Forums > Kitesurfing General

Trashed kite at Cott on Sat - pictures and story

Created by marno > 9 months ago, 4 Aug 2008
WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
8 Aug 2008 9:44AM
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Miss Jessie said...

Maybe Mark shouldn't have ....... yep phone box is a tricky spot to kite and not for the inexperienced

Hi Jess,

I was there that day too. I was the guy on the Ozone Kites and the surfboard further upwind. I have quoted u to highlight a small indiscretion.

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO RIG LAUNCH OR LAND KITES AT THE PHONE BOX. It is not a beginner, intermediate or experienced rider location. IT IS BANNED! There is a bloody great sign on the beach at the bottom of the stair case to the beach. It explicitly says "no rigging closer than 100m South of the sign" and yet every windy day, kiters ignore the sign and do as they please.

You don't have to have the ranger come up to you to get everyone in the sh!t and lose the spot for all of us. The ranger and local residents don't come up to you personally, they take photos from the top of the hill and use it as evidence to council as they have done in the first place to shut it down ages ago.

Johnno Keys, WAKSA and a group of other dedicated kiters worked long and hard with council to re-open the Cottesloe area to kiting. PLEASE DO NOT RIG HERE AGAIN.

Rules are you can kite out the front of the phone box, but you CANNOT USE THE BEACH FOR RIGGING LAUNCHING OR LANDING.

I am not directing this at you personally, but to all the kiters who use this area. It is dangerous and Illegal to use the Phone Box. Please respect the rules so we can all enjoy the spot for years to come.

Sorry about your boyfriends kite and the crap he has got from the community but hey, if he wasn't at the phone box, it wouldn't have happened. Karma in action???? Maybe.

Good winds,

SA, 48 posts
8 Aug 2008 11:15AM
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Miss Jessie said...

What's happened to kitesurfing that everyone is ready to give others **** and not be a community where we help others out-give each other hints and try and improve everyones knowledge

Here's a Tip for everyone:

Were the lines connected? If they were, that'd be why it's rooted. The snagged lines will exert a downward force when you pull the kite onto the rocks thus generating that lovely tearing sound.

Was your life in peril, or would it have been to get the lines off? Did it matter if the kite got ripped coz you had to get it right then and now?.. if so, it's a kite or die situation and that's the result.

If you had the lines off and that still happened, by christ your unlucky.

Big deal, you think lifes tuff, I got my face stuck in a dogs arse.

NSW, 5778 posts
8 Aug 2008 11:45AM
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wow, from the amount of ***** appearing in hers posts, seems miss jessie has quite the trash mouth happening..

... and typical of an emotional woman in an argument... she makes absolutely no bloody sense..

i think i would have taken photos too, what else could you do...? its not a life threatening situation, and if it was, then the photos' would be worth money!

how many of us watch that funny video show?
seriously, from the photos', there is a three foot white wash mark, the swell could not have been that big...
suck it up, the 'look at me, look at me' factor of kitesurfing, just totally backfired,
at least its just on here and not national tele like the bondi incident

QLD, 88 posts
8 Aug 2008 12:28PM
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F*ck me, to all those taking some sort of sick pleasure in this guys misfortune, you are all deadset w@nkers...

WA, 4263 posts
8 Aug 2008 11:22AM
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Miss Jessie said...

Maybe Mark shouldn't have gone out, but who hasn't had a day like that, I was on 7m and it kept floating so I would have thought that the 12 would have been fine,................

Hi Jessie,
Now you're thinking straight. ^^
You are beginning to get some clarity.
Some time after an event like this, you start to analyse your actions at the time.
You begin to question your thinking processes.....
which helps you plan for future situations.
Forum topics like this are good for the kiting community.
These pictures and words simply teach us how to save our sorry arses.
If the victims (yourself and Mark) are given a bit of stick on a forum like this....
just take your medicine in good humour.
No one died, right.
It's only a ripped kite, suck it up Miss.

