Forums > Kitesurfing General


Created by ruffryder61 > 9 months ago, 16 Sep 2008
NSW, 131 posts
5 Oct 2008 10:22AM
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This is me Nude Night Moon Kite surfing, you can clearly see me doing a un-hooked inverted squirrel nut grab KGB2 over Sand Groper...

Ahhhh, it doesn't get any better than this.

QLD, 19 posts
5 Oct 2008 10:58AM
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Nice man i wana try that but im 2 lazy lol plus dont like the idea of shark bites lol

QLD, 470 posts
15 Oct 2008 7:24PM
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we fly to lizard for next 5 days )).
wind 30-40knts..

moon becoming full....

anybody going out in the moon of this month?
its a windy moon month for us...

hang high

WA, 432 posts
15 Oct 2008 8:26PM
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dunno if it was total full moon or not 2 days ago but it was pretty damn close, started kiting in 18kts on the 12, 45 min before sunset at north Scarborough, then kited till about 1 hour afterwards. by the end we were relying on the light of the moon and various street lamps to guide us through and over waves. phenomenal experience! highly recommended, though if your gonna do loops, remember which way you have to unspin the bar cos you cant see the lines! cant wait to give it another go, out to sea watching the sunset then turning around back to shore watching the moon rise, there is no experience like it.

WA, 432 posts
15 Oct 2008 8:50PM
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far out, just read all the other shenanigans going on in this about killing the mood!

QLD, 470 posts
16 Oct 2008 9:27AM
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dopeness bro!

keep shining. any pictures?


QLD, 470 posts
12 Dec 2008 7:25PM
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Full moon coming.. where is the wind?

25 posts
12 Dec 2008 8:33PM
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Its the biggest and brightest full moon of the year too - hope someone gets to make use of it :)

QLD, 470 posts
12 Dec 2008 10:03PM
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Jeza said...

Its the biggest and brightest full moon of the year too - hope someone gets to make use of it :)

wow i didnt know that.. somewtimes i see a kiter looking at the moon..

WA, 2184 posts
13 Dec 2008 4:29PM
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I once went kiting and the clouds went over the sun and then i jumped so high i was over the clouds and then it was sunny again and i had a rasbery fanta on the way home

QLD, 470 posts
13 Dec 2008 6:28PM
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kitecrazzzy said...

I once went kiting and the clouds went over the sun and then i jumped so high i was over the clouds and then it was sunny again and i had a rasbery fanta on the way home

now thats poetry mate

SA, 2288 posts
13 Dec 2008 11:20PM
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Possible to reply without getting a pictorial PR?

Pretty sure at night you can A.) see your lines if it is a full moon. B.) See your bar and see your kite C.) Calculate that your lines lie somewhere between the bar and the kite.

I kite with my eyes closed all the time to train for night kiting. I work at increasing intervals my best so far is a minute, kind of like training to hold your breath.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
13 Dec 2008 9:53PM
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A picture is worth a thousand words.

NSW, 836 posts
14 Dec 2008 12:05AM
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Spacemonkey! said...

Possible to reply without getting a pictorial PR?

Pretty sure at night you can A.) see your lines if it is a full moon. B.) See your bar and see your kite C.) Calculate that your lines lie somewhere between the bar and the kite.

I kite with my eyes closed all the time to train for night kiting. I work at increasing intervals my best so far is a minute, kind of like training to hold your breath.

As a kid I was riding my pushie home from a party. it was pitch black. I'd ridden the same dirt road a million times at all hours of the night. but this night was the darkest ever. The dirt road was single lane. it had two distinct tyre tracks with a ridge in the middle that sometimes had grass on it. along the darkest park of the pitch dark road i was totally convinced that I couldn't see anything at all and that i was riding by feel and just knowing the road. It was easy you see. you stay in the tyre tracks and if you feel the the raised grass bit just steer back to the tyre tracks. knowing i couldn't see anything at all. I tested to make sure by closing my eyes. I felt myself moving up onto the raised 'middle of the road' so allowed myself to drift over to 'the other tyre track'...Turns out i was already on the other tyre track.. so into a barbed wire fence that ripped my arm and shoulder up pretty bad. still got the scars. haha ps sorry this has nothing at all to do with kiting. just a story that makes me remember how dumb i was. can't wait to try night kiting.... not sure the girlfriend will approve though. oh have fun and be safe.

WA, 53 posts
13 Dec 2008 11:44PM
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ok sorry off topic but SMEDG all your stories with your avatar just go perfect its somthing chris lilly would have done i bet, and then gone 'aww puk that hurt'

And maybe on topic abit more, yeh this night kiting has got to be dangerous and if you do it just make sure its wise for the sport, at this point in time we dont need a hooligan kiter dies at night posted across the tabloids.

And not tryingt o question greenpat or sandgroper but these forums i believe are for creating arguments of differences and finding out a solution as long as groper didn't get personal affensive but was just opposing your idea i dont think it is fair that just because you are a moderator that you can then delete his post (making you win the argument) i respect your job and sometimes it needs to be done but using your power to stop someone opposing idea that you dont oppose i believ is abuse of your right.

just my oppinion and stand to be corrected


WA, 3477 posts
14 Dec 2008 9:21AM
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WA, 3848 posts
14 Dec 2008 12:31PM
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Just a quick post to say that this page was "cleaned up", and a bunch of "he said, she said, they said" stuff removed.

