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Trashed kite at Cott on Sat - pictures and story

Created by marno > 9 months ago, 4 Aug 2008
WA, 218 posts
4 Aug 2008 11:31AM
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Was at Cott on saturday, hanging in the carpark overlooking the cliffs and surf. A guy was out and couldn't relaunch his kite after it dropped. After a while he drifted in to the surf impact zone, then he released the kite. The kite got hit by a few waves, then drifted in to the flat water just in front of the rocks ashore and just stayed there cooperatively waiting for him. The kiter then swam in with his board and got up on the rocks, dumped the board and then jumped back in to retrieve the kite.

Here is where it gets interesting .... instead of deflating the leading edge and rolling up the kite (where it could have been handed in a nice neat package to his mate standing on the rocks 3 metres away), he figured it was a better idea to pull the kite to the rocks, climb up and then drag the kite up over jagged rocks where it was totally obliterated in a matter of 1 minute.

Couldn't help but get the camera out of the car (sorry buddy if you're reading this and have to relive the tale). Sorry for your loss, but it could have so easily been avoided !!! cheers

WA, 40 posts
4 Aug 2008 11:51AM
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Looks like Cove finally got its prey...

Bad luck dude!

WA, 153 posts
4 Aug 2008 12:07PM
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ah dude, that sucks so bad. I'm sorry for your loss.
On the bright side..... New kite time????

WA, 190 posts
4 Aug 2008 12:14PM
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TheMedic said...

On the bright side..... New kite time????

I dunno..... all the struts still seem to be good....might be repairable?

QLD, 1203 posts
4 Aug 2008 2:51PM
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Should be repairable - here are a few pics of a mates kite that fell prey on a big day last year. This kite was fully repaired by Moti Levi for a couple hundred bucks.

WA, 762 posts
4 Aug 2008 12:57PM
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I guess you know to do next time rather than dragging the kite across sharp rocks?! What was going on to think that was a good idea?

WA, 4263 posts
4 Aug 2008 2:43PM
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marno said...

Couldn't help but get the camera out of the car (sorry buddy if you're reading this and have to relive the tale). Sorry for your loss, but it could have so easily been avoided !!! cheers

You're not sorry.
Actually you sound a bit smug.
Maybe if you had put your camera down for a minute....
you could have offered some assistance.
The kite-betty with colour-matching jacket looks a little clueless too.
I'm blaming the kite-betty.
If he had been wetsuited-up, the trashing could have so easily been avoided.
That kite-betty should have got wet.

WA, 218 posts
4 Aug 2008 5:04PM
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waveslave said...

marno said...

Couldn't help but get the camera out of the car (sorry buddy if you're reading this and have to relive the tale). Sorry for your loss, but it could have so easily been avoided !!! cheers

You're not sorry.
Actually you sound a bit smug.
Maybe if you had put your camera down for a minute....
you could have offered some assistance.
The kite-betty with colour-matching jacket looks a little clueless too.
I'm blaming the kite-betty.
If he had been wetsuited-up, the trashing could have so easily been avoided.
That kite-betty should have got wet.

I was about 200m away up on a cliff when he dragged his kite up on the rocks, and never did I expect this guy was going to do that - it happened in about 39 seconds I kid you not. I would have been down there in a heart beat though if I knew this guy didn't know how to self recue and roll his kite up, plus he already had a mate there presumably to help him etc. Given he was out kiting I also assumed he knew a bit about what he was doing, well enough to know he could have retrieved his kite without dragging it up onto jagged rocks!!
I'm not happy he trashed his kite, its about $1,000 down the drain for this poor guy. I got the camera out of the car to photo the damage after he'd done it coz I couldn't believe what he'd just done.
Hopefully though my posting may save someone else from the same mistake.
cheers brus.

WA, 641 posts
4 Aug 2008 6:11PM
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well thats what you get for being too lazy to wrap up and do a self rescue!! it always amazes me to see how many people dont do a selfe rescue when they should. situations like this 1 could so easily be avoided if people would just learn to do a simple self rescue.
maybe he should head down to one of kitehards FREE self rescue lesson days.

also it lookes like he is bloody lucky he didnt catch a surfer or a swimer in his lines too

just looking at the photos again that isnt you poor relli is it?? (its hard to see the poor dudes face in the photos)

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
4 Aug 2008 6:17PM
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just looking at the photos again that isnt you poor relli is it??

