Forums > Kitesurfing General

is anyone actually impressed by wave riding?

Created by flapjack > 9 months ago, 23 Nov 2007
NSW, 984 posts
27 Nov 2007 6:55PM
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flapjack said...

hey guys noticed that people think wave riding is now the progressive side of the sport, is it really? i recall seeing the same riding of waves 5 years ago on awake.

Well that would have made you an observant little 13 year old if the age on your profile is correct. I think you are actually saying more about yourself, than the sport of wavekiting. It would be too easy to call you an ignorant young tool who needs to travel more. Instead I encourage you to fill this void of 'progression' you have noticed. There are some chunky waves down south oz. Have you ever seen anyone kite chinamans or ethels and smash some lips on a surfboard. I can't believe you would think you could do the same on a twintip; hence maybe I have taken the bait.
In answer to the heading. Yes I am continually impressed by (free) wave kiting.

goon doggg
QLD, 207 posts
27 Nov 2007 6:14PM
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waveslave said...

Wavekiting is really just this; >> to infinity.
Sounds repetitive hey ?
But it's so much fun; you just want to do that sh1t all day long.

The technical part of it is getting the rythmn dialled for each particular wave.
Every waveface is unique......
unlike those pretend waves the flatwater bandits play on......
those sliders and kickers that look so bad-arse with all their cool stickers.

haha bad arse. theres just so much more u can do on kickers and sliders anyway. if ya wanna surf get rid of the kite. looks so much better

QLD, 498 posts
27 Nov 2007 7:01PM
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If you knew your kiteSURFING history thats where it began.... KITESURFING......being pulled along on a surfboard by a kite in the surf,the rest came next....wakeboarding behind a boat evolved into wake style kiteing etc ,ask Jimy Lewis,Roby Naish,Pete Cabrina,Shannon Best, they will tell you the same thing ,they are all extensions of the same be pulled along by wind by a kite, which on its own meritt is unique and contemporary.Snowkiteing is awsome too,try telling the average snowboarder/kiter that he looks lame being pulled by a kite in the snow,the same goes for land board and trike kiteing.Look at the big picture flapjack,the whole kiteing scene is a new world sport ,may this insane sport evolve into many facetts and give pleasure to all that indulge in it p.s,I converted a G.I Joe figureene into a kiter with a scale size kite attached to cabbab sticks that my young nephew plays with in the bath....he loves it,perhaps flapjack you could do the same and be as kool as a turd inda freezer,he is and only 3 yrs old,like you, he may end up a dam fine kiter some day

QLD, 1628 posts
27 Nov 2007 7:11PM
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rooey said...

If you knew your kiteSURFING history thats where it began.... KITESURFING......being pulled along on a surfboard by a kite in the surf,the rest came next....wakeboarding behind a boat evolved into wake style kiteing etc ,ask Jimy Lewis,Roby Naish,Pete Cabrina,they will tell you the same thing ,they are all extensions of the same be pulled along by wind in a kite, which on its own meritt is unique and contemporary.Snowkiteing is awsome too,try telling the average snowboarder that he looks lame being pulled by a kite in the snow,the same goes for land board and trike kiteing.Look at the big picture flapjack,the whole kiteing scene is a new world sport ,may this insane sport evolve into many facetts and give pleasure to all that induge in it

Even farming could become insane by extreme kite ploughing

WA, 72 posts
27 Nov 2007 11:36PM
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I am considering attaching a kite to me at all times, when the wind is over 5 knots, just so when I walk down the street everyone will think I am extreme walking. But I will only do it if I look cool, because that is obviously what life is all about. I have a bumper sticker that says, "Look cool or go to Adelaide." Not LOOKING cool is just NOT cool.

NSW, 561 posts
28 Nov 2007 1:42AM
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i'm impressed by kiting in the surf, or "kitesurfing" as it's sometimes called

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
28 Nov 2007 12:21AM
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the funniest thing is flapjack doesnt even need to flame it anymore.. people are still going on about it!!!

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
28 Nov 2007 12:22AM
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wave kiting is for koooks *COUGH COUGH COUGH

NSW, 169 posts
28 Nov 2007 6:39AM
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watching people kite waves does not look that good, but smashing lips all day long is grouse fun. If you want to watch go watch something else, if you want to have fun smash lips on yer kite. Its that simple!

WA, 679 posts
28 Nov 2007 11:29AM
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On a serious note, I reckon it depends on who you watch and what style of riding you're into.
I'd PREFER to watch someone like Paul J, Ryland or Dale than someone like Felix. It's just my opinion but massive turns 30 feet in front of the wave, smack the lip, try and hold the edge because you're overpowered, end up 30 feet in front of the wave again and miss 50 foot of the wave, isn't that impressive TO ME. I like the - use the wave more - style of riding.
It has come a long way but I reckon it can go a lot further...unstrapped and strapped.
At the end of the day, for the average rider, who cares as long as you're in the water doing your thing. Also, I don't mind if you don't find it impressive - less people in the waves.

