Forums > Kitesurfing General

Life Jackets

Created by bjw > 9 months ago, 1 Jul 2016
QLD, 3615 posts
1 Jul 2016 4:05AM
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Is this serious? Have the KA just lost all credibility?

34 posts
1 Jul 2016 3:46AM
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Section 123:

Circumstances in which lifejacket must be worn on board certain vessels
(1) This clause applies to the following vessels:
(a) canoes,
(b) kiteboards,
(c) sailboards,
(d) vessels under 4.8 metres in length,
(e) an off-the-beach vessel, that is, a wind-powered vessel that is designed to be launched directly from a beach.
(2) Each person on board a vessel to which this clause applies must wear an appropriate lifejacket:
(a) when the vessel is being operated between sunset and sunrise, or
(b) when the vessel is being operated on open waters, or
(c) when the vessel is being operated in alpine waters, or
(d) when the person is not accompanied by another person 12 years of age or more.
(3) The operator of a vessel to which this clause applies must ensure that each person on board the vessel complies with the requirements of this clause. Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.

NSW, 226 posts
1 Jul 2016 7:03AM
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Here's the email sent to members yesterday
Be aware - Lifejacket laws are changing - tomorrow!

We here at Kiteboarding Australia and KNSW are following up on information provided by Roads & Maritime at the KNSW AGM last week.

From tomorrow, 1 July 2016, there is a change in where you are required by law to wear a lifejacket. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand how the law affects you.

We will provide here some information about the updated regulations and hope to provide some maps to make the law more clear over the coming weeks, You should check out the Act and Regulation to make sure you are aware of your obligations, this email is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.

These changes are part of broader changes to the Marine Safety Regulation (NSW) and the Marine Safety Act 1998 (NSW). For a summary of the changes to the regulations please visit the Roads and Maritime Website here.

Note also that the prohibition of kitesurfing in the waters of Port Jackson, including the waters of all tidal bays, rivers and their tributaries connected or leading to Sydney Harbour bounded by high water mark and lying to the west of a line commencing at the southernmost point of North Head and running to the northernmost point of South Head is included under the Act (s 5).

What has changed?

Kiteboarders are now required to wear an appropriate lifejacket:

when the vessel is being operated between sunset and sunrise, or
when the vessel is being operated on alpine waters (check out the definition here), or
when the vessel is being operated on open waters (read more below), or
when the person is not accompanied by another person 12 years of age or more.
Previously, under the Marine Safety Regulations 2009 (NSW) a kiteboarder only had to wear a life jacket if they were over 400m offshore.

What is an appropriate life jacket?

We all know that life jackets are difficult to find that fit well with your harness. Any lifejacket to comply with the law need to be level 50S or greater. However, a manual inflating (including a belt-bag) lifejacket may be more comfortable and will be compliant. Any of the lifejackets in this list are going to be compliant:

What are open waters?

The most unclear portion for a kiteboarder is around what constitutes "open waters".

The new regulations say that open waters include means navigable waters that are not within the land mass of New South Wales such as inland and coastal rivers, inland and coastal lakes and similar waters, and enclosed coastal bays and harbours.

In addition, the list that follows here are waters excluded from the definition of open waters (so you don't need a life jacket unless one of the other things set out above applies ie. you are alone or it is between sunset and sunrise):

WA, 522 posts
1 Jul 2016 7:31AM
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What a waste of effort. Has any kiter actually died from drowning?

WA, 4263 posts
1 Jul 2016 9:15AM
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Kozzie said..

no doubt some worms reporting this post now and it will get deleted and ill get banned for 2 weeks


WA, 522 posts
1 Jul 2016 9:27AM
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Kozzie said..
..... bla bla bla, rant rant rant......

Coffee a bit strong this morning?

WA, 527 posts
1 Jul 2016 9:47AM
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Looks like this is NSW only ????

How will they enforce this?

If some turkey stomps up to me on the beach demanding my I.D. so he can hand me a fine, I'll immediately break into my best attempt at speaking french/Russian/Brazilian, so I can explain to him "I no speeek Eingliesh. )

QLD, 1451 posts
1 Jul 2016 11:54AM
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Freddofrog said..

Kozzie said..
..... bla bla bla, rant rant rant......

