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why do you care

Created by CH3MTR4IL5 4 months ago, 12 Feb 2024
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WA, 2396 posts
12 Jun 2024 2:53PM
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Flying Dutchman said..

FormulaNova said..
Massive transfers of wealth? I must have missed this part? Who got a lot more money that they weren't already getting?

"The 10 richest men were listed as: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bernard Arnault & family, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Ballmer and Warren Buffett."

My summary of how they got rich:

Elon Musk - Software and EVs
Jeff Bezos - Software/Online selling
Bernard Arnault & family - Luxury goods
Bill Gates - Software/operating system
Larry Ellison - Software/database
Larry Page - Software/search engine
Sergey Brin - Software/search engine
Mark Zuckerberg - Software/social media
Steve Ballmer - Software/operating system
Warren Buffett - Investment

WA, 2396 posts
12 Jun 2024 3:07PM
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Pcdefender said..

"We've been broken down spiritually, mentally and physically. They hit us from every angle the past few years. No shots for me but I still feel affected.

"This is well stated. I was going to say half the people were beaten into submission with everything. Then the other half were shunned and shamed for not going along. People got fired, deplatformed, ridiculed. Everybody was traumatized by our government and there are still halfwits that trust the government.

"Exactly. I didn't get the clot shot and neither did hubby. But neither of us feel right. I think that the hateful ostracism and people wishing us dead (do you guys remember that?), has caused me to see people in a way that I really didn't want to I used to wonder how the holocaust could have occurred, I don't anymore. I can't unsee it. The worst part is, deep down we all know they are going to do it again.

"Well said. I have become very bitter & angry towards those people who wished us dead. People showed their true colours throughout the plandemic. I don't think I can ever forgive many of them.

"I will never forget what they did to us.

People changed after vaccines : r/conspiracy (

Comments from a Reddit Conspiracy forum reposted by conspiracy theorist Henry Makow.

Now that's sure to get a balanced consideration.

Oh you left out the Reddit/conspiracy comment... "I had the experience of being unvaccinated until right at the end. The hate I experienced from my family and my partners family FOR getting vaccinated, insane. Was told I had HIV, was now infertile, was going to die within x months. So I know how you feel from the other side."

WA, 2396 posts
12 Jun 2024 3:25PM
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psychojoe said..

D3, I just want to take a moment to thank you for all of your considered responses. It's nice to have an academic on the forum who's willing to address the concerns of pretty much anyone.

D3 might enjoy this book if he/she hasn't ready it already.

"A book? I can find all the info I need online for free, thank you very much."

WA, 1213 posts
12 Jun 2024 3:44PM
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The death pf expertise meaning absolute faith or religion in their experts.

We are already seeing this with outright censorship practiced in the MSM and shadow bans from various social. media sites.

WA, 1331 posts
12 Jun 2024 4:04PM
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remery said..

"The 10 richest men were listed as: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bernard Arnault & family, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Ballmer and Warren Buffett."

My summary of how they got rich:

Elon Musk - Software and EVs
Jeff Bezos - Software/Online selling
Bernard Arnault & family - Luxury goods
Bill Gates - Software/operating system
Larry Ellison - Software/database
Larry Page - Software/search engine
Sergey Brin - Software/search engine
Mark Zuckerberg - Software/social media
Steve Ballmer - Software/operating system
Warren Buffett - Investment

And, dare I say it...a dollop of luck too.(right place, right idea, right bits of random)

WA, 1213 posts
12 Jun 2024 4:47PM
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Looks like its happening again folks...

EU to secure 40 million avian flu vaccines for 15 countries - officials | Reuters

WA, 2396 posts
12 Jun 2024 5:04PM
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Pcdefender said..
Looks like its happening again folks...

EU to secure 40 million avian flu vaccines for 15 countries - officials | Reuters

Are you a poultry farm worker or a veterinarian? The former sounds possible, definitely not the latter.

WA, 1213 posts
12 Jun 2024 5:36PM
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Received this email from friend at a course he is at in reply to the reddit link i sent him.

I had this exact conversation with my classmates yesterday, and they all said the same thing 'people are no longer themselves anymore'.

This is from 4 people who have had at least 2 covid shots, one of them had 3 shots. They are very angry and want answers.

When i tell them i have not had the vax i can see regret in their eyes. They know something is wrong with them they just do not know what.

When i told them about Stephen, the guy who went and got another covid shot last week, hey they were stunned and thought he was crazy. Yet 3 years ago these same guys were feeling good about themselves.

Oh, how quickly things can change.

WA, 2396 posts
12 Jun 2024 8:20PM
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^Good to know

Around the world, 5.5 billion people have been vaccinated and you know 5 who are unhappy.

That's what's called, "Doing your own research".

WA, 14406 posts
12 Jun 2024 10:58PM
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remery said..
^Good to know

Around the world, 5.5 billion people have been vaccinated and you know 5 who are unhappy.