Maybe you should have taken out the 12m instead of the floaty 7.
Maybe Mark should have remained on dry land and fixed you a nice picnic lunch and cold beverage.
It's funny, kitesurfing.
Sometimes you want to kite so bad that it hurts...
So bad that your brain stops working.
Even when there's pus wind.....
some desperate will pump up his kite and grab some chump to foolishly launch his kite.
But you've got to listen to your kite.
Your faithful kite will always tell you if the wind is ok.
It's like one of those loyal seeing-eye dogs on four strings.
Well anyway,
it always tells me cause I always self-launch.....
and if the kite is unwilling to fly off the beach....
well, that's a pretty good indicator that I shouldn't bother.
^ *that's my kite talking to me.

VIC, 4501 posts
8 Aug 2008 3:02PM
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Hindsight has 100% accuracy in every single case. Its always easy to look back and analyse your mistakes and say what you should have done, or what you would have done if it was you, but making a decision on the spot in conditions where you are tired, have just spent the last couple of minutes swimming or trying to launch your kite, etc is much harder. Can you be 100% sure you all would have packed down your kite in the water? Personally I would never deflate my leading edge in the water if I was close to shore having been on the bad end of having it fill up with water and trying to get water out of the leading edge..

Its easy to sit at the top taking photos, analysing the situation and saying "wow, what an idiot, he shouldn't have done that", its even easier to put the boot in and call people names or laugh at them, but it doesn't make it right and it definitely doesn't make you a nice person so don't try to pretend you're doing the kiteboarding community a favour by posting photos that will "help" other people avoid doing the same because I'm pretty sure you weren't doing this for the greater glory of kiting humanity.

WA, 4263 posts
8 Aug 2008 1:48PM
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Kitehard said...

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO RIG LAUNCH OR LAND KITES AT THE PHONE BOX. It is not a beginner, intermediate or experienced rider location. IT IS BANNED! There is a bloody great sign on the beach at the bottom of the stair case to the beach. It explicitly says "no rigging closer than 100m South of the sign" and yet every windy day, kiters ignore the sign and do as they please.

Johnno Keys, WAKSA and a group of other dedicated kiters worked long and hard with council to re-open the Cottesloe area to kiting. PLEASE DO NOT RIG HERE AGAIN.

Rules are you can kite out the front of the phone box, but you CANNOT USE THE BEACH FOR RIGGING LAUNCHING OR LANDING.

I'm not too clued-up on this phone-box thing.
I can only guess that the Cottesloe area identified by a solitary phone-box....
must be too close to the road traffic and powerlines.....
so therefore it's too dangerous for launching and landing kites.
But apparently folks still launch and land there.
If this is the case ^^

Then that big f.u.c.k.-off sign is a waste of space, hey ?
Nor does that regulatory system of WAKSA tags hanging off harnesses amount to much.

You see, it all boils down to personal survival instinct.
Some folks naturally have it, others not.
Some people are oblivious to the obvious.
Stupid plastic tags won't magically teach you survival skills.
It's helpful if it's in your genes.
It needs to be intuitive.
When a situation is sketchy, it is best that you sense that it is.
Feel it.
Not read all about it on a big f.u.c.k-off sign.
Signs are for kooks.
Survivors can smell sketchyness.

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
8 Aug 2008 3:01PM
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Hey 'slave,

I'm all for people killing themselves through their own stupidity and cleaning up the gene pool for the rest of us. Problem is, if the public get taken out, or the council take offense at decapitated corpses strewn over the rocks and decide to ban, I'll be pissed! I like riding at Cott even though it isn't my local.

People are essentially lazy and suffer from massive apathy. They grab their gear from the car, walk to the bottom of the steps, see the sign and can't be bothered walking the inhumanly long distance of 100m to do the right thing and then think, "Oh whatever, I'll probably just get told off anyways, no stress".

It sh1ts me to tears when people blatently do the wrong thing because they can't be bothered to do the righty, and risk losing the use of the site for sake of their own laziness.

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!! Stop being such inconsiderate, self centred sh1ts. I hope the same fate as our friend awaits all those who rig at the Phone Box site. Don't want to sound mean but FFS

Good winds,

WA, 4263 posts
8 Aug 2008 3:59PM
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Kitehard, I'm still no wiser ?
All you told me was something about people getting their heads chopped-off.
And what's so bad about this phone-box anyway ?
.....other than most times it's probably un-useable due to vandalism.
So apparently you can kite opposite the phone-box.....that's ok
but no launch, no land ??
You need to spell it out for me, I'm a bit slow.

