I think he's trying to stick he's head into the same topic on the kitesurfing page..... Opps I really need to keep out of this as I know nothing sorry...

Are you still sulking?

You claim to have the answers too.

If you believe that, then give us your answers in the form as outlined above.

Or you can keep sulking.

Once again, southace has done more in reality than you could ever do.

Pissing on people just make you look like a d!ck....

2614 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:33AM
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WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

WA71 said..

Funny how JB and suba are the only ones doing anything about it other than commenting on a forum.


Don't feel bad, you can post highly emotive pictures and videos too.

Have you tagged a shark?

Are you sending emails and phoning fisheries?

If no is your answer then shut it.....

You make me lol, you're like the little yapper dog that sits back and eggs on the others.

You just respond and really have no clue, so lets stop making this a pissing comp...

You dont make me lol at all

There's only a couple of people on here who do claim to have a clue, you're not one of them, so I don't think you're entitled to be so high and mighty.

And I didn't claim to have a solution either, but at least I'm prepared to approach the subject with an open mind.

As for the clued in people, well we're still waiting for their solutions to be presented as a course of action we can follow.

Would I make you lol if I used more emoticons like you?

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:34AM
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kiterboy said..

WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

WA71 said..

Funny how JB and suba are the only ones doing anything about it other than commenting on a forum.


Don't feel bad, you can post highly emotive pictures and videos too.

Have you tagged a shark?

Are you sending emails and phoning fisheries?

If no is your answer then shut it.....

You make me lol, you're like the little yapper dog that sits back and eggs on the others.

You just respond and really have no clue, so lets stop making this a pissing comp...

You dont make me lol at all

There's only a couple of people on here who do claim to have a clue, you're not one of them, so I don't think you're entitled to be so high and mighty.

As for the clued in people, well we're still waiting for their solutions to be presented as a course of action we can follow.

Would I make you lol if I used more emoticons like you?

^^See, oh, no you cant. Im out......

2614 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:35AM
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WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

southace said..

I think he's trying to stick he's head into the same topic on the kitesurfing page..... Opps I really need to keep out of this as I know nothing sorry...

Are you still sulking?

You claim to have the answers too.

If you believe that, then give us your answers in the form as outlined above.

Or you can keep sulking.

Once again, southace has done more in reality than you could ever do.

Pissing on people just make you look like a d!ck....

You're challenge is to provide evidence that I've pissed on people unprovoked and tried to piss further.

WA, 6913 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:37AM
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Legion said..

jbshack, your argument that the money spent on this program should be targeted towards medical research is misguided. An organisation has a budget, they have to decide how to allocate it. Your personal circumstances mean you're highly interested in cystic fibrosis and you think that it should be a WA state government priority to research it. Fair enough. Some people think that reducing probability of shark interaction is important. Fair enough. Colin thinks a new quay is important. OK. Moving a sports stadium is important. OK. Having a rail extension to Ellenbrook and another school is not important. Etc. It's not as simple as saying the money for this program should be directed towards your particular interests.

Actually thats not entirely correct. I help raise money for CF and i don't expect any more money. Cancer i would like to see more finding for and i have no issue with that. Burns unit for children, Homeless, that could be better spent and to be honest simply issues like policing could do with more money. BUT MY BIG COMPLAINT IS THE WAY THE MONEY IS SPENT. They waist the money like you wouldn't believe..All in the name of what? SO i can surf. It makes me feel like a leaper to be honest, and thats why it upsets me so much

A few simple questions for you Legion.

DO you like the tagging idea? Are you happy with $1.7 million over the last three years to have tagged 6 sharks. (6 is the number i found on a CSIRO report). Do you agree it would be good to tag a few hundred sharks then give that relevant info to people/public? Would you prefer to know one shark has swum around a bouy ten times, or would you like to know if it was in fact more than 1 shark?

Do you think giving research money to try blowing bubbles under water is good science, but something like Surfsafe (from someone with real surf experience) is a waist of money. Even when he asked for less than 1/6th of what the bubble idea got?

Would you prefer better ariel patrols? Maybe even 10 times more area covered for the same price with closer to 90% accuracy than the current 17%?

