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Created by ruffryder61 > 9 months ago, 16 Sep 2008
WA, 3619 posts
16 Dec 2008 2:41PM
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At last I too can concede to Mr. Groper.
Night kiting does diminish one level of safety. And 'yes' less than competent kiters should NOT add this level of increased risk to their already risky escapades with their kite/s.
This is precisely why the CLEAR safety guidelines remain very non-specific. They are all about assessing the conditions, situation and location thoroughly then applying knowledgable common sense to rate every session as either appropriate or inappropriate. All variables change in every situation.
Night kiting with safety depends on applying ALL of the CLEAR guidelines including consideration of the diminished light factor. A sensible decision then is still a sensible decision. Pushing the boundaries - yours or the conditions - is ALWAYS increasing the risk. That risk is mostly your own but as Mr. Groper points out the consequences can also effect the whole kiting fraternity. Keep that in mind too.

KITE SAFE (always) & ENJOY

QLD, 21 posts
16 Dec 2008 8:19PM
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I can see the logical dangers of night kiting without sufficient experience. I have done a great deal of daytime practice with a blindfold - giving the feeling/practice for after dark, all with the benefit of not contravening any maritime legislation. I can now kite safely whilst being as blind as a bat!

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
17 Dec 2008 1:40AM
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poor relative said...

I've got my waterproof fax does that count?

Dont forget the slab of cement either.

I wonder if the rotto run could be done at night time. Stealth from "the man". Just aim at the light house, and gun it.

WA, 228 posts
17 Dec 2008 3:17AM
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I TELL YOU WHAT! To be safe let`s just not kite at all! Stop stop stop people, Arrrrrrh! It may not be for everyone, but for those who want to do it let them carry on. People jump out of airoplanes and sometimes ** happens, but they are doing what they want to do. Car racing, motor bike racing. Even sailing there are fatalities. I personally know of two guys who have been paralised through playing rugby. A chap got killed mountain climbing with his brother in NZ the other day. And we hear about mountain climber fatalities alot. A stupid hobbie? Who`s to say? If it wasn`t for such people taking risks Oz would not have been discovered, test pilots, astronauts, deep sea divers....... I`m not saying kite boarders are in the same category as astronauts, but humans are risk takers by nature and that is a fact. If I want to go kiting at full moon that`s my choice. If you don`t think it`s your cup of tea then don`t do it! I know there is some risks but peronally I`d much rather "go out" doing something I want to do than go through life wondering what it would be like. It`s just not me.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
17 Dec 2008 7:45AM
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now we have a waning moon .What is the critical point in a waxing or waning moon where night kiting is absolutely out of the question (for those that think that kiting on a full moon is kindof OK )

NSW, 131 posts
17 Dec 2008 9:57AM
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I have had 2 almost fatal kite related accidents, one was at night, both times it was in the car driving to or from a kite destination.

Kite safe, don't drive.

QLD, 470 posts
17 Dec 2008 11:58AM
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haha nice twist SplaaT- you would also save the environment. i like it. ..

QLD, 470 posts
30 Dec 2008 7:45PM
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North team rides at Night~ Good on them ))- towards end of vid..
too bad u cant see much in the promo vid.

WA, 637 posts
30 Dec 2008 11:12PM
Thumbs Up can go wild as long as you don't risk anyone else but yourself.......full moon after sunset: no swimmers / surfers / boater....appears to be the safest time......damn seabreeze, the major risk factor.....please PM me if you are in for the next Perth....-

15 posts
30 Dec 2008 11:43PM
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full moon kiting!

most sureal thing ... and nothing wrong with it, if all precautions are taken, its fine.

did it at lagouina, brazil.

in cumbuco, brazil ... they have (not sure if they still do) full moon parties : kite , then the party. errr and apparently in the nude is not unheard of.

hey sebbo - nice pics. the adebo is in one of them!!!

QLD, 470 posts
31 Dec 2008 10:49AM
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Andrash said... can go wild as long as you don't risk anyone else but yourself.......full moon after sunset: no swimmers / surfers / boater....appears to be the safest time......damn seabreeze, the major risk factor.....please PM me if you are in for the next Perth....-

Not sure if i had the guts to do it in Perth - as you said seabreezes ect. i prefer doing it on lonely islands... with nobody around.. you could come to one of our lizard trips next year Andrash!

hit us up if u interessted.

happy kiting in 09

QLD, 470 posts
31 Dec 2008 10:50AM
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Ksanti said...

full moon kiting!

most sureal thing ... and nothing wrong with it, if all precautions are taken, its fine.

did it at lagouina, brazil.

in cumbuco, brazil ... they have (not sure if they still do) full moon parties : kite , then the party. errr and apparently in the nude is not unheard of.

hey sebbo - nice pics. the adebo is in one of them!!!

keen as mustard to see some pix mate!

and i agree to all u have mentioned. BRAZIL mhhhhh

VIC, 20 posts
1 Jan 2009 10:11PM
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Did some night kiting in Cabarete - couple of times during a full moon, and once or twice in storm weather. Always close to shore, and under major spotlights.

Still, i've been meaning to put a couple to strobe lights in my pack. One for my board and one for me. Something like this kayakers strobe from Seattle Sports would do nicely.