That's what's called, "Doing your own research".

As we know, only 10% are actually reported, so surely there are thousands more friends of someone that feel something about whatever it was that they were allegedly discussing.

Stephen IS crazy!

NSW, 6804 posts
13 Jun 2024 6:01AM
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WA, 6488 posts
13 Jun 2024 7:14AM
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It comes as Dr Nick Coatsworth, the country's former deputy chief medical officer, now the Nine Network's medical expert, said he would not be getting any more Covid vaccines. Speaking to 2GB's Ben Fordham on Wednesday, Dr Coatsworth said he stopped getting vaccinated "about two years ago"."I had three vaccines, and that's been enough for me," he said."Any reason why?" Fordham asked."Because I don't think I need any more, Ben, and the science tells me that I don't," Dr Coatsworth said

remery, retired rightous guy, says he can never have enough shots

FormualNova, seabreeze contributor, said five was enough for him

Dr Nick Coatsworth, former deputy cheif medical officer says, for him, 3 is enough.

Carantoc, awesome guy who is always right about everything, said two was enough for him, and only because without two he would loose his job

F-Dutchman, the sane one, says zero was enough for him.

Pcdefender says ......... they are hiding the fact the world is flat but it isn't but what about the contrails ?

Who is wrong if they all aren't right ? (excluding the crazy one)

WA, 6488 posts
13 Jun 2024 7:25AM
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fangman said..

remery said..

"The 10 richest men were listed as: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bernard Arnault & family, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Ballmer and Warren Buffett."

My summary of how they got rich:

Elon Musk - Software and EVs
Jeff Bezos - Software/Online selling
Bernard Arnault & family - Luxury goods
Bill Gates - Software/operating system
Larry Ellison - Software/database
Larry Page - Software/search engine
Sergey Brin - Software/search engine
Mark Zuckerberg - Software/social media
Steve Ballmer - Software/operating system
Warren Buffett - Investment

And, dare I say it...a dollop of luck too.(right place, right idea, right bits of random)

What I find interesting is that they are all (all?) self-made individuals who started with relatively nothing. There isn't any (any?) "old" money or inherited wealth in that list.

If look at richest Aussies, it is much the same. You could argue Gina inherited something but that is still only one generation and the something was opportunity as much as anything. Lang Hancock was a poor sheep farmer when he went looking for minerals and owned no mines when he died.

Where are all the lords and barons and multi-generational wealth families ?

NSW, 1258 posts
13 Jun 2024 9:29AM
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WA, 372 posts
13 Jun 2024 10:37AM
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WA, 8710 posts
13 Jun 2024 11:00AM
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Flying Dutchman
WA, 1454 posts
13 Jun 2024 11:03AM
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Imagine having a 1 out of 100,000 chance of winning the lottery and you AND your partner hit the jackpot. Talk about lucky!

That's a one in a 10 billion chance isn't it?

Froth Goth
606 posts
13 Jun 2024 11:15AM
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Carantoc, awesome guy who is always right about everything, said two was enough for him, and only because without two he would loose his job

I always thought carantoc was that evil lizards name from dino riders this whole time i had no idea you were a guy

Bwaaaaahhahha hes literally from the VILLAGE OF KAREN it all makes so much sense now

Carantoc is a term that is not widely recognized or defined. However, I found a reference to Carantoc as a Welsh saint who lived in the 5th or 6th century. He is believed to have been a son of Ceredig, a king of Ceredigion, and is associated with the foundation of a church in the village of Caron, which is now known as Tregaron.

Carantoc Performing the ol seabreeze handshake

One controversial aspect surrounding Carantoc is the debate among historians and scholars about his historical existence. Some consider him to be a legendary figure, while others believe he was a real person who played a significant role in the early Christianization of Wales.

Some historians argue that the stories and miracles attributed to Carantoc are too fantastical and may have been exaggerated or invented over time, leading to questions about his actual existence. This debate has led to differing opinions and interpretations among scholars, making Carantoc a figure of controversy in the realm of historical research.

Keep in mind that the controversy surrounding Carantoc is largely academic and relates to the scholarly debate about his historical significance and existence, rather than any controversial actions or beliefs attributed to him.

God even the history is argumentative and boreing ahhh well

You were alot funnier when i thought you were some sorta cosmic toad next ill find out formula nova is a type of milk substitute for babys

The word christianization sounds made up and possibly gang related

NSW, 6804 posts
13 Jun 2024 1:32PM
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Flying Dutchman said..

Imagine having a 1 out of 100,000 chance of winning the lottery and you AND your partner hit the jackpot. Talk about lucky!

That's a one in a 10 billion chance isn't it?

Boom boom boom!
11 Agitator operators at work during the mass stabbing. 4 hospitalised with pneumonia within 6 months. 1 case of severe shingles (35 year old bloke), 1 still on prescribed hydroxychloroquine and steroids.

Everyone contracted covid, a few two or three times.

