Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

shark attack at umbies cont

Created by redman666 > 9 months ago, 24 Nov 2013
2614 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:50PM
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southace said..

southace said..

kiterboy said..

Why shouldn't it be about finding an answer?
That's what discussions are for.

And at least two people here have claimed to have the answers, but when pressed for them they refuse to put them forward.

Go back to page 1 and read the first post....if you can see one ?????? I will rest my case!

You still have not answered 1 question us guys have asked you if its about answers why don't you answer us??

I think you have just made this an overnight new interest for you......just to relive you from your daily grind of processing paperwork.

The end.

Further more I put my solution (answer) on the table after using my experience with tagging GWS and thinking of a way to make it cost effective and more surfer safe rather than feeding all the info to the marine biologists.
The current system is already tested and being applied as we speak but it's not really suitable the way it's set up ATM to warn surfers and beach users.

Your idea was something to do with electro underwater fields that scare the sharks away....great in theory but Unfortantliy for you this technology has not been developed and I'm sure it would take 5 years or more for research and development and I doubt anyone wants to wait that long for some idea of yours that is not even tested.

So yes we have suggested solutions but it just seems you have all the answers and want to bag other people's solutions all from your office desk in the processing plant.

Ha, show me where I said I had the solutions.
And show me where I bagged out anyone's solution.

Go on, show me.
No, you can't, you just like to BS about what you think and want me to say, to support your own position.

I've tried to look at all possible solutions and personal risk mitigation and asked for input, yet you bang on about how great you are instead.

Make a petition, or give us a plan to follow in some way.

Or keep banging on and misrepresenting what I say.

Your choice.

WA, 2222 posts
11 Dec 2013 12:55PM
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jbshack said..

... shark receivers ... they started a huge scare campaign..

What scare campaign? I follow the twitter feed fairly frequently. It states when and where a receiver was triggered. It happens awfully often. Much more than I would have previously thought after years of the idea of whites being endangered was drummed into us. It happens to scare me, because I spend a lot of time in close proximity to where the receivers are being triggered and often read about it afterwards. But it's the facts - lots of triggerings, very frequently. They're not trying to dramatise anything.

SA, 4761 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:28PM
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Back on topic now...I would have to ask the QUESTION how will the WA government be permitted to catch and kill a protected species .......I would think there will be a lot of legal loop holes they will need to climb through to achieve the go ahead.
Are they just targeting GWS or all Sharks?
Will they proceed to lift the protection for the purpose of reducing GWS shark numbers ?
It will be a very interesting high court challenge I'm thinking.

WA, 6913 posts
11 Dec 2013 1:07PM
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Legion said..

jbshack said..

... shark receivers ... they started a huge scare campaign..

What scare campaign? I follow the twitter feed fairly frequently. It states when and where a receiver was triggered. It happens awfully often. Much more than I would have previously thought after years of the idea of whites being endangered was drummed into us. It happens to scare me, because I spend a lot of time in close proximity to where the receivers are being triggered and often read about it afterwards. But it's the facts - lots of triggerings, very frequently. They're not trying to dramatise anything.

You said before that Tags wouldn't help you, as you don't surf near the receivers?

Mate drones run for days on end these days, tens of thousands of KMS..

Thank god because thats the way SSCS was able to find the Whaling fleet last year in the entire Southern Ocean. SO up and down the coast is not going to be a problem. But these are just real solutions that Responsible governments are utilising. Our sate government is going to bait our beaches

SA, 4761 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:38PM
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jbshack said..

Legion said..

jbshack said..

... shark receivers ... they started a huge scare campaign..

What scare campaign? I follow the twitter feed fairly frequently. It states when and where a receiver was triggered. It happens awfully often. Much more than I would have previously thought after years of the idea of whites being endangered was drummed into us. It happens to scare me, because I spend a lot of time in close proximity to where the receivers are being triggered and often read about it afterwards. But it's the facts - lots of triggerings, very frequently. They're not trying to dramatise anything.

You said before that Tags wouldn't help you, as you don't surf near the receivers?