I say spend the money, but lets use the money for something other than having nice boats, with nice seats, and tinted windows to avoid glare, and a CD I pod shuffle, x 10 boats..Oh and now the answer is more boats..

But best of all, are you happy with your beaches being chummed and baited Lets be honest even if you want a cull, thats just plain stupid, reckless and could prove very litigious if someone is attacked nearby drum lines for our State Government, and for all my ranting (Yes i admit It) i still think there is a good chance it won't even happen. SO that will be even more moneys waisted..

I think i need to go sand my Knee board down a bit

WA, 6913 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:41AM
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Kite boy the answer is simple;

I don't understand why you don't get it,

Stay out of the water Di-head if you too f-king scared to surf...


WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:45AM
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Legion said..

WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

WA71 said..

Funny how JB and suba are the only ones doing anything about it other than commenting on a forum.


Don't feel bad, you can post highly emotive pictures and videos too.

Have you tagged a shark?

Are you sending emails and phoning fisheries?

If no is your answer then shut it.....

Have you tagged a shark?

Are you sending emails and phoning fisheries?

No and never said I did, but I will suport anyone who has had the experience or is activly trying to get things moving though email, phone calls etc.

Have you done anything other than written reams of text about what you want?

2614 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:45AM
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jbshack said..

Kite boy the answer is simple;

I don't understand why you don't get it,

Stay out of the water Di-head if you too f-king scared to surf...


So we should contact the Barney crew and state that is what we want instead of what they are putting forward?

2614 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:47AM
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WA71 said..

Legion said..

WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

WA71 said..

Funny how JB and suba are the only ones doing anything about it other than commenting on a forum.


Don't feel bad, you can post highly emotive pictures and videos too.

Have you tagged a shark?

Are you sending emails and phoning fisheries?

If no is your answer then shut it.....

Have you tagged a shark?

Are you sending emails and phoning fisheries?

No and never said I did, but I will suport anyone who has had the experience or is activly trying to get things moving though email, phone calls etc.

Have you done anything other than written reams of text about what you want?

And many of us would like to support those that have a better solution that the Barney crew.

But no course of action is being presented that we can get behind.

Why is this request only met with aggression?

SA, 4761 posts
11 Dec 2013 2:20PM
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Oh nooo! This is getting very entertaining .....I should behave....I should update my grammar skills to be effectively posting on this thread. ....... I should come up with the correct anwsers to the issues that have been placed on the table...... I should purchase thick lensed black framed glasses and spend more time on google processing information to add to this discussion.

Not that im pointing the finger at anyone here though!

Who said anyway this thread is all about finding a anwser. It's just a discussion forum that's all.

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:52AM
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kiterboy said..

WA71 said..

Legion said..

WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

WA71 said..

Funny how JB and suba are the only ones doing anything about it other than commenting on a forum.


Don't feel bad, you can post highly emotive pictures and videos too.

Have you tagged a shark?

Are you sending emails and phoning fisheries?

If no is your answer then shut it.....

Have you tagged a shark?

Are you sending emails and phoning fisheries?

No and never said I did, but I will suport anyone who has had the experience or is activly trying to get things moving though email, phone calls etc.

Have you done anything other than written reams of text about what you want?

And many of us would like to support those that have a better solution that the Barney crew.

But no course of action is being presented that we can get behind.

Why is this request only met with aggression?

Dont worry the cowboys down south are on your side you really have nothing to worry about. No agression here at all, in fact before you and others started pissing on people it was a good discussion.

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:52AM
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southace said..

Oh nooo! This is getting very entertaining .....I should behave....I should up date my grammar skills to be effectively post on this thread. ....... I should come up with the correct anwsers to the issues that have been placed on the table...... I should purchase thick lensed black framed glasses and spend more time on google processing information to add to this discussion.

Not that im pointing the finger at anyone here though!

Who said anyway this thread is all about finding a anwser. It's just a discussion forum that's all.


2614 posts
11 Dec 2013 11:58AM
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Why shouldn't it be about finding an answer?
That's what discussions are for.

And at least two people here have claimed to have the answers, but when pressed for them they refuse to put them forward.

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:03PM
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kiterboy said..

Why shouldn't it be about finding an answer?
That's what discussions are for.

And at least two people here have claimed to have the answers, but when pressed for them they refuse to put them forward.


