Forums > Kitesurfing General


Created by ruffryder61 > 9 months ago, 16 Sep 2008
WA, 368 posts
18 Sep 2008 1:48PM
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jjd said...

sandgroper said...

I note for the record that Brighton Beach (south of Scarborough) is a dog excercise area and a very popular kitesurfing location.

Wrong - Brighton Beach has not been a dog exercise area since the mid 1980s.

The City of Stirling Web site states:

"The following areas are classified as Dog Beach Exercise Areas:
Extending northwards 200m from the City's southern boundary at Peasholm Street, South Scarborough

That is part of what is officially known as Brighton Beach, which extends from Brighton Sreet to the City of Stirling southern boundary at Peasholm St. although the southern part of Brighton Beach has also been referred to as "Peasholm Beach", being right opposite Peasholm Street. However, the so called "Peasholm Beach" crosses City of Stirling and City of Floreat, so as a formal reference it is too vague.

Therefore, "Brighton Beach (south of Scarborough) is a dog excercise area and a very popular kitesurfing location." is a fair comment in the context it was made.

Once the new Ministy is known, I'll be contacting the Minister responsible for the Maritime Act to discuss regulating kitesurfing at night.

That way at least the promoters of this fatally and highly dangerous activity will know which side of the law they stand.

airush geoff
974 posts
18 Sep 2008 2:06PM
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Sandgroper are you really 84 ? Getting the authorities involved is a crap idea cos then they will scrutinise the whole scene more closely- DON'T DO IT.

To all the idiots out there who think the night kite is a great laugh- awesome go do it, I will be one of those idiots one day - but it is not something for a forum where noobs and the inexperienced may see it as acceptable and the done thing...

NSW, 165 posts
18 Sep 2008 4:37PM
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This is not an attack just a different perspective


OR PULLED A BODY FROM THE WATER AFTER A FAILED SEARCH?Yes,unfortunately(suspected heart attack/drowning though while snorkeling though) not nice that does stay with you.

How many of you can confidently swim 500-800m in a sloppy sea ? Yes,I ocean swim as part of training!

Up here in Qld hypothermia is unlikely to be life threatening unlikely particualy that far north!

What about people who go to see at night in boats or that are after the thrill of night scuba diving yes its more dangerous than day time but you put procedures into place(Rescue team,equipment and plan). Or maybe catching that big one? What about when they get rescued is it the same, selfish and egotistical?

The same could be said about some of the solo night sailing I have done(selfish and egotistical) but I accepted the risk and prepared to deal with situations that may arise(actualy had a shroud snap and the mast come down once but delt with it, long story), but would not change it for Quids

places like a reef lagoons are usually shallow, pretty protected from rips, waves, currents and the like, my concerns would be more about hitting submerged reef but same as kiting dirty water. Kitesurfing is Dangerous

Having said that I am not condoning nor advocating night kiting and agree " Experienced water Users : Do so at your own risk, prepare for everthing and to have to deal with everything on your own!Kitemares are WAY worse at night!
Be Prepared! and then some and then some more

I understand your concerns and agree with most (nobody wants to pull body's from the water), but in life if we backed away from everything that could hurt or kill us we would not have learnt to kitesurf or have the experiences that makes life worth living!

Push your limits otherwise you will not see past your boundaries!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
18 Sep 2008 2:43PM
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sandgroper said...

Once the new Ministy is known, I'll be contacting the Minister responsible for the Maritime Act to discuss regulating kitesurfing at night.

That way at least the promoters of this fatally and highly dangerous activity will know which side of the law they stand.

Dude seriously WTF?

I think you might need to discuss with the minister about some of the wakestyle tricks. They are quite dangerous and someone might get hurt.
I also heard someone sprained an ankle walking up the beach carrying two boards, perhaps you need to speak to them about that too, maybe limit people to one board
Contact him about handgliding too thats gotta be dangerous or spear fishing or crossing the road away from the pedestrian crossing or airtravel

Is your life that uninteresting that you have to spoil something for others?
or maybe your just a self righteous pompous twat.