Mate drones run for days on end these days, tens of thousands of KMS..

Thank god because thats the way SSCS was able to find the Whaling fleet last year in the entire Southern Ocean. SO up and down the coast is not going to be a problem. But these are just real solutions that Responsible governments are utilising. Our sate government is going to bait our beaches

How will a drone detect a shark from a dolphin etc?

WA, 2222 posts
11 Dec 2013 1:18PM
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I surf often at beaches near receivers and I surf often at beaches nowhere near receivers. I surf an awful lot and spend an unusual amount of time in the water.

WA, 6913 posts
11 Dec 2013 1:18PM
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southace said..

jbshack said..

Legion said..

jbshack said..

... shark receivers ... they started a huge scare campaign..

What scare campaign? I follow the twitter feed fairly frequently. It states when and where a receiver was triggered. It happens awfully often. Much more than I would have previously thought after years of the idea of whites being endangered was drummed into us. It happens to scare me, because I spend a lot of time in close proximity to where the receivers are being triggered and often read about it afterwards. But it's the facts - lots of triggerings, very frequently. They're not trying to dramatise anything.

You said before that Tags wouldn't help you, as you don't surf near the receivers?

Mate drones run for days on end these days, tens of thousands of KMS..

Thank god because thats the way SSCS was able to find the Whaling fleet last year in the entire Southern Ocean. SO up and down the coast is not going to be a problem. But these are just real solutions that Responsible governments are utilising. Our sate government is going to bait our beaches

How will a drone detect a shark from a dolphin etc?

They have a computer program that is almost guarantied, They currently use it for Dugong surveys in Florida, Fire ants in QLD and it now turns out they have used it in NSW to patrol beaches to find struggling swimmers..Has a depth capability of 10 to 15 mtrs. Im just trying to get the info together for A state shadow minster..

WA, 6913 posts
11 Dec 2013 1:19PM
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Legion said..

I surf often at beaches near receivers and I surf often at beaches nowhere near receivers. I surf an awful lot and spend an unusual amount of time in the water.

I do envy your time in the water

SA, 4761 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:53PM
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Legion said..

I surf often at beaches near receivers and I surf often at beaches nowhere near receivers. I surf an awful lot and spend an unusual amount of time in the water.

So what are you trying to say mate?

SA, 4761 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:59PM
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I found this googled statistic quite amazing!

Less than one in every three million scuba dives in Western Australia result in a fatal shark attack.

Sorry for the googled info I couldn't help myself again!

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 1:31PM
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Legion said..

I surf often at beaches near receivers and I surf often at beaches nowhere near receivers. I surf an awful lot and spend an unusual amount of time in the water.

And its still no guarantee..

WA, 6913 posts
11 Dec 2013 1:36PM
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A $250 000 report paid for by our State Government last year on the effectiveness of drums and net's comparing to the QLD and NSW. Interesting reading and the one thing they reported would help, our state government has tried to implement but honestly is dragging its feet. After this report was released the powers to be used it as there evidence that Drumming would not work..Whats changed in 12 months

QLD, 6112 posts
11 Dec 2013 4:03PM
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southace said...
myusernam said..

southace said..

surferstu said..

dont the use baited drum lines or something to catch sharks in qld?

Yes and they catch small reef sharks,lemons and the odd hammer and tiger it's more of a piece of mind for swimmers as non of the sharks are actually man eaters. I have watched these bait lines for 5 days with out any one attending them it would be interesting to talk to the semi retired fisho that maintains them occasionally!

bullshxt again. the baited drum lines do catch large bull, tiger and bronze whalers where I am from (we dont get whites up here)
they probably catch whites in SE wld because they get them down there.
they catch 4m+ tigers every year.
Baited drum lines off swimming beaches only catches sharks that are at the beaches, so it's pretty selective..

Google how many tigers have caused grief on beaches!
Just recently watched divers with tigers with no aggression, obvously if they brought some fish to the party things would have been different ! Would you not think bait lines would attract sharks to the beaches?
If a white took the bait you would need a good chain and mooring!

