Forums > Kitesurfing General

Life Jackets

Created by bjw > 9 months ago, 1 Jul 2016
94 posts
1 Jul 2016 10:53PM
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waveslave said..

MozKiter said..
Sensible people live longer.

Sensible people don't kite cause kiting isn't safe.

Sensible people sit on the couch.


Kiting is a safe sport when approached correctly like every kite school will tell you.

94 posts
1 Jul 2016 10:54PM
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Not trying to offend anyone here. But some healthy debate is good. I agree in surf it isn´t practical. In surf I myself don´t wear one. I was referring to open water riding

QLD, 739 posts
2 Jul 2016 9:39AM
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wait until the surfers are told they have to wear a life jacket ......... I'm not wearing one until they have to ;-)

QLD, 2056 posts
2 Jul 2016 11:07AM
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There should be an indemnity for kiters on surfboards.

QLD, 295 posts
2 Jul 2016 1:35PM
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Well said Eppo

ACT, 1258 posts
2 Jul 2016 3:39PM
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what a load of rubbish. I ain't wearing no life jacket. Who's gonna enforce it?. Are they gonna chase me down the beach?. Good luck they won't catch me. If by chance they did, I don't kite with ID. What's my name?... get fu@Ked you small minded fools. what are they gonna do Handcuff me and take me away? only the police can do that. Theres no way the police will do that. LOL

NSW, 118 posts
2 Jul 2016 6:57PM
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This could potentially be very dangerous - especially waves. How do you swim under waves? Washed into a reef? Washed into your lines which is especially dangerous. There is a group on facebook called something like Kitesurfers against lifejackets . Join the discussion.

NT, 32 posts
2 Jul 2016 6:37PM
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"Punishes EVERYONE for the mistakes of a few."

Yeah, somebody has to scrap up your mates.

I know there are "heaps", but can you name a few countries that don't have laws/systems like this?

VIC, 98 posts
2 Jul 2016 9:23PM
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waveslave said...
Patiently waiting for Steve to chime in with the latest goss on designer lifejackets exclusive to KP.


You weren't wrong there Waveslave, they're already all over it!
This just in on the KP Facebook page...

WA, 4263 posts
2 Jul 2016 7:55PM
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Do they have a lifejacket design to suit straight guys as well ?

QLD, 6493 posts
3 Jul 2016 12:25AM
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MozKiter said..
Sensible people live longer.

No they don't, it just seems that way for everyone who has to listen to them drone on about safety endlessly

WA, 9582 posts
3 Jul 2016 7:09AM
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sirstomp said..

waveslave said...
Patiently waiting for Steve to chime in with the latest goss on designer lifejackets exclusive to KP.


You weren't wrong there Waveslave, they're already all over it!
This just in on the KP Facebook page...

Just the market responding to yet another form of government interference. Marxist would be so proud right now...

don't particularly see a big issue with the life jacket circus license, it can't be policed, it will change little. It's the principle of over regulation And large, expensive unwieldy governments and thier subsidiaries stomping their nose into areas they needn't. Mor public servants doing set fck all for productivity. If we had a Berlin Wall it would be starting to crack and break up right now...

NSW, 169 posts
3 Jul 2016 12:45PM
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I would like to know

1. Why did the president of the nswkba who is a kite power team rider not post onto SB for the community to have time to protest or wright in and protest against this.

2 how much $$$ has the nswkba accepted from council etc and what it was spent on.

I think the next logical step for council could be to make kiting licences mandatory for identification and fines. As a group we need to make sure this does not happen.

Nswkba has let the community down I feel as little notice was given to protest this as a community and little to no resistance was organized against this.

WA, 522 posts
3 Jul 2016 12:10PM
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2 sides to every coin.

Instead of all the anger, maybe someone should ask KA/nswkba/Roads & Maritime directly for their comments.

WA, 4263 posts
3 Jul 2016 1:11PM
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Lifejackets can encourage risky behaviour and poor judgment.