QLD, 1011 posts
18 Sep 2008 5:06PM
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sandgroper said...

jjd said...

sandgroper said...

I note for the record that Brighton Beach (south of Scarborough) is a dog excercise area and a very popular kitesurfing location.

Wrong - Brighton Beach has not been a dog exercise area since the mid 1980s.

The City of Stirling Web site states:

"The following areas are classified as Dog Beach Exercise Areas:
Extending northwards 200m from the City's southern boundary at Peasholm Street, South Scarborough

That is part of what is officially known as Brighton Beach, which extends from Brighton Sreet to the City of Stirling southern boundary at Peasholm St. although the southern part of Brighton Beach has also been referred to as "Peasholm Beach", being right opposite Peasholm Street. However, the so called "Peasholm Beach" crosses City of Stirling and City of Floreat, so as a formal reference it is too vague.

Therefore, "Brighton Beach (south of Scarborough) is a dog excercise area and a very popular kitesurfing location." is a fair comment in the context it was made.

Once the new Ministy is known, I'll be contacting the Minister responsible for the Maritime Act to discuss regulating kitesurfing at night.

That way at least the promoters of this fatally and highly dangerous activity will know which side of the law they stand.

How many people have died doing this fatally and highly dangerous activity so far mangroper? You seriously need to get a life mate and stop interfering in other peoples.

WA, 705 posts
18 Sep 2008 3:11PM
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sandgroper said...

jjd said...

sandgroper said...

I note for the record that Brighton Beach (south of Scarborough) is a dog excercise area and a very popular kitesurfing location.

Wrong - Brighton Beach has not been a dog exercise area since the mid 1980s.

The City of Stirling Web site states:

"The following areas are classified as Dog Beach Exercise Areas:
Extending northwards 200m from the City's southern boundary at Peasholm Street, South Scarborough

That is part of what is officially known as Brighton Beach, which extends from Brighton Sreet to the City of Stirling southern boundary at Peasholm St. although the southern part of Brighton Beach has also been referred to as "Peasholm Beach", being right opposite Peasholm Street. However, the so called "Peasholm Beach" crosses City of Stirling and City of Floreat, so as a formal reference it is too vague.

Therefore, "Brighton Beach (south of Scarborough) is a dog excercise area and a very popular kitesurfing location." is a fair comment in the context it was made.

Once the new Ministy is known, I'll be contacting the Minister responsible for the Maritime Act to discuss regulating kitesurfing at night.

That way at least the promoters of this fatally and highly dangerous activity will know which side of the law they stand.

Again, you are wrong.
Having grown up in South Scarborough, and being a dog owner, and a surfer:
- Brighton Beach is at the bottom of Brighton Road Scarborough
- between Brighton Beach and the dog exercise area you have beaches locally known as:
- Kay St
- Ventnor St
- the "popular kiting location" is at Brighton Beach, and Brighton Beach only
- there is only sporadic setting up and kiting in the Peasholm St dog exercise area, although many people do downwinders in the area setting up at Floreat.

Please ensure when you go to the Minister (who I am sure will be too busy doing other more important things), could you please ensure you get your facts straight.

(If anyone is googleearth literate, can these please post a map).

NSW, 165 posts
18 Sep 2008 5:22PM
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sandgroper said...

That way at least the promoters of this fatally and highly dangerous activity will know which side of the law they stand.

Hahaha so whats your opinion on skydiving! hahahaha
People would also say the same thing about kiting during the day

QLD, 21 posts
18 Sep 2008 9:31PM
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I thought one of the fantastic things about Kitesurfing was the ability to be able to escape the 'Norman Nip****s' in life who take it upon them selves to inflict their ideas about what was right and what was wrong. Obviously I misunderstood the fundamentals of this essentially 'dangerous sport'. Take up crochet and only drink luke warm drinks Sandgroper.