Thank goodness it was not.

Condolences to the kite owner and his family.

WA, 1874 posts
4 Aug 2008 6:22PM
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Hey Marno

I agree with you.
Its a valuable lesson to see and learn from, for the un-informed !

Who ever it was .... Needs some Humble Pie
A picture paints a thousand words !!
Massive stuff up no explanation necessary

It can be repaired easily enough, its part of the funn


WA, 575 posts
4 Aug 2008 6:28PM
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Next week on Seabreeze...

12m North Kite. Black and Yellow, few minor scratches, no bladder leaks, complete with pump, bag, bar and tangled lines, $1000 ono.

VIC, 51 posts
4 Aug 2008 8:33PM
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sounds awesome matty, just think ill pass

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
4 Aug 2008 9:54PM
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Wow! Bummer! I saw this guys kite go down several hundred metres down wind of me. I was on the Blue Ozone way upwind.

Part of this problem was caused by the guys rigging up at the Phone Box. Can you guys not read the friggin big sign right next to the stairway that says "NO KITING ON THIS BEACH - RIG 100M FURTHER SOUTH?"

If you can't water relaunch the kite, don't go out! Especially not 200m upwind of jagged rocks. If you had been kiting from the correct beach, you may not have ended up with a confetti kite. If you cannot self rescue, maybe attend one of our free clinics coming up before the season kicks off.

Harsh lesson to learn, hope he learned it.

Good winds,

WA, 143 posts
5 Aug 2008 8:42AM
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Yep that would be me..... major fark up!!! Ha I didn't realise how photo genic I was, bloody paparazzi can't leave home without getting hassled!! Anyways here's how it all unfolded. Was having a good kite with consistent wind and was well aware of reef and sharp rocks at cove. Unfortunately the wind dropped to nothing, kite dropped into the ocean and conditions changed from 17-20knots to a slight puff in a matter of seconds. So couldn't relaunch not from lack of trying and was drifting into dangerous waters towards cot groin, reef, rocks, surfers and bigger swell. So after much consideration decided to pull the safety and swim it in, unfortunately this is where I had another mishap and my safety snapped sending my kite into rocks and getting smashed by the swell with my handle and lines still attached. So swam in, kite was sliced and diced, lines wrapped around rocks and kite wedged on the rocks in an awkward position. So once I got into shore assessed the situation, I realised the kite was badly damaged. So i timed my jump back into the water to retrieve the gear and dragged the kite in, no time to release the bladder just time enough to get it in before the next bigger set come through.
I want to thank the french guy who came down to help, without him I wouldn't of been able to retrieve the lines and get the kite out. Some people are doer's and some people just take photo's. cheers mate hope I can do the same for someone another time!

SA, 501 posts
5 Aug 2008 10:59AM
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Perhaps the real lesson here is there are always 2 sides to a story.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
5 Aug 2008 9:44AM
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fozzy said...

Perhaps the real lesson here is there are always 2 sides to a story.

This ^

WA, 4263 posts
5 Aug 2008 9:53AM
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markass said...
Some people are doer's and some people just take photo's. cheers mate

There are more holes in this dodgey story.....
than in the trashed canopy of that green 12m piece of sh1t.
you pulled the 'safety' and the death leash snapped....
in pus wind ??
Yeah right.

WA, 143 posts
5 Aug 2008 10:47AM
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dude the 5th line snapped just above the handle bar which was attached to the safety. i pulled the safety when i got in trouble, kite then got pulled towards the shore by the waves thus snapping the 5th line. what's so hard to believe???

WA, 4263 posts
5 Aug 2008 11:28AM
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markass said...

dude the 5th line snapped just above the handle bar which was attached to the safety. i pulled the safety when i got in trouble, kite then got pulled towards the shore by the waves thus snapping the 5th line. what's so hard to believe???