Coffee a bit strong this morning?

tea actually, cant drink coffee makes me to nervous.

ive been trying to simplify my rant in my head so i dont just look like a jacknut and i think this is it, short of drawing a flow chart where x sport becomes popular government want to control the sport so they offer money to the sports people, sports people have to be a registered committi to claim money, the now committi claim the money and are now indebted to the council, council now governing said sporting group can place laws for revenue under guise of safety to public etc committi has to oblige because hay they just got paid, committi wants more revenue goes incohutz with insurance mob etc etc actually this isnt working

ill try this

behind every law, theres a group who allowed it, who were owned by the law maker.

in countrys where there is no group, there is no law, because no one was stupid enough to take the bait (or the countrys just to damn poor to use tax money to bribe a select few to allow money to be raised by punishing the rest)

either way theres plenty of countrys where humans are deemed responsible enough to look after themselves without impacting others hell there is countrys where if you somehow aquire a small aircraft and want to jump in it and fly about you can without anyone else having to get involved. given that you are loosely following aviation rules and guidelines. im not saying thats a great system but it works for heaps of countrys. all we want to do here is sail a boat no bigger then a coffee table and every pricks gotto get wrapped around it.

starting to rant again

QLD, 1451 posts
1 Jul 2016 11:57AM
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daggy said..
Looks like this is NSW only ????

How will they enforce this?

If some turkey stomps up to me on the beach demanding my I.D. so he can hand me a fine, I'll immediately break into my best attempt at speaking french/Russian/Brazilian, so I can explain to him "I no speeek Eingliesh. )

i just make kazoo noises that way theres no way the po po happens to be 1/4th ruski / portuguese

maybe we can make this a thing? everyone just starts talking whale like in dory, so when ever you see another kiter getting reprimanded for not having his flares and vhf just cruise over and start having slow as **** drawn out conversations about bubbles and fish while staring the coast guard in the eye and never break that stare till they leave

better yet just find out whoevers great idea it was for this to happen and tell them your him.

QLD, 295 posts
1 Jul 2016 1:04PM
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What Credibility , they have had none , who is a member of KA ,
Never was never will be, been kiting for 15 years and surfing for 40 , have enjoyed both all over the world with out this crap and will continue to as i always have

NSW, 601 posts
1 Jul 2016 2:12PM
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I assume this means the insurance won't be valid if you're not complying.

Oh well, there goes the only reason I ever paid.

WA, 522 posts
1 Jul 2016 12:43PM
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Trant said..
I assume this means the insurance won't be valid if you're not complying.

Oh well, there goes the only reason I ever paid.

Not necessarily. If the claim is unrelated, eg crash into someone, then you still might be covered. Check the fine print.

NSW, 169 posts
1 Jul 2016 2:45PM
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Escape clause:

Kiteboarders are now required to wear an appropriate lifejacket:
when the person is not accompanied by another person 12 years of age or more.

So I am kiting with a mate over 12, so I dont need a life jacket then???

Also who polices this? police or maritime people???

Also how fast can they run down the beach to catch me???

Also Boooo! who the hell will kite in a farking life vest

QLD, 2433 posts
1 Jul 2016 2:55PM
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Fancy a bar getting caught in onces life-jacket causing kite to loop and one to drown....

An impact vest might be a better idea.

QLD, 6493 posts
1 Jul 2016 3:14PM
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Kozzie said..
money grabbing organisations and committis

You're giving them too much credit--pretty sure the only interest is bossing people around then pointing and crowing in delight when others who don't bother with their pointless rules get hurt...

NSW, 601 posts
1 Jul 2016 3:17PM
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Freddofrog said..

Trant said..
I assume this means the insurance won't be valid if you're not complying.

Oh well, there goes the only reason I ever paid.

Not necessarily. If the claim is unrelated, eg crash into someone, then you still might be covered. Check the fine print.

Insurance companies generally won't pay out if you're doing something "illegal"

WA, 8407 posts
1 Jul 2016 1:24PM
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You now need a PPFD not PFD on wa waters
It's the same thing but Pilot Pete endorsed it

NSW, 1714 posts
1 Jul 2016 3:45PM
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An awful lot of work was done a few years back to stop this stupid regulation. So, what happened?

WA, 522 posts
1 Jul 2016 3:10PM
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Trant said..

Freddofrog said..

Trant said..
I assume this means the insurance won't be valid if you're not complying.

Oh well, there goes the only reason I ever paid.