WA, 2222 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:03PM
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jbshack said..

DO you like the tagging idea? Are you happy with $1.7 million over the last three years to have tagged 6 sharks. (6 is the number i found on a CSIRO report). Do you agree it would be good to tag a few hundred sharks then give that relevant info to people/public? Would you prefer to know one shark has swum around a bouy ten times, or would you like to know if it was in fact more than 1 shark?

No. Because I think it's probably very hard to tag a white and I surf a lot away from receivers and outside the times when there's someone to let me know a tagged shark is nearby. Great for justifying research programs though.

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jbshack said..

Do you think giving research money to try blowing bubbles under water is good science, but something like Surfsafe (from someone with real surf experience) is a waist of money. Even when he asked for less than 1/6th of what the bubble idea got?

No. katana's idea might work if he had an academic background. Funding is much easier to procure through university channels.

Select to expand quote
jbshack said..

Would you prefer better ariel patrols? Maybe even 10 times more area covered for the same price with closer to 90% accuracy than the current 17%?

No. Again, I am often outside the times or away from aerial.

Select to expand quote
jbshack said..

But best of all, are you happy with your beaches being chummed and baited Lets be honest even if you want a cull, thats just plain stupid, reckless and could prove very litigious if someone is attacked nearby drum lines for our State Government, and for all my ranting (Yes i admit It) i still think there is a good chance it won't even happen. SO that will be even more moneys waisted..

Yeah, I'm happy with it. It's not like they're going to hang a 44 full of cow/sheep/pig carcasses off the beach. If they drum line 1km off shore, that's about 3 times as far as the receivers that are constantly tripping already, so it's not like the big fish aren't already within the beach zone. There's so much more chumming and baiting from recreational and commercial fishers currently anyway. Where Ben Linden got taken, just about every time I'm there there is a couple of commercial cray boats all day long slowly chugging away a couple of hundred metres off the beach. Check that video from a couple of weeks ago of how many big fish are following the cray boats, snavelling down the undersized crays as they're thrown back.

As to the "litigious" comment - why? You and doggie seem to think that this is supposed to be an ironclad guarantee that nothing will happen. Is this a promise they've made? How is the state possibly negligent if a shark attacks someone? I could see maybe if they hung up signs at a particular beach saying "Shark free beach" but that's not remotely what's happening.

Lastly, for all those who are against this - are you happy with every man and his dog(gie) being allowed to go out and pull in a couple of 2' dhuies and snapper every day? Why/why not? How about rays? Bronzies? How about whales? Cows? Turtles?

WA, 2222 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:07PM
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WA71 said..

Legion said..

WA71 said..

Have you tagged a shark?

Are you sending emails and phoning fisheries?

If no is your answer then shut it.....

Have you tagged a shark?

Are you sending emails and phoning fisheries?

No and never said I did, but I will suport anyone who has had the experience or is activly trying to get things moving though email, phone calls etc.

Have you done anything other than written reams of text about what you want?

I'm supporting someone who has the experience and is actively trying to get things moving through forum posts etc - ole' mate Col'.

2614 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:08PM
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WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

Why shouldn't it be about finding an answer?
That's what discussions are for.

And at least two people here have claimed to have the answers, but when pressed for them they refuse to put them forward.



Show me where the answers have been given in a way in which each of us can lend our support and put forward a comprehensive better solution, to those who make the decisions so that they don't continue on Barney's course of action.

WA, 1134 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:08PM
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Barnett made a decision (I'm still in shock to be honest) to help keep the odds a bit better for human water users, regardless that some people in here stated that a cull would absolutely NEVER happen and that we should stop being so stupid as to think it might.

That is why they're so annoyed.

SA, 4761 posts
11 Dec 2013 2:39PM
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kiterboy said..

Why shouldn't it be about finding an answer?
That's what discussions are for.

And at least two people here have claimed to have the answers, but when pressed for them they refuse to put them forward.

Go back to page 1 and read the first post....if you can see one ?????? I will rest my case!

You still have not answered 1 question us guys have asked you if its about answers why don't you answer us??

I think you have just made this an overnight new interest for you......just to relive you from your daily grind of processing paperwork.

The end.

