Forums > Kitesurfing General

bondi rescue

Created by rfw1 > 9 months ago, 8 Apr 2008
NSW, 238 posts
10 Apr 2008 8:20PM
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shooterMcgavin said...

where do these people come from???

When Mummy and Daddy love each other very much, (you might want to get a pen and paper) they have a very special cuddle....

10 Apr 2008 8:55PM
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Marty Coffey said...

I don't know where you get your info from. Kiting was banned at Bondi because some Euro went out in a North Easter and dropped their kite in the Icerburgs.

If he was stopped while launching his kite how did he spray anyone? I know him well and there is no way he would go out after being told not to. It was after the flags went down. No point slagging someones reputation with conjecture, here say and rumour.

G'day Marty

Kiting was banned at Bondi, during the period when Grant was the president of AKSA. I was secretary of AKSA at the time, and was asked by members and the committee to petition for the ban to be lifted.

I visited the Bondi Lifeguards and spoke to one of the assistant head lifeguards at the time. They cited 2 incidents, one involving a punch up on the beach between a kitesurfer and a surfer which resulted in a kite being crashed on the promenade, and the second incident involving Grant kiting in amongst a Nippers meeting.

It was obvious in talking to them that there was no hope in having the ban lifted and also that Waverly Council and the Lifeguards were correct in their assessment that Bondi was not a place were kitesurfing could be practiced safely most of the time. AKSA abandoned efforts to get the ban lifted.
There 100% is a total BAN on the flying of any type of steerable kite at Bondi beach, it is a Council ByLaw, it was enacted to stop people flying stunt kites on the beach several years ago and is the Law that has been used to 100% Ban kitesurfing.

The incident where the tourist was injured near Icebergs happened at least a year after Grant and a couple of his friends actions caused the Council and Lifeguards to enforce the current ban.

Bondi is a really really dumb place to kitesurf, even on a cloudy day there are still heaps of people around on the beach and in the water, plus there are always heaps of surfers. The wind is mostly very gusty and dangerous near the ends of the beach.

I just watched the trailer for the show next week and I'm embarassed and very concerned for kitesurfers access.

I cannot believe Grant is still trying to kite there, he really should be charged by the Police in my opinion. I know he is your friend, maybe you can have a word with him about the damage he has personally wreaked on the reputation of kitesurfing and ask him to never kite again at Bondi.

The fact that he had modified his working Cabrinha safety system, and is unfamiliar with the effectiveness of his modified gear could easily have killed or seriously injured him and other innocent people.

Grant has been seriously injured before by kitesurfing in a dangerous location in gusty Westerly winds, please talk to your mate and get him to see me or someone that can help him to understand how to self land a kite, and to check the safety of any mods he has done to his gear.



WA, 3619 posts
10 Apr 2008 7:16PM
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Thanks Lincoln for the clip.
& Thanks Steve for this bit of backgound.

This makes me really angry - big time.
100's of kiters spending 1000's of hours of their free time trying to maintain beach access at sites where kiting can be done safely and one stupid twat risks putting the whole game backwards by who knows how much all around the country in just seconds.

Anyone who doesnt have sufficient brain to realise that kiting at Bondi Beach is just plain stupid doesnt have enough brain to be allowed under a kite. It is people who should be banned - not beaches.
I sincerely hope the beach marshalls confiscated his whole kit - as I believe they have the power to do?

WA, 3464 posts
10 Apr 2008 7:28PM
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Great story.....tragically funny.

NSW, 240 posts
10 Apr 2008 9:52PM
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Good luck to any kiteboarders who r fighting to keep their local spot after this **** airs.

WA, 1916 posts
10 Apr 2008 8:18PM
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IMO its good to show whats goes down when it all goes pear shaped. It will show the general public its a serious bit of power generated by these kites when the safety goes wrong and when people kite in dangerous places like bondi. Hopefully a few comments on how the safety should be set up would be positive for kiting. otherwise it will be a negative for kiting. It is reality though.

I told everyone I know to watch the show.

QLD, 431 posts
10 Apr 2008 10:19PM
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Thanks for naming and shaming, i,m all for it!! Kudos

the hardest part is making the public realise that these Waaaankers are a minority...

personally it really pisses me off to see such an ignorant tosser on TV destroying our sport.. the whole what am i doing wrong thing makes me wanna smak him in the head!! maybe thats just what he needs.

I,m really cranky!!!!! GGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

NSW, 1000 posts
10 Apr 2008 10:37PM
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It looks like he already got a smack in the head!

Great thread! Very entertaining....