Dude at coffs died last week to tiger. Chick with one arm in Hawaii, tiger. Bull sharks very dangerous. I would suggest any shark over 3m swimming in close to beaches is not normal behavior.

SA, 4761 posts
11 Dec 2013 4:45PM
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From my experience less than 3 m sharks are my aggressive than the larger older wiser sharks but hey I always seem to be wrong here. It looks like a real life Jaws syndrome is starting to take place. What are you saying that big sharks should only feed in the deep? How do you confirm that's not normal behaviour?

WA, 792 posts
11 Dec 2013 2:42PM
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southace said..

Back on topic now...I would have to ask the QUESTION how will the WA government be permitted to catch and kill a protected species .......I would think there will be a lot of legal loop holes they will need to climb through to achieve the go ahead.
Are they just targeting GWS or all Sharks?

They will do it the same way other States of Australia are permitted to use drum lines on their beaches.
I can't see how the federal government will allow it (drum lining) to be carried out on the east coast and not on the west.
IMO it will be passed in the very near future.
Targeting anything over 3m

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 2:47PM
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Woodo said..

southace said..

Back on topic now...I would have to ask the QUESTION how will the WA government be permitted to catch and kill a protected species .......I would think there will be a lot of legal loop holes they will need to climb through to achieve the go ahead.
Are they just targeting GWS or all Sharks?

They will do it the same way other States of Australia are permitted to use drum lines on their beaches.
I can't see how the federal government will allow it (drum lining) to be carried out on the east coast and not on the west.
IMO it will be passed in the very near future.
Targeting anything over 3m

Big hooks required.

WA, 792 posts
11 Dec 2013 2:49PM
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WA71 said..

Woodo said..

southace said..

Back on topic now...I would have to ask the QUESTION how will the WA government be permitted to catch and kill a protected species .......I would think there will be a lot of legal loop holes they will need to climb through to achieve the go ahead.
Are they just targeting GWS or all Sharks?

They will do it the same way other States of Australia are permitted to use drum lines on their beaches.
I can't see how the federal government will allow it (drum lining) to be carried out on the east coast and not on the west.
IMO it will be passed in the very near future.
Targeting anything over 3m

Big hooks required.

Big hooks, big chains and even bigger anchors.

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 2:53PM
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Woodo said..

WA71 said..

Woodo said..

southace said..

Back on topic now...I would have to ask the QUESTION how will the WA government be permitted to catch and kill a protected species .......I would think there will be a lot of legal loop holes they will need to climb through to achieve the go ahead.
Are they just targeting GWS or all Sharks?

They will do it the same way other States of Australia are permitted to use drum lines on their beaches.
I can't see how the federal government will allow it (drum lining) to be carried out on the east coast and not on the west.
IMO it will be passed in the very near future.
Targeting anything over 3m

Big hooks required.

Big hooks, big chains and even bigger anchors.

Ok so this is going to happen, what will they do with the dead sharks?

There is research to show that GWS dont like the smell of dead GWS and will not go near a dead shark, other sharks are also put off by the smell scent.

My thought is that they should anchor the bodies with concrete blocks or similar untill they rot away.

This way, with luck there would be much less sharks in the area and lees sharks to be killed in the long run.

Thats win win right there people

2614 posts
11 Dec 2013 2:57PM
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WA71 said...
Woodo said..

WA71 said..

Woodo said..

southace said..

Back on topic now...I would have to ask the QUESTION how will the WA government be permitted to catch and kill a protected species .......I would think there will be a lot of legal loop holes they will need to climb through to achieve the go ahead.
Are they just targeting GWS or all Sharks?

They will do it the same way other States of Australia are permitted to use drum lines on their beaches.
I can't see how the federal government will allow it (drum lining) to be carried out on the east coast and not on the west.
IMO it will be passed in the very near future.
Targeting anything over 3m

Big hooks required.

Big hooks, big chains and even bigger anchors.

Ok so this is going to happen, what will they do with the dead sharks?

There is research to show that GWS dont like the smell of dead GWS and will not go near a dead shark, other sharks are also put off by the smell scent.