Well there's your problem. ^^
5-liners are yesterdays kite.
You need a kite that flags to a flying line.
A fifth is that extra wheel that doesn't do much...
except snap at the wrong time.
5-liners might suit nukewind, but they suck at the bottom end.

TAS, 778 posts
5 Aug 2008 2:07PM
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I reckon Markass is one of these super rich share trading guys that make so much money they don't really need to give anyone an excuse for a fark up. They just buy another one, or pull another from the boot of the maseratti.

Its probably standard practise to just throw the kite away at the end of each session, Mark you should be congratulated for picking up your rubbish.

QLD, 2770 posts
5 Aug 2008 2:18PM
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the poor ba5tard not only had a bad session and trashed his kite, but someone took photos of it and posted them on a public forum without his knowledge, so that everyone can have a laugh and stick the boots in.
wavegimp even has the gall to call him a liar and then ridicule his choice of kite.

talk about a bad day at the beach

Beer Bong
WA, 350 posts
5 Aug 2008 12:42PM
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I'm in Melbourne, but I miss you guys......

Great read. Anyone who sails the phone box deserves bad karma.

WA, 218 posts
5 Aug 2008 1:08PM
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markass said...

Yep that would be me..... major fark up!!! Ha I didn't realise how photo genic I was, bloody paparazzi can't leave home without getting hassled!! Anyways here's how it all unfolded. Was having a good kite with consistent wind and was well aware of reef and sharp rocks at cove. Unfortunately the wind dropped to nothing, kite dropped into the ocean and conditions changed from 17-20knots to a slight puff in a matter of seconds. So couldn't relaunch not from lack of trying and was drifting into dangerous waters towards cot groin, reef, rocks, surfers and bigger swell. So after much consideration decided to pull the safety and swim it in, unfortunately this is where I had another mishap and my safety snapped sending my kite into rocks and getting smashed by the swell with my handle and lines still attached. So swam in, kite was sliced and diced, lines wrapped around rocks and kite wedged on the rocks in an awkward position. So once I got into shore assessed the situation, I realised the kite was badly damaged. So i timed my jump back into the water to retrieve the gear and dragged the kite in, no time to release the bladder just time enough to get it in before the next bigger set come through.
I want to thank the french guy who came down to help, without him I wouldn't of been able to retrieve the lines and get the kite out. Some people are doer's and some people just take photo's. cheers mate hope I can do the same for someone another time!

Sorry dude, I think that might be a slight twist on what happened here ((""sending my kite into rocks")). I and a mate, and a nanna and grandpa watched the whole thing unfold and were all of the same opinion. After being pushed a bit by the waves, the kite was sitting in the calm waters of the lagoon and had not touch the rocks until you got there. We were all thinking thinking how lucky you were that it had stopped about 5 metres short (a fair distance) of the rocks, and that you'd easily be able to rescue it undamaged. It didn't look like it had touched the rocks until you dragged it up over them. I am sure remembering it differently makes it easier to deal with though, I'd probably be the same!! Cheers

WA, 218 posts
5 Aug 2008 1:20PM
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marno said...

markass said...

Yep that would be me..... major fark up!!! Ha I didn't realise how photo genic I was, bloody paparazzi can't leave home without getting hassled!! Anyways here's how it all unfolded. Was having a good kite with consistent wind and was well aware of reef and sharp rocks at cove. Unfortunately the wind dropped to nothing, kite dropped into the ocean and conditions changed from 17-20knots to a slight puff in a matter of seconds. So couldn't relaunch not from lack of trying and was drifting into dangerous waters towards cot groin, reef, rocks, surfers and bigger swell. So after much consideration decided to pull the safety and swim it in, unfortunately this is where I had another mishap and my safety snapped sending my kite into rocks and getting smashed by the swell with my handle and lines still attached. So swam in, kite was sliced and diced, lines wrapped around rocks and kite wedged on the rocks in an awkward position. So once I got into shore assessed the situation, I realised the kite was badly damaged. So i timed my jump back into the water to retrieve the gear and dragged the kite in, no time to release the bladder just time enough to get it in before the next bigger set come through.
I want to thank the french guy who came down to help, without him I wouldn't of been able to retrieve the lines and get the kite out. Some people are doer's and some people just take photo's. cheers mate hope I can do the same for someone another time!