It's gone from a learner, to a Euro tourist, to an experienced kiter, to the former president of AKSA!

Perhaps Grant could let us know how his safety system went so horribly wrong? It might prevent someone else being dragged into a huge wall and handrail at Australia's busiest beach and subsequent humiliation on national television.........

QLD, 431 posts
10 Apr 2008 10:47PM
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Yeah Grant tell us why youre safety wasnt working?? please curtail my anger... by the looks of the video you had plenty of time to pull youre safety... unless you didnt have it set up correctly..

besides that fact... WTF were you doing kiting at Bondi in the first place?????

every responsible kiter knows you dont kite in crowded areas.. youre just asking for an accident.. even if you are a veteran kiter...


133 posts
10 Apr 2008 8:59PM
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maybe grant could also let us know how much 'reality' was actually at play... this thread has gone from novice to euro to seasoned veteran, maybe this seasoned veteran with previous history was approached by desperate producer looking for a spark to ignite interest in the 'ego tripping bunch of wonkers saving turos' in slow motion' show....? remember dear people..... it is television...

QLD, 4083 posts
10 Apr 2008 11:32PM
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Imagine weighing up "I could get seriously smashed if I try this stunt, but they're going to pay me a lot if I do."

Not that I'm advocating that's what happened, just wondering what it would be like to ponder that choice were it given to me.

QLD, 2081 posts
10 Apr 2008 11:40PM
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Yeah very good point Pat.

Wonder what story is the truth.... hmmm.

So much UNI work 2 do.... Nothing like procrastinating....

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
10 Apr 2008 9:45PM
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just tell the focker to never touch a kite again. i say we burn his quiver to Heuy ultimate sacrifice of entire quiver = one year straight of perfect wind conditions

WA, 3619 posts
10 Apr 2008 11:15PM
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You could be right Pat
He looks sort of in control at first then it cuts to very different looking footage where he (or is it him) hits the wall.
Guess we will find out Tuesday night.

WA, 4263 posts
11 Apr 2008 12:20AM
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Lincoln said...

heres the short

I hope he's not badly injured.
Get well soon, Bondi-dude.

This trailer for the show is not called a 'short' for nothing.
If you blink, you'll miss the looping death spiral.

In a heart-beat,
In that split-second of panic,
the flat kite looped twice (or was it thrice), he triggered the release.....
and then he got hauled by his kite-leash along the concrete wall.

Let's forget for a moment whether the kook should have kited crowded Bondi Beach.
I'm more interested in the and why it happened ??
Unfortunately, flat kites can arc-up into psycho kite-looping frenzies for whatever reason. has a 16 page thread currently running called 'Looping Kite Accidents'.
Some very interesting reading in that thread from the free-thinker Fo.
It's been my opinion for many years now that kite-leashes are DEATH.
The Bondi-dude had his kite-leash clipped to the chicken-loop/ring.
That's why he got his arse kicked.
He triggered his release but the leash didn't flag the wasn't set-up to.
It was a suicide leash appropiate name.

If you never kite unhooked,
if you never do stupid, dumb handle-passes,
there is no need for a kite-leash.
Kite-leashes are DEATH.

VIC, 1159 posts
11 Apr 2008 3:47AM
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I have only been to Bondi twice in my life, and way before I started kiting, and I still know that its a bad bad place to choose to go. What a d_ick.

I think one of the main things to be taken from this is that even though kites are getting more and more manageable and the safety systems are getting better there is still a chance of something going wrong, so keep to the designated kite beaches. Its not like Australia has a shortage to choose from...

I still think you should use a leash and a flag to 5th/front line system though. Apart from the heartbreak of seeing your baby fly off into the yonder, there is the safety issue of a kite flying into someone or something...

NSW, 109 posts
11 Apr 2008 7:41AM
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Marty Coffey said...

I don't know where you get your info from. Kiting was banned at Bondi because some Euro went out in a North Easter and dropped their kite in the Icerburgs.

If he was stopped while launching his kite how did he spray anyone? I know him well and there is no way he would go out after being told not to. It was after the flags went down. No point slagging someones reputation with conjecture, here say and rumour.

Hi Marty,

No hear say, conjecture or rumour in my comments. The information contained in the post below was directly from the lifeguards involved describing the events themselves in person.... not by the media or the rumour mill:

From a discussion with the Bondi Lifeguards:

Grant is a former Pres of AKSA, and the person who originally caused the ban at Bondi, because he rode through a bunch of kids involved in a Nippers training day.