Not necessarily. If the claim is unrelated, eg crash into someone, then you still might be covered. Check the fine print.

Insurance companies generally won't pay out if you're doing something "illegal"

Depends on the insurance company and what's being claimed. If your car brakes fail but you have illegal window tinting, the two are unrelated. If however reduced vision might have contributed to an accident, that is different.

As always, read the fine print.

534 posts
1 Jul 2016 3:46PM
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Throw the book at me

QLD, 3615 posts
1 Jul 2016 6:28PM
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Kitesurfing, just got cooler.

Im off to buy boat shoes and a Polo.

94 posts
1 Jul 2016 5:30PM
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I don´t know why everybody is so uptight and narrow-minded about lifejackets! I mean any sensible person will not complain about extra measures to make the sport safer for people. Yes people have drowned kiting. In rough water a lifejacket helps a lot. A lifejacket is a useful aid to anyone, experienced or not. Just some people who think they are untouchable and invincible and have a big ego don´t want to listen to authorities.

I mean come on! What on earth is the bother with a lifejacket!! I wear one even though there are no regulations regarding it here in Mozambique. Smart and safety concious people will not have a problem with this. Szeezz guys. If something makes a sport safer why complain? It is like wearing a seatbelt in a car. Precautionary measures. You might never need it, but that one time you might need it and it might be the time you aren´t wearing your lifejacket. The people are just trying to keep our kiters alive and safe. They know people like taking risks and want to protect them. Not every organization is out to steal your money. And in case any of you were wondering I don´t belong to or am affiliated to any kiting organization or comitee that controls kiting. so this is not a subjective view.

WA, 9499 posts
1 Jul 2016 5:35PM
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Safer You say? That's debatable ...actually it's not. The new generation of seriously sh1t kites speaking I suspect. fck all Yu safety nannies and your government regulated licenses of all kind to ultimately spin more bullsh1t money into the hands of vested interests. Read your history you stupid morons, less government involvement in anything the better things are for every Common man.,

too many retards are already taking up this sport as it is, imagine how safe (incorrectly) these drooling spastics will feel now. And the result...far more serious incidents.... And more regulation ...and more government intervention...

WA, 4263 posts
1 Jul 2016 5:53PM
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Patiently waiting for Steve to chime in with the latest goss on designer lifejackets exclusive to KP.


QLD, 3615 posts
1 Jul 2016 7:58PM
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94 posts
1 Jul 2016 6:42PM
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Sensible people live longer. If you don´t want to kite for longer that is your choice. Sensible people are more safety concious. If you want to be labelled unsensible and hap hazard so be it

94 posts
1 Jul 2016 6:45PM
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eppo said..
Safer You say? That's debatable ...actually it's not. The new generation of seriously sh1t kites speaking I suspect. fck all Yu safety nannies and your government regulated licenses of all kind to ultimately spin more bullsh1t money into the hands of vested interests. Read your history you stupid morons, less government involvement in anything the better things are for every Common man.,

too many retards are already taking up this sport as it is, imagine how safe (incorrectly) these drooling spastics will feel now. And the result...far more serious incidents.... And more regulation ...and more government intervention...

Actually no I am not talking about bad kites. Just speaking general safety

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
1 Jul 2016 9:09PM
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I can think of at least half a dozen scenarios where a life jacket would cause problems.

If I was doing some sort of crossing or open water distance kite I would happily wear one.

In the surf .... No way
Freestyle or wakestyle tricks .... No way

WA, 530 posts
1 Jul 2016 7:16PM
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What a lot of bleating.

KA didn't make these rules, they are just passing on what the legislation change is.

and essentially, this affects none of you. Unless you are planning to kite in darkness, and/or well offshore.

and as you whiny sooks spend the hours of darkness bleating on sea breeze, it's not really a problem is it?

All of these proposed changes that are now in force were available for public comment, for an extended period. If you dont like the outcome now, that's not on KA or the NSW govt if you weren't willing to get involved in the process.

geez, worse than brexit.

WA, 4263 posts
1 Jul 2016 7:53PM
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MozKiter said..
Sensible people live longer.

Sensible people don't kite cause kiting isn't safe.

Sensible people sit on the couch.


WA, 8407 posts
1 Jul 2016 8:45PM
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Just bought one
And I'm hitting up mullaz
300 Mtrs of regulated epicness


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Life Jackets" started by bjw