WA, 2222 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:12PM
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suba alludes that he knows an awful lot about the tagging program. The tagging program gives us no information on which fish are triggering receivers. As far as I see it, there are two options:

- one fish is constantly swimming up and down the metro coast.
- dozens of fish are constantly swimming up and down the metro coast.

If option 1 - get rid of that fish, problem solvered.

If option 2 - the conservation status isn't an issue and removing many by whatever means isn't an issue.

Personally, I don't mind the trophy hunter idea, like NT salties.

2224 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:12PM
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I have submitted my view.I have submitted solutions.I have spoken with fisheries on several occasions in the last few months. These are my views and they are not imposed or rammed down peoples ears like a religous doorknocker at 7 in the morning on a Sunday. My recommendations are very similair to the proposal put forward in government. I believe I have done something about it. I am now leaving this thread and will await the outcome of decision on selective culling. As a final note drum baits need to be three mile out from beaches and not one kilometre as is getting stated. That's about it from me

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:13PM
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Legion said..

jbshack said..

DO you like the tagging idea? Are you happy with $1.7 million over the last three years to have tagged 6 sharks. (6 is the number i found on a CSIRO report). Do you agree it would be good to tag a few hundred sharks then give that relevant info to people/public? Would you prefer to know one shark has swum around a bouy ten times, or would you like to know if it was in fact more than 1 shark?

No. Because I think it's probably very hard to tag a white and I surf a lot away from receivers and outside the times when there's someone to let me know a tagged shark is nearby. Great for justifying research programs though.

jbshack said..

Do you think giving research money to try blowing bubbles under water is good science, but something like Surfsafe (from someone with real surf experience) is a waist of money. Even when he asked for less than 1/6th of what the bubble idea got?

No. katana's idea might work if he had an academic background. Funding is much easier to procure through university channels.

jbshack said..

Would you prefer better ariel patrols? Maybe even 10 times more area covered for the same price with closer to 90% accuracy than the current 17%?

No. Again, I am often outside the times or away from aerial.

jbshack said..

But best of all, are you happy with your beaches being chummed and baited Lets be honest even if you want a cull, thats just plain stupid, reckless and could prove very litigious if someone is attacked nearby drum lines for our State Government, and for all my ranting (Yes i admit It) i still think there is a good chance it won't even happen. SO that will be even more moneys waisted..

Yeah, I'm happy with it. It's not like they're going to hang a 44 full of cow/sheep/pig carcasses off the beach. If they drum line 1km off shore, that's about 3 times as far as the receivers that are constantly tripping already, so it's not like the big fish aren't already within the beach zone. There's so much more chumming and baiting from recreational and commercial fishers currently anyway. Where Ben Linden got taken, just about every time I'm there there is a couple of commercial cray boats all day long slowly chugging away a couple of hundred metres off the beach. Check that video from a couple of weeks ago of how many big fish are following the cray boats, snavelling down the undersized crays as they're thrown back.

As to the "litigious" comment - why? You and doggie seem to think that this is supposed to be an ironclad guarantee that nothing will happen. Is this a promise they've made? How is the state possibly negligent if a shark attacks someone? I could see maybe if they hung up signs at a particular beach saying "Shark free beach" but that's not remotely what's happening.

Lastly, for all those who are against this - are you happy with every man and his dog(gie) being allowed to go out and pull in a couple of 2' dhuies and snapper every day? Why/why not? How about rays? Bronzies? How about whales? Cows? Turtles?

But you and others think it will solve the problem, its not iron clad and thats why Im against it. Same as the cowboys down south.

The drums will work, Im not saying they wont. Im saying the ecology will suffer.

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:19PM
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kiterboy said..

WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

Why shouldn't it be about finding an answer?
That's what discussions are for.

And at least two people here have claimed to have the answers, but when pressed for them they refuse to put them forward.



Show me where the answers have been given in a way in which each of us can lend our support and put forward a comprehensive better solution, to those who make the decisions so that they don't continue on Barney's course of action.

How old are you? Can you not read?

Only reason the gov has done anything is because of tourism, havnt you seen Jaws??

2614 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:27PM
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southace said..

kiterboy said..

Why shouldn't it be about finding an answer?
That's what discussions are for.

And at least two people here have claimed to have the answers, but when pressed for them they refuse to put them forward.