WA, 2184 posts
18 Sep 2008 8:17PM
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the subject line pretty much sums this up, it's full moon kiting, not blind folded with a chunk of shark attracting meat strapped to you kiting.

you wouldn't measure your lines as a part of your "vessel length" just as you don't measure boat length by the hight of the mast.

telling what ever "disorganisation for the banning of minority and youth orientated sports" that your involved in a sport that has people who you think are doing reckless things wont benefit anyone. firstly who da fark are you to tell me what i can or can't do when i am NOT putting others unwillingly at risk? this is like banning paintball because some people don't like getting hit, if your on the field your open game. if you don't like it don't do it, don't bring your prejudice upon the rest of us to satisfy your need to feel authoritarian; your not. no one here cares about you or how you think the rest of us are gonna kill beautiful blue eyed snow white kittens and start WWIII by having a bit of fun.

the truth of the matter is that you kite at night for a rush, a different feeling or just to say you have, if it where light you would be getting the same enjoyment from trying to do bigger and better dingle dangles or fruit loops, the risks are higher during the day for this reason anyway and maybe those who kite at night are the most sensible of all of us for they are protecting their skin and eyes from the death rays.

WA, 504 posts
18 Sep 2008 8:36PM
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Nothin wrong with a bit of moon surfin ,but for fud sake boyz, at least do it in da nod ya soft cokes.

QLD, 470 posts
19 Sep 2008 9:12AM
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im off to Lizard Island.Too bad that the moon is not shining much anymore!

i hope that not too many emos take up night kiting! that could be a problem...

NSW, 5780 posts
19 Sep 2008 10:24AM
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kiting leaves too much of a smile on your face for emo's to handle...

besides its pretty much impossible to cut yourself with a kite knife

SA, 213 posts
19 Sep 2008 10:19AM
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Cuppa tea and a crumpet sound good sandgroper?
Kiting is about having fun, riding where and when you want.
ruffryder great photo's, looking forward to my night kite.

WA, 753 posts
19 Sep 2008 1:09PM
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Please,please,please Sandgropper, let us know that you were just stirring S#$t,
if you are seriously even considering contacting a minister about the dangers of night Kiting and willing to outlaw everyone for your own litle twisted bitter gratitude., what a sad state of affair

What ever hapenned to taking responsibility for your own acts???

The justice system is failing us by allowing people to deny their responsibility.

If you slip at the pub and brake your leg, you should not be able to sue for damages.The judge should laugh at you and fine you for waisting valuable court time.

If this was hapening,our insurance premium would be way lower and everybody would be allowed to enjoy any activity they wish so long as it doesn't harm or affect negatively anyone else.

When a di$%^ head body surf in Scarborough, gets dumped on the sand bank, becomes a paraplegic then sue the council because there were no sign on the beach stating that bodysurfing is dangerous,you know the world has gone wrong.

There are already too many signs, i don't need to be reminded that snakes live in the sand dunes with signs every 5 meters because i already know that i have only seen one in 11 years in those same sand dunes!!!!!It might please the tourist but it isn't necessary.

I don't need a fence line at Pinaroo point because some $%^&^% idiot may have written to the minister to express their concern about the grass is being damaged by kite surfers who are actually on the ocean.

Are they going to ban swimming in the ocean because the financial risk for the city council is umbearable?

The same applies to kiting at night or any other activities, take responsibility for your own acts and if things go wrong be prepared to pay the price without blaming anyone else and the world would be a much better place.

Sorry i am raving and i guess the world is a better place for its variety of opinion but i just find it soooo sad

Maybe learn to stick to your own business, Scicilian style

WA, 1103 posts
19 Sep 2008 1:27PM
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Dare I say it, but I think, just maybe, possibly, here's hoping, that whoever is the incoming relevant Minister for Planning & Infrastructure (or what ever dep't has the relevant jurisdiction over our water ways), might just have a little more on their plates, and hopefully, significantly more important issues to worry about than banning the small percentage of kiters who want to go kiting on a full moon...

Something tells me that's not a major issue for the incoming government...

QLD, 6123 posts
19 Sep 2008 7:05PM
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sandgroper said...

jjd said...

sandgroper said...

I note for the record that Brighton Beach (south of Scarborough) is a dog excercise area and a very popular kitesurfing location.