Grant was not given permission to go kitesurfing at Bondi Beach on the day of the incident that was filmed for Bondi Rescue. Grant was actually asked to stop launching his kite, and that is how the whole incident got to be filmed, because the film crew had followed the life guards who were sent to stop Grant from kitesurfing.

The Lifeguards are very pissed off, but also said that Grant is going to be severely embarrassed, because he gave the lifeguards and film crew a major spray. He said on camera, that there was no one around so he should be allowed to go out. He denied knowing about any ban, even though he knows very well that kiting is banned at Bondi.

11 Apr 2008 8:16AM
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waveslave said...

Lincoln said...

heres the short

I hope he's not badly injured.
Get well soon, Bondi-dude.

This trailer for the show is not called a 'short' for nothing.
If you blink, you'll miss the looping death spiral.

In a heart-beat,
In that split-second of panic,
the flat kite looped twice (or was it thrice), he triggered the release.....
and then he got hauled by his kite-leash along the concrete wall.

Let's forget for a moment whether the kook should have kited crowded Bondi Beach.
I'm more interested in the and why it happened ??
Unfortunately, flat kites can arc-up into psycho kite-looping frenzies for whatever reason. has a 16 page thread currently running called 'Looping Kite Accidents'.
Some very interesting reading in that thread from the free-thinker Fo.
It's been my opinion for many years now that kite-leashes are DEATH.
The Bondi-dude had his kite-leash clipped to the chicken-loop/ring.
That's why he got his arse kicked.
He triggered his release but the leash didn't flag the wasn't set-up to.
It was a suicide leash appropiate name.

If you never kite unhooked,
if you never do stupid, dumb handle-passes,
there is no need for a kite-leash.
Kite-leashes are DEATH.

We all know you are a big fan of Inflatedass or fo or one of his many many fake log ins, he has a couple on here too, or did.
His "free thinking" is based on where he lives, out in the backwaters of some US bogan town on a lake.

No one should kite without a leash and it stinks that you use this thread to promote leashless kiting.

How about you get your own thoughts and then think through why we wear leashes, and then have a look at your leash and ask why it has a very effective quick release on it anyway?

Do you practice using your leash, to self land?
Have you ever had to use the leash quick release?
Did you even know it had one? (if it doesn't then get rid of it)

Maybe just leave your free thinking leashless kiting for talking to yourself in the mirror, I'm fairly certain no-one here is interested in that rubbish philosophy.

@Merman, I did not name Grant, it was actually his mate Marty, I just filled in the spaces.

Cya and



SA, 118 posts
11 Apr 2008 8:46AM
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Don't forget that one dickhead with a gun in Tasmania got guns taken away from responsible users (don't need a debate on this one) and a few idiots street dragging gave the police the right to confiscate cars now we have people on national television giving the media ammo to increase bans. This guy isn't alone in bringing the sport into disripute. I've been to the southcoast of SA and spoken to people that run surf classes for kids who have complained about "experienced" kitesurfers not only riding through groups of kids during their lessons but in one instance actually trying to boost over them. The media wait for things like this so that they can fabricate a "serious concern", raise debate and then feed off the spoils of war. If the guy was a member of the AKSA that's even worse because it means the entire kitesurfing community will be tarred by the same brush. Mind you from watching the show they should ban japanese tourists from Bondi as well as ir seems as if their ignorance places more people at risk that a lone kitesurfer. Lets not always blame newbies either instead lend them a hand. The ones we should be giving a hard time to are the hero show ponies who's need to be famous makes us all look like idiots and will mean more bans for us all. Even a "Kite buy back" where the government buys our kites back from us then sells them to Indonesia to recoup some of the compensation......LOL.......

NSW, 238 posts
11 Apr 2008 9:20AM
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I reckon he knew there was a good chance there would be cameras at Bondi. And maybe the film crew hammed it up a bit too. I also think there's a good chance he knew it was banned - he's a kitesurfer from Sydney (apparently) so he must have noticed that no-one kites at Bondi.

I think someone liked the idea of being on TV.

SA, 213 posts
11 Apr 2008 9:49AM
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Considering he was former pres of AKSA, he would know better than to ride at Bondi and to get non-kiters to help land his kite. A complete peanut i think.
He needs a good clip around the ear. If any-one sees him give him one for me.
Even if it was for TV he should have know ALOT better and i hope the wall hurt.

NSW, 584 posts
11 Apr 2008 10:57AM
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what a friggin brainless f**kwit.
unbelieveable... there is no excuse. none!
looking forward to seeing what he looks like so if I ever see him on my beach I can tell him so personally.