WA, 718 posts
8 Aug 2008 5:08PM
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Because there is not much beach area, local beach users have complained, so the area in front of the phone box is not for launching and landing. To give the swimmers and sunbathers some peace from lines and kites who can just as easily set up 100m up the beachh.

For someone who has no idea, you sure have a lot to say.

NSW, 1114 posts
8 Aug 2008 7:19PM
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Hey slave...i've always said the only difference between the "obvious" and The "oblivious" is a LI..E!

And "it doesn't take too many brains to be stupid" personal favorite!

And you guys can all suck on my six pack...the amount of bull Sp!t you can carry on with.....

Oh i forgot it's winter!

Stabb this one!

ewan kite
VIC, 926 posts
8 Aug 2008 7:43PM
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200 posts

VIC, 772 posts
8 Aug 2008 8:06PM
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WA, 138 posts
8 Aug 2008 7:56PM
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Saffer said...

waveslave said...

marno said...

.... just re-read your post Markass. Come on mate, you said "no time to release the bladder before the next bigger set came through". Your kite was floating in a bloody lagoon. Water was splashing up on the rocks, but there certainly were no waves or surge of any kind, and your kite was sitting still a good 5 metres in front of the rocks.

I'm not a big fan of on-the-water packdowns when it comes to self-rescue.
That's another misguided kitesurfing myth. ^
I'm all for keeping the kite rigid....
pumped-up hard, framed-out stiff.
The dump valve is 2-way...
after the air spurts out, the water flows in.#####
You don't want to deal with a big, cumbersome, waterlogged 12m rag.
I mean, if you wanted that......^
you'd fly a doona, hey ?

As for this particular situation,
(and it's easy for me to speculate from the comfort of my computer chair)...
but I would have just lifted the kite up off the water and plonked it on my head,
when I reached the shallows.
You know, like a poley does when he carries his rig (and board)......
On the head, on the horizontal plane, into the wind.

Easy to say that when you are not walking in over sharp rocks.

Thats why you put the bung BACK in when all air is out, prehaps you shouldnt do a water wrap down cos you dont know how!!!

Poor guy, trashed his kite then gets trashed on here.
Ps.. How do you rig up in a phone box?

SA, 48 posts
8 Aug 2008 9:45PM
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Dr WHO must get angry when he comes out of the Tardis AKA The PhoneBox, chased by Darleks and Cybermen only to fall over some dudes kite and get all darleked up his butt n all that.

**** I've done some time travel in my time and that'd sure piss me off.

Hence the sign.


WA, 4263 posts
9 Aug 2008 10:39AM
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wal269 said...

Because there is not much beach area, local beach users have complained, so the area in front of the phone box is not for launching and landing. To give the swimmers and sunbathers some peace from lines and kites who can just as easily set up 100m up the beachh.

For someone who has no idea, you sure have a lot to say.

Thanks for the explanation.
So the kiting 'ban' is not about the road traffic or powerlines.
It's about swimmers and sunbathers having a private beach to themselves.....
without the pests.
A bit like a 'No Dogs Allowed' beach.
But let's keep it real, hey.
How many swimmers and sunbathers would have been there on that winters day ?
Probably none, right ?

QLD, 2770 posts
9 Aug 2008 12:54PM
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so where do you draw the line slave? how many people have to be on the beach before its deemed unsafe to rig/launch?
everybody will interpret 'keeping it real' differently.
like you say some people have no common sense or logic, hence the sign. its too late in the sport to expect kiters to behave rationally. there are too many gumby riders out there.

WA, 4263 posts
9 Aug 2008 11:39AM
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stamp said...
there are too many gumby riders out there.

lol. ^^

*Famous early quote by Robby Naish

"Kitesurfing is not a sport for everybody".
"Probably 99.9% of folks shouldn't even attempt it".

Maybe at the time he had already factored in gumbyness into his business equation.
In the early years of kite development and marketing, the important question remained unanswered,,,,,,,and still does......
"Is kitesurfing going to last" ????
Well, it's lasted a decade so far, can we hope for another ?