Sorry dude, I think that might be a slight twist on what happened here ((""sending my kite into rocks")). I and a mate, and a nanna and grandpa watched the whole thing unfold and were all of the same opinion. After being pushed a bit by the waves, the kite was sitting in the calm waters of the lagoon and had not touch the rocks until you got there. We were all thinking thinking how lucky you were that it had stopped about 5 metres short (a fair distance) of the rocks, and that you'd easily be able to rescue it undamaged. It didn't look like it had touched the rocks until you dragged it up over them. I am sure remembering it differently makes it easier to deal with though, I'd probably be the same!! Cheers

.... just re-read your post Markass. Come on mate, you said "no time to release the bladder before the next bigger set came through". Your kite was floating in a bloody lagoon. Water was splashing up on the rocks, but there certainly were no waves or surge of any kind, and your kite was sitting still a good 5 metres in front of the rocks. You can say "some are doers" etc, but like I said, I only got the camera out of the car after you trashed your kite because what you did was so unbeliveable. Apologies I didn't rush down there to give you advice or help, but it looked like such an easy save (in still water, little wind and waste deep water) I thought you would have had it in the bag. Give him your number Darren. Sorry mate, wouldn't have pulled the trigger on this burning, but geez you don't help yourself!

SA, 501 posts
5 Aug 2008 4:07PM
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Marno, the only one that needs a "burning" here is you. I can't believe this sh1t. You go taking photos of some bloke that has obviously had a very bad day out and post the photos all over a public forum under the guise of "saving someone else from making the same mistake." What a crock of sh1t. I'm sure you stood there and thought, I'd better grab my camera as I could help people in the future if I record this. Pfft. Then you go on with it telling the bloke it didn't happen as he claims it did. What do you care anyway. Whether it happened the way you say or the way he claims, he doesn't need someone doing their best to humiliate him.

Oh, but I forgot. You're doing this for the greater good of all kiters out there aren't you. How noble.

QLD, 211 posts
5 Aug 2008 5:28PM
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dude steady, leave the poor bloke alone just bad day, hwo does bitching about what happened and whos telling the real story bring the blokes kite back, just let the bloke drink his sorrows away and look forward to buying a new blade!

NSW, 169 posts
5 Aug 2008 5:32PM
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Fark, it seems you can't get away with anything in WA without someone putting a picture of you on seabreeze and laying the boots in!

WA, 718 posts
5 Aug 2008 4:07PM
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I have long held the view that kiters will evolve to be worse than those whinging moaning know it alls we good heartedly call poleys.

And I think we have proof of it above.

I kind of regret the old days when people who kited were just all super stoked about the sport and always trying to help each other, and everyone knew that they didn't know everything and everyone made mistakes, often costly financially and physically.

New easy to fly kites have opened the doors to tossers, braggers and old women.

The guy trashed his kite, leave him alone......unless he set up at phone box, in which case no sympathy.

TAS, 778 posts
5 Aug 2008 6:26PM
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KiteDevil said...

I reckon Markass is one of these super rich share trading guys that make so much money they don't really need to give anyone an excuse for a fark up. They just buy another one, or pull another from the boot of the maseratti.

Its probably standard practise to just throw the kite away at the end of each session, Mark you should be congratulated for picking up your rubbish.

what's with all the thumbs down? I'm not laying the boots in here, just giving Markass a way out, you know... "Yes why of course, I'm hideously rich, that's why I land my kites this way...Geeves.. go fetch me another!"

He should be congratulated for getting it himself instead of Geeves...

ahhh don't bother, it's obviously way to hard for the finger pointing masses to understand.

WA, 143 posts
5 Aug 2008 4:30PM
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I'll have to leave you guys too it, bitching and moaning you would have thought i sunk the titanic. anyways just get out and enjoy your kiting and if one thing has come out of it, it's that there are def some minority w#nker kiters out there.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Trashed kite at Cott on Sat - pictures and story" started by marno