My thought is that they should anchor the bodies with concrete blocks or similar untill they rot away.

This way, with luck there would be much less sharks in the area and lees sharks to be killed in the long run.

Thats win win right there people

Now you're thinking laterally.

jb and ace ain't gonna like the independent thought though.

WA, 6913 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:08PM
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Just had another very interesting conversation. Not really bothered sharing too much on line but funny bit i heard i thought id share. It turns out that Tagged Snapper are setting of shark receivers, but only after they have been eaten by an un tagged great white What a joke our fisheries are..

Oh and Southace, the system you mentioned in one of your first posts, about direct notification to a beach, instead of the info going via satellite through Canada, then back is now in operational at one of my local beaches

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:11PM
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kiterboy said..

WA71 said...
Woodo said..

WA71 said..

Woodo said..

southace said..

Back on topic now...I would have to ask the QUESTION how will the WA government be permitted to catch and kill a protected species .......I would think there will be a lot of legal loop holes they will need to climb through to achieve the go ahead.
Are they just targeting GWS or all Sharks?

They will do it the same way other States of Australia are permitted to use drum lines on their beaches.
I can't see how the federal government will allow it (drum lining) to be carried out on the east coast and not on the west.
IMO it will be passed in the very near future.
Targeting anything over 3m

Big hooks required.

Big hooks, big chains and even bigger anchors.

Ok so this is going to happen, what will they do with the dead sharks?

There is research to show that GWS dont like the smell of dead GWS and will not go near a dead shark, other sharks are also put off by the smell scent.

My thought is that they should anchor the bodies with concrete blocks or similar untill they rot away.

This way, with luck there would be much less sharks in the area and lees sharks to be killed in the long run.

Thats win win right there people

Now you're thinking laterally.

jb and ace ain't gonna like the independent thought though.

What do you mean now?

I dont want to kill sharks and I want to surf. Ive looked at this from all angles.

If we cant stop the drums we need to look at how we use what we get back from this and not waste it.

KB you need to stop tripping on people that dont agree with you, its not a good look.

WA, 792 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:15PM
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WA71 said..

Woodo said..

WA71 said..

Woodo said..

southace said..

Back on topic now...I would have to ask the QUESTION how will the WA government be permitted to catch and kill a protected species .......I would think there will be a lot of legal loop holes they will need to climb through to achieve the go ahead.
Are they just targeting GWS or all Sharks?

They will do it the same way other States of Australia are permitted to use drum lines on their beaches.
I can't see how the federal government will allow it (drum lining) to be carried out on the east coast and not on the west.
IMO it will be passed in the very near future.
Targeting anything over 3m

Big hooks required.

Big hooks, big chains and even bigger anchors.

Ok so this is going to happen, what will they do with the dead sharks?

There is research to show that GWS dont like the smell of dead GWS and will not go near a dead shark, other sharks are also put off by the smell scent.

My thought is that they should anchor the bodies with concrete blocks or similar untill they rot away.

This way, with luck there would be much less sharks in the area and lees sharks to be killed in the long run.

Thats win win right there people

Surely they would give them up for research straight away.
I've heard they don't like the smell/scent of other dead sharks either but they'd want that to be 100% sure before you go anchoring dead sharks off the coast.
I'd like to see one put on display for the public to see as well but that will never happen...

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:21PM
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Woodo said..

WA71 said..

Woodo said..

WA71 said..

Woodo said..

southace said..

Back on topic now...I would have to ask the QUESTION how will the WA government be permitted to catch and kill a protected species .......I would think there will be a lot of legal loop holes they will need to climb through to achieve the go ahead.
Are they just targeting GWS or all Sharks?

They will do it the same way other States of Australia are permitted to use drum lines on their beaches.
I can't see how the federal government will allow it (drum lining) to be carried out on the east coast and not on the west.
IMO it will be passed in the very near future.
Targeting anything over 3m

Big hooks required.

Big hooks, big chains and even bigger anchors.

Ok so this is going to happen, what will they do with the dead sharks?