QLD, 200 posts
28 Nov 2007 2:03PM
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Hey Dan,

Check out:,com_videos/task,show/id,2020/Itemid,30/


Don't know where you get that 30ft in front of the wave stuff. Both show a similar depth of bottom turn. The Tophat/Felix style also seems to enable the rider to get a better vertical hit on the wave. Either way, both camps seem to be doing a pretty good job at pushing the strapless front (although surfing still looks better).

WA, 463 posts
28 Nov 2007 1:06PM
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Ive decided kiting in waves is crap and needs to be stopped. Can everyone please head down to Woodies to practice some insane stunts with their kites. If Woodies is too crowded, mabee Safety bay is the shot. Unless thats too far and then there is the river, so many good spots for some stunts. Everyone please go today.

WA, 391 posts
28 Nov 2007 2:06PM
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Are there any "waves" in the metro area

WA, 572 posts
28 Nov 2007 2:18PM
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there are if u no where too find em!!!

WA, 679 posts
28 Nov 2007 2:26PM
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As far I can see, Felix rides like he did when he was on a twin-tip (except now his moves are vertical)...he still uses his kite more than his board.
That's why I said I prefer watching the guys who use the wave. They're getting more vertical and they're using the wave. Sure, felix throws a lot of spray but he was only getting 8-9 turns on the wave I saw him on whereas I counted 14-15 from Paul j the following trip. Same with Ryland.
After talking to Toby Bromwich (who judged the PKRA wave final), this is why he didn't win. It's good for a photo but there's more to a wave than just a snapshot in time.
I'm not saying he's not a good rider (he is very talented and has massive swingers for taking the sizeable waves he does)...I just prefer another style of riding.

WA, 3464 posts
28 Nov 2007 2:27PM
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Waves are in your head.

Ryland Rocks! do all the other boys and girls, and I am so impressed to be jealous.

QLD, 200 posts
28 Nov 2007 4:10PM
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I guess it is all personal, however it does seem like sometimes there is a very fine line between simply wriggling your ass a bit and getting in a legitimate turn. Good surfing displays deep bottom turns with solid vertical snaps. I think that a lot of people get dazzled by a surface pass or a high speed carve and loose track of the basics. Each to their own though.

WA, 1097 posts
28 Nov 2007 4:14PM
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and how many "claimed" surfers can display deep bottom turns with solid vertical snaps?
wish i could, then i prob wouldnt kite! haha
no wait, then you have to paddle huh

WA, 790 posts
28 Nov 2007 7:33PM
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Im impressed by barrels.
Its hard to get the right conditions when its not too lumpy.

Once you have worked out how its done, basic wave kiting is pretty basic.

WA, 391 posts
29 Nov 2007 12:45AM
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"how's my technique?"

WA, 391 posts
29 Nov 2007 12:47AM
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"how's his technique?"

QLD, 1245 posts
29 Nov 2007 8:54AM
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Gstar said...

"how's my technique?"

If you are in the process of leaning forward to make a solid bottom turn then its great... otherwise...

QLD, 1628 posts
29 Nov 2007 4:35PM
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I don,t think this windsurfer was impressed by this kiters wave skills.

WA, 391 posts
29 Nov 2007 5:24PM
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Is tha Lou Waiman?

NSW, 144 posts
30 Nov 2007 4:51PM
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Is this comment cuase you find waves difficult?

Ben Wilson is giving lessons, take one and maybe you'll have your answer!!!

Just a thought.............

NSW, 1515 posts
30 Nov 2007 4:52PM
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stribo said...

I don,t think this windsurfer was impressed by this kiters wave skills.

I think if you look clearly you'll see that the kiter has dropped in on the windsurfer-the reason? To demonstrate his superior surf skills-the windSURFER is on a bloody boat-the kiteSURFER on something much more like a SURFboard.

WA, 598 posts
30 Nov 2007 3:25PM
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actually, if you look even closer, it looks like the kiter as come up from behind the windsurfer after the windsurfer dropped in.

you can see the path of the kiter on the wave behind the windsurfer

WA, 78 posts
1 Dec 2007 3:37PM
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goon doggg said...

waveslave said...

Wavekiting is really just this; >> to infinity.
Sounds repetitive hey ?
But it's so much fun; you just want to do that sh1t all day long.

The technical part of it is getting the rythmn dialled for each particular wave.
Every waveface is unique......
unlike those pretend waves the flatwater bandits play on......
those sliders and kickers that look so bad-arse with all their cool stickers.

haha bad arse. theres just so much more u can do on kickers and sliders anyway. if ya wanna surf get rid of the kite. looks so much better

exactly loose the kite, or at least make it look hard

QLD, 3337 posts
1 Dec 2007 5:03PM
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Ha Ha sliders and kickers i,v seen some of that, dosn't that go flat 3 another 3 oh look a 5 back to a 3 that's so hard core all i'v eva seen are flat spins or maybe a grab now that **** is lame.

Waves are the future and we are only at the beginning

QLD, 3337 posts
1 Dec 2007 5:04PM
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Forums > Kitesurfing General

"is anyone actually impressed by wave riding?" started by flapjack