I got it. Turned up to work saying I felt a bit ordinary. Was asked to "test" as one blokes missus was severely immune compromised. Positive and had a weeks holiday.

Any wonder a bloke is sceptical!

WA, 1390 posts
13 Jun 2024 11:58AM
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hitch_hiker said..

Fixed it for you

WA, 2396 posts
13 Jun 2024 12:23PM
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Carantoc said..

It comes as Dr Nick Coatsworth, the country's former deputy chief medical officer, now the Nine Network's medical expert, said he would not be getting any more Covid vaccines. Speaking to 2GB's Ben Fordham on Wednesday, Dr Coatsworth said he stopped getting vaccinated "about two years ago"."I had three vaccines, and that's been enough for me," he said."Any reason why?" Fordham asked."Because I don't think I need any more, Ben, and the science tells me that I don't," Dr Coatsworth said

You left out the parts where he says, there is a lot of covid around, kids are missing school, covid is having an impact on hospitals and he has had the influenza vaccination as he always does.

NSW, 1258 posts
13 Jun 2024 4:19PM
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Thanks for the correction westozwind you beat me to it

And here's the are some of the reason I don't think he should be the President of the US by thinking

WA, 2396 posts
13 Jun 2024 2:31PM
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WA, 14406 posts
13 Jun 2024 2:36PM
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Flying Dutchman said..

Imagine having a 1 out of 100,000 chance of winning the lottery and you AND your partner hit the jackpot. Talk about lucky!

That's a one in a 10 billion chance isn't it?

I am still skeptical about why people who distrust vaccines seem to have more reactions. Is it just chance? Is it a case where people are having more reactions and not noting them because they consider it normal?

In this case, Dr Phelps' partner seemed to have clear effects, but did Dr Phelps' own reactions only become clear because she is a doctor and have the facilities to find out what was/is wrong? Would any other of us just shrug it off and assume it was normal from the vaccine?

I suspect that if something is in your professional field you are more likely to understand it and identify it.

Is it that we have identified a gene that is associated with conspiracy theorists and we have genetically engineered the virus and the vaccine to target them so that we can take over the world without any interference? Nah, just joking about that one, please forget I said it

WA, 1213 posts
13 Jun 2024 3:21PM
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Dr Kerryn Phelps accused the government of fuelling mistrust of health authorities while overselling the "safety and efficacy" of vaccines, and ignoring those suffering serious adverse events from the jabs.

Dr Phelps, who first went public in late 2022 about the "devastating" vaccine injury both she and her wife had suffered after a Pfizer jab, said while there was "a lot that our public health agencies got right during this pandemic", significant mistakes were made.

Safe and effective......

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1454 posts
13 Jun 2024 3:36PM
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FormulaNova said..
I am still skeptical about why people who distrust vaccines seem to have more reactions. Is it just chance?

If you distrusted the Covid vaccines you wouldn't take it. Unless you had to so you could keep your job.

WA, 2396 posts
13 Jun 2024 3:42PM
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Pcdefender said..
Dr Kerryn Phelps accused the government of fuelling mistrust of health authorities while overselling the "safety and efficacy" of vaccines, and ignoring those suffering serious adverse events from the jabs.

Dr Phelps, who first went public in late 2022 about the "devastating" vaccine injury both she and her wife had suffered after a Pfizer jab, said while there was "a lot that our public health agencies got right during this pandemic", significant mistakes were made.

Safe and effective......

Dr Kerryn Phelps AM 14 December 2023 ... submission to the COVID-19 Response Inquiry.

-There was a lot that our public health agencies got right during this pandemic
-Schools were a major source of community transmission
-under reliance on other sensible mitigations such as N95 mask wearing
-massive number of infections and excess COVID-related deaths estimated by actuaries to be 20 000
-Of particular concern was the decision in 2023 to remove the mask mandate in healthcare facilities while the pandemic continued
-Encouragement and funding for research into future preventive interventions including sterilising vaccines"

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1454 posts
13 Jun 2024 3:46PM
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I'm still shocked that Dr Kerryn Phelps became an anti-vax loon.

"Dr Phelps, who first went public in late 2022 about the "devastating" vaccine injury both she and her wife had suffered after a Pfizer jab, said while there was "a lot that our public health agencies got right during this pandemic", significant mistakes were made."

WA, 2396 posts
13 Jun 2024 3:51PM
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Flying Dutchman said..

If you distrusted the Covid vaccines you wouldn't take it. Unless you had to so you could keep your job.

"Workplace outbreaks have significant impacts on the workers and industries affected, as well as broader community impacts from associated household cases. Sector-specific guidance is needed to address sectors at increased risk of outbreaks. As further loosening/tightening of public health measures continue over time, future analyses are needed to reassess trends in affected sectors when a greater number of sectors are operating, affected workers, and broader community transmission related to workplace outbreaks."

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"why do you care" started by CH3MTR4IL5