Wrong - Brighton Beach has not been a dog exercise area since the mid 1980s.

The City of Stirling Web site states:

"The following areas are classified as Dog Beach Exercise Areas:
Extending northwards 200m from the City's southern boundary at Peasholm Street, South Scarborough

That is part of what is officially known as Brighton Beach, which extends from Brighton Sreet to the City of Stirling southern boundary at Peasholm St. although the southern part of Brighton Beach has also been referred to as "Peasholm Beach", being right opposite Peasholm Street. However, the so called "Peasholm Beach" crosses City of Stirling and City of Floreat, so as a formal reference it is too vague.

Therefore, "Brighton Beach (south of Scarborough) is a dog excercise area and a very popular kitesurfing location." is a fair comment in the context it was made.

Once the new Ministy is known, I'll be contacting the Minister responsible for the Maritime Act to discuss regulating kitesurfing at night.

That way at least the promoters of this fatally and highly dangerous activity will know which side of the law they stand.

hey sandgroper i'm guessing nitekiting isn't anywhere nearly as hazardous as complaining about it to a politician!

nite kiting at lizard over shallow reef flat where there would be no boat traffic and an onshore breeze doesn't sound too bad to me. It would be different if there was an offshore breeze, boat traffic, or deep water and other hazards. It depends on the spot how dangerous it is. And what's the difference between surfing at night/ dawn/ dusk? what about a knee deep gutter at low tide that's cut off rom the ocean? is that still wrong? You could kite a few meters from the beach if it was onshore - similar to a land sailer driving through the shallow water. Cant tell me your bound by navigation rules then?

Anyway you can get away with that sort of stuff at a place like lizard island because of the absence big brother and jon q law! There's too many rules in this country where you have to kite here and freakin park there and pay this parking fee etc etc

I say Kite at night after a few herbal remedys!

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
19 Sep 2008 5:26PM
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I think he's just one of those people who like to complain. "Hoons" doing burnouts in a deserted carpark, neighbours accidently leaving sprinklers on, people riding a pushbike with no helmet, supermarket prices....sounds familiar???Typical today tonight crap. lol.

WA, 2184 posts
19 Sep 2008 6:16PM
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Dawn Patrol said...

I think he's just one of those people who like to complain. "Hoons" doing burnouts in a deserted carpark, neighbours accidently leaving sprinklers on, people riding a pushbike with no helmet, supermarket prices....sounds familiar???Typical today tonight crap. lol.

haha, imagine him going to today tonight with this!

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
20 Sep 2008 7:17AM
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the full moon has passed so its gonna have to wait a few weeks anyway

NSW, 131 posts
25 Sep 2008 9:17AM
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Hey ruffryder61

Get one of these night vision goggles strapped to your head.

Bring on the flaming.....

But seriously, night kitting is extremely dangerous, if you are going to do it, make sure you have a number of people on the beach and in the water keeping an eye on you and you have a number of back up safety plans in place.

WA, 568 posts
25 Sep 2008 8:21AM
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sandgroper said...

Splaat said...

Hi, I have also done some full moon kiting at some beaches with a few mates. there are a few things you should know.

1) Attach glow sticks to your board, so if you lose it, you can find it

2) Sharks are attracted to glowing things zooming along in the water, glow sticks are a great way to catch sea creatures

hope that helps

I'd put it in the same league as guys who go out kite surfing in an approaching hurricane/cyclone/storm, or who kitesurf with a direct onshore wind, or who just dont care if they ruin the sport by killing themselves or ecouraging others to kill/cripplethemselves.

At this rate, 10 years from now we will all need pilot licenses to kitesurf (as wth hang-gliding) because of the idiots who promote these sorts of stupid pranks as "cool" until a few lives are lost and the public demands regulation.

Good one guys. You're real heros. NOT.

Pfft... what's wrong with kiting in direct onshore winds? We do it all the time in Sweden, in fact that's pretty much the only wind we kite in, and even have lessons in and we have had no accidents or deaths..

