Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

shark attack at umbies cont

Created by redman666 > 9 months ago, 24 Nov 2013
SA, 4761 posts
17 Dec 2013 7:22PM
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Well that's not very nice calling someone a wanker on a forum I'm not sure that's in the guidelines.
But really I don't take offence and considering I have actually seen a GWS I really don't give a dam what he says and considering he has only really learnt from what he has googled and read on this forum I can read who the real knob spankers that are here!
Haha knob spanker that's new! I must be old!

WA, 6913 posts
17 Dec 2013 7:19PM
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kiterboy said..

jbshack said..

SO do you support a Cull? Or do you think we should leave the sharks alone like me

I don't believe that culling should be out of the question, but it needs to be approached in a responsible way, again, research into its effectiveness and ability to target the 'right' sharks, and even if there is a 'right' shark to target etc

So on this one point only.

Do you think having baited drums 1 km of the beach and to then dump the bodies into the ocean a "Responsible approach?"

I agree on a multi point approach.

I like Tagging, and loads of money is being spent on tagging, but nothing is getting tagged?

I like product development like Surfsafe, but the state government isn't interested in looking at that style of product.

I like wary warning systems as well, but the State government is not interested in giving most of the info they have at their hand.

These are all short comings from our state government, all this but they are still quoting around $40 plus million over the next few years and last few just gone

1011 posts
17 Dec 2013 7:51PM
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I agree with the wa gov plan even though it's unlikely it will happen, I also agree with the majority of what your pal kiterboy has to say.

WA, 6913 posts
18 Dec 2013 9:08PM
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WA, 6913 posts
18 Dec 2013 9:55PM
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Interesting the comments made in this article by the President of the Shark Fishing Association.

Oh and their is another Poll..

WA, 6913 posts
18 Dec 2013 10:00PM
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So it would seem that our State Government is incorrect in saying that cameras and drones would never work, and not worth investigating

All these great opportunities and what are we going to do? Put bait and dead fish into the line up For any surfer to agree with this idea is crazy. I can see some want change, hell i want change but it needs to be sustainable and viable. The option proposed to cull is not anything like that

We should be demanding more for our $40 million dollars..

QLD, 4177 posts
20 Dec 2013 4:33PM
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Boogles the mind why a Government would not invest in electronic shark shields. If they are proven effective they could easily be used on a large scale to replace nets and drums.Why couldnt the technology be scaled up to cover whole bays or beaches or certain surf breaks?For Fk sake we put a man on the moon , a rover on Mars. We even built a dingo fence that crosses the whole country!

SA, 4761 posts
12 Feb 2014 12:55AM
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I'm just bringing this one up top the top ready for tomorrow I noticed its been sinking a bit!

WA, 13 posts
13 Feb 2014 12:27AM
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What would the pros and cons be of having artificial reefs 15 to 20 kms out. Don't let anyone fish them, they will be there for a long time. The fish population will grow and it'll be away from beaches, most shark attacks happen around reefs, not all but most.
It'll improve fish stocks leave something for the next generations, and may keep the the big ones further out to sea.

172 posts
13 Feb 2014 9:26PM
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Woodo said...

F#king disgusting low life pieces of sh!t with no regard for human life. 2 young kids left to grow up without a father and some anticull f#kers have the nerve to do this.
They should be strung up.

I know...makes me so angry....and they wonder why no one takes their protest seriously!

WA, 6913 posts
13 Feb 2014 9:48PM
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Oldmate78 said..

Woodo said...

F#king disgusting low life pieces of sh!t with no regard for human life. 2 young kids left to grow up without a father and some anticull f#kers have the nerve to do this.
They should be strung up.

I know...makes me so angry....and they wonder why no one takes their protest seriously!

I couldn't agree more, it has been condemned heavily on my side of the fence also. Their is no reason for it as she is also anti cull for my understanding. But having said that, you can't label everyone with one brush. If its found to be true than i would love to see them charged..

Whats just as bad IMHO is the media trying to make a story out of it, especially if its found to be baseless..

WA, 2222 posts
13 Feb 2014 10:37PM
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jbshack said..
Whats just as bad IMHO is the media trying to make a story out of it, especially if its found to be baseless..

You just can't help yourself ...

WA, 6913 posts
13 Feb 2014 10:46PM
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Legion said..

jbshack said..
Whats just as bad IMHO is the media trying to make a story out of it, especially if its found to be baseless..

You just can't help yourself ...

The media post so much crap that is made up. But as i said, if true its disgraceful and as reported it says it was from social media sites so if thats the case, charges can be laid. I hope they are because it would be pure filth..

Legion don't try and make it something its not

WA, 2222 posts
13 Feb 2014 11:33PM
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Umm, you tried to make it something it's not.

You questioned the veracity of the story.

I was just pointing out how you love throwing out supposedly flippant comments to undermine anything that doesn't support your agenda.

172 posts
14 Feb 2014 4:22PM
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JB said;

"The media post so much crap that is made up. "

Maybe you missed your calling and should be a journalist?

WA, 321 posts
14 Feb 2014 4:33PM
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kiterboy said..

jbshack said...
ThinkaBowtit said..

jbshack said..

I point i have asked many times to date is why is no one running any polls regarding what the people want..

I thought id share this one with you incase you missed it. Its in the Mandurah Times site if you want your say..

I'm always suss when poll responses add up to more than 100%

I posted the link but you could click on more than one choice..

Its really almost the only Poll i was able to find. I even emailed the TV channels, radio stations why they are not running polls this time round. I got one reply saying no point as they always end up very much one sided..I guess that also means not displaying the answers they were wanting

Its very simple, the majority simply do not support a Cull in any form..

Or quite simply, you've posted a completely worthless set of figures.


Despite this being flawed in pretty much everyway I find it somewhat amusing that people would rather see us net the beaches than throw a few big hooks and baits out


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"shark attack at umbies cont" started by redman666