Go back to page 1 and read the first post....if you can see one ?????? I will rest my case!

You still have not answered 1 question us guys have asked you if its about answers why don't you answer us??

I think you have just made this an overnight new interest for you......just to relive you from your daily grind of processing paperwork.

The end.

So how do we get behind your solution and make sure the government listens, instead of just whining on a forum?

I didn't answer your questions as I don't want to feed your bum wiping fantasies.

WA, 2222 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:28PM
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[b]Surf Life Saving WA said..[/b]

Brighton and Scarborough are closed after the Westpac Lifesaver Helicopter sighted 2 three metre sharks 30m from shore tracking south.

They must've been out chumming already on the beaches to attract those two.

WA, 6913 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:34PM
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ThinkaBowtit said..

Barnett made a decision (I'm still in shock to be honest) to help keep the odds a bit better for human water users, regardless that some people in here stated that a cull would absolutely NEVER happen and that we should stop being so stupid as to think it might.

That is why they're so annoyed.

It hasn't happen yet

Ill admit defeat when they pitch forks and banjos are playing with fat blokes jumping on dead sharks. From todays discussions I've had, i feel much better

Did you know we even made French headlines today

Thanks Legion for your response, but i think i miss understood. How would you like a Drone flying over your break with a computer operated camera that has unto 90% accuracy, that is linked directly back to a beach siren? That's what is achievable with $20 million dollars and its now what NSW will moving towards..A real solution is what people wanted? It does mean a mates Helicopter service might get cut back hurting a few fat cats

Really as one Pollie told me this is no more than heads on spikes to appease a few

WA, 6913 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:38PM
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Legion said..

[b]Surf Life Saving WA said..[/b]

Brighton and Scarborough are closed after the Westpac Lifesaver Helicopter sighted 2 three metre sharks 30m from shore tracking south.

They must've been out chumming already on the beaches to attract those two.

Yeah and thanks to the tv, social media it made front page news..Thats what is hurting tourism..

Legion did you know the only reason we started to be told about shark receivers getting set of, was because the state was warned that if they had knowledge of a shark in an area, and someone was attacked they would be open to litigation It had nothing to do with public safety..

But by only give part of the info, they started a huge scare campaign..

Back to my sanding

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:39PM
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A kiter said -

I am just dismayed at my state government for refusing an offer for further research into shark behaviour and adopting in my opinion a draconian solution which will only appease the masses for so long if it works and without understanding the problem there is no guarantee it will have any effect.

Couldnt agree more...

SA, 4761 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:10PM
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southace said..

kiterboy said..

Why shouldn't it be about finding an answer?
That's what discussions are for.

And at least two people here have claimed to have the answers, but when pressed for them they refuse to put them forward.

Go back to page 1 and read the first post....if you can see one ?????? I will rest my case!

You still have not answered 1 question us guys have asked you if its about answers why don't you answer us??

I think you have just made this an overnight new interest for you......just to relive you from your daily grind of processing paperwork.

The end.

Further more I put my solution (answer) on the table after using my experience with tagging GWS and thinking of a way to make it cost effective and more surfer safe rather than feeding all the info to the marine biologists.
The current system is already tested and being applied as we speak but it's not really suitable the way it's set up ATM to warn surfers and beach users.

Your idea was something to do with electro underwater fields that scare the sharks away....great in theory but Unfortantliy for you this technology has not been developed and I'm sure it would take 5 years or more for research and development and I doubt anyone wants to wait that long for some idea of yours that is not even tested.

So yes we have suggested solutions but it just seems you have all the answers and want to bag other people's solutions all from your office desk in the processing plant.

WA, 2222 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:42PM
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- a drone would affect a couple of beaches I surf at
- a drone wouldn't affect a lot of places I surf
- at the beach I possibly surf most at annually, there would be plenty of days a drone couldn't make it out
- at the times I surf at beaches where a drone would be, there would be plenty of times a drone wouldn't be out (dawn, dusk, battery recharging time)
- it's my understanding that drones have very, very limited battery life and would require lots of human intervention to change out batteries, interpret images, etc.

So I think drones would also be a waste of money from my personal perspective. I reckon the current arrangement would be better.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"shark attack at umbies cont" started by redman666