No need to call each other names, or you'll be sent to the Principals office, and may just have to stay back after school.

Back on topic...

WA, 3464 posts
14 Dec 2008 1:16PM
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Last time I went night roller blading I hit a nasty little twigg that I did not see and whamo splat....never did it again. But I can see how a day session can turn in to a night session, especially with the recent weather patterns in Pwerft.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
14 Dec 2008 5:04PM
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had a wicked off shore full moon session in gusty as **** winds at nobbies last night ,no crowds and clean as butterflat

QLD, 470 posts
14 Dec 2008 4:40PM
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Mr float said...

had a wicked off shore full moon session in gusty as **** winds at nobbies last night ,no crowds and clean as butterflat

nice brus! any pix?

how did it feel?

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
14 Dec 2008 5:48PM
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ruffryder61 said...

Mr float said...

had a wicked off shore full moon session in gusty as **** winds at nobbies last night ,no crowds and clean as butterflat

nice brus! any pix?

how did it feel?

sweetas bro

cept I pulled my "safety" in a mega gust and my kite blew away and I had to swim back in

WA, 4485 posts
15 Dec 2008 12:22PM
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"Hey look there's a guy up there!!" "Oh wait it's too dark.. but I think Eric is up there somewhere?"

QLD, 1203 posts
15 Dec 2008 2:31PM
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Mr float said...

ruffryder61 said...

Mr float said...

had a wicked off shore full moon session in gusty as **** winds at nobbies last night ,no crowds and clean as butterflat

nice brus! any pix?

how did it feel?

sweetas bro

cept I pulled my "safety" in a mega gust and my kite blew away and I had to swim back in

And then the pixies rescued you on their magic carpet and took you away to a comfortable place...

NT, 54 posts
15 Dec 2008 5:45PM
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Kiting at night is definatley an experience, a few of the boys and i have been out a couple of times up here. after a few heinikens we decided that it really didnt matter if the crocs could see us or not also felt it best for no glow sticks on the board. once the late westerly kicked in and with a few on the beach to keep watch, cars with headlights on to get a perception of where you are, as well as at your local spot and looking out for your mates it has made it a memorable experience both times and will be on the cards again for sure !!

WA, 368 posts
16 Dec 2008 12:27PM
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For all those who missed this months (now deleted) excitement ....

1. Someone posted a comment in this thread suggesting to kite again at night in this month's full moon.
2. Someone else suggested in reply not to do such & such (the detail escapes me) because you couldnt see your lines at night.
3. I posted in reply that it was no brainer that you dont kite at night for that very reason - you cant see your lines. I asked what the Night Kiting geniuses are going to do when they have a "Getfunky moment" at night and incuded a link to Getfunky's post last week - "Kitemare o' the week" Getfunky says he came close to a death after his board got stuck between his lines. This happened after he simply lost balance and fell in an otherwise normal way doing nothing in particular. He suffered lacerations to his legs, and posted photos. This was during the day.

Well, you know, what more can I say that wont get me censored

WA, 3619 posts
16 Dec 2008 12:56PM
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in get funkys words.... "i was inverted travelling backwards/sideways"
Wouldnt have mattered much night or day - he couldnt have seen his lines in that situation anyhow.

Obvious answer is that 'get funky' experiences are possible anytime so we all better give up kiting day or night. It is just way too dangerous.

AND (just btw) on a good night you can see your lines quite well - as well as the lines of those around you.

WA, 4485 posts
16 Dec 2008 12:56PM
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Oh geez...

I know I am a gumby (and self confessed kook) but even I am shamed by having a stuff-up named after me.

For the record I would love to try night kiting for the vibe, but (speshly after my recent shenanigans) would probably err on the side of caution and give it a miss.

In the right spot with the gear, right crew and most importantly the right attitude I think it could be a go-er but there is possibly a bit of "me too!" element at play here.

EDIT: Actually Puppet is mostly correct - I pretty much was working on feel and couldn't see a lot that was happenning. At least though when I was free I knew where the kite was etc and could go from there. If that had happened at night it would have been a LOT heavier and I may not be here dribbling shizen.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
16 Dec 2008 1:36PM
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sandgroper said...

Well, you know, what more can I say

Hopefully thats it.

WA, 368 posts
16 Dec 2008 1:38PM
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getfunky said...
EDIT: Actually Puppet is mostly correct - I pretty much was working on feel and couldn't see a lot that was happenning.

Given some of the heat seems to have gone out of this thread now, I'll concede puppets point. It does not however detract from my arguement. You deprive yoursef of a major safety feature - daylight - by kiting at night, even a full moon. Thats obvious to you and me, but not necessarily obvious to other people. You need to spell it out when you promote this caper so people get the message clearly.

As I have said before, there's a lot of newbies in this sport now, and it cant afford to promote something that is extremely dangerous as "cool". If we dont all get our collective acts together about safety right now, its going to end up in the print and TV media by January and we'll all be banished from the main beaches before autumn.

There are so many people doing his now it is alreay great media fodder. Lets make it a positive public image by showing the public by our actions, not just our words, that we PUT SAFETY FIRST.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
16 Dec 2008 1:42PM
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I've got my waterproof fax does that count?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"FULL MOON KITING" started by ruffryder61