When you know you might have to swim in from the shipping lane,

with a useless twin-tip, deflated kite and no lifejacket ...

you may think twice before venturing out that far in the first place.

QLD, 1451 posts
3 Jul 2016 5:03PM
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jamee said..


I'm sure the big mummas of Bulgaria will love your whining about how terrible it is having to live in Australia. Enjoy.

im a filthy ukie

by the way ill be
SELLING rash shirts that have a picture of a life jacket printed on it for $30 a pop ala black milk for any of you with a misso

or even cheaper kitesurf with a shirt over the top like the cable wakeboarders so they cant tell at all

QLD, 39 posts
3 Jul 2016 6:40PM
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Just like the bike helmet we are the fattest country in the world. Wear a helmet if u lime dont if u lime.should b our choice . jacket s should be your choice .if u feel unsafe wear one.not having it sjoved down our throat by stormtroopers in big boots.

VIC, 240 posts
3 Jul 2016 9:06PM
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waveslave said..

MozKiter said..
Sensible people live longer.

Sensible people don't kite cause kiting isn't safe.

Sensible people sit on the couch.


Thats pretty much what my doctor said while she was looking at the x-ray of my fractured thumb...

WA, 530 posts
3 Jul 2016 8:43PM
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sirstomp said..

waveslave said...
Patiently waiting for Steve to chime in with the latest goss on designer lifejackets exclusive to KP.


You weren't wrong there Waveslave, they're already all over it!
This just in on the KP Facebook page...

At least all those sensible people won't have to worry about wearing it back to front by mistake. As if kiting weren't confusing enough!

NSW, 861 posts
3 Jul 2016 11:16PM
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Unless you are looking in the mirror. Now that will be very confusing

WA, 9 posts
3 Jul 2016 9:43PM
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With all this safety equipment what have I got to be worried about ?

VIC, 112 posts
4 Jul 2016 12:13AM
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This is the start of the full licensing and regulation to our sport.
Ive been a boat owner for years and every year a new regulation seams to appear for the police to come out and book you. This year was the first year the cops were booking people for wearing a life jacket. Yep you have your jacket on. The police would simply open up your self inflating life jacket to see if you had serviced it. After I rang around to check with a few mates to see if they even new that these jackets had to be serviced, the answer was no....Then I went to the cop shop to ask them what the go was. They didn't know. So they rang the water police to ask them what the go was. But in the mean time 4 out of the five boaters who came back to the ramp the day before got booked.NO WARNINGS. So what im saying is. When I go fishing I have to have a car license, car registered, car roadworthy, boat trailer registered, boat registered, boat license, fishing license, in date flares, torch in working order, fire extinguisher, bailing bucket, epirb, boat ramp ticket, and yes FULLY SERVICED LIFE JACKETS. Just to catch a F.....g fish.
With all these regulations do people still die in boating accidents?

WA, 2940 posts
3 Jul 2016 11:54PM
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my god what a bunch of clueless dipsh!ts , you especially kozzie . Just like in WA this will not be able to be enforced due to manpower . How is someone from the shore going to be able to see you are 400m from shore . The only time this would come into effect is if you are rescued out on the open water and not having your life jacket on .

Some people just get on their keyboards and act like warriors, yet all the do is make themselves look like f'ing retards

QLD, 3665 posts
4 Jul 2016 8:28AM
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I predict that 12 months from now we will all have forgotten this law.

VIC, 294 posts
4 Jul 2016 9:41AM
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It wont matter at all. Parks and the Police will not indorce this its like the WA law if you are caught floating ou the middle of nowhere they wiil ask "wheres your life jacket".

The one thing for stupid laws is they dont work for instance the helmet law: MHL is Mandatory Helemt Law:

"The most extensive study of the real-world effects of MHLs on injury rates was by Australian researcher, Dr Dorothy Robinson from the University of New England, who found ‘enforced helmet laws discourage cycling but produce no obvious response in percentage of head injuries'."