WA, 77 posts
2 Jan 2009 1:03PM
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I've been snowkiting at full moon in France, it was magic.
with the snow reflecting the moonlight we could see nearly as well as in full day.
It was my first time kiting on the snow, we waited all day for the wind, and it just came at night.
I just had trouble untangling the lines, cause we didn't even have a torch.

I've been night kiting at pelican point on the swan river.
with the city lights around no problem
I was kiting late in the day, and the wind didn't drop at sunset so I kept kiting more than one hour.

I landed my kite in a tree, and damaged it

WA, 2184 posts
2 Jan 2009 11:07PM
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i've dusk kited at peli, it was too dark to see much more than the out line of your kite but there wasn't anyone to land our kites so we just kept going until someone chickened out and went to the beach.

WA, 368 posts
3 Jan 2009 6:04AM
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Ksanti said...

full moon kiting!

most sureal thing ... and nothing wrong with it, if all precautions are taken, its fine.

did it at lagouina, brazil.

in cumbuco, brazil ... they have (not sure if they still do) full moon parties : kite , then the party. errr and apparently in the nude is not unheard of.

hey sebbo - nice pics. the adebo is in one of them!!!

No insurance company will pay out any claim to a person injured while kiting at night, with or without full moon, floodlights, or strobe lights.

Its wreckless and brings the sport into disrepute because it ignores the fundamental duty of care you have to public safety (ie the safety of others), including by encouraging other kiters to do this stunt without fully acknowledging the increased risk. I note that the most of the promotors of this lunatic stunt on this forum seem to be under 30.

Dont do this in Australia. It will be legislated against when it comes to public attention the moment someone is inevitably killed or seriously injured kiting at night.

Anyone who does not acknowledge that Kiting without the benefit of adequate light is an extremely dangerous practice, is a fool.


NSW, 165 posts
3 Jan 2009 10:55AM
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FFS you still on about this groper, dude
The Sydney to Hobart is reckless but doesn't bring sailing into disrepute or does it?Oh that's right a boat sank and the crew had to be rescued!
Also anyone that doesn't acknowledge that kite surfing at daytime isn't extremely dangerous practice is a fool ah yeh lots of people have been injured and killed and rescued whats that you say, at day time oh crap That's right life is dangerous and kiddies don't drive at night its dangerous to you better have ya wool rapped tightly around you when you go to sleep at night so you don't hurt yourself when you fall out of bed! Groper get over it let the people live THEIR lives and you live your own!
Enjoy the wonders of life don't wonder about life
edit to add Im not under 30

QLD, 470 posts
3 Jan 2009 11:36AM
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elemental said...

FFS you still on about this groper, dude
The Sydney to Hobart is reckless but doesn't bring sailing into disrepute or does it?Oh that's right a boat sank and the crew had to be rescued!
Also anyone that doesn't acknowledge that kite surfing at daytime isn't extremely dangerous practice is a fool ah yeh lots of people have been injured and killed and rescued whats that you say, at day time oh crap That's right life is dangerous and kiddies don't drive at night its dangerous to you better have ya wool rapped tightly around you when you go to sleep at night so you don't hurt yourself when you fall out of bed! Groper get over it let the people live THEIR lives and you live your own!
Enjoy the wonders of life don't wonder about life
edit to add Im not under 30

spot on mate!

get off and out of here Groper!

still keen on some night fotos guys...

T one
NT, 321 posts
3 Jan 2009 11:06PM
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we are a fairly tight knit kite community up here... we look after noobs, keep em away from the clubbies and the public, and try to limit our footprint on the general populace. we also occasionally kite at night. (moon or not)
groper who the fk do you think you are to be sprouting your opinionated blanket bullsh!t comments to all and sundry...?
like most things, there is a time and a place... a bit of common sense go's a long way...
maybe it's time for lawn bowls dude...
oh, and i'm well over 40, and no mans fool.[}:)]

QLD, 470 posts
5 Jan 2009 8:48AM
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T one said...

we are a fairly tight knit kite community up here... we look after noobs, keep em away from the clubbies and the public, and try to limit our footprint on the general populace. we also occasionally kite at night. (moon or not)
groper who the fk do you think you are to be sprouting your opinionated blanket bullsh!t comments to all and sundry...?
like most things, there is a time and a place... a bit of common sense go's a long way...
maybe it's time for lawn bowls dude...
oh, and i'm well over 40, and no mans fool.[}:)]

I like your ways in NT!!

spot on T one..

where is the most exciting spot to kite in the NT?

stay windswept..

T one
NT, 321 posts
5 Jan 2009 8:35PM
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the croc farm... at night...

15 posts
5 Jan 2009 8:28PM
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ruffryder61 said...

keen as mustard to see some pix mate!

and i agree to all u have mentioned. BRAZIL mhhhhh

Ill try to dig some up .... I dont have my pc with me ... but when I have a mo I'll try.

brazil rocks. just for the kiting landscape .... and very very cheap booze (and food).

I seem to love the charm of "third world" places .... loved cape verde. similar lifestyle.



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"FULL MOON KITING" started by ruffryder61