Learn how to properly and there's no problem.. Same with full moon kiting. I for one reckon it's a cool idea, if there are any WA kiters out there with balls (not sandgroper) who wants to go out this summer I'm keen on joining to take some wicked shots

QLD, 470 posts
25 Sep 2008 11:00AM
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Splaat said...

Hey ruffryder61

Get one of these night vision goggles strapped to your head.

Bring on the flaming.....

But seriously, night kitting is extremely dangerous, if you are going to do it, make sure you have a number of people on the beach and in the water keeping an eye on you and you have a number of back up safety plans in place.

that be the go. army might be interessted in such goggles.

i think the fewer people u have on beach and in water the safer it is!

cheers for concersn anyway mate!

next full moon coming..

QLD, 6123 posts
26 Sep 2008 9:44PM
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ruffryder61 said...

Splaat said...

Hey ruffryder61

Get one of these night vision goggles strapped to your head.

Bring on the flaming.....

But seriously, night kitting is extremely dangerous, if you are going to do it, make sure you have a number of people on the beach and in the water keeping an eye on you and you have a number of back up safety plans in place.

that be the go. army might be interessted in such goggles.

i think the fewer people u have on beach and in water the safer it is!

cheers for concersn anyway mate!

next full moon coming..

In the NUDE night kiting!!!!!!!!!!!

WA, 21 posts
1 Oct 2008 11:16AM
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GROPER you have some serious issues man. Who shoved the pole up your ass this time? Think your sooo much better than the rest of us cause u know how to make a complaint?


guys, this is serious. we have an absolue MF here. I think we should make a complaint and get him taken away from the public, as he might bring on a very violent series of events if he doesnt butt out of others buisness.

Moon kiting is the own persons choice, NO ONE is beiing forced into it, everyone can say no.

Everyone entering the water would be confident in thier abilities, and should have done the previous research. If some idiot (not mentioning names..... GROPER) goes into the water and screws up well then we may need to get a kite license. But when is the last time you heard someone dying from kiting at night?

Yeh, I thought so.

Until then, everyone is taking care as they do it. No need to go and ruin everyone elses fun cause your wife refuses to get in bed with you, thats your problem not ours.

And if we DO need to get a license, whats the big deal? Does it mean that ou wont be able to launch on the dog beach? AWWWWWWWWWW POOR YOU.

Stop bending over for the 'minister' and instead try earning back a slight bit of the self dignity you have lost to everyone a$$#@!e

VIC, 1 posts
1 Oct 2008 2:38PM
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Altona beach....



15-17 DEAD CONSTANT breeze


Not a cloud in the sky

23 degrees

Only Myself, Laine, Johnny and my brother on the water

my old 16m rebel

the most magic kite ever, in fact magic doen't even come close to describing it.....

QLD, 470 posts
1 Oct 2008 11:20PM
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now we are talking bearkiter!!!

keep the moon shining kiters

QLD, 470 posts
1 Oct 2008 11:22PM
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ruffryder61 said...

doesnt look like 25knts doesnt it?

WA, 504 posts
1 Oct 2008 11:27PM
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^^put a picture like that in the nod and i tell ya ,your make womans day front page for sure.

WA, 2184 posts
2 Oct 2008 6:51PM
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sandgroper said...
kite boarding is an inherently dangerous sport, you should be ashamed of yourself for being so reckless, so careless, so unbelievably stupid to go kiting on your own when you have limited vision out there on your own!! It is way safer to do it like everyone else in WA and go after work when you have perfect (abet hazy from going the other way) vision in one direction and nothing going towards the sun at crowded spots.
This is way safer than what ever you where doing you FOOLS, I hope god strikes you from this earth into an eternity of suffering you callous paedophile rapist sick twisted something blah blah etc

easy up there

(crotchgroper may or may not have actually posted that)**

QLD, 470 posts
4 Oct 2008 7:44PM
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cross country full moon kiting sessions at the next bright night of la luna!
when is it?

i would like to see some more pictures..

what comes closer to the moon than a kite?



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"FULL MOON KITING" started by ruffryder61