"Even after 20 years and plenty of research, there is still no compelling evidence that Australia's compulsory helmet laws have reduced injury rates on a population-wide basis."

I have been in Amsterdam and there are a lot more bikes there. The way they deal with accidetns is education. There is minimal Bike Ed in schools and perants dont go riding with their kids anymore. People have to stop being SOOOO STUUPIID and use some commom sense.

The Helmet Law has discouraged people jumping on bikes. Funny I can ride a long board (skateboard) on the road with no helmet.

Everyone will forget these laws in the 12 months have a chill pill.

NSW, 73 posts
4 Jul 2016 9:46AM
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Hi All

Without wanting to start world war three in what is an already fired up thread, the reality is KNSW (formerly NSWKBA) and KA do not go to Roads and Maritime or local councils and tell them to make laws like this. Actually, what we try to do is advocate to change perceptions about what is a good idea and safe when kiting. Comments that NSWKBA/KA receive money from councils or the government are entirely false. You can check out the annual reports on and note there is no government funding for KA. I will try to find the link to the NSW reports also. We are entirely membership funded with some small sponsorships from corporates.

There was a lot of advocacy done against the law by NSW when it was being debated and people have tried to negotiate with decision makers. We are looking at ways to address that and have been talking to Roads and Maritime about what options are out there. Given we are a small, poorly funded organisation, doing a large scale campaign against laws like these is challenging.

Manual inflating belt lifejacket is compliant, this seems like the best option because if something does go wrong you have a backup plan but it doesn't impact your ability to duck dive.

We do communicate with councils and are preparing some information for them before next summer about why kiting is safe (including recent academic evidence), how they can put up signs to help people understand their beaches and if they do have issues they should talk to us before having any knee jerk reaction (ie being proactive rather than reactive and letting them ban kiting and then trying to get back in the good books).

If you have any questions about the email last week, which was more a heads up about the regulations than any endorsement of the change by KA please email at

Glad to see so many engaged kiters, if we all worked together we would have a stronger voice and could do more to advocate to make sure regulations make sense for our sport.


Kiteboarding Australia

NSW, 601 posts
4 Jul 2016 9:54AM
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This law has effectively made 90% of kiters operate "outside of the law".
My understanding is that it doesn't matter if the laws are enforceable or not, this will affect 2 things

1) Access
Next time we're fighting for access to a beach, anyone opposed can simply state that "Most kitesurfers are not abiding by the local law" and opinion will sway against us. It'll be hard to refute.
2) Insurance
I still think this makes the AKSA insurance void if you're found to not be compliant will local laws.

I'm looking forward to the headline next time there's an incident "Local kiters, who were not following mandatory safety guidelines, were involved in an accident with..."

It doesn't matter if the law is enforceable or if the law is stupid, this is bad news for PR.

NSW, 73 posts
4 Jul 2016 9:55AM
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Kozzie said..
[obscene rant]

Hi Kozzie

Actually KA and KNSW do not get any government funding.

Surfing does get significant government funding and their position inside the sporting structures give them lots of power when law making occurs. You can read about how the Australia Sports Commission worked to turn surfing around:

I would correct your other statements, but to be honest I would rather be doing something positive for the sport.

Cheers Kiteboarding Australia

WA, 108 posts
4 Jul 2016 8:47AM
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What was said on the annual AKSA meeting in Sydney was that the law is coming straight from this man. And that it is to be strictly enforced.

He's known for hating cyclists & public transport and for being corrupt so it's not really a big surprise.

Unless you are a full time internet warrior like Kozzie you are probably better off voicing your concerns to Duncan Gay here:

WA, 1883 posts
4 Jul 2016 11:49AM
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One must be positive about change..

Excuse me miss, can you help me blow my inflatable jacket up


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Life Jackets" started by bjw