WA, 752 posts
11 Apr 2008 9:24AM
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Dunno why you're all being so concerned about his wellbeing, I 'd be quite happy if he got injured so bad never kites again !!

WA, 254 posts
11 Apr 2008 9:26AM
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how embarrassing! " its too dangerous out here"

as if he didnt know.

WA, 4263 posts
11 Apr 2008 9:52AM
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Kitepower Australia said...

waveslave said...

Lincoln said...

heres the short

I hope he's not badly injured.
Get well soon, Bondi-dude.

This trailer for the show is not called a 'short' for nothing.
If you blink, you'll miss the looping death spiral.

In a heart-beat,
In that split-second of panic,
the flat kite looped twice (or was it thrice), he triggered the release.....
and then he got hauled by his kite-leash along the concrete wall.

Let's forget for a moment whether the kook should have kited crowded Bondi Beach.
I'm more interested in the and why it happened ??
Unfortunately, flat kites can arc-up into psycho kite-looping frenzies for whatever reason. has a 16 page thread currently running called 'Looping Kite Accidents'.
Some very interesting reading in that thread from the free-thinker Fo.
It's been my opinion for many years now that kite-leashes are DEATH.
The Bondi-dude had his kite-leash clipped to the chicken-loop/ring.
That's why he got his arse kicked.
He triggered his release but the leash didn't flag the wasn't set-up to.
It was a suicide leash appropiate name.

If you never kite unhooked,
if you never do stupid, dumb handle-passes,
there is no need for a kite-leash.
Kite-leashes are DEATH.

No one should kite without a leash and it stinks that you use this thread to promote leashless kiting.

How about you get your own thoughts and then think through why we wear leashes, and then have a look at your leash and ask why it has a very effective quick release on it anyway?

Maybe just leave your free thinking leashless kiting for talking to yourself in the mirror, I'm fairly certain no-one here is interested in that rubbish philosophy.

Cya and



It's just like ol' times, Steve.
I've missed your abuse.... really.
We haven't had forum discussions like this between the two of us for quite a while now.....
Ever since you sent off that hissy-fit email to Laurie to get me banned and consequently sin-binned for a period.
But I forgive you.
I don't hold grudges, mate.

But anyway, back to the death-leashes.
First off, I've never used one.
Refuse to.
And the reason kite-leashes have a pin release is because they are fken dangerous.
There will come a time (when you least expect it) when you will need to cut the bitch.....
so then you will have two steps to do.
First....trigger the C-loop release....
second....trigger the death-leash release.
Two instead of one.
Why ?
I don't get it ?

SA, 601 posts
11 Apr 2008 11:43AM
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Waveslave I reckon its time you got a kite with a good flagging system like most 5 line kites and similar systems to the 4-line Rev.

If your up sh_t creek then flagging the kite usually gets you out of it.

I reckon its much more dangerous to have stray kites tumbling down the beach that WILL take someones head off if they got caught in the lines.

WA, 4263 posts
11 Apr 2008 10:15AM
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au_rick said...

Dunno why you're all being so concerned about his wellbeing, I 'd be quite happy if he got injured so bad never kites again !!

There's a little red flag next to the thumb-boxes.
It's labelled 'report'.
I guess it was installed for this type of trash-post. ^

Rick, you need to delete the bad vibes dude....
For your own karmic wellbeing.

WA, 4263 posts
11 Apr 2008 10:20AM
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walshd said...

Waveslave I reckon its time you got a kite with a good flagging system like most 5 line kites and similar systems to the 4-line Rev.

If your up sh_t creek then flagging the kite usually gets you out of it.

I reckon its much more dangerous to have stray kites tumbling down the beach that WILL take someones head off if they got caught in the lines.

Hi walshd,
I'm ahead of the pack.
I built-in double flag-loops (left & right) on the bar years ago.....
Before Slingshot 'invented' them. haaha

Kite-leashes kill.

QLD, 504 posts
11 Apr 2008 12:24PM
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wave slave ,this is not about you about some F:::KWIT screwing up our sport............. start another thread if you wanna talk about yourself

WA, 4263 posts
11 Apr 2008 10:33AM
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rusty7 said...

wave slave ,this is not about you about some F:::KWIT screwing up our sport............. start another thread if you wanna talk about yourself

Check the 'short', Rusty.
It's about getting your butt kicked by a psycho-looping flat kite....
and then getting hauled by your death-leash.
It happens. (a lot)
We need to prevent mishaps....not design-in the means.

The Bondi-dude needs to mend and get well.
Believe me, he won't be kiting Sydney's most crowded beach ever again.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"bondi rescue" started by rfw1