NSW, 5778 posts
9 Aug 2008 1:51PM
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^welll.., i guess we could ask michael tsarion that one, and as for 'keeping it real', it seems to well the same connotations as the seabreeze perennial of 'harden the fnck up', or rather HTFU as prefered to save laurie's sensitive ears (and to keep his sniveling hall monitor on side)... one only has to view the marvelous social commentary of mr dave chappelle, to see just how much a mis-contexted attitude of keeping it real can turn severly for the worst...

WA, 179 posts
11 Aug 2008 9:28PM
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i still love you Jess.

but i love this forum more...

but back to the point... this is not about a phone box... this is about a guy, a kite and a bad day out...

Qu.1) is the kite fixed?
Qu. 2) have you got back on the water?
Qu. 3) (if the answer is no to the above...) do ya wanna buy my 11m slingy
Qu 4.) will there be a CAGE FIGHT or are we just gonna keep kicking this guy whilst he's down...

*song comes to mind* wooo ooohoo oo cause ya had a bad day...

i miss Perth... see you in Feb

Miss Jessie
NSW, 181 posts
13 Sep 2008 6:35PM
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For Sale: "Frankenstein"

This is your chance to own the very famous Seabreeze kite 12m 2nd hand North Vegas 2007. It has had over 20hrs of tender love and care repairs. With approximately 60 new patches, 20 sewing, 5 bladder and center line repairs. This is an untried prototype with probable characteristics of needing higher wind speeds to launch, slower turning speed and a high maintenance kinda girl compared to your average 12m North kite. Any offers considered!

QLD, 175 posts
13 Sep 2008 10:17PM
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Is that the same kite that was at Woodies today?

WA, 635 posts
13 Sep 2008 8:28PM
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Well sounds like a happy ending, sort of...Hope the kite wasnt sewn up in that passage way, or worse things may happen yet....

Sad part is, the effort here to trash a guy that allready got trashed.
We probably all have had sh!t happen to us, lucky no guy with a camera was around to document the missery.

WA, 533 posts
13 Sep 2008 8:40PM
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Thankyou Seabreeze, you never fail to deliver

WA, 41 posts
13 Sep 2008 10:55PM
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posko said...

i still love you Jess.

but i love this forum more...

but back to the point... this is not about a phone box... this is about a guy, a kite and a bad day out...

Qu.1) is the kite fixed?
Qu. 2) have you got back on the water?
Qu. 3) (if the answer is no to the above...) do ya wanna buy my 11m slingy
Qu 4.) will there be a CAGE FIGHT or are we just gonna keep kicking this guy whilst he's down...

*song comes to mind* wooo ooohoo oo cause ya had a bad day...

i miss Perth... see you in Feb

Typical Poss, sticking to his root as a sales rep.

WA, 1140 posts
14 Sep 2008 6:13AM
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The thing is........ALL kites are made of bits and pieces sewn together.

QLD, 581 posts
14 Sep 2008 4:45PM
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NZ oysters - taste great. Kites love their wholesome taste too.

SA, 492 posts
14 Sep 2008 7:57PM
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Question for MARKASS, as a newbie having 1, 12m north kite with 5th line setup on north bar can you tell me how long it took for the lines to be in that condition? I am not interested in negative feedback on my choice of kite but constructive comments on how to remain safe and knowing my gear is safe. How long does it take to wear things out.Sorry about your loss. Excuse me as i am a little confused is it safer to roll a kite up when the---- hits the fan, or reel in the kite on the 5th line and carry overhead?

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
15 Sep 2008 4:26PM
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We have all ended up on the rocks with snapped masts and ripped sails.......

so be it.

No injury No Problems.

But i got to say its even better to see trashed kites and five x 200 meters OF MED string in a ball with hemeroides to go.

Something about the visual aspect and noise thats so appealing.

Richer to raggs / raggs to richers ?

As for the photographer in his cot Ugg boats ,mercadies bends, sipping on Mc Cafe hot chocalate with the heater running whilst being payed by seebreeze .
i would have only wound my window down enough to point the camera to. ????

WA, 179 posts
16 Sep 2008 12:07AM
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over a month away from the forum and this story is still at the top...

keep kickin him... he's still breathing!

oh and you never rang about my 11m

love ya Perth


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Trashed kite at Cott on Sat - pictures and story" started by marno