There is research to show that GWS dont like the smell of dead GWS and will not go near a dead shark, other sharks are also put off by the smell scent.

My thought is that they should anchor the bodies with concrete blocks or similar untill they rot away.

This way, with luck there would be much less sharks in the area and lees sharks to be killed in the long run.

Thats win win right there people

Surely they would give them up for research straight away.
I've heard they don't like the smell/scent of other dead sharks either but they'd want that to be 100% sure before you go anchoring dead sharks off the coast.
I'd like to see one put on display for the public to see as well but that will never happen...

I remember my Dad taking me to see a dead GWS and a giant squid, I also remember the stink

Awesome too see, the GWS was massive to a 11yo

2614 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:25PM
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WA71 said..

kiterboy said..

WA71 said...
Woodo said..

WA71 said..

Woodo said..

southace said..

Back on topic now...I would have to ask the QUESTION how will the WA government be permitted to catch and kill a protected species .......I would think there will be a lot of legal loop holes they will need to climb through to achieve the go ahead.
Are they just targeting GWS or all Sharks?

They will do it the same way other States of Australia are permitted to use drum lines on their beaches.
I can't see how the federal government will allow it (drum lining) to be carried out on the east coast and not on the west.
IMO it will be passed in the very near future.
Targeting anything over 3m

Big hooks required.

Big hooks, big chains and even bigger anchors.

Ok so this is going to happen, what will they do with the dead sharks?

There is research to show that GWS dont like the smell of dead GWS and will not go near a dead shark, other sharks are also put off by the smell scent.

My thought is that they should anchor the bodies with concrete blocks or similar untill they rot away.

This way, with luck there would be much less sharks in the area and lees sharks to be killed in the long run.

Thats win win right there people

Now you're thinking laterally.

jb and ace ain't gonna like the independent thought though.

What do you mean now?

I dont want to kill sharks and I want to surf. Ive looked at this from all angles.

If we cant stop the drums we need to look at how we use what we get back from this and not waste it.

KB you need to stop tripping on people that dont agree with you, its not a good look.

I was agreeing with your thought process dimwit.

And once again, apart from whacked out statistics and comparisons being used, show me where I've disagreed with anyone's ideas for solutions.

jb and ace are the dimwits that attack others for not worshiping them.

WA, 792 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:25PM
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WA71 said..

I remember my Dad taking me to see a dead GWS and a giant squid, I also remember the stink

Awesome too see, the GWS was massive to a 11yo

Same mate. The girth is phenomenal!

WA, 1382 posts
11 Dec 2013 3:33PM
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Woodo said..

WA71 said..

I remember my Dad taking me to see a dead GWS and a giant squid, I also remember the stink

Awesome too see, the GWS was massive to a 11yo

Same mate. The girth is phenomenal!

How many seals a day do you think one could eat @ that size?

3 maybe 4?

WA, 1134 posts
11 Dec 2013 4:00PM
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WA71 said..

There is research to show that GWS dont like the smell of dead GWS and will not go near a dead shark, other sharks are also put off by the smell scent.

This is a 3 metre great white from a drum line off Stradbroke. The two bites are estimated to be from a 6 metre great white.

SA, 4761 posts
11 Dec 2013 6:30PM
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WA71 said..

Woodo said..

WA71 said..

I remember my Dad taking me to see a dead GWS and a giant squid, I also remember the stink

Awesome too see, the GWS was massive to a 11yo

Same mate. The girth is phenomenal!

How many seals a day do you think one could eat @ that size?

3 maybe 4?

Does your grandmother eat heaps? How many old people do you see at McDonald's ? Maybe it's not relevant but from my experience there is a slight similarity.

WA, 1134 posts
11 Dec 2013 4:04PM
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^^^ keh?

SA, 4761 posts
11 Dec 2013 6:35PM
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I find it funny the way we always stretching the length oft the catch ......most GWS seen under the water are only in the 3.5 m range unless you have the tape measure or enough experience to quote a real size it's really only a approx .


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"shark attack at umbies cont" started by redman666